Committee on Health and Environmental Protection
WHEREAS, the Chicago Smart Lighting Project will upgrade streetlights across the city over the next four years, utilizing the latest advances in lighting technology. The Project is designed to enhance public safety and quality of life for all Chicagoans; and
WHEREAS, the project will replace approximately 270,000 outdated high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps with modern, energy-efficient LED lights; and
WHEREAS, starting in December 2016, before the Chicago Smart Lighting procurement is finalized, the City began conducting demonstrations in seven Chicago neighborhoods, ofthe proposed new LED lighting, to solicit resident input; and
WHEREAS, WBEZ just reported on January 3rd the City's switch to LED lighting may pose health risks according to experts as well as cause light pollution and reduced visibility of the night sky; and
WHEREAS, the people of Chicago will live with the choice of color temperature, brightness, shielding, and glare for decades; and
WHEREAS, the people have only had opportunity to comment on the choice of color temperature, brightness, shielding, and glare, for a few weeks during the holiday season; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, urge the Chicago Infrastructure Trust, The Chicago Department of Transportation, and Chicago Park District to extend the period for public comment; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the Chicago Infrastructure Trust, Chicago Department of Transportation, and Chicago Park District.
Carls&Jlamirez-Rosa Alderman, 35th Ward