April 13, 2016 City Council Meeting
WHEREAS, Senate Bill 2134- House Bill 13208, law currently before the legislature of the State of Illinois, would provide the Secretary of State to adopt and promulgate procedures for automatic voter registration;
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois is currently operating without a budget;
WHEREAS, the State of Illinois' current fiscal health is poor and long-term cost savings initiatives are of particular relevance;
WHEREAS, automatic voter registration has proven a significant cost reduction tool in 29 states across the country;
WHEREAS, the current electronic transmissions systems already employed by the state and its officials provide a platform to deliver automatic voter registration, thus reducing short-term implementation costs;
WHEREAS, automatic voter registration has shown itself to be an effective, secure and efficient method of engaging citizens to exercise their constitutional right to vote;
WHEREAS, all persons participating in a democracy have an interest in fair, legally compliant and high-functioning elections;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the members of City Council stand in support of the adoption and implementation of automatic voter registration through the passage of SB 2134 - HB 13208.