Record #: Or2012-744   
Type: Order Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 12/12/2012 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 1/17/2013
Title: Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 551 W Ogden Ave - 36 ft.
Sponsors: Burnett, Jr., Walter
Attachments: 1. Or2012-744.pdf
■   Cc writ tee on Buildings
ORDERED, that ttw Omoidetuner a?, Building it hereby directed to Issue a sign peewit ;o: fCsnfcacfcor'i flan* nnft lAtoifcSal
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tor Kite erfictlcn of a sljfn/alsnbo&xd evm 24 fast £ i feeight vcA/tat over
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Such slgn(a) sfcil). ccasply *rlfcj:i all oppMcat >le pxov£«ioiw erf VITUS \t ot the CUeago aotklnij Ordinance ami all otfcer aj plicable previsions «C tha Municipal cade «J tha Ci :y Cru.cago gem tnv its tea eojsatxtiecl«i> and BotinCamnoK of outdoor signs, udgnJ:<*i«S* «m gti wturaa.
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