The Committee on Contracting Oversight and Equity shall have jurisdiction over matters concerning the Department of Purchases, Contracts and Supplies, other City contracts, and matters concerning Business Enterprises owned or operated by People with Disabilities, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Minority-owned Business Enterprises, Veteran-owned Business Enterprises, Women-owned Business Enterprises, and other certification eligible contracting programs. The Committee also may review and hold hearings on the data specified in Section 2-92-660(v) of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
The Committee on Housing and Real Estate shall have jurisdiction over all housing, redevelopment and neighborhood conservation matters and programs (except Zoning and the Building Codes), City planning activities (except land use planning), development and conservation, matters generally affecting the Chicago Plan Commission (except land use planning), and the City's housing agencies. It shall also have jurisdiction over all acquisitions and dispositions of interest in real estate by the City, its agencies and departments. The Committee's jurisdiction includes all other acquisitions or dispositions of interest in real estate which the City Council is required to approve under state or federal law. The Committee shall have jurisdiction over all leases of real estate, or of space within buildings to which the City or any of its agencies, departments or offices, is a party.