Loading/Standing/Tow Zone(s) at 2921 W Division St
PARKING - Loading/Standing/Tow Zones
Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
April 15. 2015 City Council
15 Minute Standing Zone ;
Street(s): Division Street
Location. 2921 W. Division Street
Distance / Extent: Install signs directly in front of 2921 W. Division st.
(contact has floor plans with exact location required)
Hours/Days: Monday through Friday from 6:30am to 6:30pm
West Town Daycare 2921 W. Division Street Chicago, IL 60622
Billing Address: 1111 N. Sacramento Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Contact: Alexander De La Cruz
Office #773-533-7304
Roberto Maldonado Alderman, 26th Ward
2434 W Division
Alderman Roberto Maldonado ?£%££S
26th Ward - City of Chicago Fa* wwtwn*
Standing/Loading Zone Application
In order for your request to he reviewed, your application must be complete and include (please check off):
Letter on com pa in letterhead requesting a standing /one or loading /one, specifically detailing the reasons tor the zone. It there is not enough room on this application to answer all questions tullv. pleast provide this information in unn lettei.
1 v\o photographs ot the proposed lowition one Ironi a< ross (he street directed at vour lixafion and the second ironi the siden alk at a proper U ad|.ii ent to v our business
A diagram detailing; the building, sidewalk, street, proposed location ol the /one and all other parking restru tions on adjacent properties. in<. Iodine, measurements (I \ample pro\ ided)
t ompleteil Business information's, hon
C ompleted I oadinj;. Standing, or Valet /one ^-ei tion
Signed Certification ?-s_'i tien
Business Name
business Address/Sii»n.s I oiation Zip: f>bh
billing Adilress (it different)
K-deral Identification NuiiiNt (. Vcupani v 1 imit '
IWnl parking reKu!alioni at vour l.nal.ondneteis.eM K)6 f3^'^^ 7"«_ /V)-/^.
Business Hours.
Monday. LJOl1^- 3®f** I'hu.-sdav y.^/)^^7" £ ¦J'Of't^ Mindav _
juosdas Ipjtf'*'*- 6>L}_°'"" . ,:rii!:u t?:90 b-Wfn
\Vednosday (gl^O (p-^OP^ ^aluol.iv
I enyth of Time at Ligation. Number ol iull-l une I qui\ a lent .l.mplovees
Scope ol Business Activit
Name ///r1^/!^ iQjl L? C™Z- I .tie O^^H-
C ontact Phone Niimbei
Please fill out one of the following sections according to the tvpe of zone vou are requesting.
2 of 6
II you wish to amend an existing /.one. please complete this section and till out one ot the following sections according to tvpe ot /one amendment you are requesting C omplete this section only if vou currently have a standing/loading xone and vou w ould.like io make changes to it.
Type of Hxisting Parking Restriction
Z ) Loading /one ? 1 5-Minute Standing /ime
? Valet Loading/one P(>ther Restriction l imes tor l.xisting /one-
^undav '
Ylondav fhursdav
I uesdav I nda v
: Wednesday. Nituidav
Length of /one. teet and approximately vi-hu le spaces
I.ast Invoice Number: Permit Number Permit Date
Please continue fo one of the following si i fiu/is iu i on/my; f<> the type ol iiinciu/iiieiir yoi< are retpiesting.
-V '¦ '¦ '¦ '-
£' Check .f Applying 15 MINUTE STANDING ZONE
Please understand that:
Vehicles parking in standing /ones art limited to I'i minutes and must have their hazards flashing while the driver isawav from the vehii.ii
Vehicles extending their stav over the f!>-miiiute time limit are in violation of the Chicago Municipal Code and are liable to receive a citation
liven though the standing /one is placed ad|av.ent to vour business, vehicles standing in the zone for the allotted time- are not obligated to patronize vour Imsmess.
It is illegal to post additional signage m the puhlu wa-., including signage. w hich would cause one to assert that the loading /one is resolved solelv loi vour business
Restriction Times Requested:
Monday Q\ ^O^M -fO ^.'JCfim I hursdav C'.JO 3*1 £6 b'.JOPM -aindav
^ 1 uesdav C. -30 4 "1 Cojk}^9^ 1 rKl,1> p/>7 :3°
¦ Wednesday: ^'30 a<*> ire b.2&frt Saturday
I ength of/one ' feet or approximately c5» vehu le spReason for /one/ Business act.vitx requiring standing /one D*"for h i'/tf^J fiPW.se describe' the availabilitv .- resrru tu-ns „i ,ivm„vI park.iv *£W(f ¦^frcAfi ^
t in the average day. how main sak-s v isit> would utiii/i t.'u-.'one'
To be completed by business owner/manager
/ hereby certifii that all statement* made a* pari et tlu* nppinalion ami aim attachment* herein, are true tn lite best et mu knowledge and belie'. I al*o nndcr-taiiit thai a ••tambng/linidiiig :e/iv ordinance i* intreduccil to the City Council at the discretion ot 2b"' Ward Alderman Roberto Maldonado - submission of this application does not guarantee the granting of a standing/loading zone. 1 lie analyst* oi tin* application will weigh the benefits of placing ihc zone adiacent tr- my busmen ,H'r*n* the ili.-adoanliiye- ot the reduction ol available street parking in the ana I acknowledge that the i>-naih c o< a ^landing/loading zone i* u pncilege ^niiitcd by the City of Chicago and not a right of my !-ii*nies> ownership - the i urb lane />¦ and -hall remain the property of the City. I agree to accept the decision of the Alderman to partially or fully accept, or deny my application.
furthermore I jyrci to tolU\e all arrii-.ahtt law* a- outlined f'n Xineh tpal Coile or ttie City of Chinigo. and
requirement* a* put forth, in tlu- application and by i. outuuthe on I rathe Control and \lfety . tlic department ot
Iraii*poriatit>n and the department ot Kconiin . I also umlerstaud thai the standing/loading zone may be ¦
removed at tin Alderman 's/Oiseretiaii or atJLhe iinyuv of aim City Department. / , /
( I.lie
2921 VV. Division, Chicago, IL 60622
December 08, 2014
Alderman Roberto Mfilcionaclo 26'" Ward - City of Chicago 2434 W Division Chicago, IL. 60622
Dear Alderman Maldonado:
Re: Request for Standing Zone
I am writing to request for standing zone for parents to drop off their children at my daycare center at 2921 West Division Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60622. The current zoning of the property is Rs-3. We will provide daycare services for children from six weeks to two years old.
The maximum number of employees on any one shift will be six (6). There will be no other uses of the building during daycare hours. The maximum number of children for this use will be twenty-seven (27). The number and ages of the children are as follows twelve (12) infants aged six weeks to one years old and fifteen (15) toddlers aged one-year to two years old. We will be operating from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm.
Alexander De La Cruz
773 278 7303
Department of Planning and Development
December 8, 2014
Azra Hodzic
2921 W Division Street
Chicago, IL 60622
RE: Parking Determination
Proposal: Day Care Center Location: 2921 West Division St. West Town Daycare
Dear Mr .Hodzic:
This is in reference to a determination of the minimum off-street parking requirement pursuant to Section 17-10-207-E of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance for a day care center proposing to locate in a RS-3 Residential District.
According to the information provided, the proposed day care center will accommodate up to twenty seven children ranging from infants to five years in age. There will be up to six employees staffed on any one shift.
The standard for employee parking is one space for every three staff, resulting in a requirement of two automobile parking spaces. In addition, the parking standard requires one bicycle space for every ten automobile spaces resulting in the minimum requirement of four bicycle spaces.
Since the facility is intended for children, parking is not required for its users. However, since the children will be dropped-off and picked-up, the Department determines that one drop-off space need to be provided to accommodate those movements.
Therefore, the Department of Planning and Development determines that the minimum off-street parking requirement for the day care center should be set at two (2) automobile parking spaces, four (4) bicycle parking spaces and one (1) designated drop-off space. The drop-off space may be located on-street provided it is within a designated loading zone.
Heather Gleason Assistant Commissioner