WHEREAS, The Little Village Urban Warriors, a traveling youth baseball team based out La Villita Park and Piotrowski Park, has concluded a successful 2021 season; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this momentous season by the Honorable Michael D. Rodriguez, Alderman ofthe 22nd Ward; and
WHEREAS, The Little Village Urban Warriors baseball team represents Little Village in various competitions throughout the country and have participated in tournaments in Illinois, Ohio, and Iowa; and
WHEREAS, In 2021, the Urban Warriors won the Windy City Championship, the Gage Park Championship, the Little Village Championship, and the Oak Forest Fall Championship; and
WHEREAS, The 35 youth participants, aged 8-17, are not just champions on the field, but off the field as well; while a typical traveling baseball team could cost each child upwards of $5,000, the cost of participating in Urban Warriors is 120 hours of community service hours per child-to bring human capital into our communities through the next generation of leaders; and
WHEREAS, Urban Warrior's mission is to empower youth to engage and champion our communities' values through the power of sports, and develop youth to achieve their highest potential on and off the field - a mission they are fulfilling each and every day; and
WHEREAS, The City wishes celebrate the success of the 2021 Little Village Urban Warriors, the players, coaches, and all who help make the organization a source of pride for the people of Chicago; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this seventeenth day of November, 2021, do hereby congratulate the the Little Village Urban Warriors on a successful 2021 season; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the Little Village Urban Warriors organization.

MICHAEL D.RODRIGUEZ Alderman, 22nd Ward