SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the Ml-1 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District symbols and indications as shown on Map No 9-K in the area bounded by
Beginning at North Milwaukee Avenue; North Kilbourn Avenue; a line 125 feet north of and parallel to West Waveland Avenue or the line thereof if extended where no street exists; a line from a point 125 feet north of West Waveland Avenue or the line thereof if extended and 30 feet east of the east line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad right-of-way; to a point located on the north line of West Waveland Avenue extended and the east line of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad right-of way; and the east line of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad right-of-way running north to the point of beginning,
to those of a C2-1 Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Common Address of Property: 3800 North Milwaukee Avenue
17-13-0303-C (1) Narrative Zoning Analysis - SUBSTITUTE NARRATIVE & PLANS
3800 North Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Proposed Zoning: C2-1 Neighborhood Commercial District Lot Area: 189,361 square feet (4.437 acres)
Proposed Land Use: The Applicant is seeking a Zoning Map Amendment in order to permit the establishment and operation of various commercial and/or office uses, within the units that comprise the existing one-story building, at the subject site. The existing building consists of seven (7) individual units. The change in zoning is required only to allow for the adaptive reuse of the existing building, to better conform to the changing character of the neighborhood. The proposal does not call for, nor does it require, any changes to or expansion of the physicality of the existing building. There will be parking for up to 94 vehicles on and between two (2) existing exterior surface lots, as well as parking for an additional 32 vehicles within an existing interior grade-level garage - for a total of 126 off-street parking spaces at the site. *[The subject property is healed within 1,320 linear feet of the entrance to the Metra Station.] The existing building is, and will remain, 21 feet-2 inches (approx.) in height.
The Project's Floor Area Ratio: 129,544 square feet (0.7 FAR)
The Project's Density (Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit): No dwelling units proposed
The amount of off-street parking: 126 vehicle parking spaces (proposed)
*The subject property is located less than 1,320 linear feel from the Metra Train Station — therefore, the Applicant qualifies for a reduction in the amount of required off-street parking, pursuant to Sec. 17-10-0102-B of the Zoning Ordinance.
Front Setback: 0 feet-0 inches
Rear Setback: 0 feet-0 inches
Side Setbacks: North: 3 feet-8 inches South: 0 feet-0 inches
Building Height: 21 feet-2 inches (existing)
Applicant: Attorney: Architect: Zoning Change: Summary:
Net Site Area: Max FAR: Max Height:
Max Units: Commercial Uses:
Proposed Industrial Corridor Map Amendment 3800 North Milwaukee Avenue - 45th Ward
GW Properties
Sara Barnes, Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks GW Properties Ml-1 to.C2-l
A proposed Industrial Corridor Map Amendment located within the Knox Industrial Corridor. The Applicant proposes to rezone the property from Ml-1 (Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District) to a C2-1 (Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District). The change in zoning is required only to allow for the adaptive reuse of the existing building along with expanded permitted uses. The proposal does not call for any changes to or expansion of the existing building.
189,361 sf 1.2
38' (21.20' proposed) N/A
126,900 sf
Taxicab Offices: 38,400 sf Day Care Facility: 14,000 sf Indoor Sports Facility: 32,500sf Additional Flex Space: 11,500 sf
Children's Event Space: 10,000 sf
Warehouse: 8,500 sf
Personal Athletic Training: 12,000 sf
Automobile Parking: 112 required; 126 proposed (32 interior-garage; 94 surface)
Taxicab Offices: 27 [Group N] Day Care Facility: 4 [Group E] Indoor Sports Facility: 35 [Group M]
Children's Event Space: 0 [Group T] Warehouse: 11 [Group U] Personal Athletic Training: 20 [Group M] Flex-Office: 15 [Group L]
Bicycle Parking: Loading:
ARO requirements:
10 spaces 2
Project Cost and Jobs: The total project cost is estimated at $15 Million and the Applicant anticipates it will generate 125 jobs: 50 construction jobs; 75 permanent jobs. Construction for the project began Jan. 2020 and is estimated to be completed by June 2021.
Equitable hiring participation:
The applicant anticipates staffing its proposed project with 25% certified minority business enterprises, with 50% certified women business enterprise.
Alderman Tom Tunney
Chairman, City Council Committee on Zoning
Maurice D. Cox ¦/
Chicago Plan Commission Date: February 18, 2021
Re: Proposed Industrial Corridor Map Amendment (3800 N. Milwaukee Ave.)
On February 18, 2021, the Chicago Plan Commission recommended approval of the proposed Industrial Corridor Map Amendment, submitted by GW Properties LLC. The applicant proposes to rezone the property from Ml-1 (Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District) to a C2-1 (Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District). The change in zoning is required only to allow for the adaptive reuse of the existing building along with expanded permitted uses. The proposal does not call for any changes to or expansion of the existing building. A copy of the proposed ordinance, planned development statements and bulk table arc attached. I would very much appreciate your assistance in having this introduced at the next possible City Council Committee on Zoning.
Also enclosed is a copy of the staff report to the Plan Commission which includes the Department of Planning and Development, Bureau of Zoning recommendation and a copy of the resolution. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact Eiliesh Tuffy at .
Cc: PD Master File (Original PD, copy of memo)