Record #: R2014-466   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 6/25/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 6/25/2014
Title: Tribute to late James A. Deanes
Sponsors: Dowell, Pat
Attachments: 1. R2014-466.pdf
A Resolution Honoring the Life of James A. Deanes
WHEREAS, James A. Deanes was born on April 23,1948 to Ruby Watson and Jimmy Lee Deanes in Ruleville Mississippi;
WHEREAS, The Deanes family relocated to Chicago in the 1950's where Mr. Deanes resided until he was called home on June 4th, 2014; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Deanes received his education in the City of Chicago having attended Grant Elementary School, Creiger
High School, and the Washburne Trade School; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Deanes was married to the love of his life Evelyn Bryant who proceeded him in death, for 38 years; and
WHEREAS, Despite working full-time for 27 years as a Plant Manager for ABM Indistries, Mr. Deanes found the time to become actively involved in his community and city; and
WHEREAS, While at ABM, Mr. Deanes became the Chairperson ofthe Parent Community Council created through Mayor Harold Washington's Education Summit; and
WHEREAS, In recognition of his commitment to education, Mr. Deanes was appointed to be the Facilitator for District Four by Chicago Public Schools (CPS); and
WHEREAS, Mr. Deanes' talents were numerous, which allowed him to serve in a number of different positions at CPS including Special Assistant to the CEO, Human Relations Officer, Director of Local School Council relations, Special
Assistant to the Board of Education President, Director of Attendance and Truancy, and Senior Policy Advisor before
retiring in 2013; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Deanes regularly went the extra mile in order to keep parents and other community members engaged through the CAN TV program "LSC Issues and Concerns" he started in 2007; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Deanes' commitment to serving others was not limited to the work he did at CPS as he also worked with the Austin People's Action Center, Chicago Algebra Project, Citizens United Against Drugs and Crime, Coalition for African-American Equity in Education, Coalition to Keep Our Schools Open, and 15th District Community Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS); and
WHEREAS, Mr. Deanes leaves behind his daughter, Deanna; four sons James Jr., Kenya, Corey, and Malcolm, thirteen grandchildren, one great-grandchild, two sisters, an brother, and numerous other family members and friends; now
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the City Council ofthe City of Chicago gathered here this 25th day of June, 2014 do hereby express our condolences to the family and friends of Mr. James A. Deanes and recognize and appreciate his service to the city and to the cause of public education; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this Resolution be presented to the family of James A. Deanes.
Pat Dowell Alderman, 3rd Ward