Record #: R2013-189   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 2/13/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 2/13/2013
Title: Gratitude extended to Fire Department Captain Joe Roder for life-saving efforts
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm
Attachments: 1. R2013-189.pdf
adopud by 71b Qity QoUHCll
°f   Qity of Qhicago, Illinois
resented by    MAYOR RAHM EMANUEL            on     FEBRUARY 13, 2013
BfQUS ' ®n *ne morr,ing of November 30, 2012, Engine 35 and Truck 28 of the Chicago Fire Department responded to a call for help at a fire at 2657 West North Avenue; and
WHEREAS, The first responders arrived at a two-story building with two second-floor apartments being rapidly consumed by fire; and
WHEREAS, Four desperate occupants were leaning out of the second-floor windows as flames shot over their heads; and
WHEREAS, Not wasting a moment, members of Engine 35 began an aggressive interior attack on the fire by leading out their hose through the front of the building and up the stairs; and
WHEREAS, Simultaneously, an additional fire company was leading out another hose line to extinguish the blaze, while other firefighters ascended to the roof to punch ventilation holes; and
WHEREAS, Captain Joe Roder of Truck 28 knew that to attempt rescues from the interior of the building would take too long and possibly cost lives. Instead, he grabbed the 20-foot straight frame ladder from his rig and perfectly positioned it against the outside of the building; and
WHEREAS, With the four second-floor occupants frantically crying out for help, Captain Roder quickly ascended the ladder and reassured all four victims that he would get them to safety; and
WHEREAS, Moving with rapid yet careful, methodical precision, Captain Roder proceeded to rescue all four occupants from the windows and bring them safely to the ground; and
WHEREAS, Fire personnel then conducted thorough searches of the rest of the building to make sure that no more people were trapped inside, and the fire was soon brought under control; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago Fire Department personnel on the scene of this fire executed a well-coordinated plan to save lives, prevent injuries and minimize damage to the apartment building; and
WHEREAS, Four lives were saved that day thanks to the discipline and flawless execution of Captain Joe Roder, ably assisted by his colleagues. His quick thinking and courageous actions are emblematic of the highest tradition of the Chicago Fire Department; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this thirteenth day of February, 2013, do hereby honor Captain Joe Roder for his valiant efforts in rescuing four Chicago residents from almost certain death; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Captain Joe Roder of the Chicago Fire Department, and placed on permanent record in his personnel file, as a token of our appreciation and esteem.
February 13,2013
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith a congratulatory resolution concerning the Chicago Fire Department.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,