Record #: R2021-391   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 4/21/2021 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 4/21/2021
Title: Tribute to late Joseph Mauricio
Sponsors: Dowell, Pat
Attachments: 1. R2021-391.pdf


WHEREAS, Joseph "Joe" Mauricio, loving husband and family man, and everyone's Irog, passed away peacefully on March 19, 2021, at the age of 79; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of Joseph's passing by the Honorable Pat Dowell, Alderman of the 3rd Ward; and

WHEREAS, Joseph Mauricio was bom on March 7, 1942; he attended Ateneo de Manila Philippines from grade school to high school, and went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Oklahoma University; and

WHEREAS, Joe was a loving and dedicated husband to his wife Veronica Leighton until his passing, and showed his love for Veronica in many ways: he served her coffee when she woke up in the morning, and cooked her breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and meriendas in between; he pampered Veronica, coloring her hair in between visits with her stylist and accompanying her to manicure and pedicure appointments; and

WHEREAS, Joe always made sure the water temperature was just right when it was time for Veronica to take a shower, warmed up the car seats for her during the cold days, and chose some of Veronica's clothes and jewelry for her when they would go shopping; he was a very conscientious grocery shopper; he washed the dishes and did laundry, vacuumed around the house, and was Veronica's chauffeur and runner; but most of all, Joe was a wonderful, romantic husband; and

WHEREAS, Joe was Veronica's rock, the wind beneath her wings, her support, and her number one fan; he was also her hero, her funny guy, and her inspiration in life; and

WHEREAS, In addition to being a devoted family man, Joe was also a loyal, dedicated, thoughtful, generous, and dependable friend; and

WHEREAS, A well-known media personality among the Chicagoland Filipino community, Joe was a Producer of and longtime Interview Host with CPRTV, a Filipino American television program covering lifestyle and culture in Greater Chicagoland that was founded by Joe's wife Victoria; Joe was also an excellent creative writer, and was the Co-Publisher of the VIA Times Newsmagazine, the partner publication of CPRTV; he wrote the monthly editorial for the magazine, and contributed a monthly column called Objectively Harsh; and

WHEREAS, Joe had a great sense of humor, if not always understood, and was a likeable fellow who was comfortable in any situation; Joe got along with most people he met, and Victoria would always tease him that he could run for mayor of their building because he was on a first-name basis with many of their fellow residents, and even knew many of their life stories; Joe would call the maintenance people in the building "mga bata ko," ("my boys"), and, sure enough, his parking area in the winter time was always cleaned first; and

WHEREAS, Joe's heart belonged to the shy, the underserved, and those who were unsure of themselves - he never discriminated, regardless of whether a person was poor, uneducated, rich, or educated; and

WHERES, Affectionately called "Mr. GO." by Victoria, Joe had great style and loved wearing barong Tagalog for special events and business suits on many occasions; and

WHEREAS, Known to many as "Pepper Joe", Joe had a passion for growing different varieties of hot peppers, and enjoyed giving away the peppers and the pepper plants; and



WHEREAS, Joe's favorite quotes on death were, "Die Today, die tomorrow, same die," and, "We are all in the waiting room now"; and

WHEREAS, Joe was a beloved husband and family man; dearest father of two; stepfather of Robert (Christina); grandfather of Maya and Christian; and fond uncle of many; he made a lasting impact on everyone he met, and will be remembered fondly by all of his family and friends; now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this twenty-first day of April, 2021, do hereby extend our most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Joseph "Joe" Mauricio; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Joseph "Joe" Mauricio as a sign of our honor and respect.







PAT DOWELL Alderman, 3rd Ward