Whereas, The members of the Chicago City Council and Andersonville and Rogers Park communities lost a valued leader and community member, on April 28, 2019, with the passing of Rebecca "Beck/' J. Ernst; and
WHEREAS, Loving partner to Denise Ellis, Becky Ernst is survived by her spouse; her sons Zach (Becky), Eli (Shannon), and Abe Porter; and her grandchildren Braeden, Sadie, Emily, Eden, and Madeline; and
WHEREAS, Becky was a fond sister of RoseMarie (Jerry), Randy (Carol), Robbie (Q); and sister-in-law of Cindy (Bob), Kathy, Carl; and aunt of Peter, Amy, Seth, Matt, Jenny, Heidi, Tyler, Logan, Annaleah, Devin, Aaron, Beth, Ellie, Melinda, Dean, and Bradley; and
WHEREAS, Becky was preceded in death by her father Raymond, mother Sally,
brothers Rick and Butch, and sister Ruth; and 03 "M
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WHEREAS, Becky was born in Seymour, Indiana, then moved with her3gtmil\£|o 'cn Alaska where she became an accomplished musician, commercial fish^snan^ll £
while homeschooling her kids; and
WHEREAS, Becky moved to Chicago in the mid 1990s and started and ran Serendipity Massage Therapy in Andersonville, while maintaining a prominent place in the neighborhood and making friends always; and
WHEREAS, Becky had an enthusiastic spirit, which she used to spread to those around her as she explored Chicago and the United States; and
WHEREAS, With her spouse, Denise, Becky opened her home to family and friends, and enjoyed cooking, going to the beach, music, and travel; and
WHEREAS, Becky was determined in her fight with breast cancer starting in 199?,.
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this day of September 18, 2019, do hereby honor the memory of Rebecca J. Ernst as a valued and beloved member of the community, acknowledge her many contributions to Andersonville and Rogers Park, and extend our sincerest condolences to her family and friends.

Harry Osterman Alderman, 48th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and
presented to the family of Rebecca J. Ernst. . * /r^< .