CONTINENTAL LIQUORS Acct Nof29648 -2. Permit No. 1144972
Bolt 'Ordained by the City Council ot the City of Chicago.
SECTION I- Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to CONTINENTAL LIQUORS, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance to maintain and use. as now-constructed,"three (3) Awning(s) projecting oyer the public right-of-way-adjacent .to its premises known as 1628-30 VV. 47th St
Said Awning(s) at W, 47th Street measure(s)-
Ono(1) at twenty-a x point six (26,6) feet in length, and three {3) feet in width for a total of sevcnty-riine.pomt eight
(79.8) square feet. ■ '
One (1) at twenty-three;{23) feet in length, and two (2) feet in width for a total of forty-six (46) square feet.
One (1) at thirteen point six (13.6) feet in length, and two (2) feet in width for a total ol twenty-seven point two (27.2)
'The location of said privilege, shall be as shown on prints kept on file with the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Offico of the City Glerk.
Said privilogo shall be constructed in accordance with-plans and specifications approved by.the Zoning Department -Signs.
This grant of privilege inthe public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-015 and all other required -provisions ol the Municipal Code of Chicago.
1 he Grantee shall pay to the City of'Chicago as compensation for the-privilege #1144972 herein granted the sum of one hundred fifty-one.dollars arid sixty cents ($151.:60) per annum, in^advance:
A25%. penalty wiil be added for payments received after'.due date.
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The permit holder agrees to hold the City of Chicago-harmless-for any damage, relocations replacement costs associated with damage, relocation or.removal of private property caused by the City performing work in the public way.

Alderman Raymond A. Lopez Waul '7 15 Cily oTGhicago. City l l.ili. Room JOO 121- North hi Sal it* Street Clv.CiiRD, Illinois 60001'.
Re:- An oulirianee to'use and niiviiUnia ;i portion ofllie public right-of-way for thri'e (3) nwniiig(s) for CONTINENTAL LIQUORS, adjacent to the premises known os 1628-JO W. 47t»i HL.
Dear Alderman Nrtymond A. Lopez:
'I he 'applicant referenced above has requestedthe usef of Ihe. public. riglit-df-\yay for a awnings') An ordinance Iuis been preparediby the Department oPBiisincss Affairs and Ortnsumci"Protection ■•• SinaM Business Ccritcr-Public Way Use-Unit for presentation to the City Council. Because this request was-made lor-properties located in your vvni cl, as approved by you as per the attached, Frespeeltally rec|uest[tliat you introduce ihe attached ord inaiicc at .the next City'-Council 'meeting:
Ifyou have any questions regarding this ordinance, please eonl.'icl Anthony Rcrluea at {i 12) 744-5506.
Peparimo.iil of Business Affairs mid Consumer Protection