Honorary Resolution for Patrick Francis Heenan
WHEREAS, It is with great joy that the members of the Chicago City Council celebrate upcoming seventieth birthday of Patrick Francis Heenan, a true Chicagoan; and
WHEREAS, This esteemed body learned of this important milestone from the Honorable Joseph A. Moore, Alderman of the 49th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Patrick was born on May 10, 1948, in Chicago, Illinois, Dorothy and Bob Heenan, and grew up on the 1300 block of Columbia Avenue in Rogers Park; and
WHEREAS, For his high school education, Patrick attended Quigley Seminary, eventually graduating from DePaul Academy. After attending Loyola University Chicago and serving in the National Guard, Patrick entered the Chicago Police Department as a police cadet; and
WHEREAS, During his forty-two years of service to the Chicago Police Department, Patrick spent over twenty years as a tactical sergeant in the 18th District. He was best known as a mentor to young officers and for his ability to handle sensitive matters; and
WHEREAS, Patrick cherishes his close friends and family. He lives with his wife, Monica and his brother, Daniel. He is beloved among his nephews and nieces as the hilarious and kind Uncle Pat; and
WHEREAS, When Patrick moved into his current home on Jarvis Avenue in 1973, he did not know a soul. Due to his protective spirit and his kind nature, he is now one of the most trusted community members;
WHEREAS, Patrick's true passion is photography. His neighbors, family and friends are delighted to receive his photos. He also enjoys his pontoon boat, located on a lake in Wisconsin. Patrick also cannot be beat at a game of gin rummy; and
WHEREAS, Patrick's seventieth birthday will be celebrated in his home with all of his loving friends, family and neighbors; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this eighteenth day of April, 2018, do hereby express our gratitude and sincerest congratulations to Patrick Francis Heenan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Patrick Francis Heenan as a token of our respect.