Record #: O2021-3868   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 9/14/2021 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Transportation and Public Way
Final action: 10/14/2021
Title: Grant(s) of privilege in public way for SNS Realty Group LLC
Sponsors: Martin, Matthew J.
Topic: PUBLIC WAY USAGE - Grants of Privilege
Attachments: 1. O2021-3868.pdf
SNS BEALfV GROUP, LLC Actl No.: 35«647 -2
Permit *to; BACP1558191
fle H Of&airms 6/ tn&XMy Courted o/fne City of Chicago:

SECTION 1 Permission and e^orfty are hereby given and granted to SNS REALTY-GROUP, ,LLC upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance to construct, tostsfl, maintain and use one (1) Ptenterfs) on Ihe'pu8lric'rf0tht^«ur«y.fi6r' b'esautlincaUon purposes adjacent to its premises known as 4010 N LINCOLN AVE.
Said Ptarrterts} al H. LINCOLN AVE measures}:.
One (T) at one (l)'feef to tength and three (3}feet in wtoth tore total of ihree (3) square faet.
Grantee must allow She required dear and unolraiTiicted space tor pedestrian passage at all times, per rules and regulations approved by 1Iw Depa^enl of Transportaiion,
The location of saJS privilege- shall be as shown en prims kept on file with the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protactian end the Office of the City Clerk.
Said privilege shag be constructed in accordance wiihplansand specificsttoris approved by trra Department of Transportation (Division of Protect Devetopmenl)Ciep^riment cf Planning and Development arwfDepartn^ ;.of Transportation (Divistonof project Devekipment).
This grant of privilege in the pufollc way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-015 and all other reqisfesrJ precisions of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
The granteeshall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the prwitecie iKBACPI5681-91 herein granted ihe sum of Zero (SO.OO) per annum in advance.
A 2£% penalty will be added tor payments received after due date.
Tha permit; holder agrees to hold the Ctty of Chicago harmless tor any damage; relocationor replaoamarrt costs associated wilh damage, rafocatie^ or removal of privato property caused by the City pertorrnirtg work tothe public way.
Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after 07/28/2021. Alderman:
Matt Merlin 4?ifi vv&fd ¦ - ¦¦ • ! : — ¦"r"

??partrtwrtf. e>f BusfflWB Affairs wid Corwiertor Protection Small Busraesi Center • Public Way Use Uftil
City Hail -121 Nt IflSale Slrast ftponn SOD, CMnoo, IL 66602 3.12-74-OOaii ^ 312-7+4^2

AWetmar* Marj Marin wand #47 City of Chicago CHryHaJltRoorneOO 121 N,US*Se Street Chisago, B. 60882
Re: An cfdirtance touseend mglraaari a partton of the public nght-of-way for 1 Planters) for SNS REALTY GROUP, itc. adjacent to Ihe piwti^s iwo\vn as 4010 N LINCOLN AVE.
Dear Aktaman Matt Martin:
The apptkart referenced aimve has requested Ihe use of the^public nght-c^way for Planter**) An ordinance has been prepared by the Department of BusSnees Affairs and Consumer Protection - Small Business. Canter ¦- Pvrblic Way Use Unit tor presentation to the Ctly Council. Because this reQuest was made for properties located In your ward, as approved: by you as per the attached, I respectfuBy request that you introduce the attoched ordinance at the next City Council meeting,
If you have any questions regarding this ordinance, please contact Anthony Bertuca at (312) 744-5506,

Department of Business Affair* and Consumer Protection