WHEREAS, Albany Park Theater Project is celebrating its 25th anniversary of performing original plays for the community; and
WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of this milestone by the Honorable Samantha Nugent, Alderman of the 39th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Albany Park Theater Project (APTP) was established in 1997 and the youth ensemble has premiered 19 plays for more than 50,000 people and opened Albany Park's first performing arts space; and
WHEREAS, APTP has personalized and humanized some ofthe most difficult social policy issues of our time, by bearing witness to the stories of people whose voices are not always heard in ways that respect and honor them, APTP has helped people feel seen and valued, while helping audience members from a wide range of backgrounds understand and empathize with the lives of others; and
WHEREAS, APTP has created transformative experiences with and for thousands of teens, primarily young people of color from immigrant families who have become members of the Performing Ensemble program or the APTP@School program; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago Tribune hails APTP as "one of Chicago's more remarkable artistic institutions" and the Chicago Sun-Times calls APTP "a prodigiously gifted exquisitely directed youth ensemble that abounds in talent, technique and emotional heat"; and
WHEREAS, For 25 years, APTP has inspired with original plays that tell real-life stories with honesty, imagination, intelligence, and love, and our community, and the City as a whole, are better for it; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, gathered here this twenty-third day of March, 2022, do hereby express our gratitude and our heartfelt congratulations to Albany Park Theater Project in celebration of its 25th anniversary and extend our very best wishes and every success in all of its future endeavors; and
SAMANTHA NUGENT Alderman, 39th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be prepared and presented to Albany Park Theater Project.