October 7, 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen:
1 transmit herewith, together with Aldermen Dowell, King, Harris, Moore, Taliaferro and Austin, a congratulatory resolution regarding Fred Waller.
> Your favorable consideration ofthis resolution will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,

WHEREAS, After 34 years of service to the City of Chicago, Chief Fred Waller retired from the Chicago Police Department on August 15, 2020; and
WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Chicago's South Side, who currently lives in Morgan Park, Chief Waller received a Bachelor's Degree from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois before joining the Chicago Police Department in June of 1986; and
WHEREAS, Since March of 2016, Chief Waller has served as Chief of Office of Operations - Patrol, the third-highest position in the Chicago Police Department; and
WHEREAS, As Chief of Office of Operations - Patrol, Chief Waller oversaw more than 9,000 patrol officers and detectives in all 22 Police Districts; and
WHEREAS, Prior to being named to his current position, Chief Waller served as Deputy Chief of former Area South, where he oversaw five Police Districts on the City's South Side and nine gang, saturation and gun teams; and
WHEREAS, Chief Waller also served as Commander of the 2nd District (Wentworth), and as Commander of the 6th District (Gresham), and he worked as a Tactical Team Lieutenant in the Gang Investigations Division; and
WHEREAS, Chief Waller continued to develop his skills as a leader by participating in numerous special training sessions throughout his career, including the Narcotics Supervisor Leadership Program offered by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, as well as dignitary protection training with the United States Secret Service and management training at the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety; and
WHEREAS, A distinguished officer, Chief Waller received 151 awards from the Chicago Police Department over the course of his stellar career, including 19 commendations, 28 complimentary letters, 79 honorable mentions, and a Chicago Police Leadership Award; and
WHEREAS, Chief Waller looks forward to enjoying his retirement with his wife Keisha Waller, an officer in the Chicago Police Department's Public Transportation Unit, and with his four children: Whitney, Kendall, Kameelah and Korey. Kendall Waller serves as a Chicago Police Officer in the 5th District (Calumet); now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this seventh day of October, 2020, do hereby congratulate Chief Fred Waller on the occasion of his retirement from the Chicago Police Department; applaud him for his many years of exemplary leadership as Chief of Office of Operations- Patrol; and commend him for his unwavering dedication and service to the residents of our great City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Chief Fred Waller as a token of our appreciation and esteem.
WHEREAS, After 34 years of service to the City of Chicago, Chief Fred Waller retired from the Chicago Police Department on August 15, 2020; and
WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Chicago's South Side, who currently lives in Morgan Park, Chief Waller received a Bachelor's Degree from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois before joining the Chicago Police Department in June of 1986; and
WHEREAS, Since March of 2016, Chief Waller has served as Chief of Office of Operations - Patrol, the third-highest position in the Chicago Police Department; and
WHEREAS, As Chief of Office of Operations - Patrol, Chief Waller oversaw more than 9,000 patrol officers and detectives in all 22 Police Districts; and
WHEREAS, Prior to being named to his current position, Chief Waller served as Deputy Chief of former Area South, where he oversaw five Police Districts on the City's South Side and nine gang, saturation and gun teams; and
WHEREAS, Chief Waller also served as Commander of the 2nd District (Wentworth), and as Commander of the 6th District (Gresham), and he worked as a Tactical Team Lieutenant in the Gang Investigations Division; and
WHEREAS, Chief Waller continued to develop his skills as a leader by participating in numerous special training sessions throughout his career, including the Narcotics Supervisor Leadership Program offered by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, as well as dignitary protection training with the United States Secret Service and management training at the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety; and
WHEREAS, A distinguished officer, Chief Waller received 151 awards from the Chicago Police Department over the course of his stellar career, including 19 commendations, 28 complimentary letters, 79 honorable mentions, and a Chicago Police Leadership Award; and
WHEREAS, Chief Waller looks forward to enjoying his retirement with his wife Keisha Waller, an officer in the Chicago Police Department's Public Transportation Unit, and with his four children: Whitney, Kendall, Kameelah and Korey. Kendall Waller serves as a Chicago Police Officer in the 5th District (Calumet); now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this seventh day of October, 2020, do hereby congratulate Chief Fred Waller on the occasion of his retirement from the Chicago Police Department; applaud him for his many years of exemplary leadership as Chief of Office of Operations - Patrol; and commend him for his unwavering dedication and service to the residents of our great City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Chief Fred Waller as a token of our appreciation and esteem.