Zoning Reclassification Map No. 3-F at 1423-1427 N Sedgwick St - App No. 20444T1
SECTION. 1. ¦ Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago - the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, be amended by changing all the B3-3 Community Shopping District symbols and indications, shown on Map No. 3-F, in the area bounded by
a line 291.67 feet north of and parallel to West Schiller Street; a line 102.05 fect east of and parallel to North Sedgwick Street; a line 266.67 feet north of and parallel to West Schiller Street; a line 104.05 feet east of and parallel to North Sedgwick Street; a line 241.67 feet north of and parallel to West Schiller Street; a line 102.40 feet east of and parallel to North Sedgwick Street; a line 216.67 feet north of and parallel to West Schiller Street, and North Sedgwick Street
to those of a B2-5 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District.
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Common Address: 1423-1427 North Sedgwick Street
17-13-0303-C (1) Narrative Zoning Analysis
1423-1427 North Sedgwick Street, Chicago, Illinois
Proposed Zoning: B2-5 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District Lot Area: 7,668 square feet
Proposed Land Use: The subject property consists of three contiguous parcels. The two parcels -generally described as 1423-1425 North Sedgwick Street, are presently vacant. The single parcel - generally described as 1427 North Sedgwick Street, is presently improved with a five-story mixed-use building, containing a commercial unit at grade level and five dwelling units above. The Applicant is seeking a Zoning Map Amendment in order to permit the construction of a new six-story multi-unit residential building, on the two vacant parcels, and to permit the conversion of the grade-level commercial unit, within the existing five-story building, to a dwelling unit. The proposed new six-story building will feature a total of twenty-three dwelling units, on and between the 1st thru 6th Floors. Because the subject site is located within 1,320 linear feet of the entrance to the Sedgwick CTA Rail Station, it qualifies as a Transit-Served Location, pursuant to the current Zoning Ordinance. As such, the Applicant will be providing off-street parking for a total of ten vehicles - a 60% reduction, which such parking will be located within the Basement of the proposed new building. The new building will be masonry in construction and measure 64 feet-0 inches in height. Aside from the interior buildout of the Basement and ltl Floor of the existing five-story building, to accommodate for the additional dwelling unit, NO physical alterations or additions to the footprint or envelope of that structure are proposed or intended. There is NO off-street parking - current or proposed, for the existing fiye-story building, which measures 52 feet-9 inches in height.
The Project's Floor Area Ratio:
Existing Building (1427 North Sedgwick): 9,275 square feet (3.6 FAR) Proposed New Building (1423-35 North Sedgwick): 25,710'square feet (5.0 FAR)
The Project's Density (Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit):
Existing Building: 6 dwelling units (425 sf per unit) Proposed New Building: 23 dwelling units (225 sf per unit)
The amount of off-street parking:
Existing Building: 0 parking spaces - current or proposed
Proposed New Building: 10 vehicular parking spaces; 14 bicycle parking spaces
*The subject property is located less than 1,320 linear J'eet from the entrance to ihe Sedgwick CTA Rail Station - therefore, the Applicant qualifies for a reduction (60%) in the amount of required off-street parldng, pursuant to Sec. 17-W-0102-B ofthe Zoning Ordinance.
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(D) Setbacks:
Existing Building (1427 North Sedgwick):
Front Setback: 0 feet-0 inches
Rear Setback: 28 feet-3 inches
Side Setbacks: North: 0 feet-0 inches South: 0 feet-0 inches
Proposed Building (1423-25 N. Sedgwick):
Front Setback: 0 feet-0 inches
Rear Setback: 10 feet-6 inches
Side Setbacks: North: 0 feet-0 inches South: 0 feet-0 inches
* The Applicant will seek any Variations, as may be related to and necessary for the permitting of this proposal - by and through the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), subsequent and pursuant to ratification of this proposed Zoning Map Amendment (Ordinance).
(E) Building Height:
Existing Building: 52 feet-9 inches Proposed Building: 64 feet-0 inches
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