SECTION 1. Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing the PD 180 District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 19-H in the area bounded by
A line 145.15 feel north ofthe center line of West Birchwood Avenue or the line thereof if extended where no street exists; N. Ridge Boulevard: the north line of W. Jarvis Avenue or the line thereof if extended where no street exists; N. Oakley Avenue; a line 12 feet south ofthe center line of W. Birchwood Avenue or the line thereof if extended where no street exists and a line 37.93 feet east of N. Oakley Avenue or the line thereof if extended where no street exists.
to those of a PD 180, as amended District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
7416-7460 N. Ridge Boulevard
The area delineated herein as Institutional Planned Development Number 180, as amended ("Planned Development") consists of a net site area of 628,416 square feet of property which is depicted on the attached Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map ("Property") and is owned by Benedictine Sisters of Chicago and is also known as the Applicant.
The requirements, obligations and conditions contained within this Planned Development shall be binding upon the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit of the Applicant's successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holder and any ground lessors. Furthermore, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17-8-0400 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance (the "Zoning Ordinance"), each Subarea, at the time of application for amendments, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this Planned Development are made, shall be under single ownership or designated control. Single designated control is defined in Section 17-8-0400 ofthe Zoning Ordinance.
All applicable official reviews, approvals or permits are required to be obtained by the Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees. Any dedication or vacation of streets or alleys or grants of easements or any adjustment of the right-of-way shall require a separate submittal to the Department of Transportation on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assigns or grantees.
Any requests for grants of privilege, or any items encroaching on the public way, shall be in compliance with the Planned Development.
Ingress or egress shall be pursuant to the Planned Development and may be subject to the review and approval of the Departments of Planning and Development and Transportation. Closure of all or any public street or alley during demolition or construction shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department of Transportation.
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
Pursuant to a negotiated and executed Perimeter Restoration Agreement ("Agreement") by and between the Department of Transportation's Division of Infrastructure Management and the Applicant, the Applicant shall provide improvements and restoration of all public way adjacent to the property, which may include, but not be limited to, the following as shall be reviewed and determined by the Department of Transportation's Division of Infrastructure Management:
Full width of streets
Full width of alleys
Curb and gutter
Pavement markings
ADA crosswalk ramps
Parkway 86 landscaping
The Perimeter Restoration Agreement must be executed prior to any Department of Transportation and Planned Development Part II review permitting. The Agreement shall reflect that all work must comply with current Rules and Regulations and must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Department of Transportation's Construction Standards for work in the Public Way and in compliance with the Municipal Code of Chicago Chapter 10-20. Design of said improvements should follow the Department of Transportation's Rules and Regulations for Construction in the Public Way as well as The Street and Site Plan Design Guidelines. Any variation in scope or design of public way improvements and restoration must be approved by the Department of Transportation.
4. This Plan of Development consists of 18 Statements; a Bulk Regulations Table; a Subarea Plan; an interim Landscape Plan; and a Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map. Full-sized copies of the aforementioned documents are on file with the Department of Planning and Development. In any instance where a provision of this Planned Development conflicts with the Chicago Building Code (the "Building Code"), the Building Code shall control. This Planned Development conforms to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance, and all requirements thereto, and satisfies the established criteria for approval as a Planned Development. In case of a conflict between the terms of this Planned Development Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance, this Planned Development Ordinance shall control.
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
The following uses are permitted in the Subarea A and Subarea B delineated herein as the Planned Development.
Subarea A: Elderly Housing and assisted living (elderly custodial care), and accessory parking, loading, and storage uses.
Subarea B: convent, residential dwellings, academic and related uses, private recreational areas, and off-street parking.
Any material development in Subarea A shall be submitted and processed under Site Plan Review pursuant to Section 17-13-0801 through Section 17-13-05 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. Prior to the Part II approval (Section 17-13-0610 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance) for any buildings, the Applicant shall submit a site plan, landscape plan and building elevations ("Site Plan Submittal") for review and approval by the Department of Planning and Development ("DPD"). Upon submittal, DPD and the Applicant shall notify the Alderman of the ward in which a Site Plan Submittal is located and, in conjunction with the Site Plan Submittal, the Applicant shall be subject to a public review process that is facilitated by such Alderman. In addition, the Applicant will provide an informational presentation to the Chicago Plan Commission prior to approval. Review and approval by DPD is intended to assure that specific development components substantially conform with the Planned Development.
Provided the Site Plan Submittal required hereunder is in general conformance with this Planned Development, and provided the Applicant has timely provided all Site Plan Submittals, the Commissioner shall issue such Site Plan Approval. Following the approved Site Plan Approval, supporting data and materials shall be made part of the main file and shall be deemed to be an integral part of the Planned Development.
Any Site Plan Submittal shall, at a minimum, provide the following information:
The boundaries of the property;
The footprint ofthe improvements;
Location and dimensions of all parking spaces and loading berths;
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
Preliminary landscaping plan prepared by a landscape architect;
All pedestrian circulation routes;
Preliminary building sections and elevations of the improvements with a preliminary building materials list; and
Statistical information applicable to the property limited to the following:
floor area and floor area ratio;
uses to be established;
building heights;
all setbacks, required and provided;
floor area devoted to all uses (office, dwelling, etc..);
number of dwelling units (if applicable);
Occupancy counts (if applicable);
Number of loading spaces/berths;
An approved Site Plan by CDOT, Fire Prevention Bureau, Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities, and the Building Department's Division of Storm Water Management; and
(10) Any other information necessary to illustrate
substantial conformance with the Planned Development.
On-Premise signs and temporary signs, such as construction and marketing signs, shall be permitted within the Planned Development, subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planning and Development. Off-Premise signs are prohibited within the boundary of the Planned Development.
For purposes of height measurement, the definitions in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The height of any building shall also be
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
subject to height limitations, if any, established by the Federal Aviation Administration.
The maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio ("FAR") for the site shall be in accordance with the attached Bulk Regulations Table. For the purposes of FAR calculations and measurements, the definitions in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The permitted FAR identified in the Bulk Regulations Table has been determined using a Net Site Area of 628,417 square feet.
Upon review and determination, "Part II Review", pursuant to Section 17-13-0610 of the Zoning Ordinance, a Part II Review Fee shall be assessed by the Department of Planning and Development. For Subarea A, the first installment of the Part II Review Fee shall be due upon Site Plan Submittal and the second installment shall be due at the time of Part II Review for such phase. The fee, as determined by staff at the time, is final and binding on the Applicant and must be paid to the Department of Revenue prior to the issuance of any Part II approval.
The Site and Landscape Plans shall be in substantial conformance with the City of Chicago Landscape Ordinance and any other corresponding regulations and guidelines, Sections 17-13-0800. Final landscape plan review and approval will be by the Department of Planning and Development. Any interim reviews associated with site plan review or Part II reviews, are conditional until final Part II approval.
The Applicant shall comply with Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Stockpiles promulgated by the Commissioners of the Departments of Streets and Sanitation, Fleet and Facility Management and Buildings, under Section 13-32-125 of the Municipal Code, or any other provision of that Code.
The terms and conditions of development under this Planned Development ordinance may be modified administratively, pursuant to section 17-13-0611-A of the Zoning Ordinance by the Zoning Administrator upon the application for such a modification by the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors of each Subarea.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the project in a manner which promotes,
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPlj Date:
enables and maximizes universal access throughout the Property. Plans for all buildings and improvements on the Property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct, renovate and maintain all buildings in a manner that provides healthier indoor environments, reduces operating costs and conserves energy and natural resources. The Applicant shall obtain the number of points necessary to meet the requirements of the Chicago Sustainable Development Policy, in effect at the time the Site Plan Review process and the Part II review process is initiated for each improvement that is subject to the aforementioned Policy and must provide documentation verifying compliance.
The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the rezoning of the Property Planned Development 180 to Planned Development 180, as amended, triggers the requirements of Section 2-44-080 of the Municipal Code (the "Affordable Requirements Ordinance" or "ARO"). The Applicant may sell Subarea A to a senior living developer. Any developer of a "residential housing project" within the meaning of the ARO must: (i) set aside 10% of the housing units in the residential housing project ("ARO Units") as affordable units, or with the approval of the commissioner of the Department of Housing ("DOH") (subject to the transition provisions of Section 2-44-040(c)), in consultation with the commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development ("DPD") as appropriate; (ii) pay a fee in lieu of the development of the ARO Units (Cash Payment); or (iii) any combination of (i) and (ii); provided, however, that residential housing projects with 20 or more units must provide at least 25% of the ARO Units on-site or off-site (Required Units). If the developer elects to provide ARO Units off-site, the off-site ARO Units must be located within a two-mile radius from the residential housing project and in the same or a different higher income area or downtown district. The Property is located in a higher income area within the meaning of the ARO. The Planned Development permits the construction of a maximum of 100 residential units. If the Applicant constructs the maximum number of units permitted hereunder, the Applicant's affordable housing obligation is 10 ARO Units (10% of 100), 3 of which are Required Units (25% of 100 rounded up). The Applicant may sell Subarea A to a senior living developer. The Applicant or its successor in interest to Subarea A may construct up to 10 ARO Units on-site or as few as 3
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
ARO Units on-site. In the event that the Applicant or its successor in interest to Subarea A constructs less than 10 ARO units on-site or off-site, the Applicant or its successor in interest must make a cash payment of $134,242 per ARO Unit not constructed on-site or off-site for a cash payment of up to $939,694 to the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund ($134,242 per unit x 7 ARO Units). The Applicant agrees that the ARO rental Units must be affordable to households earning no more than 60% of the Chicago Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area Median Income (AMI), as updated annually by the City of Chicago. If the Applicant subsequently reduces (or increases) the number of ARO Units in the Planned Development, the Applicant shall update and resubmit the Affordable Housing Profile Form to the Department of Housing for review and approval, and DOH may adjust the number of required ARO Units without amending the Planned Development. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for any residential building in the Planned Development, including, without limitation, excavation or foundation permits, the Applicant must make the required Cash Payment and/or execute and record an affordable housing agreement in accordance with Section 2-44-080(L). The cash payment will be recalculated at the time of payment (including partial payments for phased developments) and may be adjusted based on changes in the consumer price index in accordance with Section 2-44-080. The terms of the affordable housing agreement and any amendments thereto are incorporated herein by this reference. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the affordable housing agreement will be recorded against the Planned Development, or the applicable portion thereof, and will constitute a lien against such property. The Commissioner of DOH may enforce remedies for any breach of this Statement 17, including any breach of any affordable housing agreement, and enter into settlement agreements with respect to any such breach, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel, without amending the Planned Development.
17. The Applicant acknowledges that it is the policy of the City to maximize opportunities for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises ("M/ WBEs") and city residents to compete for contracts and jobs on construction projects approved through the planned development process. To assist the city in promoting and tracking such M/WBE and city resident participation, an applicant for planned development approval shall provide information at three points in the city approval process. First, the applicant must submit to DPD, as part of its application for Site Plan Approval, an M/WBE Participation Proposal. The M/WBE Participation Proposal must identify the applicant' s goals for participation of certified M/WBE
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
firms in the design, engineering and construction of the project, and of city residents in the construction work. The city encourages goals of (i) 26% MBE and 6%) WBE participation (measured against the total construction budget for the project or any phase thereof), and (ii) 50% city resident hiring (measured against the total construction work hours for the project or any phase thereof). The M/WBE Participation Proposal must include a description of the Applicant s proposed outreach plan designed to inform M/WBEs and city residents of job and contracting opportunities. Second, at the time of the Applicant's submission for Part II permit review for the project or any phase thereof, the Applicant must submit to DPD (a) updates (if any) to the Applicant's preliminary outreach plan, (b) a description of the Applicant's outreach efforts and evidence of such outreach, including, without limitation, copies of certified letters to M/WBE contractor associations and the ward office of the alderman in which the project is located and receipts thereof; (c) responses to the Applicant's outreach efforts, and (d) updates (if any) to the applicant's M/WBE and city resident participation goals. Third, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the project or any phase thereof, the Applicant must provide DPD with the actual level of M/WBE and city resident participation in the project or any phase thereof, and evidence of such participation. In addition to the forgoing, DPD may request such additional information as the department determines may be necessary or useful in evaluating the extent to which M/WBEs and city residents are informed of and utilize d in planned development projects. All such information will be provided in a form acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. DPD will report the data it collects regarding projected and actual employment of M/WBEs and city residents in planned development projects twice yearly to the Chicago Plan Commission and annually to the Chicago City Council and the Mayor.
18. This Planned Development shall be governed by Section 17-13-0612 of the Zoning Ordinance. Should this Planned Development ordinance lapse, the Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development shall initiate a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the property to PD 180, as established by City Council of the City of Chicago, September 28, 1977.
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
Total Gross Site Area:
Total Area in Public Way:
Net Site Area:
Subarea A: Subarea B:
Total Net Site Area:
680,128.08 SF 51,711.08 SF
129,428 SF 498,989 SF
628,417 SF
Floor Area Ratio:
FAR Subarea A: FAR Subarea B:
1.20 0.50
Total Project FAR:
Maximum Site Area Coverage: Subarea A: Subarea B:
Subarea A:
Subarea B:
Maximum Building Height: Subarea A: Subarea B:
Minimum Parking Spaces: Subarea A:
Subarea B:
Dwelling Units:
Subarea A:
Subarea B:
Existing, no change
In accordance with RT-4, Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse, and Multi-Unit District Standards Existing, no change
42 feet
Existing, no change
Pursuant to requirements in Section 17-10-0207
Existing, no change
100 (independent or assisted
living/memory care units)
0 (except existing Convent residential
Bicycle Parking Spaces:
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
Subarea A: Pursuant to Section 17-10-0207-D
Subarea B: Existing, no-change
Loading Spaces:
Subarea A: 1 (10 x 25)
Subarea B: Existing, no change
Applicant: Benedictine Sisters of Chicago Address: 7416-7460 N. Ridge Road Introduced: June 23, 2021 CPD Date:
ARO Affordable Housing Profile Form (AHPj
Submit .this form for projects that are subject to the 2015;, ARO/Near North/Near West. Pilot; ;
.Milwaukee Pilot or Pilsen/Little Village Pilot Ordinances (aljprojects submitted to City "Council after;
; October 13, 2015). More information is online at . Submit the completed.^ to the Department of Housing (DOH), 121 N LaSalle Street, 10th Floor, Chicago; IL 60602. E-mail: : .; :| or . Applications that include .
; off-site units should/submit documentation! listed onpage,two., ¦ . . . ' •
Date: 7"6-21
DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Development Name:Bc*if Hc^/vc ^'*tc/,< Development Address:1lS«i-''<Zoning Application Number, if applicable: 1 Ward:
If you are working with a Planner at the City, what is his/her name? K^y^r^*. Wofi
Type of City Involvement ? City Land jj Planned Development (PD)
check all that apply Q Financial Assistance Q Transit Served Location (TSL) project
rj Zoning increase
REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: the AHP will not be reviewed until all required docs are received fJ ARO Web Form completed and attached - or submitted online on
0 ARO "Affordable Unit Details and Square Footage" worksheet completed and attached (Excel) FJ If ARO units proposed, Dimensioned Floor Plans with affordable units highlighted are attached (pdf) ("J If ARO units proposed are off-site, required attachments are included (see next page) |~J If ARO units are CHA/Authorized Agency units, signed acceptance letter is attached (pdf) DEVELOPER INFORMATION
Developer Name fiC/vi J><.+'.S-sVt<"S o( Ckfce^ff Developer Contact S.sUr 3*<1>1\- M^ffk^ OSfc Developer Address 7MJ& lO. fc*^/ Cw'ce^o^lL.
Email OfWrpk^ g/Oifa cW'co^o. 0^ Developer Phone "?7i-764-2413 *?L3C
Attorney Name 7>j I cr ^\eu\> <~ Attorney Phone 3\4~£i\$-$j0O
Estimated date marketing will begin Av/g
Estimated date of building permit* An/^JEstimated date ARO units will be complete AwQ JC^ SLO^H
*the in-lieu fee, recorded covenant and $5,000 per unit administration fee (for off-site units) are required prior to the issuance of any building permits, including the foundation permit.
PROPOSED UJJITS MEET REQUIREMENTS (to be executed by Developer & ARO Project Manager)
Developer or their agent Date
July 6, 2021
Justin Root or Denise Roman, DOH Date
ARO Web Form
Applicant Contact Information
Name: Tyler Manic
Development Information
Are you rezoning to downtown?: No
Is your project subject to the ARO Pilots?: 2015 ARO REQUIREMENTS APPLY
Address Submitted Date: 07/06/2021
Number From :7354 Number To: 7462 Direction: N
Street Number:Ridge Postal Code: 60645
Development Name
Benedictine Sisters of Chicago
Ward :49 ARO Zone: Higher Income
ARO trigger :Zoning change and planned development
Total units: 100
Development type: Rent
TSL Project: TSL-or FAR doesn't exceed 3.5
Submitted date: 07/06/2021|1010|FINAL FOR PUBLICATION
Affordable units :10 *On-site aff. Units: 3
How do you intend to meet your required obiligation
On-Site: 10 Off-Site: 0
On-Site to CHA or Authorized agency: 0 Off-Site to CHA or Authorized agency. 0 Total Units: 10 In-Lieu Fee Owed' 0
DATE: July 9, 2021 . -
SCALE: V-200'
lN3W3AVd llVHdSV "
To: Alderman Thomas Tunney
Chairman, City Council Committee on Zoning
From: . 1 ''-^r- ^ y -yjy
Maurice D. Cox -' Chicago Plan Commission
Date: July 20, 2021
Re: Proposed Planned Development Amendment for Planned Development 180.
On July 15, 2020, the Chicago Plan Commission recommended approval of the proposed planned development submitted by the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago. A copy oflhe proposed planned development amendment is attached. I would very much appreciate your assistance in having this introduced at the next possible City Council Committee on Zoning.
Also enclosed is a copy of the staff report to the Plan Commission which includes the Department of Planning and Development, Bureau of Zoning and Land Use recommendation and a copy ofthe resolution. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me at 742-9442.
Cc: Steve Valenziano
PD Master File (Original PD, copy of memo)