Record #: Or2015-478   
Type: Order Status: Passed
Intro date: 7/22/2015 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 9/24/2015
Title: Issuance of permits for sign(s)/signboard(s) at 3925 N Cicero Ave
Sponsors: Arena, John
Attachments: 1. Or2015-478.pdf
Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards City Council Meeting Alderman John Arena - Ward 45
Sign Order

ORDERED, That the Commissioner of Buildings is hereby directed to issue a sign permit to:

My-Signguy.Com Inc. 5570 N. Lynch Chicago, IL 60630

For the erection of a sign/signboard over 24 feet in height and/or over 100 square feet (in area of one face) at:

3925 N. Cicero Ave. Chicago, IL 60641

Dimensions: length 24' height 7'
Height above grade/roof to top of sign 22' feet
Total Square Foot Area 168 square feet
Elevation WEST
Such sign shall comply with all applicable provisions of TITLE 17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago governing the construction and maintenance of outdoor signs, signboards and structures.



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SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICANT This Supplemental Application must be completed and submitted along with the Sign Permit Application. All fields must be completed. If a field is not applicable you must answer "n/a" in the field.

!| CITY OF-CH1CAGO ' fn'fDEPARTWIf'NT OF ESS BUI LDINGS v;--'":'^,.-;!;'^,'. • .City of Chicago .' ¦:':<:%0#''''»-*i Sign Permit Application
* * * * ; , (THIS IS NOT A-PERMIT) , 'ilLlxd

Application Number:. _ Date of Application:.

Address of property where sign will be erected:
„ >
Does property have multiple addresses? ? Yes L^No
If yes, please list all addresses:
gistered under the Vacant Building Ordinance? Registration #_ Applicant is the Owner (of the real property) *£J Lessee (of the real property) ?
of Owner of Real Property: Ev4rfl Op*(l£ SWAflg
ddress: E, trr^oN^olfb #H
Phone #: tOlS&S-Hf*^ Mobile #: /J Jfi Email: JOflTflH^ &ckA&fHc£. t&m
Name of Lessee of Real Property: MIA
Mobile #:

Payer Company of Annual Inspection Fee:
Name of Contact of Payer Companyf/lA^ Qfflht^
Name of Payer Company: E^Vfl SftVj£ SWftflE Address: cTMS Co^riOMb PfyoJ frW
Phone #: %D\'3b$- Hfc»H Mobile #: |Jjfl Electrical Contractor: -fiW £lfcCTjgk
Address: ia5Mt* YJ . rWv^ bft.j fvJBV LffifrX Xl License #: ^£C> q*tf3ft
Phone #: 1^-3^3-^5 Mobile #: A/jft fena!lf'/^j6i f j ^^W^ric. WW
Sign Erector: L\inPj)\(\ &Pf\ti(.i»X
Bond #: Registration #: jJ^i^H
Address: f?/7. &?A ^HMI^ ./?hiV:fly> Xi-
Phone #: ^QtfHfrS^ Mobile #: rJjfT Email: l^d^^(7S^3^q\f?Wi\. KY?f
Picture or rendering must be attached depicting sign placement with before and after view, section 2 continues on next page

Expediter: Ui5tA M^lSh .........
Address:, "~&L- S- f^V-\j fi^E.j &?ffi Ckj? License #: :. '. *
Phone #:.- . _ . . ,_ Mobile #: a)]R Email: h^i.^khil ?) Qvfft\ir.
Website: is) Jfl
Section 3 - Sign amd Structure ©etaiils
(Please cheelt all that apply)
Sip Category:
On-Premise (Business ID): ? Dynamic ^Static. _
Business License # of Tenant Business: j : ¦
Off-Premise (Advertising): ? Dynamic ? Static
Temporary: ? Special Event: ? Sign will read (Please provide a description, picture and shop drawing)

Type of sign (Mark all that apply):
Awning ? Canopy ? Freestanding ? Marquee ? Projecting ? Dynamic Image Display
Wall ? Painted Cabinet/Frame ? Vinyl ? Projected image ? Flashing
High Rise Building ? Hotel/Hospitals ? Other buildings:
What is the dimension ofthe wall on which the sign will be installed? c^CX) X 35
Where is sign or sign structure mounted? ? Inside the building S3 Outside the building
Is the sign or sign structure attached to a building or wall?: ? Yes ? No If yes, which wall of building? N|EyS W Ds this a freestanding sSgn? ? Yes IB No Location of sign on Sot: N E S W Which direction does sign copy face? NjEj'S W
Does any portion ofthe sign, sign structure or attachments cover, obscure or obstruct an existing window in a residential unit whether occupied or not? ? Yes SI No
Does any portion of the sign, sign structure, or attachments extend on or over the public way? ? Yes No
If yes, what is the public way use permit number?
Sign Panels: Back to back within 30 degrees of parallel ? Yes LU No Number of Faces: / ""°6?
Sign Support Structure: ? Pole ? Roof ? Ground "H Building ? Windows ? Other:
Does any portion ofthe sign or sign structure extend 24 inches above the roof line as defined in 17-17-02149 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago? ? Yes Ql.No

Picture or rendering must be attached depicting sign placement with before and after view.
Section 3 continues on next page

Section 3 continued
Dimeimsloras of Sign Structure (Le. cabinet, frame, awnimg, canopy)
Length: o?l Feet D Inches Height: ^? Feet ip Inches Depth: 0 Feet ff Inches
Area: ^2^. Sq Ft. Weight: \O0 Jbs.
Shape of Sign: l^e^|ft><>.
Sign Height above Grade:
From Grade to Bottom of sign or sign structure, whichever is lowest: (6 Ft. From Grade to Top of sign or sign structure, whichever is highest: £) \*A1I signs in excess of 100 Square Feet in area OR in excess of 24 feet above grade require a City Council Order pursuant to Section 13-20-680 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago
Dimension of Sign Elements pursuant to Section 17-12-0601 of the Chicago Zosnang Ordinance:
Length: & I Feet Inches Height: ^ Feet ^> inches Area: JlvO Sq Ft.
Electrical Contractor will install: Feeders: 63 Yes ? No Customer Leads:"® Yes ? No
Number of Lamps: */£p Total Wattage: /00 Type of Lamp: 0tt)€jL
Number of Ballast/Transformers: _ frijfi Input of Transformers:
Type of Switch: Location of Switch: filtkibE Sicj/1
Static: gl Yes ? No Illuminated: B Yes ? No
If yes - External Internal X
Dynamic Image Display: ? Yes 12 No
(An affidavit of compliance is required for all dynamic image display signs pursuantto Section 13-20-675(d)(2) ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago.)
Max Nits Max Foot Candles Message Time (Screen Hold): seconds
Self Dimming Capability: ? Yes ? No
What is the total ofthe sign face area devoted to dynamic image display? Sq Ft.
Section 4 - Zoning information.
Zoning District or Planned Development #:
Is sign located in a special sign district? ? Yes SI No
If yes: ? Michigan Avenue Corridor ? Oak Street Corridor ? State Street/Wabash Avenue Corridor
Total Street frontage of Zoning Lot: 3l*7 (Ft.)
Total Area of new sign: JtoQ . (Sq Ft.) Gross Area of all proposed signs: j 1%$ (Sq Ft.)
Total Area of ail existing signs on Zoning Lot: 0 (Sq Ft.)
Picture or rendering must be attached depicting sign placement with before and after view.
Section 4 continues on next page
Section 4 continued
Distance from oaier edge of sign or structure to curb line;
Distance {rem Inner edge of sign or sign structure to curb line: Distance from:
Public Park 10 acres or mora: \D{?0
Public Park 2 acies or more: \DOD
Expressway or Toil Road: \QQS2 . (Ft)
Lake Shore Drive: \QW (ft.)
Michigan Avenue (Oak St. to Roosevelt Rd.): Residential District _
Residential buiiding in a D district: P^jfi
Existing off-premise/advertising signs on same side of street? fJYes pslMo
In a B or C District: ?Jfft (Ft.)
. {St.)
In a D or M District. _
Waterways: PljA
Section 5 - Sign Permit History
Doss the proposed sign, change, alter or replace an existing sign? ? Yes Eji No
If res, were permits issued for the sign being replaced, changed or altered? ? Yes TS! No If yes, please list each permit number and date each permit was issued:
Permit Number: Date issued:
Permit Number: Date issued:
Permit Number: Date issued; .
Permit Number: Date issued:
Does the proposed sign change a static sign to a dynamic image display sign? ? Yes !jt No
Does the proposed sign Changs or alter the square footage or the height of the sign or sign structure? P Yes "53 tin
Does the proposed sign change an on-preniise sign to an off-prernise/advertising sign? ? Yes 1J9' No
Section 6 - Attestation and Signatures

Owner of Real Property;
We, the undersigned, under penalty of perjury, do hereby affirm and attest that the above information Is true, complete, and correct and acknowledge that incorrect^lirorfj^Rrejj is grounds to revoke or rescind a permit
WOmJ^T' Date *A*/wS
Lessee of Real Property: Date.
Sign Erector:
/ P/cture or reniferfrr
rendering must be attached rfepfctfag s/gn placement v/Hh Scfore and after view.
For Office Use

Sign Review Fee:
Zoning Review Fee: $_
Amount Paid: $


* Once zoning fee is paid, this application is valid for a period of up to six months from payment date. Applies to sign permits applied for on or after April 2,2014.

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