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Record #: O2020-3331   
Type: Ordinance Status: Introduced
Intro date: 6/17/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Committees and Rules
Final action:
Title: Call for termination of intergovernmental agreement with Chicago Board of Education regarding stationing of Chicago police officers at Chicago Public Schools locations
Sponsors: Sawyer, Roderick T., Taylor, Jeanette B. , Ramirez-Rosa, Carlos, La Spata, Daniel , Sigcho-Lopez, Byron, Rodriguez Sanchez, Rossana , Vasquez, Jr., Andre, Martin, Matthew J. , Hadden, Maria E. , Rodriguez, Michael D., Hairston, Leslie A., Sadlowski Garza, Susan, Cardenas, George A., Maldonado, Roberto
Topic: AGREEMENTS - Intergovernmental
Attachments: 1. O2020-3331.pdf


City Council Meeting October 7, 2020

To the President and Members ofthe City Council:

Your Committee on Committees and Rules, considered all the following Report, Ordinances and Resolutions:
The approval of the July, 2020 Monthly Rule 45 Report for the Committee on Committees and Rules

Your Committee on Committee and Rules, recommends "do pass" ofthe following items:
Ordinance correcting the City Council Journal of Proceedings of November 20, 2019 (02019-9357)
Ordinance correcting the City Council Journal of Proceedings of July 22, 2020 (02020-4589)

4. Recommendation to refer the termination of the Intergovernmental agreement with Chicago Board of Education concerning stationing Chicago police officers at Chicago Public Schools locations (02020-3331) to the Joint Committee on Education and Public Safety
Recommendation lu lereTproposed Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 10-32 by adding new section 10-32-245 to establish Urban Forestry Advisory Board (02020-3651) to the Committee on Finance
Recommendation to refer proposed resolution to suspend operations of General Iron Industries, Inc. during COVIP-19 Pandemic until Phase 5 of framework for reopening Chicago is complete (R2020-358) to the Committee on Environmental Protection and Energy

This recommendation of each item was concurred in by the Committee on Committees and Rules.


Michelle Harris, Chairman Committee on Committees and Rules

WHEREAS, On October 31, 2018, as part ofthe 2019 Revenue Ordinance, the City Council authorized the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (the "Agreement") between the City and the Chicago Board of Education (the "Board"), to sanction the Chicago Police Department to provide police officers at Chicago Public Schools locations for the purpose of maintaining and promoting the safety and security ofthe students, teachers, and other Chicago Public Schools staff; and

WHEREAS, The City and the Board entered into the Agreement on December 11,2019; and

WHEREAS, The Agreement expires on August 31, 2020, and includes two options for the Board and the City to renew the Agreement for periods of 12 months each; and
WHEREAS, The Agreement also provides that either party may terminate the Agreement if the other party fails or refuses to honor any of its commitments under the Agreement or upon giving 60 days' written notice to the other party; and
WHEREAS, Every school day the Agreement is in place, at least 180 uniformed Chicago Police officers are in 76 Chicago public schools carrying 2 loaded guns and 4 magazines of 15 bullets, 1 canister of pepper spray, 1 taser and 2 taser cartridges, 1 expandable baton, and 1 pair of handcuffs each. And that, even if unarmed, a police officer's body weight has proven to be lethal; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago police officers stationed in schools have amassed at least 2354 misconduct complaints; and

WHEREAS, The presence of Chicago police inside of schools creates dangerousconditions for students that have led to the criminalization, mass incarceration, harassment, death, and heinous use of force against Brown and predominantly Black students; and

WHEREAS, Chicago public schools have been systemically underfunded and are lacking counselors, social workers, nurses, teachers, and other staff and wrap-around services necessary to provide real safety and security for students, teachers and staff; and

WHEREAS, The $33 million it costs the Board of Education to provide Chicago police based in Chicago Public Schools would be better spent to provide and promote safety and security in schools by investing in trauma-informed, transformative support services; such as school aides, counselors, social workers, and restorative justice coordinators; and
WHEREAS, We believe Black lives matter and in the safety and security of all our students, and therefore cannot support Chicago police being present inside of Chicago Public Schools; now, therefore,


SECTION 1. The above recitals are incorporated herein by this reference.

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SECTION 2. Subject to the approval ofthe Corporation Counsel as to form and legality, the Police Superintendent or his designee shall take all necessary steps to terminate the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Chicago and the Chicago Board of Education within [75 days] after the effective date of this Ordinance.

SECTION 3. The City or the Superintendent may not enter into any future Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Board of Education to provide police officers at the Board's schools.

SECTION 4. To the extent that any ordinance, resolution, rule, order, or provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago, or part thereof, is in conflict with the provisions ofthis ordinance, the provisions ofthis ordinance.shall control. If any section, paragraph, clause, or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause, or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Ordinance.
Jeanette B. Taylor. 20th Ward
Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, 35th Ward
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SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage.