Record #: R2015-586   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 7/29/2015 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 7/29/2015
Title: Declaration of June 28, 2015 as "Father Nicholas Desmond Day" in Chicago
Sponsors: Moreno, Proco Joe
Attachments: 1. R2015-586.pdf




WHEREAS, Father Nicholas (Nick) Desmond was born and raised in Chicago's northwest suburbs where Catholic service was instilled in him at an early age as he attended his local Catholic grade school and high school; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick entered the diocesan seminary system through Niles College of Loyola University in 1972 and was ordained a diocesan priest in 1984; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick served many parishes throughout the Chicago area before being named Pastor of Saint Aloysius in 2000; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick's impact in the communities of West Town, Logan Square and Humboldt Park was felt immediately upon his arrival; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick has always worked hard to improve the quality of life for the communities he has served; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick worked hard to improve Chicago schools and has served on the board of directors for Josephinum Academy and the school council for Jose de Diego Academy; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick has worked to help our seniors and has served on the board of directors for Linden House for many years; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick has received recognition for his contribution to Chicago's communities including an honor in 2009 for his community service by the Latin American Police Association, and in 2011 he received community service awards from the International Association for Volunteers for Human Service and Leadership Development, and the Presence Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center CARES Award for Community Service; and



WHEREAS, Father Nick was honored by the Archdiocese of Chicago with the Cure d'Ars Award, an award presented annually to an individual whose qualities include a particular attention to healing those in need and a willingness to contribute their gifts towards pastoral care for the most vulnerable populations; and



WHEREAS, Through Father Nick's leadership Saint Aloysius has a new state-of-the-art community center that is a tremendous asset to the community; and


WHEREAS, The parishioners of Saint Aloysius and the communities of West Town, Logan Square and Humboldt Park wish Father Nick luck in his future ministry and have thanked him for all that he has done for their community by celebrating his work on the day of his last Holy Mass, which took place on June 28,2015; now, therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members ofthe City of Chicago City Council, assembled this Twenty-Ninth day of July, 2015 do hereby salute Father Nick Desmond, and extend to him our heartfelt best wishes on his future successes and commemorate June 28, 2015 as "Father Nicholas Desmond Day" throughout Chicago; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that suitable copies ofthis Resolution be presented to Father Nicholas Desmond, as a token of our esteem and appreciation.

Proco "Joe" Moreno Alderman, 1st Ward