WHEREAS, Raul Montes, Sr., loving father and husband, dedicated public servant, and esteemed member of the 22nd Ward community, passed away on January 23, 2021; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of Raul's passing by the Honorable Michael D. Rodriguez, Alderman of the 22nd Ward; and
WHEREAS, Raul was born on August 9,1948, in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico, to Jose Montes Tapia and Estela Sifuentes Miranda, and was one of nine children; and
WHEREAS, In September 1965, at the age of 17, Raul's father brought him to the U.S., where he traveled by train to Chicago to join his father and several of his siblings in the City; and
WHEREAS, Raul's first job upon arriving in Chicago was as a busboy at Marshall Field's on State Street; in 1967, he began working at Western Electric as a lead man, where he met fellow employee and his future wife, Maria M. Gutierrez; and
WHEREAS, Raul and Maria were married on January 29,1972, at Epiphany Church in the Little Village neighborhood; afterthey wed, they purchased their home on the 2600 block of South Kolin Avenue, where they have lived ever since; their marriage produced three children: Miguel; Raul, Jr.; and Jose; and
WHEREAS, Friendly and outgoing, Raul was a man of his community, and spearheaded several community efforts to improve and beautify his neighborhood; he organized his neighbors into a block club, and together they took turns doing projects to improve their houses, back yards, and the street they lived on; they installed lamps in their front lawns, planted sod in parkways, and established block watches and activities for children and teens in the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, As a result of his deep involvement in community life and activities, Raul was appointed Democratic Precinct Captain of the 6th Precinctby the 22nd Ward Independent Political Organization; as Precinct Captain, Raul contributed to the election of the campaigns of many elected officials and helped Chuy Garcia win elections for Illinois State Senator, Cook County Commissioner, and eventually, U.S. Congressman; and
WHEREAS, After Western Electric closed in 1984, Raul went to work as a Community Service Specialist in the Chicago Department of Human Services from 1986 to 1988, before moving on to the Department of Aviation from 1988 to 1989; in 1990, because of his involvement and dedication to his community, he was appointed 22nd Ward Superintendent in the Department of Streets and Sanitation; and
WHEREAS, At the Department of Streets and Sanitation, Raul quickly built a reputation as one of the City's most effective Ward Superintendents as he ensured outstanding refuse collection, bulk waste pickups, street sweeping and tree trimming, and organized and led many other events for the people of the 22nd Ward; and
WHEREAS, A constant presence at neighborhood gatherings and meetings, Raul paid many home visits to personally inspect problems that were reported by 22nd Ward residents; he was frequently seen driving down streets and alleys and conversing with neighbors and taking copious notes of their service requests; and
WHEREAS, Raul was also known for organizing and hosting some of the best block parties in Little Village, featuring musical performances and activities for people of all ages, great food that the neighbors prepared for all in attendance; and
WHEREAS, Raul was a great dancer and he and Maria would be among the first to kick off a party in their basement, backyard, or at a church hall dance; Raul also had a great voice, and his birthdays were always a special treat as mariachi and norteno groups would always perform, and those in attendance would ask him to sing with the groups; he could belt out song after song that he learned and had been singing since he was young; and
WHEREAS, After 20 years of service as Ward Superintendent, Raul retired in 2010; in retirement, he and Maria traveled to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and other destinations, and enjoyed spending time with their three children and three grandchildren; he also enjoyed helping out at his local corner grocery store/restaurant to stay busy and catch up on what was going on in the neighborhood, Chicago politics, and Mexico, and loved to sing along with the music playing in the store; and
WHEREAS, Raul's unexpected passing last month leaves a huge void and sadness for his family, friends, and those he helped over many years; he leaves behind a great legacy as a dedicated husband and father to his family, a caring neighbor, and a wonderful public servant; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this twenty-fourth day of February, 2021, do hereby extend our most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Raul Montes, Sr.; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Raul Montes, Sr. as a sign of our honor and respect.

MICHAEL D.RODRIGUEZ Alderman, 22nd Ward