} " , Aldermen, Ariel Rebbyras, Roberto Maldonddo and v
resented hy Mayor Rahm Emanuel "> ,. - [ , ; April 18, 2018
jg '," Late irv the. evening of April 24,;2016/ Chicago'.Police, Officer Diego •;;.'
Cqstifi6~(Sfar;:#7495) was-in'his squad car-pursuing of iq:;-.
t ■■■ -. battery in the 5400 block of South Laflih Street; and s"• ■/'•;::>: -. -^''h- -V?x- ^ \
,.: WHEREAS, In his. desperation5 to get away, the driver of thenar was not only driving . ,';!„ „;Ireckless^^
r ' pistol at Officer Castillo; :and ;'~- •. . ■ ■■ . '... -:'-'^' - fe.^■
."' ■■" :„; WHEREAS, Determined to arrest the yiojent.pffender,-and disregarding.the danger"'' v. ■": •. • in.which fie found himself, Officer Castillo continued the pursuit; and .iV: \ ^■r^^t^;:^
> yy^£jjf^5 Relyiri'g on his training and experience, Officer Castillo ^
- --.keep' the ^fleeing-car in sight-while still' driving- in .*a safe manner--to" pro't.ect-^hi'oGent---;^-'. ?/j -.,. 'pexdestridh^find othej' drivei?; oyt-on- the s'treetvqnd 1??... ••'.'*.?'- • : •
■:- , 1 -■ 'WHEREAS., Officer-'Cgs'tilld'-cd'ordinated with -otherResponding officers;tp-fcontih'Oe' S» ., ' -the pursuit. When the offender realized he would not be able.to. get away from the/- 't:-'; • . police in his car, he pulled.into an alley and'attempted to escape on foot; and a.-; -;vrv
"■r1, ■"'" * ; WHEREAS, Working as a team, the responding officers were" able'to chase the*% ; \ •^J'^ . armed offender through yards and over fences/ultimateiy drresting'hirn without the i ^''^ ; ''''-.--.- •- need to use deadly force. No one was injured during the pursuit and-arrest.;, and K};^y;^^i
. WHEREAS, Thanks to,the efforts of Officer CastillpTandi-fhe othetr-fespondlhg ■
;~ ■■['}■/...' officers, a high-ranking gang member and weappn.came^ff the.,street;^
;\:' '*;''"'.v WHEREAS, .Avlifelong Chicagodh, "Officer Castillo ' graduated-: from Gordon p'f:
Technical High School and then went on to serve our country with distinction in the
:-'>\:.: United States Marine Corps; and ; : ' .A* . ': '■ ' "''■'"'''.'■■<
'''.'■;> ;WHEREAS, Following;his honorable discharge, Officer Castillo joined the Chicago .
Police Department in 1994. He received a Department Commendation on February 14, . " 2018,'in recognition of his outstanding work and dedication to.duty;;and. .
' WHEREAS, Officer Castillo's calm and professional demednohwhile Qnder fire and ' pursuing an offender exemplify the courage and dedication^,)©, 'duty inherent; 1h jail members of the Chicago Police Department; now, therefore;- ^„,, '.•:/•'" ■ -V ;v ,•
BE It RESOLVED, That we; the Mayor and Members of the City Council pf the'Ci.ty;
of Chicago, ■'assembled this eighteenthday .of 'April, 2018,\.do^tiereby^express;. bur'
admiration dnd gratitude to Officer Diego Castiljo for his heroic actions and dedicdtipn,
to keeping Chicago safe; and, ■? -v,;'i,. ""-Vv- ■, . ■■■ ■ ^
: ' ' , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a; suitable copy of .thii 'res'olutip.n'be presented tp
.Otfic.e.r .Cgstillq,',gnd p.la hjs/p^r^nne^lg, as .g^;tpkeh.;p.f Pur,
gratitude and esteem. A . •,■; :v:^;;., , 'jx^ ^