WHEREAS, ADRIENNE M. JONES is a lifelong Chicagoan and resides in the South Shore neighborhood, where she raised her children and a large extended family;
WHEREAS, Adrienne currently serves on the Board of her condominium association, and has held the positions of President and Treasurer;
WHEREAS, Adrienne has acquired an impressive record of achievements in the thirty-five (35+) years of involvement with the government, focusing on public policy and advocacy;
WHEREAS, Adrienne has held executive positions in local, state, and federal branches of government; with an extensive background in management of medical and legal areas;
WHEREAS, Adrienne's career in government began with the City of Chicago under the late Mayor Harold Washington, serving as his Executive Administrator;
WHEREAS, Adrienne worked closely with the Mayor's staff to ensure that desperately needed constituent services and development opportunities were being implemented in one of the most economically challenged areas ofthe city;
WHEREAS, Adrienne later moved to the State of Illinois where she served as a Legislative Aide to Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, where she was responsible for the legislative agendas and Public Relations Outreach for various state representatives;
WHEREAS, in 1996 Adrienne was appointed by U.S. Senator Richard J. Durbin in 1996 as Director of Constituent Services, where she supervised a team of case workers who advocated for Illinois residents that were seeking assistance in resolving matters with federal agencies;
WHEREAS, in 2003, Adrienne was named Chief of Legislative Affairs for the Illinois Department of Health Care and Family Services (IDHFS) by Governor Rod Blagojevich, where she directed all legislative initiatives for agencies under the IDHFS umbrella; this included Child Support, Medical Transport, Medicaid, Kid-Care, Pharmaceutical drugs, Medical Suppliers/Supplies, and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Programs;
WHEREAS, in 2004 Adrienne was recruited by Peoples Gas/North Shore as Director of Government and Community Relations where she was responsible for City, State and Federal relationships and initiatives;
WHEREAS, Adrienne also initiated the first program by any utility company for the arrival of new immigrants/refugees without enduring bureaucratic chaos;
WHEREAS, while working for Peoples Gas/North Shore, Adrienne led the company by creating programs for immigrants and refugees of low income families who migrated to their new country and;
WHEREAS, Adrienne is involved in many civic, non-profit, and business organizations including: Ada S. McKinley Services, Inc. and South Shore Works;
WHEREAS, Adrienne is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, notably being named Woman of Excellence by the Chicago Defender Newspaper;
BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Mayor and Members ofthe City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this 7th day of November, 2022, do hereby honor the service of ADRIENNE M. JONES, and extend our sincere congratulations for her service to the community, and

Alderman Leslie A. Hairston 5th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that suitable copies of this Resolution be presented to ADRIENNE M. JONES as a sign of our good wishes.