Intro date:
Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Congratulations extended to Chicago Public School 2017 Sports and Academic Champions
1. R2017-400.pdf
May 24, 2017
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith, together with Alderman Brookins, a congratulatory resolution concerning Chicago Public School Sports and Academic Champions.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Alderman Howard Brookins, Jr. and resented hy Mayor Rahm Emanuel \ ;;>' ; May 24,2017
cJepttd b/lite &ity ©ouwctl j of ^ Gitw< oi' Ghicaqo, Illinois
^PP^16T6WS- Chicago Public School's offers students opportunities to fake.part in a wide :i - variety of athletic and academic competitions to promote and test- .their; intellectual ... development and athletic .skills; and -' -H' \ '! '7: V'- :<>./'' ■*''" X
■ / WHEREAS, Many of Our- diverse; talented; and hard-working studehls h'dve excelied;'in these competitions; and' ' .y ■, %.;' ■■.'; '■ - .*.-■/*■ o;;: ''*•- "-
WHEREAS, In the Class 2A,. IHSA basketball ^tournament,'Orr students' :"
Demarte J. Bell, Kevon.J^.Crittle,,Raekwon''Drake, Alexander X. Flute, Christian'!. Gilkey, Bridn '"...,, M. Hernandez, Larry D. -Johnson, Tyronn P.'r'Mosley/Emanuel M. Oneal, Shanklar S. Rodgers, Dannie Smith; Samuel A.' Williams and Shom.ari A, Willson, backed;'by Coach Louis Adams, ' ■won the state championship;,and v,: _;■•; V"'" -.'. ■•''-■,>';; ''*:A
""I'. WHEREAS, In the Class 3A IHSA basketball tournament, Morgan' Park High^SchooK* : students' Nimdri K: Burnett, Cameron- Burrell/'Romelo M;''Burrell, G>uincy A- Dillard, :Quam:;; i v . Dosunmu, Kenypn Dulihg, Oeandre' • Freeman;;'Lenell,, D,,Heniy/','Cdrheren, Irving Lomond' 5C,. :■" Johnson, Tavgris P. McCullough and Tamell S. PearsonVba.cked by-.CoachvNick.l^ state championship; and - Vy,:. Q;-Y'/ v£Y:' ^i^
• ''-.; WHEREAS, ...In the. Class 4A IHSA basketball tournament-, Whitney Young High-School;
students- Emeka Anosike, Myles.Baker, Tyler Beard,;Craig D. Bedudidn;jjustin M: -Bqyd, Xdvier-V. ,: V. Castdheda/'perrick'Fdulknen, Michael S.Teigen, jdvon-J.'Freeman, Jalen C. Frizell; Keehdn D. '.- ■- .' Jones, Jake Kosakowski, Sangglgy M; Njie,-'Solomon I. O'rOegbu, Justin t. Stovdll^and Lucasv/' ;" Williamson, backed by Coach-Tyrone Slaughter;-won the state championship;.and o?> ;
• \. WHEREAS, In the IHSA state wrestling championships, Washington; High School. stUde'nt;-!';, We'Rach'arwon the Class 2A, 1,32-pound championship; and . .-. fi; X:-- "
\ V/ WHEREAS, The ' Academic Decathlon, competition tests "student*., teams, onr-various' ■"■"■ . -> subjects, '^including Art, Economics, Music; Language Arts and Literature,;Mathematics, ..'••.
Science, and Social Science-,- as Well' as. proficiency in-. Speech, , I nteivjew, and Essay Writing; ■'. : ■ ■- Coached by Julienne Au; Whitney -Young High School students <Anhd Lee'; Arek Adams, . ; :.; Cristind Cass, Johnathan. Marek;:;luke;Xensik,;- Patrick Timlin',- Sammy. Montalvo;, Veronica :' . Carkiavs;and-.yict6rid'Xi'e won the AcademieiDe'cathlon CityChampjoh'ship::lAiso.''.c6.dGhedr- -'. ':
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• WHEREAS, The Academic Ghess clubs .'in nearly 200 elementary and;-.high schools, provide many benefits, . , such as improved- memory, increased ./creativity,.- emotional' development, improved redding skills, enhanced decision making, and strategic thinking. Chicago. Public Schools students-compete annually, in City-wide, :State, and:,;. National tournaments. Coached by Paul Kash, Whitney Young High School students Nikhil-Kalghdtgi,; Matthew Stevens, Akhil Kalghatgi, Deniz Gulecyuz, Ricky.Roman,Alex,Park'el,,-Seeundino Vazquez, Robert Bitunjae, Kevin Di and Edward Li won 1st Place irt'the 2017. CPS High'School City (Varsity) team competition. Coached by Lauren Tatar,. Walter Payton College Prep students George Figueroa, Chefan Pavuluri; Jdnko Stojadinovic;; Niko Stipanicev and Anthony Roitmnan won 1st Place Junior Varsity in the 20.17. CPS High School City (Junior- Varsity) team competition; Andy Gao from Skinner' North Elementary .Schpol won 1st Place in the 2017 CPS K-2 City (Individual); David Chen from Edison Gifted Center Won 1st Place in the 2017 CPS'K-4 City (Individual); Avi Kaplan from Debatur.Classical School won 1st Place in .the 2017CPS K-6 City (Individual); Neel Jay from Whitney Young Academic Center won 1st Place in the 2017 CPS K-8 City (Individual); Tamyz- Fultz, Breanna Shaw and Christina Williams' from Earle Elementary School won 3rd Place in the All-Girls National Championship; Elizabeth Coadamon, Izellah Ortiz, Gabby Cisneros; and Samantha Glowacki from Kinzie Elementary;, School won 2nd Place in the All-Girls National Championship; Yuryrdk Chennareddy from Earle-Elementary.School won 3rd-'Place in the,Super-Nationals K-i; Guhn Kim from Keller Elementary Gifted Magnet School won 3rd Place in the Super-Nationals K-6 Unrated; Nikhil. • Kalghatgi, Akhil Kalghathi, and' Matthew Stevens from. Whitney YpungVAcademic.Center won 2nd Place; in the Super-Nationals - K-12.Blitz; Taahir Levi from Earle Elementary School won 1st Place in the Super-Nationals - K-3 Blitz - Under 600; .and Nikhil Kalghatgi and Akhil Kalghatgi from Whitney Young Academic. Center won 1st Place in the Super ---Nationals'!'-.;. K-l 2. National Bughouse Championship; ;and . ■ . _ . , '. '■';'.;■•;,
WHEREAS, The Members of. this. Chamber are pleased to congratulate all of. thq: members of the Chicago Public.Schools teams on their overwhelming success in-their fields of competition; now, therefore, ' • . s■■.■"-'.' .;,. ■;'. :: '•- .,;' V'-;.
'■;'•■' BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor.dnd Members of the City'Council of the City of Chicago, assembled Ihis ; twenty-fourth day of May, 2017, do hereby applaud ia'nd. congratulate .all of these Chicago,, Public School students .'on. their champidnship- performances; and . , .';' . : ] ' ' '■■ -• :''";v
' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, suitable copies of this resolution be presented to-each of these exemplary Chicago Public:School students as a token otour respect and of our best wishes for a bright and prosperous future