Record #: R2013-419   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 4/10/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 4/10/2013
Title: Tribute to late George Kelley
Sponsors: Austin, Carrie M.
Attachments: 1. R2013-419.pdf
WHEREAS, George Kelley, a most beloved citizen, friend and remarkable member of his community in Chicago's great thirty-fourth ward, has been called home by our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ; and
WHEREAS, In His infinite wisdom our Lord chose, Sunday March 10, 2013 to call George Kelley to Eternal Life; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his transition by the Honorable Carrie M. Austin, Chairmen of the City Council Budget and Government Operations Committee, and Alderman of the 34lh Ward; and
WHEREAS, George Kelley was born July 31, 1945 in Chicago, Illinois to his loving parents, Ernest and Lois Kelley. He was the second of eight children born to this loving couple and he along with his siblings brought laughter and joy into the Kelley Family home; and
WHEREAS, George attended Wendell Phillips High School. In 1967 he was drafted in the United States Army. He actively served in the Vietnam War and was awarded a medal of Commendation and the Purple Heart; and
WHEREAS, George captured the heart of his high school sweetheart, Diane and asked her to become his beloved wife. They were united in Holy Matrimony and to this union three children were born. George and Diane Kelley would have celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary on May 18, 2013; and
WHEREAS, In July 2005 George retired from Smurfit-Stone Container to spend more quality time with his family and friends. He enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, coloring, oil painting, playing cards, dancing, old-school music, sharing his sense of humor with family and friends, teasing his mother and eating her chocolate cake. George also was an avid coin collector. As an faithful member of Trinity United Church of Christ George served on the Usher Ministry for many years and participated joyously with the congregation; and
WHEREAS, George Kelley was a loving husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, uncle, friend and neighbor who will be deeply missed, but the memory of his character, intelligence and compassion will live on in those who knew and loved him; and
WHEREAS, In honoring the memory of this much-loved man who has been called to3|fe
eternal, condolence is often expressed to all those whose lives the deceased may(have ^
touched; and      G--P> 70
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WHEREAS, His father, Ernest Sr., and three brothers, Clifton, Earl and Edwardphaving preceded him in death, George Kelley leaves to celebrate his life and cherish hi^-n"*1 2 memories, his beloved wife, Diane; loving children, Yolanda Kelley, Brian Kelle^nd c?
Erin Kelley-Austin (Lemuel IV); his grandchildren, Areyanna, Brianna, Lemuel V, Aaron, and Bryce; his mother, Lois Kelley; brother, Ernest, Jr.; sisters, Earline Sing (Marvin), Diane Whitt and Claudine Robinson (Roscoe) and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council gathered here this tenth day of April 2013, do hereby express our heartfelt sorrow upon hearing the news of George Kelley's passing and offer our best wishes that their grief will soon be replaced by the warmth of his memory.
Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of George Kelley.
CARRIE M. AUSTIN Alderman-34th Ward
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