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Construction and associated agreements with CSX Intermodal, Inc. for grade separation on 71st St, viaduct repairs on 69th St and grant of easement for property on 79th St
AGREEMENTS - Miscellaneous
ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the City of Chicago (the "City") is a home rule unit of government by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970, and as such, may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and WHEREAS, pursuant to an ordinance (the "1912 Ordinance") passed by the City Council of the City (the "City Council") on April 22, 1912, and published in the Journal of the Proceedings of the City Council (the "Journal"") for such date at pages 3510 through 3543 (attached hereto as Exhibit A) and an ordinance (the "1928 Ordinance") passed by the City on July 11, 1928, and published in the Journal for such date at pages 3310 through 3324 (attached hereto as Exhibit B), the City authorized and required the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company ("PCC&SLRR") and the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company ("B&OCTRR") to elevate the plane of certain of their respective roadbeds and railway and railroad tracks within the City of Chicago and to construct, where appropriate, subways and bridges; and WHEREAS, CSX Intermodal, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("CSX"), is the successor to PCC&SLRR's and some of B&OCTRR's ownership of and interests in their lines, as described in Section 1, Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the 1912 Ordinance and in Section 1, Paragraph 4 and 5 of the 1928 Ordinance (the "main line"), and therefore CSX has succeeded to PCC&SLRR's and B&OCTRR's rights and obligations under the 1928 Ordinance and the 1912 Ordinance; and WHEREAS, beginning with a Joint Statement of Understandings ("JSOU") in 2003, the Chicago Regional Environmental and Transportation Efficiency ("CREATE") Program has resulted in joint and coordinated projects by and among the Class 1 freight railroads (including CSX), Amtrak, Metra, the Illinois Department of Transportation, Cook County and the Chicago Department of Transportation ("CDOT") to restructure, modernize and expand the freight and passenger rail facilities and public highway systems and reduce environmental and social impacts of rail operations in the Chicago metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, portions of the track were not elevated as required and the subway at 71st street was never constructed as required; and WHEREAS, the main line currently intersects 71 st Street at grade; and WHEREAS, as part of the CREATE Program, CSX proposes to construct a bridge and viaduct over the public way at the intersection of 71st Street and the main line ("Project") in order to separate the grades of rail traffic from surface street traffic at that location with the purpose of improving traffic safety and reducing delays and other negative impacts of traffic; and WHEREAS, as part of the Project, CSX proposes to make repairs to the 69th Street viaduct with a different design than that authorized in the 1912 Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City is the owner of the real property located at approximately 2200 and 2201 West 79th Street, which is legally described on Exhibit C attached hereto, excluding the public way of 79th Street (the "79th Street Parcel"V. and WHEREAS, the 79th Street Parcel was purchased from the Consolidated Rail Corporation ("Conrail") by the City in a multi-parcel transaction (the "Conrail transaction") in order to create what is now known as the Major Taylor Trail, but was surplus to the needs of the Major Taylor Trail; and WHEREAS, the JSOU provides that the ownership of each Component (as such term is defined in the JSOU) "shall become the property of the party that owns or controls (via easement or otherwise) substantially all of the property on which it is constructed or installed, with the public highway portions or grade crossing safety overpasses of each grade separation owned by the appropriate public body"; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the 79th Street Parcel is not needed for any other public purpose and the grant of an easement for railroad purposes for CSX to use in the Project is, in the best interests of the City; and WHEREAS, the City is the owner of the existing railroad structure over 79th Street, which connects the two portions of the 79th Street Parcel located north and south of 79th Street and are depicted in Exhibit D attached hereto (the "Eastern Bridge"); and WHEREAS, the Eastern Bridge was acquired by the City in the Conrail transaction; and WHEREAS, CSX has requested the City convey the Eastern Bridge in order to maintain its existing and proposed railroad infrastructure including but not necessarily limited to track, structural, signal, and drainage systems located on and/or immediately adjacent to the 79th Street Parcel; and WHEREAS, the City desires to convey and quitclaim the Eastern Bridge to CSX together with the railroad easement in the 79th Street Parcel and permission and authority to use it and occupy the 79th Street public way on and above the Eastern Bridge for railroad purposes; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are expressly incorporated in and made a part of this ordinance as though fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The 1912 Ordinance and the 1928 Ordinance are hereby amended by deleting references to the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company, the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company and the Baltimore and Ohio Connecting RailroadXompany and~by~inserting in each place CSX Intermodal, Inc., including referenceslo successor railroads and references using initials for such railroads. SECTION 3. Section 4a of the 1912 Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the underscored language to the end of the Paragraph, as follows: The bridge and viaduct carrying the tracks of the CSX main line over 69th Street and the roadway, sidewalks, parkways, drainage systems, and utilities impacted thereby shall be repaired pursuant to specifications as approved by the Commissioner of CDOT, in his or her reasonable discretion, in accordance with standards of CDOT. SECTION 4. Section 12 of the 1928 Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting the language struck though, and adding the underscored language, as follows: The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company, the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company and the Baltimore and Ohio Connecting Railroad CompanyCSX shall complete the elevation of their tracks over and the subways in the following named streets on or before the following dates respectively: West 71st street, December 31, 2024, provided, however, that the Commissioner of CDOT may, in his or her discretion, extend such period. SECTION 5. Section 10 of the 1928 Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the underscored language to the end of the Paragraph, as follows: The bridge and viaduct carrying the tracks of the CSX main line over 71st Street and the roadway, sidewalks, parkways, drainage systems, and utilities impacted thereby shall be constructed pursuant to specifications as approved by the Commissioner of CDOT, in his or her reasonable discretion, in accordance with standards of CDOT. SECTION 6. Notwithstanding prior agreements submitted pursuant to Section 18 of the 1912 Ordinance and Section 19 of the 1928 Ordinance, this amendatory ordinance shall take effect upon CSX filing within sixty (60) days from and after the passage and approval by the Mayor of this ordinance, an acceptance and agreement with the Commissioner of CDOT, in writing, whereby CSX shall agree to perform all the obligations required of it by this ordinance. SECTION 7. The City Council hereby approves the conveyance to CSX or its nominee of an easement for railroad purposes in the 79th Street Parcel for no compensation as a direct contribution to the CREATE Program, as agreed in the amended JSOU . SECTION 8. The Commissioner of Transportation is authorized to execute a grant of easement for railroad purposes in and through the 79th Street Parcel to CSX or its nominee, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel as to form and legality. Such grant of easement shall include the conveyance of the Eastern Bridge from the City to CSX or its nominee. SECTION 9. Permission and authority are hereby granted to CSX to use and occupy the portions of 79th Street currently occupied by the Eastern Bridge for use and maintenance of such Bridge, and the portions of 79th Street on or above such Bridge for railroad purposes in accordance with the 1928 Ordinance, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel as to form and legality" SECTION 10. The Commissioner or any successor department thereto or a designee of the Commissioner is each hereby authorized, with the approval of the City's Corporation Counsel as to form and legality, to negotiate, execute and deliver any agreement and any such other supporting documents as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out and comply with the provisions of this ordinance, with such changes, deletions and insertions as shall be approved by the persons executing such agreement. SECTION 11. If any provision of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 12. All ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Exhibit B Exhibit C way) SECTION 13. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Attachments: Exhibit A - 1912 Ordinance 1928 Ordinance Exhibit D Legal Description of the 79th Street Parcel (exclude street right of Depiction of the Eastern Bridge Exhibit A 1912 Ordinance (attached) I ,VFI SI SHED BVSTSnSS* '•rff» fi««tt holl-vn strike out tbo vr.>r.U ''Sixty-*:*"*?!" -usu in*m< kt»-; <*Sixty-n:o?V*; tcua Iter, strike "out the word, "street'' Ot;d' itj^crt t!*c wcrd '•p'aeft''; pj^e 354?, Me-h'tni? column, 20£J». fiv^ri t>*sitorn of nag"»\ Mrik" wj'j t.!Vc aonJ? ;'vtiJ f.'fciklfy avenuf, \v*-5t «>f an-| adjsin•¦' and nficr itie word ' sir»? th ttno .from bojctoa.\ •amo pxge acd column, insert the word* ;''ind Oaktey avenue, weii of And adjtiin-'* Pare left-hand column* 15th line Sr&a'Ufp o? r.ysf, strike-out- tlw; words "&iU's*H*fe, Wist Sfstv-^v^iith'*; •Paje 3528. fcfo-hwul wluron, Mtft line froo t-p U po:;?, ;ir,M?ft the word <,ihf>"' Itarveerc. tiie *vord "cc?* and the ward
.Page ?524, i :^'it-ria«;d eoUitMr;, 13tb l»w iron) top of pagp, ?nwrt the word *the"* between tfcc word "under" a-«l the word
'Pa«rc 35il. left aanil column, 18th. line frcm to;* of pag<\ strike oat *he word "f3?i\»P a«d inWi the word "thereof", Same? pjtw, rivhi-feumi column, I2tn Jioe from tap of pajre. s;Hke out the were '^orn\ft;^*' and irsseit th* word "eartjing." " Santo pajje antf {olfflnn, litod line firuo top oi pa^e, strike out the word •_¦Pa;j> 3383, m'A-aaud wlnmiv. llta 'ire from t>p of pay, strike nut frh^ *,vor?5 "iK^jmntfinrhtion", and insert! th:> woxd "ncrmtircodatioa". Pag? 3330, .tefc-hand column, 41H' lime frosn so;> 'jf p.'K'*', strike ont tfte vord "or? and in=wri ihz word "of". Same pa£& and column. 1th line from boiioai <- f pay*, strike out the irord "PajS* 5311, r:«ht-hand colutnn, 6th IUip from bottom of page, strike out the word ''iiiloisun^-' and insert the word
Ki^" 844-13,, kit-hand roJumn. 20th ^nJ 23th Unci* from top of pa^e, strike out -thr wad Sialw" -.iwl InVert the wWd "sixteen". Pftgft 3S45, left-hand column, 8th and 7th ]iR^^ from of jM^r"*, j-trikc tii»' «*»rd ".*.J«K,i'* and iiwrr th^ \v'»d wioinit". Mi .1*t)\t\~ky uvnvi} to th«
'J.'Jk* moa prevailed. AM. tfanov«kr morrd to p»*» th* said ¦itib^iitute Oftli«anv.v as ^rnrnde<(. T;to DJotkm prevftikd »»d ib* $*id paused, by and najv at follow*: > «ts—Covghlin, Kmu, Shuftlt- Harding, Friable* "t'cara*T, Rkh»rt, l#Arti.«, Carr, E'jirker, Sf*>w, S'ane*. Derpa, tsaer-| >ou. Eg^n, Vavricek. tutua, Daaiach. t'lilkrton. Omak, ScfcttU*. Buektey, I.titas, l^twfey, Beilftw*, rtp«iX.«?ky:, Makttne/. Mft»eri«*y, BwetB, Kyan Hith} ami Hacra SO.
Tbc followittg w ihe «»id ordia*«<* *» passed:
Aviboruiog aad r*%w.rf,nj; th* Pitta-borgb, Ciocinnati, Chicago aad St Louit I-Uijway Coospaat'. Ihr ir>«teirood Con-CKtittK Hailway l>mpaBrv BaKi-I morr *: Ohio Chicago teminnT TUiilroad ; OompanT an-1 th** I a ion Stoefc Yard \ cud Xrios-it Coaopany of t^iea-o, aad I ihr Vhfc.\p> Ki*vr aad Ituii^uia Ka»)rO«l | Company," t>68ee, r«pttiivelyf to ate- ! v»t* thp plane of wrtaiu of thalr road' bod* aad railway and railroad tTacia within the City of Chk*«0. It? {? onlui*rtl Ojr the Cit.v Cwitfl of the City al Chicago-. Scctiok I. That tkt Pifctabtir^, Cin<-cinnati, Chicago 4 Si, Loin* Railway Company, the Knakwood Oon.wwti'of Railway Coajpany, iOft Baltimore 4 OWo Chirago Terminal Railroad Company and thr Tnion Storic S'ard and Trnnait Cora-pxny of Cbictujo tnd th«» Chicago Ri^ar (Mid Todiana. Railroad Company. T-**6«e. _jM«-^a«h^ mpectlealy,, ^uthori**! aad rrquired to alenita the plana of certain of their roadbed* aad railway and railroad tracks within the City of Chicago, April 22, 1912,
provisions of this ordinance and to elvo . ,. ,v . „ . ., , . »r?™¦~*#»<>the too of rumiioi! rails to low iron." s > " •» j j» ->» * «^Lr.,J-"» -t J!fc « various railroad and railway con!L. SlSflJr tnST - I .nL?I^" f WW***. From the South line of after sf«fet the !ra,v, pany ahall etavat* its track* to such } 1|t.j u , fife £v7Siifer 'TET1 ?^ » to a connection with the prwent 5£ * 2 « i^t' Mh,;,/br^«0 i trucks of said railroad compaay.' Teruiiua] Railroad Company, the t nton j Block Yard and Transit 'Company of t Paragraph 4. Th« Cnlon Stock Yard Chicago aad the Chicago River and fndi- \ and Transit Company of Chicago and the ana Railroad Company. Jjette*, th« la^ « Chicago River and Indiana Railroad diiuna Harbor Belt Railroad Company \ Company, Lessee, shall elevate it^ road* nod the Grand Trunk Western Railway i lv*S ii«-'r ini *V VWi i Company near Wast Forty-ninth strati, [ VTwt. Forty-third street, on the North, cither at grade or by separating the I to a e»«nn«-ti«tn. ^tHi tl < («<"•->*»•' - grades of tha said track*, a» may be; ; rated tracks of the Indiana Harbor afrreod upon by the various railroad' and j ReU Railroad Company on the South, railway companies interested. Frowi ti*£ \ in 3«er» a manner as to complc with South line of West Sixty-ninth street f the orovisions of this ord'.nsnea ami tfce traeks may descend on a suitable j to * minimum floor depth of and eot»ve»vt»t trrsrtieitv t<> a. <.• >nnrr. $ f*Ct from th* fe«p of the- fii ir:h;',' tion with the present tracks of said | to "S-w wro" ««" uohwr;.w" ( t <*•.•?» nf railway company. | the subways hereinafter specifier*. Arid ¦o u „ ^_ _ , , _ 3 isaid company, or companif*, shalS e'e= Paragraph 2. The Eotfewood Con- VAjr*ect|BR Railway p»mpany shall elwte th, profKwd ele*ated track* of tt* road bod and trseka from the Mast. ,iw, ritHhursfh; Ciri-nm^fr, C!ii.'^S| A Itns of Sonth Halsted street on the Lftn„ K-,i)wsv Company and the Raf- Ba*t to «t* connection with the nwin limon $ 0%m Chieacro* Termini I RaiN hne of tho Pittsburgh, Ctoeiiwati, Chi- TCid Companr. either at crade or hr sep> «i|{0 4;flt. LouIr Railway Cnmpany here- j ^tins the CTodes oT wild trarfci, as in authorirod to be slewed in sucli ft j mav he a^Teed upon between the rail- Aiannrr ?o eo«»p!y tvitn t'.-v proitaon*. i| road and railw^v eottipanie« tnterejffd. of this ordinance and to giv* a. roin-; j From the North lijw of Wc*t Forty- imurn floor depth of 3 5 fert from the £ thirl »tn»t the tncMi may de«e?nd on top of the running rails to "low iron"1 \ a suitable and convenient gradient r?» a or "elearaiww"- at ea»:*r l>n»in-: \ connection with the prownt trsrka of after specified. " ¦ «.iid company. Paragraph 3. The IUUimore & Ohio jj Paraaraoh 5. The railroad and r*IT- Chiea^o Terminal Railroad Comjinnv | way companies herein anthnrued to els- shall elevate the roadbed and tracka of vat* A'*5'' roadbed and tracks may cross Hs "(1>!r»Vi Central Div^jnn" Trom \ each other at j-rade in the neiffbhor* the Bust line of Weatem amine bonle- i «f WHt Forty-ninth Street, or vard on the North to the South line oC West Sixty-ninth street on tbe South In? tMth a mnunt'r «^ i<» ontuply u>ih th«i provisions of this ordinance and to give' a minimum fwor depth of 3.5 fert from: ths top of the runnin* rails to "tow iron" or "clearance" at each Mibway, herelnnfter *.peciflethet may separate these %rn»* aecord> injf to "any plan sfreed upon among themvlvM,'provided such plan shall not interfere with the. eonrtruction of a'lb--wsrvs-^at -fhe—^r?»de« -?i*r»iftaf4«r—spe— ei«ed. Parsi2raph 6. Permission is hereby punted \ r.S>lMSl!,Mk lis SI.N'fcSS. companies which ore herein authorized i,o elevate ilieir roadbed and tracks to i'boiv their. "V" tracks and to make tttefr-chants in their location and align-as ¦ortjc! railroad and railway cornea nEcs may deem necessary to maintain proper <£>nnParagraph 7. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall prevent the ?» rips:-* ca:rJp,isiiO'* mvnin,;, fh? > Vus- iioneii herein from changing the location of said tracks by the mutual agree-niest, tif those interested as they^njay deem necessary, provided that no change of location, shall be made that will'pre* vent the separation of tac grade of -aid tracks as contemplated in this ordinance; Th« railroad and railway companies herein authorized to elevate their tracks-may make such changes iu the position and alignment of their main tracts, side tracks and switch connections as may be rendered necessary by the execution 0! the work specified to be performed &v them under the terms of this ordfr nance. Said companies are hereby authorized and permitted to construct e.evated embankments on their respect* ivc f*jrh$5 of way and to construct ir^ntnJn and operate thereon such number of railroad tracks as they ma* deem necessary or convenient for the transaction of their business and to carry aach additional tracks over all intervening street?, avenues and alleys 'far ¦ ™a«"er » h"ein provlrtid for exfetm? tracks. Tfce right of way referred to in this in so far » it affect, ihe XVttsbarefa. Cincinnati, Chicago ft St. ioaN Railway Company and the Baltimore &, Ojuo Chicago Terminal Rail, wad Company f* hereby denned to be the eniir* width east and west of Trfavttt street of the land acquired and owned by t!ic said Pittsburgh, Cincin-nati. Chicago & .St. Louis Rallwav Company rind the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal P.ailroad Coropanv and nsed 5 for j»a3*encrer and freight vard tracks, t terminal tr?ck*. round houses, machine * shosis or.d other railroad purposes between trie northerly and «tnntherlv limits defined in this ordinance for the elevation of the tracks of said roiiwav apd raHroa l-eomjionics; IVividedr however, that where street? nnd allevs are to h» vacated they shall not; be' vjrated tie-yend the limits shown jrt red on the map which is hereto attached and mnds part of tbh' ordinance. Section 2. That the embankment on which said elevated roadbed, shall bs constructed within the aforesaid limits shall be composed oi any material which is of a permanent character and auffi-eiectty MitwtAntM to bear the load* to be imposed upon it. The side slopes ami. lateral dimensions will bo fixed and. determined by the natural angle of reposte of the material of which said embankments shall be constructed, but whenever it may become necessary for the purpose of keeping said erabankraeatrf entirely within the linos of the rights of way oo> eupicd by said companies, such portions of said embankments at alt such points shall be kept within said right of wx> Iiim-s by. Or they *httlt be confined . between retaining walls of sfcooa or eon-| erete masonry; provided, however, thai '; whenever said retaining walls are of i»?wm>ieiit height to properly protect said right of way and to prevent trespassing thereon, than said retaining v-ill*. •» aforesaid, shall be surmounted with a nuitable fence or railing, but whenever *aid retaining walls are not ii^hI at all, vktd right? of way of said companies ahal be fenocd in or otherwise properly enclosed in compliance with the ordinances of the City of CM-eairo relating to the fencing of railroad tracks. Secnox 3. That the said elevated tracks shall be carried serosa all inter* 'feting: streets and avenues which by the terms of this ordinance are to be •*Tovided with subways, on suitable bridge* of one. two. three or four span* whose superstructure shall consist ot steel or reinforced concrete, or a combination of the same, with eowe auit ^Me device provided, whieh shall prevent storm water, dirt, oil and other sub--tances from dropping from such elevated structures upon the subway beneath. The said bridges shall bo supported upon abutments of concrete or stone, masonry, or upon abutments and row* of iron, steel or reinforced concrete column* braced together laterally sod ereeted on aad anchored to masonry foundation* cpostrncted within the lines of the riffhf* of wny orvupied be wid companies and in the. center and curb line* of the intersecting avenue* and «treet». »* prbvided in the schedule of *ubw~Av* herein contained, provided th->t (he foundation* of retaining wall*, a'jiif menis »nd piers may project a rea-
t \U\i«!lll' lit KE\t*'->,«oiubl»» di&taner beyond the line* of the richt- of way occupied bv Msd writ* pnni** under the surface of the public-highway* and sid«*wajfcs, Socnotf 4. Paragraph I. That subways shall be constructed beneath Huj ; tracks of the main Uue of the Pitt*hnr^»», 1 Cincinnati. Chicago 4. Si. Louis KaiJi ; way Company where stud tracks are 1 intersected* and croeeed by West Forty- . third street. West Forty-seventh street, West Fiftieth street, We&t Fiftieth t Place, West Fifty-tint street, West ¦ Fifty-Second street, West Fifty-fourth' ,-street, Weet Cerfteld boulevard, West, v Ptftyeixth etreet. West Fifty nsnth ; street, Weet Sixty-third street, Weet Sixty-Sfth street. West Sixty-seven ti; street. West Stst\ eighth Miryi-t an I \VV*tl | Sixty aiath street. Paragraph 2. That subways shall be jj constructed beneath the tracks of the ! "Chicago Central Division" of the Baltt- ;. more * Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad , Company where said tracks are inter-:,' •eoted end eroeeed by West Forty*thirtf, | street, We*'- Fortr-seventh street. West Fiftietk street. West Fiftieth Place. ( West Fifty-ftrRfe street. West Fifty sec-, I oad street, West Fifty-fourth street,1!; Weet Cartteld boulevard, Welt Fifty-i sixth aire**. West Fiftv-ninth street,,! We*t Sfcctv-third street* West Sixtv-ifth street West Sixty-seventh street. Weft Sixty-eighth street and West1 Stxty-alwtb street Paragraph 3. That subways shall be consirneted beneath the tracks of the Enriewood Connecting Railway where; said trad:* are intersected and crossed bv Sotith Oeen street, Sooth Peoria street, Sowtb Sangamon street. South Morgan street. South Carpenter street, Aberdeen street. South Mav street. South-Center avenue. South F.lisnhetb, street/, Throot* street, South Ads street. Loom!* S-treet. Ri«h«o «tre*t Lafttn street Ju«.-tin* street. Smith Ashland avenue, South Paulina ctreei^ South Wood street. Wonore atTsetTSonth Lincoln street. South Winchester avenne. South Robev »*reet and * foot p*s«*geway at South Wovne avenue. Paragraph 4. That subways shall be constructed benpath the tracks of the Union Slock Yard nnd Transit Compaoy of Chicago and the Chicago- River * Indiana Railroad Compaov. Lessee, at W'est Fortv-third street and West Forty-seventh street Swrrtox 4a. The several, subway* hereinbefore referred to in SW-tiw 1 «. tbi.r -ordinance, shall l*e constr-.K'-J.rd *i to their si-/1* and dtine^i-Miri*, lotion* and otm-r dct.iiU in afeftrdaner-v -with' the following schedule: Subway in West Forty-third street nndor the tracks of the Pittsburgh. Cin-cienati, Chicago k St. Louie Railway, the Baltimore k Ohio 'Chicago Terminal Railroad, the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago and the Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company, Le*5ec. (Street, fiiJ.O feet wide.i The depression: of the street shad be not more than 2.6 feet below the established street grade to the east of the aubway, making the elm'jtton of the floor of subway J0.4 feet above city datum. Level floor shall extend 30.0 feet beyond the 12a*t and West portal* of subway. From this level the approaches shall extend on a grade of 33 feet fa 100 feet to * connection with the present -ar(;; uf -see* t. Width between wa^I* of subvray, ftftlf feet. Width of roadway in subway, 46.0 f»-H. Width of sklewalks. 10 0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in West Forty-third street outside of tub-way shall' be the same as they now exist. The depression of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roatfway and 0.3 or a foot above the level of the crown of *!»tne. Tw-o lim»» of p*>»ts jnav be placed in sidewalk space* immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room. 1&5 feet.
Subway in West Forty seventh street, under the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Cin-cinniitl, Chicago A St. Louis- Railway Company, the Baltimore A Ohio Chicago Terminal Rail rood Company, the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago and the Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company, Lessee. (Street, 06.0 feet widc.J The depmaioo of the Street shall
be not more than 2.68 feet below the established street grade, making the elevation of the floor of subway not !cs« than 11.32 feel above city datum, Ltvvc! floor shall extend 30.0 feet beyond the east and west portals-of subway. From this level the approaches shall1 evtend on a grade of 3.5 feet in .100 fect to a connection with the present surface of street. Width between, walb of subway! 68.0 feet. With*) ok" iroa^vAv in *h£k\u'. 4<».0 feet. Width of sidewalks, 10.0 feet each In subway. Width Of roadway and sidewalks in West, FortV'Seventb street outside oi the sulw.iv shaJl he »-» tHvy. mm exist. The depression, of sidewalks shall bo uniform with the roadway and 0.5 of a foot above the level of "the crown or ; same. Two lines of posts may be placed. .; io sidewalk, spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of poets in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 13.3 feet. In the event that the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago A St, Louts Kail way Company, the Baltimore tz Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company, the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago and the Chicago River & Indiana Rziilroad Couinanv. I^wej the .; Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Company and the Grand Trunk Western Railway ; Company shall agree among themselves to separate the grades of nil their tracks at West Forty-ninth street by carrying : the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, , Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company and the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Ter- . minal Railroad Company beneath the . tracks of the other railway and railroad companies mentioned in this ordinance, ". then the specification* for the subway in West Forty-seventh street shall be as follows: The elevation of the floor of the sub- '¦ way shall be 9.0 feet above city dntoro. .'. This level shall extend twenty (20) feet ! beyond the east nnd wot portals of the : subway.- From this level-the- apprcsehes-f shall extend on a gTade of 3.5 feet in 100 feet to a connection with the present surface of the street. The elevation of the curb* in the sub- * way shall be 10.0 feet above city datum. The curbe on the approaches shall extend from an elevation of 10.0 fect above city datum at the foot o£ the approaches on a grade parallel with the surface of, the roadway to a connection with the established corb grade. Width batween walls of subway, 66.0 feet. Width of rosdwav in subwev, 48.0 feet. Width of sidewalks in subway, 10.0 fect each Width of roadway and sidewalks fat West Forty-seventh street outside of too subway shall be the same as they now exist. Two lines of poets may be placed in the sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 13.5 feet
Subway in West Fiftieth street, ttndw r.'-i. t-^-i '>f t '<» I i!!t>MuV' C I'^iitnsti, Chicago t St Louis Railway Company and the Baltimore St Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. (Street, 08.0 feet wide.) In the event that the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Lottie Railway Company, the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company, the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago and the Chicago River & lo-dThere shall he n<> depiction of the ^ireet, The elevation of the fjoor of the subway shall be not lets than 13.26 feet above city datum. The elevation of the curbe in the subway shall be 13,25 feet above city datum. In the event that the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago St_ Louis Railway Company, the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company, the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago end the Chicago River & Indiana Railroad Corn pa uy. Lessee, the
Aj.rtf &f. tOIs*. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Com* pariy and the Urand Trunk Western Railway Cooipcny shall s.gree among themselvea to separate their tracks at West Forty-ninth street by carrying tho traefca of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago ft St, fiu*.jjii; and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company beneath the tracks of the other railr»>t<; and r way comaemea mentioned in this ordinance, then the specifiesttons for the; snhway in West Fiftieth street shall he a* H'llew>. The depression of the street shall be 4.0 feet below the established street grade, making the eleration of the floor o4 the subway fe*t above eity rtmutn. Tads tovel shell extend twrnty feet-beyond the eaat and west portals of the subway. From this level On- ajipKn.idie?. shall *«it>i>l on * jmid«» of f in' 100 feet t<* a eonwellon with tho pr«>>-•nt surface of street. The elevation of curbs in the subway shall be TO.O feet above city datum. Tee enrte oo the epproaebe* shall extend from en elevation of 10.0 feet above; city datura at the foot of approaches: cm a grade parallel with the suffice, of the roadway to a connection with the established cwrb grade. Width between walls of subway, 68.0 feet Width of roadway, 42.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 12.0 feet eachl in sabway. WidtA of roadway and sidewalks in , West Fiftieth street ontside of subway shaft he the same as they now exist. Two lines of nu*U may be nlnonl in stdewaik spaces immediately inside the curb linen and one line of posts in the center oi the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 18.0 feet
Subway in West Fiftieth Place, under the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Cincln- i net?, Chicago A St. Louis Railway Com- : peoy aad the Baltimore A Ohio Chi- ; cago Terminal Railroad Company. , (Street, A60 f*«t wide). T»^''lhenr«imTlKarthe Pittdwrgb, Cin- ; olnnati, Chicago tt St. Louis R»il*.iy j Company, the Baltimore 4 Ohio Chicago ; Terminal Railroad Company, the Union S^t'f k \ .ir<; .r • i • i> i v < i. t.itf.i .Hid r:i'» ? .,;<* |J,v.--y \' fu.j'i'i.t If^iimad ('on.ip.sny . U»-te. t?:»- in tuat JI;;#N-r it* Sr K<,.h.*s-i < >v-1>.:\ ;«•«; try Crnnd Trunk Western Railway Com pany shall agree among tnen-getvei? that their track* shall eron earH other at grade at West Forty-ninth street, then the specifications for t!ie subway in West Fiftieth Place thai! be a., follows: There shall be no depression, of the street. The elevation of the floor of the snbway shall h*» not. ?e*t than 1385 feet above city ctatont. The elevation of the curbs in the subway shall be not less than 1125 feet above city ditum. ^ fn the event that the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago * *t -Louis Railway Company, the Baltimore .ft Ohio Chicago Terminal R.«lr*Md CompAny, the Union Stock Yard and Transit Com-p.*m' nt i\?> and rV I'hif.T.-w KiU'r Jr, fii.ljm i tt.iiinj*any» I> |:k Indian llii^r I;-?i lUilr <<1 <%>Tnj>,u»v and the Crand Trunk Western Railway C^tiip ir\ **i il! \'.>»>• :tfl¦*'•}••/ t V'si v3> t-s to separate the grades of their tracks at -West Forty-ninth street by carrying the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Qnciaanti, Chicago ft St. Louis Railway Company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company berteaU* the tracks of the other railroad and railway companies mcntio«cd So this ordinance, then the epecifloatiooa for the subway in West Fiftieth Place shall be as fottenrs: The depression of Hk> -tit>-t «.!>all hf> 1.0 foot below the established street grade, making the elevation of the floor of the rob-way 11.26 feet above city datum. This level shall extend twenty *20> feet beyond the ev=r and we»t portals of the subway. From this level the approaches shall extend on a grade of 3.5 feet in 100 fect to a cooeeetloo with the present surface of street The elevation of the curbs in the subway shall be 12.95 feet above city WxUh liefwevn wjII-. of >ub\My. 30.0 feet Width of roadway, 20.0 feet in iub- wey. ' Width of sidewalks, 5.6 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and itdewalks fo
April 22, 1912. West Fiftieth Place outside of the sub-wny shali be the some as they now exist Clear head room, 12.0 feet.
Subway in West Fifty-first street, under the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago ft St Louis Railway Company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Termioftt Railroad Company. ([Street, 6G.6 fret wide.) The depression of the street shall be sufficient to make the elevation of tna floor of the subway not leee than 11.76 feet above city datum. This level shall extend thirty (30) feet beyond the east and west' portal? of the syjjway; '[From this level the approaches shall eJttand on a grade of 3.5 feet in 100 feet to a conncviion vvitii the .present surface of street The elevation of the curbs in the' subway shall be not less than 12.23 feet-, above city datum Width between walls of subway, Ofl.O feet Width of roadway, 46.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 10.0 feet each in
'Width.' of roadway and sidewalks in West Fifty-first street outside of toe subway shall be the same as they now exist Two lines of posts may be placed in sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line, of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. dear head-room, 13.6 feet. In the event that the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago ft St Louis Railway Company, the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company, the Union Stock Yard «ud Transit Company of CMci^o and tV C'Meago River A Indiana Railroad Company, Lessee, tb> Indiana. Harbor Rt'!t .Railroad Company and the Grcmd Trunk Western Railway Compacy cdull iigr«v among taetnselve* to-separate the grades of all their track* at West Foity-iiioMi str*>«H by tarrying the track* ot the Pittsburgh. Uinciunati, -Chic-ago £--K^-tWui^Rit«lwfty-<^mpa;ny— and the Baltimore, ft. Ohio Chicago Koilttiid rVupiity beneath I he track* of the- other railway and railroad companies oierjtiorjcd in tiita ordinance. t;»rn the '^pH'iilcations for the subway in Wr-nr- Fifty first street shall be «»'follows ; The r Itvstion of rhe. floor of the swr> '«v shall be 11.15 feet above city datum. The elevation of the curbs in the subway shall be not teen than 18.15 feet stove, city datum. Width between walls of snbwav. 8fect. Width of roadway, 45.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 10,0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks out* side of the subway shaft be the same as they now exist. Two lines of posts may be placed immediately inside the curb lines and one Hoe of poets in the center of -ti«<- roadway to support the girder*. Clear head-room, 13.6 feet.
Subway La West PSftyeeoood street \ under the tracks oi tec Pittsburgh, CS«-} cinnati, Chicago ft St Louis Railway ] Company and the. Baltimore ft Ottlo v Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. | (Street, 60.0 feet wide). i j There shall be no depression oi the \ street. The * elevation of the floor of r the subway shall be sot test than t3.St5 " feet above city datum. Width between walls of subway, 60.0 feci ! Width of roadway, 40.0 feet In sub- j WfcJ. j Width of sidewalks, 10.0 feet eseh in if' subway. Width of roadwsy aad sidewalks in : West bMty-seeorid .-street outside of the f. subway shall be the same as they now ; exist j. The elevation of the sidewalks shall I lie uniform with the roadway sjod level with the crown of s-tme. Two lines of poet* may be placed in sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the neater of the roadway to support girders. —CWr-4*ead**ooraT-124Mset
f: Subway in West Fifty-fourth street, | under the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Cin- vxr is is iir» wm vr.«-s Subway in West (nlffieM hou'levdrrt. trader the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati. Chicago ft ir. Ltmii Railway Company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. i Street, 2O0.0 ft*t This subway shall be ew^tructed of each dimensions and according to such plan* as may be agreed upon betwren th* South Park Commissioners ami the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago ft St Louis Railway Company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal: Railroad Company.
Subway in West Fifty-sixth street under the tracks of the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago ft St Louis Railway Company and me Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. (Street, G6.0 foet wide.) The depression of the street shall be -suflkient to make the elevation of the floor of the subway not less than 13.2 feet above city datum. To is level shall Extend twenty (20) foct beyond the east and west portals of the suhw.iy. From this level the approaches abali extend connfclkio with the present surface of street. Width between walla, of snbwav, tJG.O f-': Width of roadway, 42,0 fect So sub* Width of sidewalks, 12,0 feci each in fcubnay. Width of roadway and sidewalk* Sri West Fifty-sixth street outside, of the subway shall be the same m t]*ev now exist. .; The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and 0,5 of a foot above the, level of the crown of same. Two line* of post* may bo placed in sidewalk spaces immediately lurido the curb lines and one line of posts in t*ie center of the roadway to support girders. * Clear head»room, P10 feet
Subway in West Fifty-ninth street, 1 Mttder the tracks of the Pittsburg, Cio-; einaatJj, Chicago & -Loui-* Railway Company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Clu-caao Terminal Railroad Company. 'Street CS.O feet wife* The depreasioa of the street shall be. not more than 9.5 feet helow tlit; Sis'ie-i street grade-, making the elevation of the floor of the subway not less thau 12.0 feet above city datum. T-evf| floor «h»Il extend 50,0 feet beyond the east and we*t portals of the subway. From this level the approacbee shall extend on a grade of 3i> feet in 100 feet to a connection with the present surface of street The elevation of the curbs in the subway shall be not less than J2.S fe«*t above city datum. The curbs on the approaches shall extend from an elevation of 12.5 feet above city datum at the foot of approaches oo a grade parallel with thn surface of the roadway to "a connection with the c*t.'»M»«ri?J cwrb gradci, Width between walls of subway, 66.0 feet Width of roadway, 46 0 feet tn subway. Width of sidewalks, 10.0 feet e»ch ia 'ithwAVi. Width of roadway and sidewalks in West Fifty ainth Ahvcr. ow-nte of tlie-subway shall be the same a* they now
S3 IS I'.SVUVISIICO STSISESS. &>. r\i*t. Two Jim of p< As inay bfi placed (n sidewalk spaces immediately (aside the curb lines and one line of posts in j the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-roomj 13,5 feet
Subway in West Sixty-third street, under the track* of the Kttsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago ft St Louis Railway Company end- the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. (Street^. 83.0 feet wide.) The elevation of the floor of the sab-way shall be not less than 17.6 feet above city datum. Level floor shall extend 30.0 feet beyond the c-nst and west portals of the subway. 'From this level the. approaches shall extend on a. grade of not to exceed 3.5 feet »n 100 feet to a connection with the present surface of street. The elevation of the curbs hi the subway shall be not teas than IS.I feet above city datum. The euro? on the approaches shall extend from an e!cvattop of iSll feet above city datum at the foot of ap-preaches on a grade parallel with the. parfaee <>f the roadway to a connection with the established curb grade. Width bet* ecu wall* of subway, $3.0 feet Width of roadway, 48.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, I75 feet each in subway. '• Width of roadway snd sidewalks in West Sixty-third street outside: of the subway shall be the same as they now erfst. Two lines of posts may be placed in sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 13.5 fect
Subway in West .Sixty-fifth -street, under the tracks of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago ft St. Louis Railway Company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. (Street, CG.O feet wide). There shall be no deprcsaion of the street The -leva(ion of the floor of the subway shall be not less than 21,7 feet above city datum. Width between walls of subway, (ICO fect. Width of roadway, 42.0 feet in subway. Widtli of sidewalk*. 33,0 feci each tn suhway. Widt't of roadway and sidewalk* in W( Ht Sixty-fifth street outside of the subway shall be the same as they now exist. The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with ilw roadway and level with the crown of same. Two lines of post-? may be p!ae«d in sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to eupport girders. Clear head room. 13.1 feet.
Subway in Went Sixty-seveath street, under the track* of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati. Chicago «fc fct. Louts Railway company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chi cagu Terminal Railroad Compear. (Street, feet wide.) This sabwny shall be constructed of such diruenstoaa and according to such pUns as may b* agreed upon between the Ronth Park Comnmsiooers and tba Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago ft St. Louis Railway Company, and the Baltimore A Ohio Chicago 'Terminal Railroad Company.
Subway in VVeet Sixty-eight* street under the track* of the Pittabtirgb, Cincinnati, Chicago ft Sr. Louis Railway Company and the Baltimore ft Ohio Chicago* Terminal Railroad Company. (Street, 66.0 feet wide*. The elevation of the floor of the subway shall be not less than 22.3 feet above city datum. Width between walls of su-bwav. 66.0-feet. Width of roadway, 42,0 fect in subway. Width of sidewalks, l.S.O feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in-West Sixty-eighth street Outside of the subway shall be the same as they now exist. The elevation of sidewalks •hell be uniform. with the . roadway sod levef with the crown of same. Two lines-of posts way be placed In sidewalk
•> fU S»\f*V j I•'"•••} tl'KT *hiiS£ * \tcr> i >.') feet sri-yon:! the n.v:th au-5 south portal;* of *ut» -way. From tbi* fetvt iV apor-Mebe* st.ak| rafend »;»<;f vl,t to es-¦CM'd' ?i *i f«H i» 1W U .i warn tt.:on w-.t.h tiitf urgent aurtarp of street. Width between visjf* of suhwav, feet VVidth of roadway, 42.0 ft-et in 4uli-wj.y, Width of sidewalks, 11 J) feet eai'ii srt hub* ay. Width of roadway and sidewalk* in South Green strte't, outside of subway *hall tie the same as they now exist. The depression of sidewalk?) tduili br uniform with the roadway and 0.5 of a toot above the level of* the crown of same. Two line.* of po-.t.« may be pi iced • *o sidewalk spaces immediately ui«i:te the curb lines and one line of 'posts in the center of the roadway to ,9ujtp«rt girders. Clear head-room, I2,Q fect. . April \*M >. r-sr iMSfi» i spaces immediately huiide the curb tin^s ; and one Hup of posts in tt;e center of thn roud«ay to support gir.tcr*. Clear bead-roum, 12.0 frol.
Subway in YVint Sixty ninth street, under the tracks of the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago A. St. Louis Railway Company, aad the Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. (Street, $6.0 feet wide on the East and 73.0 feet wide ou the West.) The depression of the street shall be 5 35 feet below the established street grade, making the elevation Of the floor of the subway not tese than 19.I** feet above city datum. Level floor shall extend 30.0 feet be-ye*d the east and west portals of the sidbway. From this level the approaches shall extend on a grade of 3,5 feet in 100 feet to a connection with the present of street. The elevation of the curbs in the subway shall be not less than 19.65 feet above city datum. The curbs on the approaches shall extend from an elevation of not tee* than 19.65 feet above city dateiu at the foot of approaches on a grade parallel with the surface of roadway to a connection with the established curb grade-Width between walls of subway, 66.0 feet. Width of roadwey, 46.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 10,0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in West Sixty-ninth street outside of the subway shall be the same as they now exist. Two lines of posts may be placed In sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head room, 13.5 feet.
Svbway in South Green street, under the ISnglcwood Connecting Railway. (Street, 06.0 feet wide.) The depression of the street shall not W~mdre~~than~n).7 isra fo4Jt~below~ihe established street grade, making the elevation of the floor of the subway not toe* than 1S.0 feet above eity datum.
April 21 Wl. Subway To South Sangamon street, under the. iTiij'v-e-wood Connecting Railway. (Street. 00.O feet wide.) There shait he co depression of the street. The elevation of the floor of ifcc subway shall Hot be less than 14.0 fret above city datum. Width between wall? of subway; 66.0 feet W id tit of roadway, 4.2.0 Sect in silb->'ay. Width of sidewalks, 12.0 feet etfch in Width. Of roadway, and sidewalks in Soutli Sangamon street, outside of subway shall tee the same as they now exist. Tile elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with t!.e roadway and level with the crown of the same. Two lines of. posts may bet placed in sidewalk, spaces immediately iuside the curbilinee scd one Hinc of posts :n the center of the roadway to support girders. Cic»T- headroom. 12.0 feet.
Snbway io Sor.ih Jtforgsn street, under the Engicwood Connecting Railway., fStreet, 66.0 feet wide.) T£erc ?baJl be no depression of the street, the elevation of the floor of the st.b-vay shall not be less than 13.0 feet above city datum. Wtdth between wall* of subway,: 66.0 feet Witth of roadway, 42.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 12.0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in South Morgan street outside of subway stall 'lie- the same a-s they now exist. The- etevaf'&B of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and level with the crown of eame. Two lines of poets may be placed in sidewalk spaces:, im* media te!y -inside the curb lines and: one Isne of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Ciear head room, i2,0 feet.
Subway in South Carpenter street, underthe- Rngiewc<>d--GonneeUag 41nil*av-(Strcct. CCO feet wide.) The depression of the street shall not be more than 0,1 of a foot below the established street grado, making the elevation of the floor of tho au'owRy not less than 15.0 feet above city datum. Level floor shall extend 20.0 feet beyond the north end !*outh portal-* Of subway. From this level the approaches ¦shall extend on a grade of not to exceed 3.5 fcH in 100 feot to a connection with the present surface of street. Width between walls of subway, 63-0 feet. Width of roadway. 42.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 12.0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in South Carpenter street, outside of sub-wav shall be the same as they now exist The depression of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and level. w$th the crown of same Two lines of posts may be placed in sidewalk spaeee immediately inside the earb line* and one line of . poets ia the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 12.0 feet
Subway in Aberdeen street, under the Knglewood Connecting Railway, (Street, 66,0 feet wide.) There shall be no depression of the .-treei. The elevation of the floor of the subway shaft not be less than 1.4.7 feet above city datum. Width between walls of subway, 66.0 feet. Width of roadway, 42.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 12.0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in Aberdeen street outside of subway shall bf the same as they now exist. The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and level wtts ] the crown of same. Two lines of posts ! msy be placed in sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, .12.0 fect.
Subway in South May street, under _ the IQnglewood Connecting Railway. J i Street. 66.0 feet widel.
.April *», 10li i si-r *>);!;>
The?* shall In- no dei'm^skon ol ti:ic Street. The elcvnfion of the- floor of toe swbway *halt not he le*!» than 11$ feet above city datum. Width b«l««*n walte of Mibway, 60,0 feet Width of roadway-. t«?u feet in subway. Width of sidewalk*. 12.0 feet fach in aobway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in South May strevt, outside of subway shall ba tha same as they now exist. 5 The elevation of sklewalks shall be uniform, with the roadway and level with the crown of saute. Two linn Of poets nuvy be placed in sidewalk spaces iramedfeteiy laiide the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 520 feet.
Subway in South Center aveaue, under the TEngtewood Connecting Railway. (Street, W.O fect wide}. The depre&ftioa of the street shall not be mere than i t feet below the established street grade, making the elevn-tk»n of the floor of the subway not less than 13j feet above; city datum. Level floor shall extend 30.0 feet be- ' yoikd the north and south portals of : subway. From this level the approached shall extend on a grade of not to exceed S.S feet in 100 fret to a connect tioo with the present 4*rfaee of street. Width between wall* of subway, 600 feet. Width of roadway, ICO fect in subt way. t; Width of sidewalks, iO.O feet each in snbway. Width of roadway and sidewalk* in Sooth Center avenue outside of sub-; way shall be the same as they now exist. The depression of sidewalks sttalt be -uniform with the roadway, and 0.5 of a foot above the level of the crown of same. Two lives of posts may be placed, in sidewalk spares immediately inside, the curb lines and one line of posts in ¦the center of the roadway--to support girders. Clear head-room, I3.S feet. t».i >!?•*¦-».-. 3 ,',jl
Sui>e.jy in vaith I-.-l^a^et'i a:'C't tinder the Kng'ew^ d *'*'>¥.-."> tin? Railway. TIk-h- sJrjil ?>e t:o *V-j-r«>«.i?»n o* 'tho t»tm t. Tit.- <'leva f ion «f ttn floor of flie iiilrtiay shall .not to {c--s t::»n fcet above city datum. ^\tdth between w,Ul* of sirliwitv, r,f,o feet Width oi roadway. 4;i.C fret in sr»b-way. Width of. sidewalks-, ii.0 fact eae!; 0 subway Width of roadway and sidewalks in Sooth Elizabeth stret't outside of subway *hali be the same a* thev now exist. The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway sari !e*el with tiic crown of same. Two line* of posts may Ibe placed ifi sidewalk spaces immediately iniide t!:e curb 'in?* and one line of post* in t?*e center of the roadway to support girder?. Clear head-room, K<¦** feet,
Subway in Tbroop street under the finglewood Connecting Raliwav. f Street, CO.O feet wide). There shall be no depression of the street The elevation of the floor of the subway slia!) not; ie ?e«s than- t*.0 feet above'eity datum Width between walls of svbwav, 6*,0 feet Width of roadway. 42.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalk** l'.VO feci each ia subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in Tbroop street, out»:d« of -subway, shall be the same *n they cow exist. The elevation of sidrwalk? shall be uniform with the roadway and level with the crown of some. Two lines of post* may be placed in .viewalk spaces immediately inside tVie curb lines and one !>»e of post? in t!ie center of the roadway to »upport girder*. Clear head-room, 13.0 feet
Subway in >'cuth Ada street, under the Enplewood Connecting .Railway. .(Street •'•0.0. feet wilel. "_. There M:all ^e 00 depression of the st'eet.' The i-b'vatton of the flocr of
A.»fil 22, IM12. tfce subway shuti rtot be less tba-n 1*.0 fect above'eity datum. Width between walls of subway, 66.0 f.;vt; Width o? roadway, 42.0 fect in sub-Way. Width of s-dctvctlk3. 12.0 fect each in subway Width of wtadway and sidewalks in Soufi Ada street, outside of subway, shall be the. same as itiey now exist. The elevation oi sidewalk* •shall' be uniform with the roadway and level with, the -crown, of sa.iae. Two line* of i posts may be placed In sidewalk spaces jj immediately inside the curb line** and j one line o;' posts in the contcT of :the j .roadway to support gtrdeie. j| Clear hca J-room, 13.0 feet, > - ,i Subway in f.oomte street, under the "j Engiewood Connecting Railway. {Street, jj GO.O fect wide). ,1 Tbia subway shall be constructed of i such dimensions and according to such \ plans as may be agreed upon between 3 the South Park Commissioners and the \ Bogle wood Congesting Railway. | Subway in Bishop street, under the !( Englewood Connecting Hail way. (Street, i GG.O fect wide). | There shali be no depression of the | street. The elevation of the floor of r; the subway shall be not less than 14.5 I feet above city datum. I Width between walla of subway, 63.0 i, feet. | Width of roadway, 42.0 feet in sub- j way. j Width of sidewalks, 12.0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalk* in Bishop street, outside of subway, shall j; be the same as they now cxSst i The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and level with the crown of same. Two lines of posts may be placed in sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 32.0 feet.
Subway in Laflin street, under the Knglewood Connecting Railway. (Street, GG.O feci wide). There ahull hi* no rifprc^-don oi toe street Tho elevation of the floor of the subway atiall not be les> than 13.3 feet above city datum. Width between walls of subway. C6.0 feet. Width of roadway, 42.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 12,0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in Laflin street, outside of subway, shall be the same as they now ex'sst The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and level with the crown of same. Two lines of posts may be placed in sidewalk space* immediately inside the curb line* and o*e line of posts to the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 13.6 feet.
Subway la -Justine street, und?r the Engktwood Connecting Railway. (Street, 66.6 feet wide). There shall be no depression of the Street Tho elevation of the floor of the subway shall not be less than 14.0 feet above city datum. Width between walls of subway, M.0 feet Width of roadway, 42.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewaike, 12.0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks »« Justine street, outside of subway, shall be the same as they now exist. The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and level with the crown of same. Two lines of posts may be placed is sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb line* and one line of pros in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head*roou>. 13.0 feet. Subway in South Ashland avenue, under the fenglewood Connecting Railway. (Street, 80.0 feet wide). The depression of the street shall not be more than 13 feet below the estab- lished street grade, making the eleva- tion of the floor of the subway not less than 13;^ feet above city datum. T-cvel floor shall extend 30.0 feet beyond the north and south portals of
April 22, 1B12, subway. from this lpvr-1 the approaches shall extend, on u grade of not to exceed 3.5 feet in 100 feet to a connection with the present surface of street. Width between walls of subway, 30.0 feet. Width of roadway, 4S.0 fect in subway. Width of sidewalks, 15.0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in South Ashland avenue, outside of sob-way, shall be the same as they now exist. The depression of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and 0.5 of a. foot above the level of the crown of same. Two lines of poets may be placed is sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support girders. Clear head-room, 13.5 feet
Sabway in South Paulina street, under the Engtewood Connecting Railway. (Street, 66*0 feet wide). There shall be no depression of toe Street. The elevation of the floor of the subway shall not be Ices than 13 5 feet shore city datum. Width between walla of subway, 66.0 fast. Width of roadway, 43.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, I2.v fect each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in South Ifaulie* street, outside of subway, shall be the same as they now exist. The elevation of sidewalks shall be uniform with the roadway and level with the crown of same. Two lines of posts may be placed to sidewalk spaeee immediately inside the curb lines, and one line of poets in the eenter of the roadwey to support girders. Clear head-room, 13.5 feet.
Subway in South Wood street, under the KBglewood Connecting Railway. (Street, 66.0 feet wide). There shall be no depression of the street Tbe elevatiou of the floor of tie suhMiy "»>»»!.; not W \v.*-i ihnti J if) fret above city <( ti'iiii. Width bctweeu walls of subway, Width os roadway, 4'.VJ fret ir; subway. . Width of sidewalks, J2.f> j'^ t1it^ ,„ subway. Width of roadway and sdewa'ks in i>ouif: Wood street, outside of subway, shall he the same as they now eslst The elevation of sidewalk* shall be uniform, with the roadway and level with tiie crown of same. Two lines of poets may be placed in sidewalk space* immediately inside tbe eurb line* aad one line of posts in the renter of the roadway to support girders. Clear acid-room. 13.5 feet.
Subway in South Honor* street, under the Khglewood Connecting ftuiway. (Street, 66.0 feet wide). There shall be no depression of the Struct. Tbe elevation of the floor of tbe subway shall be not tees than 15.0 feet above city datum. Width between walls of subway. 66.0 feet. Width of roadway, 42.0 feet in subway. Width of atdewsiks, 12.0 feet eTh in subway. Width of roadway sad sidewalks in . South Honor* street outside of the subway, shall be the same a* they now exist The elevation of eurb* *VaH f«c uniform with the roadway and level with the crowo of same. Two lines of posts may be placed in sidewalk space* immediately inside the curb tines and one line of posts in the center of the roadway to support the girders. Clear head-room, 12.0 fe*t
Subway in South. Lincoln street un der the Englewood Coasectiag Railway. (Street, 66.0 feet wide). There shall be oo depression of the street The elevation of the floor of the subway, shall jnot be leas than 13J5 feet above, city datum. Width between walls of subway, 66.0 feet.
iwfaJSis urn r.v srxKS-s. WUltu oi roadway, 42.0 fect in sub* way. Width of a'dc-walka 12.0 fect each In «yl>way. VViiiltl* of roadway and sidewalks in South J.incnln street, outside of the subway. fehaH fcc the same .as they now exist The elevation of sidewalks shall bo uniform with Be roadway and level with the-crown of same. Two lines of pests may bo placed in sidewalk spaces immediately inside the curb lines and one line oi pests in the center of the roadwaj* to support girders. Clear head-room, 12.0 feet.
f?ul>way in .South Winchester avenue, under the Kngtewood Connecting: Railway. 4.Street, 66.0 feet wide). There sll.i.1} be no depression of the street. The- elevation of the floor of the subway shall not be. less than 16.0 feet above city datum. Width between walls of subway, 66.0 fect. Width of roadway, 42J) feet in subway. Width of sidewalk*, 12.0 feet each in subway. Wttltt'i of roadway and sidewalks in South Winchester avenue outside of the subway, shall be the same as they now exist. The elevation of the curbs stall be oiiiform with the roadway and level with tbe crown of same. Two lines of posts may be placed in the sidewalk sv».»e*s iu;imdi,itp}y inside the curb: lines ami one tine of post* in the center of the roadway to support the girder*. Clear bead-room, 12,0 feet.
Subway in South Kobey street, under the Enijlewood Connecting "Railway. ^Street, CC.O feet wide). The depression of the. street shall not he more than 3,0 feet 1>elow the established street, grade, making tbe elevation of. the floor of the subway not less than 15.0 fect above city datum. Level floor shall extend 30.0 feet beyond tin.' north and south portals of subway. From this level the approaches -ehall-extend- on a-grade -of--not to-«x~ -cced 3»> foot in 100 feet to a connection with the present surface of street Width between walls of subway, 66-0 feet Width of roadway, 46.0 feet in subway. Width of sidewalks, 10,0 feet each in subway. Width of roadway and sidewalks in South Kobey street, outside of subway, aha 11 be the same as they now exist The depression of sidewalks 3hall be uniform with the roadway and 0.5 of a foot above, the level of the crown of same, Two lines of posts may be pleeed* in sidewalk spaces hrunedietely inside the curb lines and one line of posts 1st the center of the street to support girders. Clear head-room. 13.5 feet
Passageway in South Koyne aveooe. under the tracks of the Kaglewood Coe-n^ctlng Railway. The ceater line of the subway shall be 3 feet w«*t of the east iiae of 'Hdyue avenue. ? Passageway, .10.0 feet wide). The elevation of the floor of the subway shall be 17.5 feet above city datum. Clear head-room, 9.0 feet. . A concrete sidewalk sloped so as to I drain properly shall be laid Wi the suk-! way.
SKCriOX 4b. That the grade e€ a,U ; the streets and avenues In which any \ subways and approaches, ore to be twu'lt ! in accordance with the provision* of this i ordinance, shall be and the same aire i. hereby changed so as. to con form to the ' grades of such subways aad eppre*ejws I as they shall be depressed pursosjit to ( the provisions of this ordinance, aad tlw ' grade of all plaited streets and alley* 1 that intersect the approaches to sub-I ways as described in Section 4a of this \ ordinance shall be depressed so as to conform to the grade of the approaehes : into said subways and shall in all re-I spects be considered a portion of said '¦ approaches. Section 4c In the several subways provided for in this ordinance vertical curves shall Ik constructed where the ends of the approaehes to said subways -connect at- the- top with the present -grade of tbe. streets and at the bottom with the level grades of the subway
April sS, l«M2. i \» 'sis»{ny m s;>»'¦>'-:• floor* specified hereinbefore in Section 4ft of this ordinance. At, the hesd of each end every ap? proaeh the vertical curve shell extend not lee* than twenty (20) fect each side of tho intersection between the grade of the approach and the lovel grade of the present street. At th* f.i)M- of each and every approach the vertical curve saall extend not leas than twenty (20) feet each side of the intersection be* tween the grade of the approach and the level grade of the floor of the subway. Suction 5. Paragraph l. Thai all each excavations alia 11 be made in the street* as may be required in complying with the provisions of this ordinance. But the excavated portions of the streets shall be restored to serviceable condition for the use of the public as soon as practicable, and all water pipes, eon-dans, sewers, and other similar substructures belonging to the city that may be disturbed by such excavation^ or toqetred to be moved or deflected from the position in which they are fowad shall be replaced or suitable expedients and arrangements shall be de« vised and provided to restore them in all respects to their former state oj nseiutaess, but the gradients of f,hi sewers shall not be reduced in any event. All excavations that shall be made', within the limits of the subways and beneath the sub-grade of the same, prior to the paving of the subways, shall be baek filled with sand, grav*!, or cinders and flooded or tamped in such manner as to assure the full settlement of, such back filling before the pavement is laid. Provided, however, that if in the construction of any of such subways and. approaches it. may become necessary to disturb, remove or destroy any pipes., conduit*, wires or other property be* kmgrne to any private corporation or tndlvklua], said rai.road and railway eempsuies shall not be required to assume any of the expense thereof or carnages thereto, and the City of Chisago will secure to said railway and railroad companies the free and uninterrupted right to prosecute their said work and will save *aid railroad and railway eonipanie? harmless from any, end all claims, demands and suits arts-in.g tlinr*frwm «rirf alt damage* which may be recovered from suits. Paragraph 8. All overhead wire* or cable* crossing the proposed elevated.;. track* of the rc«|'eci»vi- f<}m|'<>ft-» - '". »: tiuiH>d in thi*. ord»t>ai»er »i<:i tie cipliM'i of wire.? hel"t;gi«g t.i? t»-e t'ny of Chicago -hjll he s.spiwH of as the ¦sole evpen*r. of the pcr-wmsj r^ro^ujfirs or corporatior* owftirg them i:» t::e ?<;!-lowing manner: The railway aril r.» Irojil ciiW'/ariit"* herein mentioned shall give U'i'«'»n i? I-noticc in writing, to the owner nr >Wf> era of any wire or wires eros*iny "t!i«* proposed ele»4te-.l roadbed a* aforesaid. U> remove or elwnge the location of .said wire* a» hereinafter provided: and in canim:-i-ii«>n-er of PuM:> Work* of the City of Chicago in writing, of the- character aad lorat/on of the wires the ownership of which they ar«- unable to ascertain, and the Commi»«ionrr of Puh!i,; Work? Ahafl thereupon in torn be served on *-n. owner or owuer* of said wins and in ease- said, Cvmws-, stoner of Public Works sha^l be "unable to ascertain the ownership of the wire* designated in said not fee served by said railway or railroad companies, as aforesaid, »?c shall dispose of said wires in a manner not to rnterff re w*th the work of said railway and railroad companies. Promptly after the reoeipt of any notice afomaid, from the railway or railroad companies, or said Commissioner of Public Works, the owner or owners of said wires shall place them and ttie poles earryiwg the >anie. temporarily, in such a position aa to insure proper and safe, clearance from the construction and equipment of the railway sod railroad companies and to so continue them in such temporary condition until such time as the construction work of sad I. railway and railrud wrspanle? his reached sne'h a stage that the wires can be run underneath" the roadbed and the tracks of said companies in conduits, the nr«**ary eonserd:* being properly *ecuiert„ or to pas* them Cftroutfh the subWitys provided for in th <* orilmao in the event that it is t conduits, said coo d nit* s!ia)l he entirely completed, inriudmg at? ecc-eswiry manhole*. prJOr to the time, tke •aid Vompaue* begin the work of j;av-
i ,vi-iMVJl.i> t:t.-!\i->T inp the subways and approaehes. In the ercut, however, that the person or l^rrsoii*. corporation or corporations, t a;.* th> Avi re* afore^'iid, h\ r. imply "tig with the provisions of this paragraph, elect to string said tv-irea on the uesli'rs;de of the bridge structure* supporting the track* oi said railway and nti' companies the said wires shall be strung in a manner to be agreed upon between said o«vntr or owners and said railway and railroad companies; and in ca?e said owner or owners and said rail' way arid railroad companies- shall in any jiiMarife faiii to agree in that particular, sa;d wires shall be strung on the underside, of the tirtttgo structure supporting the tracks of said railway and railroad companies in such manner as the Coni-ntirttoner of Public Works of the City of Chicago ?liall direct; provided, how-over, that in no ease shall more than two (2) trolley wires be strung in any subway through which street railways pass. Ail overhead wires or cables belonging- to the City of Chicago which cross tiio proposed elevated roadbed and tracks oi the rsiiway and railroad companies mentioned in this ordinance, shall be disposed of in: One of the manners here-inbefore provided, as the Commissioner of Ihiblic Wonts mav direct; b«t at the sole expeuse of the company whose tricks said wires may crOss- Srctkht 0. VsrigRiph t. Thiit pro* vision sKall be made for the drainage of the several subway* wherever toe streets ore depressed, as provided for in this ordinance by the construction1 of receiving to*in$ properly located in or immediately adjacent to said sui»w*ys, which said receiving basins shall be connected with and discharge their content-5) into the adjacent city sewers. In esse the lowest point of tbe surface of any of such subways where the streets are depressed, a3 provided for in this ordinance, should be below the grade neces<»ary to make proper connection with the. adjacent sewer, eome other adequate meant of drainage sbsll be devised and provided by said railroad and railway companies at their expense. Adequate provision shall be made at each of the subways provided for in _thi3._arduiancc--ta_preient-*torm--water-from flowing over the copings and around the ends of abutments upon the sidewalks. I'aragrnph 2. Any sewers or water mains lying below the surface of such streets as are not provided with subways tinder the term* of this ordinance, . but which sewers or water mains pace under the tracks of said railroad and railway companies mentioned in this ordinance, shall be adequately protected by said companies by constructing over them arches of brick or concrete sufficiently strong to bear tbe loads of the proposed superimposed embankment. Section 7. Paragraph 1. That tbe subways and the approaches thereto shall be constructed, by said companies within the are* to be covered by said subways and the approaehes thereto in | each of said streets and avenues aiore-\ said, so as to conform to the following I structural requirements: The roadways j in subways shall be paved with So. 8 | granite block of standard quality and - workmanship, laid at right angles with ' the curb tines and set trpo* a selid foam-'* dation of Portland cedent eonerete sot I less than six (5) inches thick or deep i when solidly tamped is pUwsf and Oth-f erwvje finished and properly crowned :: ready for the graaite block wearing Burs'' fare between which aad the concrete i there shall be interposed a layer of I screened sand not less than one-half iswh thick. The curbs and sidewalks In s«'b-ways shall be eonatnteted. with Portland cement concrete of standard quality and workmanship, and with the road- ) * way paving shall be made, finished and put in permanent place In aceerdaace with the standard spedflcatton* of the | City of Chicago. I Wherever streets are depressed in aub-i ways, the approaches thereto add the ¦ sidewalk.* on said approaches shall be ; paved and construeted »» the like manner as provided for paving and constructing the same In subways. (Said companies shall guarantee the improvement herein specified to he free from all defects end to restate ia continuous good order for a period of ten years from and after the completion and acceptance by the city. Said companies shall, without cost or charge to the city, keep and maintain tucb improvement in such order and condition : during said ptriod as shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of f'ubire .Works, of the Gty-cd C5Wc*gcv ordinary wear excepted, socb keeping and maintaining to include all repairs or the entire reconstruction of the improvement
l M IM-Ml.l l'.t St>ivwhen the necessity shall in the gfidgnient of «*id Commissioner of Public Work1* he occasioned by or through the a*e of fsully or inferior material or workmanship; aad conditioned further, that if said company or eompanie* »hn!l (Or a period of ten (10} day* after being notified by seid Commissioner of Public Works to repair said improvement*, fail, neglect or refuse to make such rejNuirs, is* CHy of Chicago may make Nothing herein contained shall be held or construed to require said companies to repair or reconstruct any improvement herein specific*! which after its completion and acceptance it shall become necessary to re|»air or reconstruct by reason of aity person laying or repairing any sewer, gas. water or other { ipe or conduit under a permit issued y the ejsy. Paragraph 8. Said companies shall pav* the entire length and width of the roadway In snch portton-t of the surmay* aad approaches as are required to n* conttrswicd by said companies, except that such companies shell not be required to pave any portion of tbe subways or approaches to be occupied by or which- are adjacent to street railway tracks, which by reason of existing laws or ordinances it will be the duty of any street railway company oar other corporation to nnve. Paragraph 3. Any street railway company or companies, occupying any of the streets in the City of Chicago crossed by said proposed elevated roadbed and tracks of said companies shall, whan and S3 the grade of such street shall be changed as in tbit. ordinance provided, at its own expense, without claim for damages, conform the grade of tt* track or tracks to the said change of grade of said streets, and nothing in this ordinance contained shall operate or be held to relieve any such street railway companies from any liability now existing, however created, to re"-aKgn its or their track or tracks, to exeavato or pave or bear the expense of realigning its or their track or tracks, or excavating or paving the subways and approaches between or on the outside of the rafls, of its tracks^ nnd, fur* ISe/nRe provision $liair~be "consTrued as including the excavation ami paving of afl the area within the inside rails of 4.i'J 'trect riilttay nark"* in *.»::.} iM;?i wayj ;«nd on «.iwl »pt'i--u-?h;-.-. • ¦¦ \t• •? by r<'*»t/n bf tl/*" *pr.:j'J of -ihl ^if ^- t railway track* er and i&f* ekarano* from tin p©pqrt?».sr tt<- hr.'dgt -orr> bij> rhvar>i? v* m ' tr*rk« of Mid railway »»1 radroi 1 o»jmu-jMniParagraph 4. Nothing in this r.rh-nanre contained sUall t* so oon->tu»ff a:* t«> require the, said railway *n>i r»d • road companies to .ntunK or pay am damagvs to adjacent or a .butting* property caused by the passage and enftir *-meut of this ordinance, or by the et«nion or shange of grade made in any of the puMic avenue*, *treei« or alleys* or l.y the elevation of the roadlied'aad tricks of said rai;nay and railroad companies ai herein required to be eloateJ, or to defend any suit or suit* which may be brought by or against any party or par-tiet for the recovery of "any such daar »ges; but. for and in coai'deration of the a-reemeut by said railway and railroad companies to do and perform all the-obligation? iinpoiiptl upon it by this ordinance, all such damages, if* there he any. will be adjusted and paid fcv the City of Chicago and said City 0/ Chi-e»K\ »-ill ».««imp the nh»fmi*-' of am anl all suit)* brought for the movery of the >ame, intervening therein if rw-e-*ary for the purpow, and will wholly reliev? said railway and railroad companies from defending the same and wil- *s» *ume and pay all judgments recovered therein, provided, however, that -saM companies shall 1>e li*!»;e for vu-'i dsn* age* a* may ari«e from the negligent performance* by said company or companies of any of the obligations imposed by this ordinance, and fortlier provided, however, that the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company agrees to indemnify and *av* harmless tbe City of t htwro from any and all lawful claim or claims of »i»v kind or character that can or may be made on account of loss, damage or injury to property contiguous to the right of way of *aid railroad, by reason of tbe-vacation of streets nnd alleys as here-tn~prwiu'ed"OT-by—reason of the cou--struction of the subway and spproacbes st West 50th street,
April 22, 1012. a! stipulations in this paragraph contained arc, however,, made iipon i-hc condition, precedent that in case, any suit he brought agnk'st ».wd company or eouipauies, said eotnpUuy or com-jiardes hi;J, providing it !};>> been Served wit'i proper .summons, at least iivc 35} days before the return day of tie- aammona therein, give notice in writing, of such suit and of suih scrv-h<- t.) the. Ma\or and *f V>>«'|K>rUtir>r» OMsoseJ? of said City of Chicago for; the purpose or" enabling- such defense to be mudc by. tbe city. Paragraph 5„ The said railway and railroad companies and any contractor £;fup:oyeJ by it or them, in the execution work hereiii required to be done, shf.'.H J>ii\i' the right i»t the perforata wii oi' such work, to "take water fro.'rt the public water system, of said city and to u-i the time ia such work tree oi all oiijfisi or expense. 'S&fliox s Tliat permission and authority are hereby given to said rail-way ani raiSrojd com panics whenever the same shall be necessary in the f-rOsaeolton ct the work they are herein &;t horned or ¦reqiiired to perform; to Obstruct temporarily any public street* avenue or alley, to such extent and for *"Jth length of turn as may be approved by the CofliBiLssioncr of 1'ublic Works; and they are a**o hereby authorised whenever the same shali be necessary, to erect and maintain temporary tracks, structures and false- work in any of *aid streets and avenues during the construction of their said elevated railroad, subject to the approval Of said Commissioner of Public Works, icerio.T 0. Noshing ia this ordinance named or contained alfa!l be so wrtsttued :u- to prevent sold railway an») i.-xilrn-ul fompaniei from locating and con i tract-injr the abutments which form the walls of the subway at stiff icicut distance tack from lt«> hoild^ng or lot line of the streets, ltiu?evard3 or avenues, for tho purpose-' of constructing and main-taiiiing in the spaces or reeesie* so left between eaid abutments and said build-ing- I'nca. station buildings, with all riec-«s*;i.ry waiting room5, and ticket offices or other building* fronting on said streets, boulevards or avenues, uniform •with the said building lines thereof and -entirely—withth—the—lines limiting- and-bounding the right of way of 3aid railway and railroad ouinpanics, and for the further psirpose of constructing ami innintaiu'og within .tald lines stairways and approaches leading to and from said elation building* to tbe slcvated platform and track,* *bo*c the sAiae for the .Mtimumidnlion and convenience of the pa-s*eng*r traffic of said cooapuDiee', or r<.r any other purposes in connection with the efficient maintenance and operation of the fines. s-ttcTiox 10. That when the said railway and railroad companies shall have derated their roadbeds and tracks in ac-<«rdance With the provisions of this ordinance so that the same shall be ready (or use and so accepted by tbe Commissioner of Public >v orks of the City of Chicago, then and thereupon all provisions of the ordinance of the City of Chicago relating to the speed of railway trains in* length of trains, the number of ears to constitute n. train, and the nuuiitenance of gates, flagmen, watchmen, signal* aad signal towers, and the ringing of bells shall cease to lie applicable to said railway a ad railroad companies. Provided, however, tbi3 ordinance at not to be construed as a waiver or surrender by the City of Chicago of any of its police powers or of the right at a ay time hereafter to pass nectisary and "reasonable police ordinances m relation to the matters last above enumerated- Attar soeb elevation it shall be unlawful for any' person or persons ->»ve. employes of said companies ia the: discharge of their duties to eater or be ayou or to watk across or along the said elevated structure ot roadway at any place. The railway aiid railroad companies art*, hereby required to light tbe subways providstd for in Section. 4a of thia ordinance i« the manner prescribed by ordinances now in fore** or that may hereafter be passed and in fore* relative to the lighting of railroad crossings. Section It. la consideration of the acreptanee of this ordinaoee by the Pittsburgh. C*ociufl*Cf, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, the ISugte-wood Connecting Railway Company, tbe Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Termiasl Railroad Company, the Union Steak Yard aad Transit Ooaipeity of Chicago, and the Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company, Leasee, end of the agreement br said companies to do and yef foFm-a*fl--tlse-H3hligat»oi}e--imposed--sppm---thent by this ordinance, the City of Chicago agrees that upon the. lines of railway hereinbefore described, namely: The
April £2, 1012. Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway *"id the .JJalliroorH and Ohio Oticego Terminal FUriroud, between Western avenue boulevard on the north and West Sixty-ninth »treet on tho south; the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago, and the Chicago River and Indiana Railroad, Leasee, between West Forty-third street on the north sod the south line of West Forty-ninth street on the south, and the £ngiewood Connecting Railway between Sooth Halsted street on the- east and' the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St, Louis Railway on the wwt, tf it shall at any time require a crossing or eroseiags at any street or streets, avenue or avenues, publicway or public-ways, for which no subway* is, <»c subways are, provided In the schedule of subways contained in this ordinance, or shall open, lay ont or extend any street or streets, avenue or avenue*/ public-way or publieways, across the rights of way of said companies within the limits above mentioned in this section, such crossing or crossings shall be made by a subway or subways only, and no claim for compensatiou oo account of )antf taken for right of way of said street or streets, avenue or avenue", publicway or publieways shall be made by said company or compaaie? who»e right of way or rights of way is or are to be crossed, and *uch waiver of compensation shall attach to had run with s«c« land id the hands of any grantee or grantees of said railway or railroad company or companies. The provision of thia section, including she waiver of compensation for land taken for a street or streets shall apply only to laud actually used or occupied for a railway right of way at the time of the opening of any such street or streets, avenue or avenues, publicway or publieways. But the sole cost and' expense of the construction of auch sub-"way or subways and of such bridge or bridges as may be necessary to carry all the tracks on said companies' rights of way shall be borne and paid for by the City of Chicago without expense to said tail way and railroad companies mentioned ia this ordinance; and in no esse ahavll any such subway or subways, bridge or bridges, so to be built be inferior in any respect to tbe bridges and -subway* to- be bu tit- by the-railway and--raUroad comjinuics across streets provided for in this ordinance. The work of such construction shall |;e doiii- t>y tJ;c railway o* ra:l; ul e#»m-> j.ariy. or (orogenies, intereiUed a«d the amount to l»e paid by tne city for *u.-;i work and. construction sheil not K«f.l the actual and rea>on;>bto <.o.-t thereof, ijatd .bridges, respectively, a'anH sapp-jrt all the truck;* of .*aid company or eottt-P*n:e? then existing anl in me across the finest of such proposed street »>r streets at the time of tin; cotistractia.i of such subway ucrans «u!i» right of way or yards o£ said railway or railroad company, or companies Uut the n»r aol.*, first shall have lieen paid over to *aUl tom-pany, or rampant*% or dep*»attfd in mmt responsible bank: for its or their benefit and to be paid over to it or them at amy upon the completion of a;iM woik. Toa* grade of the roadbed * and track,? of said company, or companSe*, shall V and remain at tne trrade hereinbefore spee;-fied. SMTnox Vi Paragraph 1 list lite railway and railroad compamejf shall begin the achat work of con*tructton not later than .famtary 1. I9t<% anj sfcal? diligently projectile the same t;> e<-?r,-plr tifin and staU folly and f in'.ly com* plpte the work of elevating their trx:** as by this ordinance provided by i>e» ccmbtr 31. ISIS., ank-ss prevented by. ¦strike «r strikes, riot or ttet*. ot c?.L»r catwe in tOts -ordtn-Jtrteg specified, or »e» strained by injunction or other ordr-r or process of a court of competect. jurisdiction. The time- during wl;Mt akt'l be delayed iii the | KecTiorr 13. 3" bat all the work here* ftibeforc required to be done by said railway and railroad companies upon or in connection with the public avenue* and streets of the city, shall be done and performed under the superintendence and subject to the inspection and ftp-prisval of the Commi«io»ier of Pxtblic Works of the City of Chicago, without charge for the same. At least ten ?t0) days prior to the commencement of any part of such work the plans and specifications therefor shall be submitted to said Commissioner Of Public Works for hi? examination, and i" found to be in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, in so far as thi* ordinance contains specific provisions, if they shall be satisfactory to tho Commissioner of Public Work*, in regard to matters and details which by this -ordinanee are left to his discretion and judgment, such plana shall be, approved by him and after such approval all of the work outlined and included therein shall be constructed is strict conformity thcrcwitn, Said plans to be known as* "Filing plans/' shall embody: First: A general plan or exhibit on a scale of one. inch equals one hundred feet, of all right of way, tracks and appurtenances as they exist at the time work under this ordinance is begun within tho limits prescribed by this ordinance. Second: A general plan or exhibit, on a scale of one inch equal* one biny drcd fect. of all right of way, tracks, retaining walls, abutment?, fences and «ppti»l«oano(A as it f«t proposed to e<- UlflHn I hem in cotnpiviiig with the pro-vi--.;orH of this ordinanw*. Third. A detail drawing or exhibit of each qiittway provided for in this ordinance whose outside dimensions ahall he twenty (£01 inches in width by thir-ty-aix ;'I61 inches in length, boid detail drawing shall each embody the following features; **¦> A plan, on a scale oi one ines equals twenty (20/1 feet of the subway, showing the number of tracks to he constructed across the street, the abutments, the end of the retaining w«l!#, the location of the portals of the bridge superstructure and tbe columns to (iupprtrt same, the limits of the level fh«f»r of the subway measured from the bridge superstructure and from the nearest lot line to each end of the leva) Moor of subway, (the reference to the nearest lot line iii each case to 'he to the ¦nearest foot* the length of eseh approach to the subway, the widths of roadway and sidewalks, both In rufc-way and on tbe approaches, drainage provisions, all undcrgroend revisions aad improvement's street car lines, wkwre they ester, et cetera; >b> A cross section of the snbway showing the dimensions of the subway specified iii Section -ta. the elevation of the floor of the subway at the crown of same, the amount of crow* of the roadway at estchbaem*. the elevation of eurbe, the rate of slope of the aide-walks, »U underground revieiowe a*d improvements, et cetera; (e? A longitudinal -wtkm of the seaway and the approaches thereto, showing the elevation and grade of the crown of the Subway floor* and of the bridge superstrticture. the vertical curve? eott-necting tile level floor of the. subways, and the. original grade Of the street, with the incline oi the approaches, the length of the approaches, all underground revisions and improvements'. fd> Kach subway drawing to bear in the title the date of passage of thh* ordinance: (e) Blank spscej for signatures of the following city officers in the drder listed: Engineer of Track Elevation. - Commissioner of Track filovatiorf.— Engineer of Streets. Stiperiatendent of Streets.
April ±t. IVIS.
Hagimter of tbe Board of l.ota! I'm- |: \\. >',) of trie N^i Hi< Si \ i , jtrovemeaU. * j. '»j of SVx-non nter-n «»: . 'I(t-*a'. Saperintaudent of Sewers. I »'»*F> thirty-»dglii f>i X».rt*t. lUoye £»gt»e»r Water Pipe F.*temion. Fourteen Mtl, east of the Thir,! "4o j , Tl- ' ,,. . i * ruu'pal Meridian. »i. ;i aflrv* as<> f ,».- RupenfltetieVnt Water Pipe hatetwon. UtCr Ascribed a. City Engineer, f Th() n0rtf| an-i ,fr,tf, i U y rtw,en Cotumiseieoer of Pubhe Works, | .Vwrdcen street anj May 4tiecr ;hn SaOfiiaaf 14. That Um* ordioance shall [faith line of Wen lit-v^Mi street be Wndtutg la all it? term*. fo»j;ti«»n.s .', to the north line of Weat Fifty-ninth and requirements upon, and inure to { ;'H| Oe regee^ Ueaeea, ******* »mi as- \ Thv flrtrth ur(l b,,^ eigne of the Mttsbnrgh, CtnaaihUi, C!»- ^ ilHy atfeM »„,, (>t|tf r it.fou; ,rom , ZfJ^f SV,^"* ^tway Comfuiny }a.o„ift of West rtftv^shih •treet ^«,^;f ?-ST5.S5 J ™* UB* 0f W«* Fifty-ninth Terminal Rsttrcad Company, the Union I Stock Yard sad Transit Company of >v n'Chicago, aad the Chicago Hirer andIn- t,eiaaa Railroad Company. Le«ee, to the r';'V. l>ne ot We*- r ttv ¦ •L'-.-»:i same effect and with like purpose as stl'«i tn tUv aorta of i:*. ioV^.f-though ssM lessees, sneeessors and a•irt,"r- | Also the alley* ia fhr. Snow-Jet?'* . Shoto* 15- That the railway and ] divi-jina of the soitthwrit ^narrer t& iwilreed companies required by this or- S o' the w>iC>ve«t quarter iX. deasAee to elevate their tracks shall do 2 W"- ' »* of Section sevcntfei* it?'. Town- the work of elevating iheir track? and % *h«p: tTurfy-cigM rUftge su«h other work in aeeor«la,aee. with the yj fo»n«en 'tiff. e*>t (>t ti»- Ibtrl terms hereof, in apt aad proper rune. ' Principal Mend.<*rt. Aaid alley* be>J?g fur ShouM said compaoy. or companies, fail )' ther ffe*cri}?e*t a» follow*: w aegieet so to prosccnte their work, j tlie north and sfttitft *|Vv Nf*fen the CwnuwiesioneT of public Works sliall ;< humm itreet aad Bishop *treet from bave «j|d is hereby given the right, ; the south line ot Wen 1 iity e<»bt3) •wwex and anthomy to give to said • street to the north line ot tie ran '"and COJapany or companies, ten (10) days' f west afley between the right of way notke ia writing to proaccate such work. > the Knglewood Conaetting Ri.Iwav t'oas- K after the espiratkni of the time men- j psny and West street; t1»a«d tn said notice, said company or ; , * eoatpantee shell fall or neglect to com- j UI\l,, "f"*'1 »»* ,*»"»h *, r-r ,N«wce» pry w*th saifi notice, the Commrsaioner Bi«op »tre*t and Ufl.n street irom toe of Patorie Work, may take charge of .y-"*h b« «f Um l-iity-e^hth street to and ea««e the work herein required bv « !he "^ of the irul w^.t a>y said couepany or compames to be doni. ! the right of way »J t !r FagTe- to be peTfrraied. **d thefe»,>»m the ex- ^whng R».«?w»v t omn.ny a S | The north and sfiuU, all^y t^iween -lri*t jir iftecet and A^Utisd avenue from th»> <.ourh line c-f Wtht l^ty-^ighth street to the nortlj of We*t fifty-.ninth Mrwt; and WinautAS, the ends of certain other aiieya abtitt;ng on or rnnisinp tt'e rfafct nf- «r.iy or the Kngtcv^iwd i^ennrrrtirsg-fjailway Company are to be closed ts> tlie pubfic by re*»oit <*f the co.'!*tro>> pesse thereof eh»|| be charged to iuch n,,Of Chiecfo In an action of assumpsit tier the amount ao exptnde*!. Section 16. Whereas, certain alleys are legally open and platted across, the right of way of the Eoglewood Connecting Railway Company at the time ot the passage of this ordinance, namely; The: Twfl«~a^ Ourthy's Subdivision of tbe'*e>t half (W. %) of the Southwest quarter (S.
April it 1*>L* t:on of ths elevated emi>ankmeut3 and | rctaioiu;; Wilis oi said railway company, { .vitich lillcyj arc described as ioliow*: J Tiie florin atui witth alley between . tTaCnted street aal Often street from ' the soot it Juso of West Fifty-eighth street to the north tmc of the right of !' way ©f the £n«lcwood Connecting Ua>-- j way Company. j The north an;l south alley between , Green street and Peoria street from ; the soiUii !ir:e of West Fifty-eighth f street to the north line of the right of :! way of the Euglewood Connecting" fiaii- ¦¦ way Company. > The north and v>ntb alley between ' IV^ria street ai;d Sangamon street .from ¦ t!>c HO'jt:i -inc. of West fifty-eighth ; hirtfti to thr uorth Jiiie of the ri«ht of ^ vruy of the Fiiglewood Connecting Rail- ; way Company. The north an:l south alley between / Saunjamon street and Morgan street from ihc 'south Sine of West Fifty-cighthi 1 street to the narth line, of the right of way of the F.ngVwo«.i»| Cunnet ting Rail-way Company. The nortr» and south alley between ilorgan street and Carpenter street from the south Sine of West Fifty-eighth street to the north 1 se of the right of way of the Kng!e*oud Connecting Railway Company The north and south alfcy between Carpenter street and Aberdeen street from the south fine of West Kifty-eigbth street to the north l ne of the right of way of the Kngfewood Connecting Rai!-tvay Company. The north ami south alley between Elizabeth street and Throop street from the south Sine of West Fifty-eighth street to the north l ne of the right of way of the, fcnglewood Connecting jRail-way Company. The north and south alley between Throop street and Ada street from the south line of West Fifty-eighth street to the north line of the. right of way of the Ftylewood Connecting Railway Company. The north and south alley between Ada street and Loomis street from the south tine of West Fifty-eighth street to the north line of the right of way of the Kngfewood Connecting "Rail-*way Company. The north and south alley between Marehftcid avenue and Paulina street from the south line of West Fifty-eighth street to the. north "line of the right of way of the Eiiglewond Connecting Railway Company. The north and south alley between Paulina street and Hermitage avenue from the south line of West Fifty-eighth street to the north hue of the right of way of the F.nglewowl Connecting Rm.-«"*y Company. The north and .tenth alley between Hermitage avenue and Wood street from the south lute of West Fifty-eighth street to the north line of the rigfct «f way of the Fitglewood Cc-nnecting Railway Company, The north and loutti alley between Lincoln atrcet and Winchester avenue from the south line, of West Fifty-eighth street to the north f>»e of the rlgbt at way of the Knglewood Conseetlag Rail-way Company. The uorth ami south alley between Winchester avenue and Robey seraet from the south line of West Fifty-eighth street to the north line qf the right of way of the Rnglewotxi Connectuag Railway Company. Turning basins at the ends ef said si* ley* or rxiU from said alleys shall lie ptovlded for by the Eftglewoed Ceaaeei-ing Railway Company, aeewdieg be the provisions of this ordinance w OM «f three ways hereinafter specified, namely r Firtt: Said railway company way provide a turning space and dedicate to the pubbc for public nse «* a pari ef >aid alleys a tract of t*u*d at least twenty-five, feet by twenty-live feet fgnY x25') in dimension adjoining *aid alley* within twenty-five feet |35/> from the north line of the right of way of the Knglewood Connecting Railway Company, providing a turning basin at least twenty-live feet by ferty-oae feet (tsrs 41') ia dimension at the points where each of said alleys shall be closed by the slope or retaining walls of its elevated roadbed. Secoud: Said railway company easy procure and dedicate to the peWic for use as a public alley a strip or strips ef hud sufficient to make an alley not less than sixteen feet (16") m width within twenty'five fect f25>) of the right of way y--eoaneetingthe -ends—«f—said-alleys which shall be cut off by the elevated roadbed with the nearest street; said alleys shall not connect one street
i s ci x »s u.w> era» urea a. with another, but ehail couitrct lite cud of the existing alley will* one <*f ttw parallel and adjoining streets. Third: Said railway company may construct subways lioncaih its propowj-elsvated tracks at the alky* herein referred to; said alley subways *hnl; h*vt*i a width between walls of teet. and a clear h«««i-room of i f 0 feet Sncmox 17. Alt portions of any streets or aveaues or alters extending into or acre** any of sa'd lines of railway with* ia the limit-} of the right of way of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago ami St. Ijetue .Railway Cotopthiy, the Raitimore & tibio Chicago Terminal Railroad iiiw- ? i*y and the Union Stock. Yard and mailt Company of Chicago, and the fotftewood Connecting Railway Company, aad within the limit? hereinafter described aad showa iii red on the plat hereto atteehed and amade a part of this ordiaajsce. except: the atreet* aad alleys «n»saerated shore, in which subway* are reavlred t* be constructed, shall be dis-eowtiaved and vacated, including the dn-eeartiaiiauaee aad vacatiea of: All that pert of West Forty-scxenth plaee sotrtb of and adjoining the south line ot tots twenty-four (t4». twenty* i*e {«$), and twenty-sis <*6). ia B, F, Jaeob'i S«bdlvi«io« oi north half |N. of bleee: fourteen iU|, (except there-£roa» the we*t seventeen (t?) feet); and north of and adjoining the north line of loos twewty-onc (£1), twenty-two (22), a«d twenty-three (37). In Soutbgete's Subft^dstea of south half (S. %t of bfoefc fourteen (H), (except therefrom the west seventeen (17) feet): also all that part of West Forty-seventh place soeitft of and adjoining tl>e south line of let* forty-one Ml) to forty-six <•»«}, both Inclusive, in block oae U), and north of and adjoining the north line of tots one (1) to six <6), both inclusive,. i;ti bloek four 14) of McDavid & Rhoad'a Subdivision of blocks fifteen (15) awl sixteen (18), (except therefrom the Is ml* of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St, Louis Railway Company and Western avenue boulevard) t also alt that part of West Forty-eighth street south of a«d adjoining tbe south Hike of lot* forty-one (41 > to forty-six (4(1), 'both Inclusive, In block four (I) of MeDsvid A-Raoady-SubdlYiaina~^ and north of and adjoining the north line of lots one < 1) to six it), both inclusive, ro block one 111 in Oorge and Winner's Boulevard Subdivision, being s H the; e«*'s «<*i>i:ntPi:i» i>'vt of the north half 'S i\t :ivutli fcalf »S. »;,» aMo all that- put tS\ \fj\ of block j t->«rtc« n tJej, aad north of and .adjoin-| ing the north line *>t Jot,« one :1 j to six tv.kfb inclusive, in l». fex, and north of and adjoining the nort?> line of lota one fi* to seven »TK ttoth inclusive, nf lijoek two iii in K. C. ll-.tlings Sub-divr*h>* aforemrationed; al^i all that part of We*: .Forty-eighth pla.v south \>i and adjoiaiag the south line oi ioU I forty-one <«U to foriy^suc MS), both | tectwrive, i» block one ti! of fleor^e and | Wauser's Bcatlevard Subdivwion afore-''¦ mentioned;, also all that part *»f W of E. C. llulin^'s Subdivision sforrmcAtioaed; also all that part- of We«t Forty-ninth street lying within the oae hundred tlOOi foot right of way ot the Pittaijurgh, Clnctenatl, Chicago and St. 'lx)uis Railway Com^ paiiv; afcw alt that part of We*t Forty-nisth place south of and adjoining the sowth line of lots ooe (t) to eight i!5*, both inclusive, • except therefrom the *e»t five and two-tenths (VS) feet of I lot eight 13). end north of and adjoining I the r«>rth lie* of Lots thirty-atne '•"»> I to forty-siJf t4»), both inclusive, (ex-] cept therefrom the West five and fifteen t one-hundr*aths t*-l5) feet of tot thirty-nine (39)) «n B. F. Jacob's 5nMivwion «f block, thirty-one (31), lexceptiae; therefrom tbe rights of *ey of the C. * (J. K. R. R. and the C. T. J. Railway); also all that part of the ta^t ami west sixteen. 4t6» foot public alley south of and adjoining the south line of lot* t»eiitv«i»e <21i. tn«n.ty tw,> iii*, an 1 twentytbrye {Si), and north of aad ad» iouunif_ the nortb line of lots twenty- lour twenty-five (34) and twenty-six i26). in 11. F. Jacob's Subdivision aforementioned; also atl of that pert of the east nnd west, sixteen f«,wt
I XEINI3HED 8i.SJ.\"GS». fn!'.'u!- ftllcy soutfi ot' and adjoining the south, line of lotd twenty »20) to twenty- Uireo botii inclusive., and north of and ti^OHtini* the north line ot* lots tu^dy-four i.2-?> to ew&niy-ae\ei> »'27>, •fcoih Inclusive, in Southgate's • vision aforementioned; also Alt of that part of the cast and west sixteen (1.6) toot public alley ?outh of and adjoining the south line of lots one (l) to eight <¦*.':, I*>th incliijiive, and-nOrt|t of and ad-joining the north line of lots forty-one {41) to forty-eight (4S), both inclusive, in block one ft): also alt of that;.part of the east and west sateen (1G) foot public; alley south of and adjoining' the south line of lot* one HI to four ft), both snchisive. ttud north of and adjoining the north, line of lot* forty-five 64£) l«» fidtViright '4S>. '«»*h ti*lM*i\v til Iii k k two iTi of K. t'\ Hiili'ty'i Sidxlivi sioii aforeineritiOtsed: sil-.o oil ttu>-i» parts of the; e;i*t- and west ~\ 'foot pii'l-e a'hys «o«tb of and* Adjoining the snath line of 1(4 < oim* i I) to «iv both in.clu>ivr.flitd north of and aofoiiiing the north !irte of lota forty-one ?4J) to forty• six (46),. both iriclu* ve. in block* one Hi and four of MeDsvid & Rhonda .Subdivision aforementioned: also all that pert of the east and we^L sixteen :(:«) foot public s'ley south of and adjoining the south Irac of lots bue (l) to six £6)„ both iaclusiv.-, and north of and adjoining the north line of lots forty-one v4t> to forty-sis i to), both inclusive, of block one ;t). of Ceorge and Wsaaerti Boulevard Subdivision aforementioned; a'so all of those parts of the east and *est sixteen .5 5fi> f«*»r publiealleys north of and adjoining the north line of lota one 11.) to eight (S), both inclusive, '(except therefrom the west five and three-tenths (5.:i) feet of lot eight and swot?} of a»vd adjoining the south line of lots thirty-nine 139) to forty-six (46), both inclusive, (except therefrom the west four and eighty-three ooe-fiiitidredths |4,S3) feet of lot, thirty-nine (M)) sn U. V. ,tacoh'» Subdivision of block thirty-one 31) aforementioned; also all of teat part of the east and 'west sixteen (10$ foot public alley south of a<;d adjoining the south line of lota one (>) to nine'(D)> both inclusive, and north of and adjoining the north line of lota thirty-eight (38) to forty-six (40), toth inclusive, fexeept ) and thirty-eight (3s>j); ab?o all that part of the oait and west sixteen (16) foot public alley south of and adjoining the south line or? tors iorty-*pten U7 j io li/ty-four *5*i, both uiehttire. and north of atiil adjoining the north luse of low seventy four $74) to eighty-one fSl), Unit Inclusive- ait in Raind's Subdivision of tihvk thirty-four (31), except one (1\ acre in the southwest corner; al* in Stone and Whitney's Subdivision- of n»t half (W. Yx) of southeast quarter (S. 'E. *^i of Section aix (ft), and the north half (N*. yy, itnd tbe west \\\\ of the southeast Quarter i& E. %) of Section ae^en (7), Townebip thirty-eight (38J North. Range fowrteea (14), Best or the Third |3d) Principal Meridian; alao all that part of West Forty-ninth place lyiitg within the right of wav of the Pittsburgh. Ctacionaii, Chicago'aad St. J>ouis Railway Coatfajvy; also thai part of Went Forty-sloth place sooth ot and adjoining the south l»ne of lots twenty-six (88), twenty-seven T. F, 'j.'amt the southeast quarter (S. E. H) of the northwest quarter (S. W. % >, of Section seven (7), Township thirty-eight (38) North, Raoge fourteen «U). ;Eiu:t of the Third (3d) PrLncipel Meridia*; ahto all of that part of West Flfty-nrst plaee youth of *ml Adjoining the south line of I lots forty-five (45) to forty-eiglit t48), f both inclusive, (except therefrom the ii east iime ind^ixtjrTwo oiia-huudrtdtSr ' (9«2) feet of said tot forty tve (4*)). f in Mutt and Wallace's Subdivision of ii weet half (W. %) oi lota one (1) and
i NVtMSiirp nx.-n.Nttss. four Hp in X. I*. Iglthart"* Suhdivfoiori of southwest quarter (S. W. v»5 of S), in subdivision of lot* two (S» sad three t:t) of X, P. Igiehar*** Subdivision aforementioned, (except the east one hundred ten (110) feet of tot two (t) and the east one hundred eighty-two (tss» feet of tot three f.V>, and except the west two hundred (309)) feet *f said toisU ateo all of that part of the ea*i and west eight (i*> and sixteen (1«J foot pvblic alley south of and ad-jetiniaf the south liae of tote one (!) to tv* <3), both InclttSrve. and north!of a«d adjoining the aorta line of lots tWrty-eix «35) exd thirty-aeven W7i, (except the west two a nd six-teatha »;.S) feet of said tot thirty-six (*« t and except th* we*t two sihI five-tenths 42-5> feet of ee>id tot Ave (5)), t» the subdivision ot lets two i$) and three *3I of NT. P. IgiehartV Subdivision aAjreaaencioned; also all of that part of Warner street east of and adjoining the east line of lot one (1), smd west of end adjoining the wevtsmii of lot one (t) of X. P. I|tlel»rt'* Subdivision Aforementioned ; also all that pint of the e:isfc and »e.:-t ?.«•« ft*;* f -vt public alley mnit'i r.-t iinit id;.» ,i,n/ »;»(»iifh li»** of lots f'iirry-f.»{'ir 1 tt forty-t*i» faith ,iutits«ve jex^^t the Wft ten iuil »>n< -!<*!i'h f-iOJJ ;>*» .'of «*td tot thirty-four f.'i ¦>, in the sub- tlivi«ioit of hboth iaclif^ive, (extrpt ?*>nl«-v.*rd ui -MihditiMnn <,f t<»t <>?*• t . ut N I*. lidehrtrt h Suh*ltvi*i:<*-0 alt of that part of W«t Ktfty.tbir.l .piare north of and adjoinujjr ttie* north iitte of lots forty'thwV; t<3, to fortv- »even (47), both in-dative, ie*c*pt the eait fifteen (1st fpet of »ai*i lot forty- Severi (47)). vn >l 'K*y\» f.'ardetd Boule- vard Addition, being a *uhdivU on of lot twenty-onir r:ty oi S. t'. l^JchartS ?fnb- division aforementioned'. a!*r> all that part of the e*-*t; and' west sixteen (t«) f«»ot public, alii'y viutit of and adjoining the i»onth line of lot* forty-three (4i» to forty-seven f-17'j, Ijoth inclneive, (ex- rept the east fifteen >M31 feet of said lot forty-seven (47)), in McKay's Oar- field Boule\ar.l Addition aforementioaed, awl north of nod adjoining the north lioe of k»t< thirty-nim- i l'/t to forty- two »4ss liotli inclusive, Sexeept the +'a*t ten and two one-hundredth* "< 10.02) feet of T. W. Kirhy*-. Sahdivijimu of lot tweaty- ftwir rt'4> of X. P. falehart;^ Sul»livij»ou aforementioned: sl*o all that pjvrt of Wert Fifty-fourth plaee south of and adjt>ininf tbe youth line of tots i*eveaty two (74) to seventy-five (75*, both 'ia- elu.iite. {except the east tbirtcea and eixhteen oee-hundredtlw • J3.i«> fret of *siid lot seventy-two (72i). io>l. E, Dor- mart's Sahdivi-iion of tot* twenty five (25) and t.wenty-ei1-lehart'a Subdivision aforemefltiooed, and north of nnd adioioin* tbe north tine of hot* o«€ (1!., two (2) and three f3>, (#*ecpt the es^t twenty-five and seveaty-jievenoRe-hondredtha '2">.:7) feet of said lot three nil. and also north of aad adjoining the north line of **id lot one tlj produced ea« aixteen ilfi) feet in Coiling and afurri* Siihdivi.«ion Of tots twenty-nine *S9f and thirty-two (i2), lexeept the esitt five (5) acres end the west fifty (50) feet thereof), In N. P. fxlchart's ^ubdiyit'on aforementMwd; aln> ait of the north and south sixteen (ifii (wit puhlie a'ley e**t of and adjoining the ea-^i liiti" of hit one »t),an I we*t of and «dj.«niiij; the we*t. line of lot t wo tit. and the w.-.t liee of »'»i !ot two 12J produced s«>uth iixteen ft*) feet in t'ollina and Morn* Snbdivision afore-
1NMJH3RED BtSI.VCM. irtEt:ea^t a tilt vusi sisieio (lt») foot public »;Vy M>Jii» vf tin?! adjoining- the. south ittit'cl I'iti two and three i'3>, fex- ceft the east twenty-five and. seventy* settn onc-aniidrcdt'hs' J2.Y77J feet of 4aid :< t tjree ^1. <» t-el.ins and Vorris £jl«!hi'-ion" aforementioned; alio all of h lea* it t street a? laid out in Mocks one vii and three Oi in Towards Boule- yard A-lditvon to <;hi»-ago, being a sub* division of-lots tweaty-St?veo 127j. thirty ?5W* and thirty onr »3I» oi X. .P. tgte- h»:fc'-. Sjk)ivi£on aforementioned: also all of that pi»rt of Wc**t Fifty fourth place lunth of and adjoining the south jinc of io** twenty-four '24) to twenty- ^evcri r27j. both inclusive, in block out t?*. and 'north di and adjoin ;n-» the north roe *-f fc>*i on-. i'lt to four UV, tnrb. im-lusive,. in W** tare? 3;. in LMwardi* llr i^evard Addition to Chicago s-orementioncd: ai?o si! of ti;at part ot tile eight -3» foot cart snd we« public »rl*y north of adjoining tbe north line*of bit* t-u'nly-fonr -1> *° twenty* seven. i iv \, both incUis-ive, in Mock one alio all of tbe eaH ami west $ix> tt+r. 10- foci ruMic alley *o:ith r?f and afFoiftinp the south to four both inclusive-, and north of and adjoining the north line of lots twentv-seven (87) to thirty *r;irclrwivc- in Mock three ?o% in Edwards' Poulevar.! Addition to Ch:c*~o sforemen- t!fmeA; also all of that part of South |tt:b* avenue as laid oat in blocks one: two rit, wen *7\ and ei^i'tt i^f in Tretnont Riipe. beir;jr a subdivision of southwest quarter ?S, W. *;> of rorthwe.«t quart* r W, ->i) of Sec* tkevdit Nort?:-, Ksaat fi.iurt.evo (MJt Ei«t of tJif- Yfcbrd ''.Ml Priaei|i!}l M«H4« iin. ."execnt tie north five (i» acres*; ar*o all t.f 't! ;U part of Wot Fifty-eighth strrtt as !*M out in Treitiont R:dge«*- lyinp txdween the essl 1:i?p p? ict* c-nc f S* and eijrht >S) pro-d-jceil r.< *th and south, and between the f-,ys* Sice t»f the s».-ct'. < n >1(») foot public ;>;?f.y-H «s laid <«;t ;»i ifkrffc* two (2) sad sfw:i «'} ?o Trenton* Ridge aforemeti-ilcnrCr a>o nil that part of 'We*t Sixty-(V>,f ^riv", *fr!.*lj of and adioininz- the -srv'.tt'} trn<> of ^;<*I> "A'' of T>wey> Suh-d>;=im of -.'orthwest quarter ."-N. W. *4 ) 0? «.''at'.iw< *? q:urter 'S. W. Vjvof Seo t';r-i! ei^fe*?** (tSj. Township tbirty-eijrht »;3S) NfTitn, llanr* fourteen (14 h Ea*t|' ¦of tfse TT-«ri'7'lfir«r>p»l 7iTKTdia'nr Seseept, tte Tv-'t't. of Ws-sy of t^e Pif t-btirah., Cin- v-i-.t>ati, Chicago and Sr. l,<>iii* Bait way Vitilpany), and north oi and adjoining the north line of the ea*t ti>ree hundreil forty (3401 fect of block three 3> of the Mihdivteio* of the sooth half Township thirty-eijtht i'iS) Xorth. Hanee fourteen (141, tait of the Third (Mi Pnneipat Meridian; alto all of that part of We»t Sixty-ieeoiid street south of and adjoiotait the ^outh line of ts* ea^t three hundred forty <3»0) feet or" block t:»ree • if. sad north of aad adjoinittjr the north line of the east three hundred forty I3-10) feet of block sis 16) tu tbe subdivision of tbe south half <$. of the southwest quarter .K W. --i) of Section eighteen IIS), lowtuhip thirty-fight I >»rth, Rang* fourteen »ll>, £aat of the Thud 'id» Principal Meridian; also all of that part of thr south half (S, ».,> of Wet?t Sixty-tint street as laid out, ia F A, Cam-raing's Sabtlirisioa of blocks tWo i%) «ad seven (7), blocks three (3> and ebc (*), •except the east three hundred forty €t4Q> feet thereof), and lots on« (t) and two it), Uoek five j3>, sit ia the wbdiviaion of the south half fS. H) of the southwest qtutrter (S>. W. *) of See-tioa eighteen <18», Towaship thirty-eigiit OS) North. Eaoge fwrteea (14), Sect of tbe Third (3d| Priscipa) ITendkia, lyiai* between the west l»a* produeed north of lot e*e hnadred forty-eijrht 'll-il aad the east line produced aorth of lot »i»ety*f«ir (»4) ia % A. Cum-mii*fr*s Snbtffvision a(epeioenti«SHrd; a.teo all of that p«.rt of West Smy-seoood street lying between the west line oi lots oue hundred forty •seven (t47« a»d tfne> hundred forty-eight 114$) produced north and sooth; aad between tbe *a*r. Hue of lots one hundred *i£>«i»tn Mt<> and one hundred aineteett to one hundred eighteen »li-), both ineUwive. aad t'le we?»t line of lots seventy-«<•« (7.1) to tiiuety-four '941 both is^luiive; and No all of the sister • 1*1 foot north and nouth piiblie alley east of and ad-joiaina: the east Ha* of lot one hundred fortr-e'j-ht (11SK sad west of ajid ad-ioiaiajE the west line of lots niuely-nvc to one hundred eis;hteen li<>. both ;iii li,-.ivf-t also alt of the north snd *ooth pu'dir alley east of and adjoining the east line of lot one hundred forty-Seven H 47y; "«n3~ w>M of »*tnrtjolSTnjpTlie-,v«-t Jine of tots one hundred ni«el»»»u
April £2, 1912, (119) to one hundred thirty six (ISC', both inctwsive; also nil of the nixtt-rn (16) foot east and weet public alley worth of aiul adjoining tbe w>rth line of nil •» oae hundred thirty-seven »137) u> uiw hnndreil forty-six (N*;-, both inclusive*. ai>d eooth of and adjoining the *oiith Una of lots one hundred and thirty-Vix (134) ami tme hundred f«»rly-»e_»en (147>\ alt in K. A. Cnmtaing'g Subdivision afore-| mentioned; also alt of that part of South Lcevitt street lyinjt between the north tine of block twelve (12) produced west, and the south Ime of bioek twenty-one (Si) produced west; ahs* all of that part of Sotith Leavitt street lying; between the aorta line of block thirteen f reduced east, and the sooth tine of loek twenty fSO) produced east ; also all of that part of South Leavitt Mreet lying between the north line of block forty-four (44) produced west, and the sooth Hne of Mock fifty-three 1531 produced west: saw all of that part of South T-eavilt street lyiag between the j north line of block forty-fire (43« pro-! dueed east, and the south line of block ! fifty-two tvt) produced east: also all of that part of West Siaty-foarth. street north of and adjoining the north line of the west o»e hundred twenty-two > (122) feet of bioek twe»ty-o»e «S1), and south of and adjoining tke south line of the west one hundred twenir two (182) feet of block twelve feet of tot twenty-four (24), in bloek forty-five, and north, of and adjoining the north lin* of the east thirty-five t3S) fee? of lot owe (1), in block fifty-two f.'i2t. also all that part of the east and *e*t sixteen H6) foot public alley south of tod adjoining the south line of lots five (*» to nin» i9\. both inclusive, in bloek twelve (12); al-io all that part of the east an l we»t rxiecn (I6) foot public alley south of and adjoining the south line of lota five (5). j ¦ \ ;iij hi >i.-u.'i }y:.?\,, i*;u:^ \ ru; * j ,S iMiv;*.on «J tfce iKiriji h*\i. ¦:>». f" s c t j -N'^-tv«>C »l<-t< i^, M'- . .«v> .vr.-h:|: ' >tii- i.jyh-t i.lft Nor til. ^.it:j;i* f-it;rt<-e«l J I j Khl of the 'I hii t >:u~- I'liu-, >»' Mr \, dUnt il|i<> »]} Of f|;«t p»'f f,f SolltV: ). I.eavitt street Miv»vr; f':p- n'.rt' ,i lisle of lot fortyViv t tO jtro,h\ rl writ. an,I tl.t -i.Hirii li«i<- of jr • • m u I thirty-nine Ctnv} prodm-i-;i tv^t; a.: : of that part of W«*t Si\r,v-v*er>t!i i,bo< < south- of and a-lji»:n''n^ tlr >*<>ti*!> tin,-\i.t l*i«s forty-eeven 14?i to ;lf;y*<:-x. **t*>*» ; both Mielit-iivo, and nart?i of ar«J »d «ir inj: the north Jittn of Jots one 1 aadred tweuty-ninc (ViOt. to one ?.nr.u*Trd. trim-eieht ''I'Ji)., both i(Ht»i fx.f *v*t. and pulilj;.: alk-y sn«it'-» of ;tr1 a i-fining t?i« smith fin»- (i'Ua~ t-;ir«v^even s (3?* to forty-six (4'ii, i*4b »i:c1m«!Vc. | !nrtd north of and adfoime? the nirta J:fw» •: <>( tots forty-«eveu 1-47; i'» tif*C—.ix ; lioth iachiHivc: alsu aU »,f tl at part f t j the sixteen (tfii foot ea^t a'.?d west | puhiie alley south at at;d aijomin.? t:» ] South line of lots one l undred twenty-ii 'nine .<12!» to one lnm.lie-1 thirty-eisnt Viiap.,!. both im-lo-ivr, unl nt*fta < ? *«=) J adi'iaiitiK the itMrth line of fct? o*se < hiuidr-1 thirty-riTiie iti'i- to one¦Iwi.tred' 1-Jforty-ei^ht (14S*. 'both ifif!n-ivr all it, ^;A!k rtoin s Kiurkwiyxl Aii-iihon Iv tr* ^isoothwest quarter ;S W. 'v. if ti;>-i.nineteen #19), Towiislrp t:urty-e'ii!it I r.'iS> North, Kan^t*1. f»»nrt»»en !4-r faH • of thp Third '3rt Men lian; ', al«> all of that part of S>iith f.ravitt I Street, lying; between tTie :ynVi hnt of \ lot two hundred thiify >'2?,di prfMiieswl j| Wit, of AHertonV Kn'sfi-w*** A;?d:t'nt» ;. ;if<»r«'.iuentioncd, an ) the turtl. I'.te ot j. ''block one (1) of iVter"? Jk>"und";v:.?io» |i of lot* thive hunired twenty anr t "i; | turxc hundred' twenty-two Isy^. t' r^e I iin lfi'd twvntt-three (Xl^ ^f'l threv | hundred twenty-four (3.Mi. in A5'erton*4 .F4i|(te»00d Addition, et»-•, a'-^o all of f that: prut of Wist ,Si\t.v.((i?};;tb place Y 'ftOi.ttk of and adto:nirjjr r?ic soaia Iin>.' i I'd' hit two fiuvjst-1. th?rt>'.es.e '2°1f t:> ! 'two litjiv'fed f'oi'fy -21;»V, irr',,*»«-v»- jiand ritr??* (if hh ; i !• i t: £ tve n « TT'oe.¦ o? tofs t'iree linn 1.-- I t-.«'!,*een '.':i;;v thee<- hundred tventy-tw/i t8;»-y (t* /'y tatd out. iioth n.el*; aJ o 'alf of tiMt p.itt of tNc ».t*i*en '!;'i- foc»t t- iltl- iv? .\;t»». lv,-i huiMriiT f.'\» itlv-ftiie tJTZl T) r*"p >,!> v|i.-:| thij'fy /"¦k.!i>l, fn-a^'.v^ n«>r»h c.f an! ndj.'titiisv- t! c (>orth ' r rS
CXFtXl'SKED BVStXESS. bit- iVo !.;;?:>;•••! thirty-one ii.V-t' to two rewired forty *34>i). -both tnetyti'?; a!sa ati ot that f'art of the sittt-cn f tft} foot ca»t and w(;>t public alley south of ar.d adjoining the south liiie of tots three la? (lived \i-ri PUt to three hundred fcv->f»fy j;:?0}, h*>ti> ineHts".vev and north of an ) adjoining the north line of tots three bunsircJ twcaty-lico t.;l!.*vi to -three hundred £Jiin,v».fotir *33ll. both inclusive, nil Lri AUvfton* Hn'tcwool Addition aforem«r0ti$inith street as laid our. in rcicr's I{'>v'ui5:«lvv«sfon cf lots three fctuUrxsi twenty ?one 1321), three hundred rvfr*uy-two ?,::>. tbive bun Irc.l twenty- thtve fe^-il au-l Huee hundred twenty- four i-i'Mji., iii'AHertrvo's Kfyorlewond Ad- dition aforementioned; also all of that ' part ot South ieavitt •street- lying be* lv.i J'0 tfac north li«M» of lot- four hundred fourteen ?4t4.- lUvUirted- we*tr and the wmtfi i'ino I ue of lot rive hundred seven Cflrjt pTodii;:et iv-:=ir omt between the rorih line of Itt fiv,' hundred nm» tye»gnt tv*<r ^iv, t>;ttjd»ed ni-iely-one <«j««;ed westr aJsto all of that part of WfiVi Sixty'ninth plaiv .south of sail at' .jytoua-r the *>&i»t;t lir:e of lot*, four l-.uo- viii- I tiffrcen. f-»i.5i- to four hundred eijrfi" teen ,M8^!>7 T«>t!i ;ntliime, nnd berth of and adioinios the «orih lene ot lot* live 'jundrcd three l"»03*. to five h&idrel six "»00)„ both inclusive; also all of t?iat pait «f the sisieen Jfcot east, and west pubic alley south of and adjoining tiro south line of lot-- four hundred ten fiiOl to four liundreJ fourteen 4.414), both ii!elni>i»e. and north of and odjoin- injr- the north line of lots four hundred fifteen (.415} to four hundred nineteen (419), both'inclusive; ateo all of that part of the sixteen MG} foot east and wr*st public; alley south of and adjoining the ionfeh Irne of tot? five hundred four <5:>0t), five hundred live £505) and live hundred six (300 J and north of and ad- joining the north line of lots five hundred seven -550T), five hundred eight (SO*) and five hundred nine i'lOO); alio all of. that part of the sixteen «16) foot eaat and west public alley south of and adjoin- ing the south line of lot five busdred nvitr-ty-efght ?59'<). and north of and ad- i'drsii:!? the north line °f lot' five hundred ii>M'.!tyrr.t.iie a I! in Ailerton's Eutrle wood Addition. aforementioned; also all of that part of the thirty (30) foot east and wat public alley north of and adjoining the north line of tot three j. hundred -thirty-one (331), and alao all j of that part of the thirty (30) | foot east and weai public alley ' south of end adjoining the south j line of lot three hundred thirty (330), i faith in F.nglew'.fOd on the Hill" Fourth ?; Addition, heiitjr a subdivision of north | th rty-nine and twelve one-hundredth* .i • JillU) acres of northwest quarter CS. : \\\ 'v* of southwest rpiArter (S. W. >/») ; of StcfiOtt nineteen {10)~ Towrwhic j thirty-eight >:.«W) North, Rang* fourteen vtl). J-jut of the Third i3d) Prinpip*! j Meridian, tocether with tot "A" in Ragle-}, w«od on the Hill Third Addition; aieo r j!1 of that part of the thirty (30) foot j; ea?fe and west pubtie all*y north of and I' a I joining the north line of lot thrw j: fittndred thirty-one 1.33t)j abo all of j that'part of the. thirty (301 foot east . *n»l west public alley south of and ad-} (omiajf the *outh line of tot three hw»-1 dre,l thirty f330) in Knglewood oo tbe !; Hilt Tliird Addition, beta* a subdtvisioa I ot tbe west half ), Township thirty-ei^ht (38) I Xortlu Range fourteen f 14>, Esst of the i Third *3) acres thereof); said ; ports of said irtreets being farther de-I «eribe Aprit 24, $812. right of way of s.isd mi:road; aivj tttJfj \veet aixty-ejght feet, more or km, ot that part of West Forty-ninth place lying between ti»e west line of .South Cloya* avenue aad the east line of the right »f way of the said railroad; also the east two hundred (200) feet, more or Mas, of thai pe-rt of West Forty-ninth »tw#t tying between the east line of South 0*fc»*y avenue and the west line «{ the right of way of tee said railroad; also tbe west ninety |90) feci, more or less, of that part of West Fifty-first pfciee lying between the west line of Soeih Hoy tie avenue and the east tie* ef the right of way of the said railroad; «,lso the east sixty-eight (63) feet, more •r law, of that part of West Fifty-first utoee lyie* between the east line of Sewifc Oakley avenue and the west line e-f the right of way of aaid railroad:; Siteo all that part of Warner street ex-tending north from the north line of Wee* Fifty-«cco«d street one hundred SAd tw#oty-lve I IS*) feet, morn or less, and. south of the south line of West Pifcy-fcacoad street a distanee of one huadred and twenty-five (lis) feet, more ear Ices; also the west one hundred and Ave (10$) feet, move or let*, of that part of We?t Fifty third place and West Ififfcy-fettrt* place lying between the wee* ha* of Sooth Hoyne arenue and the eaafc Rae of the right of way of said railroad: alio all that part ot South Leavitt street lying between the north Use of West Garfteld boulevard aad the aawtk fa'ae of West Fifty-fourth street extended; also the seat ninety-nine anil ykreje-tiewbhs l»t\3> feet, aaore or less, of Oast part of West Fifty-fourth place tying between the east line of South Ofckley avenue, and the west line of Sewta. Leavitt street; also thai part of Sowth Irving avenue lying between the north line of West Fifty-math street and t he south line of West Fifty-seventh stare* extended; etoo sll that part of West Fifty-eighth street extending east ftoe* the east line of South Irving avenue a distance of one hundred snd eighty-two (tS*) feet, «oore or less, and west from the west lifte of South Irving avenue a distance of oue hundred and forty-two (Mil feet, more or less; alto the seat three hundred and forty (340) feet, iftore or less, of that part Of West Sixty-(list street and West Sixty-second street lying between the eart line of South Qgtetgy avenue and ther-weat line-of-the right ef wsv of said railroad; Slso all thwt pen of West Sixty-first street I lyiiig between ttit- writ line of the north and *diith &l%tn n iir,, piiidii: ftil.-y west uf South iiovne atHiu*-, s«J the. j ea«t line of the right of *;iv of the Mid | riiiroa 1; alio ail that part of West ' Sixty second street lyn,» brt/M-vt, H r 'i *'eit line of South fUnvltori avenue ant s the cut Kn<* of the right of way i>f tru; jl said nKri*ed; also all tint part of South Hamilton! avenue lying between ti e j south line of West iiixty 6r.*t street and I the north line of W^t Sittv-vMU-l t «tre» t: also all that part of South ; l.vAvitt street lying befwe-n the south | line of Weift Sixty-third street and the 1 north line of West Sixty-fifth street, and £ between the south line of West Sixty* | filth street and the aorta 1 ee of West | Sisty-.ieireath «treer.; also the west one [ hundred tod tweatv-two il'Jiii feet, more I or ten, of that part of We*t Sixty-fourth I street lying between the west line of \ South Hamilton areaue and the east line | of South Leavitt street, Snd the east s thirty-five (331 fret, more or le*i. of that J part of West Sixty-fourth street and j West Sixty-Sit th street iy'ng between v: the east line of South lrvia*<» avenue and [ the west line of South Leavitt street; ! also all that part of West Sixty-sixth street Mag between the west line ol , South Hamilton avenue and the east line i of Soutb flatlet street; also all that ; part of South Leavitt street lyia* be ! tween the sooth line of West Sixty-seventh street and the north line of West Sixty-eighth street, and between the south line of W*5t Sixty-eighth street and the north line of West >itry-mnth street, and between the south line of West Sixty-ninth street, and the north line of West Seventieth street, and also between the south line of West Seventieth street aad the north fine of Wett Seventy-ftrtt street; also the west two hundred and fifty fSSO) feet, more or less, of that part of West Sixty-neventh place sad \W*t Sixty-eighth place lying betw»*en the we»t line nf South Hoyne avenue and the e*4t line of South leavitt street; also the west one hundred flOO) feet, more or less, of that part of West Sixty-ninth place tying between the west line of South Hoyne avenu* and tb* e**t line of South LeavHt street; also all that part of Weet Forty-ninth place and West Forty-ninth street tying within the right of way of the said railroad; said parts of staid aikys -he^r^-#urthe^-deserlb*d--w-the^^t^r^~ hundred and nfty-ive and eix-tenths (I55.(i) feet, more or less, of the east
UNTO SIS RED BCSIXttSB. anil wpst public alleys in the, three -Works bounddl by West Forty-seventh street. West Forty-ciphth piatc, the west line of the ri»bt ot way of said ruiiroad and South Oakley . ave> r;uo; also the west eighty-one, (St)- feet, more or tes\s, of the eXst and west public niley »n tbe block bounded by West Forty-seventh street, West-Forty-seventh phitv. South lloyr.e avenue and the right of way of the $-1 id railroad: also the we-si one hundred and sis (106) feet, more or tcf?s> of the east and. west public at*ey in the block bounded by West Forty-seventh place, West Forty-eight h street, South Hoyne avenue and the right of way of t*ie eatd railroad; also the west om1 hundred and ninety-two (11#t feet, more or less, of the east and west public alley in the block bounded by West Forty-eighth street. West FoTtv-t-iyhtli pl»fe„ South Hoyne avenue a lid the riulit of way of the said railroad: aUo tiic w«t ninety-six. and four-tenths (0G.4) feet, more or le&e, of the east and west public alley in the Mock bounded by Wi.«-t Forty-eighth p;ace. West Forty-ninth street, South Hoyne avenue and .the right of way of the -S3id railroad: also the west forty-four and two-tenths (11.2* feet, more or lees, of the east and west public alley in the block bounded by We^t Forty-ninth street. West Forty-ninth place, South Hoyne avenue and" the. r?ght of way of the said railroad: also tbe east two hundred (200) fect, more or le», of the east and west puMie alleys in the four (4) Mocks bounded by West Forty-ninth Hreetj West Fifty-first street, the right of way of the said railroad and South Oakley avenue; also the west sixty-eight (68) feet, more or les* of the east and west public alleys in the three (3) blocks bounded by West .Forty-ninth place, West Fifty-first street. South Hoyne avenue and the rig*Jt of way of the said railroad; s!so the east one hnndred. and forty {.MO) feet, more or less, of tbe east and we*t public alley in the bloc*, bounded by We«t Fifty-first street, West Fifty-tint -place, the right of way of exiid railroad and South Oakley avenue; also the west, ninety (DO) feet, more or 1cm, of the <\:.»<*t nud 'vest public alley In the block bounded' by West Fifty-tint street. West Fifty-first place, South Hoyne avenue and the right of way Of the Ttihl railnwS; al*o the east two hundred and seventeen (31.7$ feet, more or less, of the CA?t and wust puhtio alley in the bloFk bounded by West Fifty-second street, West Fifty-third street extended, Warner street extended and. South Oakley avenue extended; nlao the west one hundred and five MO:) feet, more or ieH, of the cast and west public alleys in the two .2) block* bounded by West Fifty-third plae*f West Fifty-fourth place, South Hoyne avenue and the right of way of the said -railroad; also all of the north and south public alley and the west thirty-five feet, more or less, or the east and west pub*ie alley In the block hounded by West Fifty-fourth .place. West Cfarfield boulevard, South H Hoyne avenue and the right of way of }: the said railroad; also the east ninety-• nine and three-tenths (9«.3) feet, saoce \ or less, of tho esst and west public alleys in the two blocks bounded by ? West Fifty-fourth street extended. West 1 Garfield boulevard. South Leavitt street '. extended, aad Gage Psrk avenue e*> tended; also al! of the public alleys in j; the two blocks bounded by West Sixty-j first street, West Sixty third street, | South 'Hamilton avenue and the righ>fc of I way of the said railroad: also all of the ; public alley in the block bounded by ii West Sixty-third street. West Sixty-jj fourth street. South Leavitt street and South Irving avenue: also the wesst o»e hundred and twenty-two a») feet, over* or less, of the east and west jjaMic alley in the block boundod by West Sixty-third street. West Sixty.fourth street. South Hamilton avenue aad South leavitt street; also tbe west two ewt> dred and Sfty (*50) feet, more or tees, of the east aad west nwblic alleys ia the Iout (4) blocks bounded by West Surty-seventh street. West Sixty •ma th street. Sonth Hoyne avenue and South lttventy-ftVe (251 feet, nu>re or less, of the e*i*l and we^t public alley in the block hounded by West Seventieth street. West
S X|-»M*il{f3; ftt/SiifESS, >ev*"nt»i-0» jiiiioc. Soitt:; H«>y»ii} .A .iii-.!' and South Leavitt «l reef; sig eoiwd hired and indicate*) by tbe words '"To 5*> V>eated" on the 'plat hereto ::tt;»eln-i?, «'*ic!» p5»t for greater c-rrainiy i* here by made a part of this ordinance. The vacation of tboee portions of any east and west streets.».»trtbef««'e itifii-tioived to be vacated, 'ring west. »* the present right of way of the I'iUjWrul?, Cincinnati. Chicago "and St, l.oi»iA North and South Alley not le?.* tU t 1«.{J feet in width between iJcAvitt sttvmt aad Oakley avenue, west of and adjoining the property of the Fittsburgh. Cin-. ciouoti. Chicago and St. .Louts Railway Company, said alley to coiinct th* east and west alley between WeA. North and South Alley not l»s< than lo.G feet in width her vmi l>»»vu» ^tr»^*t aix! Oakley avenue, west of and adjo'm-*ag the property of the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago and M, Louii Railway toaapuny, said aH>y to eOnnCt the .ea«?t. and west alley between We-Jt Forty-seventh plaee "end Wc*t Forty-eghth street with either West .Forty seventh, place or "West Forty-eighth street. A North snd South Alley not les* t han ltj.0 feet In width between .leavitt street and Oakley avenue, west of and adjoin- fang the property of the fjiltimore Jt Ohio Chicago Terrains! Railroad Company, said alley to connect the «ftsi aitl west alley between West. Forty-ninth street and West Forty-ninth, [drue with We%t Forty-ninth plueo. A North end South Alley not J»v« than 44.0 feet-to width IwHiwecinLesvitt street, and Oakley avenue. «re*t. of and adrift-iflg the property of the llai'timor* & Ohio Chicago Terminal Ra'lewd Com- *t III) '-'V- -.»'•* ;*•( • » i ¦ j . • . • j : :»lf.-.v : «•"( ,''<•,-:•> " ,~r piat-j; :»;.:»; UY-t i'ii? v .,,. i l stlwtJi »tn« |. \ A North and South Alley iU* I'm il^n i l^U-fee?. i> W d?'l I',.-.; A<* L.--.vM;?. Vr -.^.J I arid-Oakley Avenii,-*, wo-; of j>( I f),*'«^n-f int* the prooert.v of the fi.»,-•"-- * 0,'tlo: ttaagu Tr'^iij^: ;nan»v,i!; c,;m-„. : p30V, -ail ollfV t"l f Vil.rjo.rf . t t.y! (MS. I J we?Jr affcy hetaWtr. W>'*t luftiVt'i 5t»*'<-t .»t:d We*t Fitfivt?k :>^<^ wir.h c!t!i-:r \V.-t ^ F.'f'.ii t't *tr»«-t or. \V<- ,t ^r':a;t ; >:".U:: A Worth and South Alley not t.(.,, : tfi.Ofeet its .width heiweft.;''U-»v|*t'i.tnvt. iUad -Oakley .avenue, Avesf oS si>:l.;td:<>iW-; ing the property c* the Baltimore 4 \ yh , .« alley to cr»n heci- -the easi and 1 west alley between West Fiftieth place and '.West Pifry-tcwt Jfttcet- «lt"») K-M^r 'Wf-fct Fiftieth pi:w.r;. c# W.^r Fi'fiv-cWt . street. !; A Korth and South Alley not l»m than 1lfi-^ fret in width b*twc*-u ;t--.ivit:s street ilrifid itafchjy avem;e." west; of. and adiv!rr-|;>t«a ':tlic property of tbe ili'UimorV « »0huo Chicago • Termina* J?.a?lr«iic;.'Coro-|:pn!iy, a*;d .'*;'ley to- connect t^e ?'a-.t and ;»e*t a5|ey ^tween' WeH Fiffv-f»rst ; "tr^ot .Mid VVest .Fifty-first ' pine/wit!* . ''i^>"r We-.: Fifty-Jirst ;*t:x'. ot Wtil . Ittty-tiMt place. A Jforth end South Alley uot Itf* j. ^n ! JC.fl feet in width ISetweeh 'J/e4vitt street and f^ikh-y avenue,-wot. of xn* adjein-Mug --the property ot the. il.i!ti.«tore ;Otno. Chicago i:crtR;n»i .n.t?lro»d' Cfiu-" • P»»y. said nlk-y to eonnert lite east, anj l«re>t- ;tlley south • of West F»?fcv-*e«c*>n-j ••str^.- with' We*t Rftyi>'^Nji;jd-sr7e«!. A JWorlb and Seucb Street not ie*s tu*:j [SWl feet in- width between, Leavllt etrees :»nd iaikk-y Arenue-'west oj*' an-! 9d?«>ti}-. !«U2' the property' of thi-' JliHim«»^ ^, iJliso Ch><4«;1> Terminal Ka-lr^d tw.-•pytjy- '^id'.<$treel to nmnect t'Sa- ajiey' iiiOrth of We»t Fifty-fo-jsta pber- witA iUy-:«>i»rf;( pbee, ' A-Wttrth'and South Stroes rt>;f \< < i; | rav.!« jtrcct • *:\il:£oy vnue- we*t- of an;} ad wis-tV.f proju'rty of the JB4?tti6-)re & CtUU) C'L:i^'g-*> '' r^il'-H'd c.^v,. to es reni; "f3?mrt |.:H-i'tl' ' of UV>* Jv.ty- f.-.ur:;. (-s s-[jtft (h? i-tsrfh lift.-1 o* UVtf .F:?.:y.-f»fr I'street.
i ivj'tvisjif i) Bvrsi.vicv?- An East and West Alley cot lei* than MM) feet in tftutli, feoutb of and'adjoining the mrlh <.'>> 55 ¦• actes of the- southwest quarter *R» W. Ul of the: northwest Quarter iX- W, *of fcclton cightcvi'i =;.H). Township thirty-eight CSi XOrth.' range fourteen U*), East Of the Thirdi ftdl Principal Meridian; sail alley t«> esten',1 from the east line of i>ikVy arenue to the west line of the north and smith al^r e;t>t of:0»feley avenue. A North and South Alley not tep* tliAn iCA> ie« ic width between Leavitt street acd ¥I«yne arenue, east of and adjoining the/ property of the. Pittsburgh, Cm-eiwiatt. €l;U«.yo and St. torn* Railway CoiRpaiiyt ».ud~ aFey tn t-onnect the east and west a«Scy between West : Forty-ninth place and West Fiftieth street with e'\ib>>: West Forty* ninth place or Went Fiftieth street. A North and Sooth Alley not less than iCsO feet in width between Leavitt street and lloyne avenae, east of and adjoining the property of the Pittsburgh, Clri-cinnart. tUcecro and St, Louis Railway Corttpatty, sjid a Ley to connect the east and west alley between West fiftieth street and West Fiftieth place with either West Fiftieth street or West Fiftieth place. A North and South Alley not less than 26 0 feet tn width between Leavitt street and Uoyne arenue. east of and adjoining the property of the Pittsburgh, Cin-ciiieati. Chitagw and St. Louis Railway Cftrn^avty, ,s;iid alb-y to connect the east and "w<=5t alley between West Fiftieth place and West Fiftv-first street with cither Weit Fiftieth place or West Fifty-first street. A North and South Alley not leu than :o.e feet tn width between Leavitt street and Hoyne avenue, east of and adjoining the "property of the Pittsburgh, Cin-eicnatS. Chieago and St. touts Railway Comjweyr a-iid alley to connect the east anil weji'aSJey between West Fifty-first street and West Fifty-first placer with either WV«t Fifty-first street on West Fifty-ticst ptew. " A North and South Alley not le*s than *f».o feet in uidth between LeavUl street and Royi»e avenue, east of and adjoining the projwiy of the Pittsburgh, fin- emnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, said alley to connect the east and west a!lov between West Fiftv- \ third pUee and West Fifty-fourth street t with either West Fifty third pUee or Weit Fifty-fourth street. A North and South Alley not leas than 16.0 feet in width between Leavitt street and llayue a.rcmte. east of and adjoiaittg tbv property of the. Pittsburgh, Cin-? hmali. Chlesgv and St. Ixkiw Railway Company,.said, alley to connect the east and **«t alley between West Fifty-fourth street aad West Fifty-fourth pU.o- with either West Fifty-fourth street or West Fifty-fourth place. A North aad Sooth Alley not less than 18.0 feet, in width between Leavitt street and Hoyne arena*, eitst of snd adjoining the property of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Cairago ami SJt. Ijaum Railway Company, said alley to extend from the M>uth lis* of West Fnty-fourfcto place to the north line of the east aad w«st alley between West Fifty-fourth plaee and West Fifty-firth street. A Nerts and Seuth Street ttsit nu3 than 2S.C feet in width between Leavitt street and lioyae avenue, seat of aad ad. joining the property of the Pittsburgh, Cinnuaeii, Chicago aad St. .Leufe Railway Cotnpany, said street to extend from the soutk line of West Sixty -seventh street to the north line of West Seventy-first street. All the dedications berala uMda and provided for ***H be shows upon a plat or plAts te be ppoperfy executed sad acknowledged by said Plttebuigb, C4n-etnnati, Chicago aad St. Loufe Ihsilway Company, the Eagle wood Coaaeetdug Railway Company, the Battixnore & Ohio Ch'eago Terrain*) Railroad Company sad the Cawn Stock Yard a«d Transit Company of Chicago respectively, and «!ed «ith the Recorder of Deeds »f Cook County, Illinois, within six (6) raoetos * Irotn the date of the acceptance of this j ordinance, and such vacation of any part of any street or alley shall not he ia force aad effect natal such railway and rwilrond companies respectively, bare acquired by purchase or otherwise, all the property abutting oo any awe a part, to be vacated, of said street or silky: provided that properly executed and acknowledged plats showing the vaeationa of the various streets and alleys, and parts of streets and allays, herein provided for, shall be ftled fox reootd la lh? office of the Recorder of lX«da of Coofc C^uirty.llBuoia. lYovided, however, that in e«*e of the railroad and railway eotnpnniw tatsn- April 22, 1912. VNi'iNlsliAii Ctiauvcs.s. i;j.n--e passed Mar<[;- 2W, A, 0. ::h*2. t uhVhcd ca pages WS* ft L't'Sfi. bwf.h MH'iitiAr. W, of t^c CorimiS J'r J- turned i,o this ordinance shall fsis to ;ic> quire tits property required hcrembrf.irand ail other expense of litigation that, way be incurred in such coudeminttiul proceedings, shall be p*id by s*;d rail-way aad railroad eoropanfc*, and said railway and railroad cOmpsnte* shall bar* the right to take part in aaid condemnation proccediags in l*hs!f of the* such proceeding, including court eo»t* | in?* i,t }>:<; City of CfrMi»£,i {o? r>/> ye*r lW-7-lfiflS AfIfT tl.e I lilt\' Of r't 'b agf(>jrr»*ifl or agreement.? l.y s>-.*el com* panics tftis ordinance -Sjiail not be ma-t-T.a:ly madtlicd or amended unlr** said company or companies shall fcc in dV-fault in the performance- oi the, -•¦ .eral matter-i and thing; required f.iy th.*-; or- cfty by counsel especially employed by di(innee and undertaken. t;> t» d-iy- hv it, end shall have the right to have *:| f mn-h agreement, witnesses that it may nam*1 called to [ testify in eaid condemnation proceedings Tl'v failure or default of au? 4 s ii i It shaft be the duty of a*'d railway and ? -nunpsniea to file such agreement er misread eoeaparxiee mentioned in* this * agreements, within the time liv-rca fim* ordiinaaee to give i.ntee in. writing tnj j »tcd ahaII not void or impair aay of the the Corporation Counsel of the Citv of' * rights hereunder of the several railroad; Chkttfo of all eases where -raid com- t »«d railway companies wl«V;?i s'wil! h^ve Pled thi-ir. agreement or agreement*, a* hereinbefore specinVil, >.l> Nn':g as they «t:stll perform the matters, and things expressly required of them by this or- mittiee have fatted to acquire the property barein rrquired to be dedicated for street purposes, end .«a»d condemnation pru-i eeedhsgs. Anal! taertupor* be started hy tbe Oerporatton Counsel of the t ity of \ dips nee,' Chicago to condemn the pmpertv heielo \ .,,„ , . requiml for street Purpose.\ * -t . Mi *ai I***9* ^doiwe* ~L .„ ^„ . i »n conflict with the provisions of Ou* Swaaosi 18. Tti* ordineuice shall ordinance are hereby r>pcaled. take alrect ironi and after tt« pai^age, | approval and publication; pro/tded, how- 1 Xothing in this oKknarcro crciraioci ever, that it shall be null and void as { shaH be a watver or mrmvAtr of the to the Pittsburgh, Wocatoaki, Cdtioago and i police power of the City or be taken St. Louis Railway Company and the | in any way to dvprtve tr:e City of ft* Kwgiewooil Conneeting Railway Company i right to properly e.ver(.5*e s«t>Ji power. witleM said railway companie^'ihall with- *, ' in sixty /SO) days from and after the |. , passage and approval by the Mayor of » MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS, this ordinance, hie throuRti their duly | authorfeed Officers with the fdr Clerk; ' t m i^i^whi* nf«tNT.5« afWMMrndf, of the City of Chicago, their rApeetiv^ j ,iliai>{moi|i ^:(:tf am. whervby they shall urHlertake to do and i whic-js -mis m motion, *fc»ly fiP^fL.0! *?TTm*llt*:.d",yiM^lItfd; J «t<-d the foJiw?u- ^ tjmj: rtxtn job tite ntnt km.; i.m; perforin all the matters and things re- t quired of them by this Ordiiwnre; and !^ 'fi<-:<->ket, That alt n:.ifter< nt ua» ¦jirovided further, that thj^ ordinance ¦ >i*ji«,"»f»'i t i^iitf*-1 rx*w f , «:^ij'.'; fv'.Vn' shall he null and void a* to the Haiti- \ rh-< t'onueir t»e r<-^*»»n: t»; ? t^e ma»e & Ohio Chicago Terminal Radroad ; ff*jK»'tive eonunitieev from w?>er.ce Oompany nnless said railroad company- f ^(4»y ?.ttjio. aad t'«at all ordfiwr.rc* *u?>-ahall flle within the same time and »n • jmt'tal Ly th«* Ri^rd of Irojpr*»ve» the same manner Its agreement duly exe- ¦] i>:,».ft> and una- |a-n»lifijr tief«:^ t!:i» ( *i ; i cuted, whereby it shall undertake to do / t.,j. n^^uuidtted to'rte >.ud PK-inl and perform all the matters and things required of it by this ordinance. The Union .Stock Yard and _ Transit Ceuipeny of Chicago has alreadv under-" ¦ AKL Cielwrt pr*-*&:!Y.l ,iU utl^ux taken to do and perform all the*matters : providing ihn th<* it. \t frg«"ur» «»»• Hh» Co?ittci5 to !:cM oft<'r the nanee, by its acceptance of the ordi- i «cs«U.r meetbn- iwU Afrtl
Exhibit B 1928 Ordinance (attached) rage i or i
JOUItiV \r^—CITY CODNCJ-Jj, kewie/ Smith. Mink., Kuimll, SeiT. NUHser, Mills, Aclnm- owski. T. i. -Bowler, Craw*, Lu earlier. IrVisimbuu. Nelson. Hoollen. Miisseu, l-Vanliliniiiiiir. Most—-15. 'Says—None.
Proposed Knacliiieill (if Li-||).Hlnti«Hi for tho Heyulalion of I he Kusiness of J^Ti.sinu mill lli-ntiny Automobiles. The Committee cm Judiciary and Special Assessments submitted the following report: l.;nn':.«i(i, .Inly 11, WJH. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chicago in Ciitf CfUiuil Assembled: Your Commit lee on Judiciary am! ¦¦Special Assessments, to whom w:m rel'.'iroii iAnl'i) I-. Ul-tS. page Vlll r jin order in the matter of proposed einielinenl. i'i legislation for I lie rcpilar.ioi! or the business nf leasiiL:-' and rentim,- avi(:iin!il>iU:_s. having: had the -*me under uiivi.-.'nu.'iit. be? lotuv to report and recommend that iiiiil order be placer] on IHc. Respectfully submitted, (Simed! Oscar F. Nki-sok, Chairman. Alderman Nelson mnv?ii to concur in said report. No renuest beina made by any two Atdermen present Id liefer consideration of said report fur final action thereon until the nest regular .nieetinsi. nnd the question being put. The motion pi-pvailH-.l.
Oiii-iiiio i Western Indiana It. II. Co. and Other Huilrnad Companies: ilequircmrnt. fin- the Klevnliuii of Certain Railroad Trm.'liS. 'I'll" Iliir:il!I• on Track Elcvaficui submitted a report roi.-omrti"ndinj Mm passage, nf mi ordinance submitted f.hnrpwiHi aulhm-izine and rQiniii'ina the Chi-i.'.ii-'" and Wcsti'i-n Indiana Haili-oiid Company iliiiI other railroad companies lo elevate the plane of eoriain nr their tracks at West Tilt!) street from South Wood slri-d !o Columbus utomie. iliul from West iMJtli street Lo West 87th street. Alderman Toiimii moved lo concur m said report mid f,n pass sairl ordinance. N" reouest. ¦'• ¦ ¦ inir made by any two Aldermen firo^ent Lu 'Jj.'fi-r i:iiriiidof:i?ion {if said n;]iorl. rnr rimil aftlion thi'i-i'f-.n nnl.ii I ho r'.'iiiilar iiieetiri", and 111o ques- tion hciiiiL- put. Mo.1 v'Ar: Ihoreon was us follows: Y<-tix—^iih.n. AtMh'f-hon. .l3if:lc?"iri. r.cnii^oii. <^i'tij:s- m:in, tTiiiTri-'iy, Wooillml), MoyHnna, rinvirr, llownn. \V"ii.-itn. Ilnrlio'fl. .M.-r>iinrm;_-li, [lyrin:. Moran, f!iiy|.11>jiri. Mi/Kiiihiy. T'>in;in. Ai'vi-y. .1. H. Hnwh'r, slmiii, Van \oi iii;iii. M;iy|ioi(., A. .1, H'Tmii. Hliirk. Ad;nn-ki'\\-ii'y., Smith, 1'i-lhik, Knjntil. SorT. Si3?z>i,,.\ Mill.-;. Aihlrrs-uvxki. Hiiifja T. .1. I.V".vlor. ilruwi.'. I.iii^rli.-r. F^iL'i.'iilmU, I!.ipl!«'ii, Mil.11, I-'rankhaiirri', \|o^'—t,", iVtiils—Nnne, rS'!n; inll.twiMi: i.< yaid iM'flinrmi:*: as pa/ifl'-il: AN OIIDINANCE' Authorizing and rerniiring Hie- Ohicairo and Wunlern Indiana Railroad Company,, the Belt Railway Ciyn-putty of Chicago, Hie \Vahu5l1 Railway Gompany, The Pittsburgh-,. Cliiirliinati. C]ii«aj;o. &¦ Si;., touis Kadroud Cornjiaiiv. 'I.Miii Baltimope amJ. Ohio' Clii-cngo Terminal Itailruad Conft|iaiiy, imd'Tht; Haiti-more ami. Ohio Connecting llailronn" Oomnnny. re-apectively. In elevate the plone of certain of their railwiiy tracks within the City of Chioago, ' Be it ordained by the City Council of the Cit\i of Chicago: Skmion 1, Paragraph I. That the"*' Western Irnliana Hailro.ut Company,. Tho ljult' ftaii-¦ wilv Company of Cbicagu. the Waliasli Huilway-'Coiri.-i priny. The PilMhui't'li, Oinnfniiati, OliitnjoA' St. iLouls-fUitrriad Company, Tin; Baltimoi-n nnd Ohio: Cli.i^. ca=o Tcrntmal Haiiroail Company, and The. Balliiiipro and Ohio Cnnnectms Hailroad Company are eucli'j'd-snect'ively. Iierehy rcquircit and autiiorizud'to slevatii 111'"1, piane of certain of llieir roudlwils unit- tracks within certain limits in tho Ciiy (if Cliir.ago: in llie, iiibiuh:-,' and uj)ou llii» cimititiorts hcreinaflcr:- spd-. cilied, that, is to say: Paragraph i'. Tho- Wahauli Kail\v«y Company: shall t'luvale its roadbed' and -tracks between'.the west, lini! of South Wood street on the east and the wc?i line or South Western avenue on the uieit.-in such a maimei- ai to comply uilh the provision:!;"of thi.-- ordiiianee insofar as i-otniiliona are iinposej upots thu said Wabash Railway Company From the west line of Soul.b Wood, street the tracks' .of .=ai.| Railway Company shall exr'.eiifl wesloi'ly on substantially a lewjl grade to a point on tlni wiisl.!/liui;. of South Dniuen avenue, whero the eiiiyalioii of _the top of rail shall he not less Ihrin 38.5 feet, above City datum: lrom the west, line of Soxitli Darncn avenue the tracks shidl descend on a suitable'grade' la elevation 31.3 feet at (he crossing, of the: tracks of The Pittsburgh. Cinoinnuti. Chicago aiid^St. Louii ll.'iilniiul Cfinipiuiy. The Drill inioie aini Ohio Chica'gn Terminal Hailrnad Ciunpany. nnd The Baltimore'and Ohio fjinnectin; Railroad Company. ;' thence.'said tracki jhali rise on a suitable arailo to the east, line of South Western avenue where t.lit-ir eleval.-'Oiuihtill be not less lhan leet above City datum: tbiVricc said tracks shall rros? ijoulh Western avenue at nn ck-vation of not less than afl.5 feet, above City datum to the wept line of said avenue; thence the tracks may doseeud on suitable mid convenient grades t'o connections: with existini; tracks. Pariitiafih 3. The Chicaw and Western Tndiana Itnitr^'inl Ct.'iupaiiy and The rteli ItaiKvay Con^pauy oi' Cliienijo ¦ilii'.ll olfviiti' tlndr nnnllieil:-' and. tracks between tho west line of South Wood street on tho east, and the northwest. !im- of Coliinihu.'. nveiuie, 011 the west in such a niiinnnr :if. t.n eomply witli-thn provisions of this ordinanco. insofar as conditions ¦ ari; inipiis:i!il Lipim the said CbicarsO and Western Miilhma Railrnml Company ami. Tim Hell Hailway Company of C-hicaiJO. I.'roni fin.: west tine of South Wiioil street l.h
RfiPOftTS OK COaiail'lTKKS. i shrill rise- on- :\ suitable grade to the east line of ! South Western avenue where their elevation shall lie not less-Uiiin. aS.f) feci, uboi'u City duLum; thence sa«l: tracks shall cross South Western avenue at an elevation of not less than 38,3 feet, and shall continue in a westerly .direction on a substantially level grnile foi'. a fli>;ljiii<:e Of about. "1,030 feet to the northwest Jirni of Cofmntius avenue, where the same elevation of apt less than 38.'5 feel, above City datum shall ijo maintained l.beiniii the elevated roadbed and-tracks may descent!' r>n suitable and convenient grades',to connections with existing tracks. Parairrapli ¦<. The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chi- cago &.St. Lotus Rnilroa4. Company shall elevate its roawi-and'tracks between the south line of West . G9111: street on the north and. tho south line of West j tJ7tta "street on tbe south, in such a manner as to oumpty-wiLli the. provisions of this ordinance insofar I as condition;-.;ij-« imposed upon Tbe I'illshu'rtrh. Cincinnati. Chicago it St. Louis Railroad Company. Kriim Ilia south line of- West Sixty-ninth street the tracks of said railroad .-company shall extend southwardly: on substantially a level £j:nde to the south line of,West Seventy-third street where the elevation-of-the top of rail shall- be not less than .'17.0 feci; above. City (latum: from the south line of West SeViinty-ibii'cl street the tracks shall descend on suitable era'des to nlevalmn. of 31.5 feel ni, the crossing of-tbC:tracl>-s or 'the Chicago ami'Western Indiana Railroad. Company. The Do If Railroad Company or Chicago and the vV'»bnsh Railway Company: I hence eaid tracts shah ascend on suitable crude.- lo flu: north line of West Seventy-ninth street where their elevation shall be not loss than ifj.5 feet above City datum; thence, said tracks shall ascend street and' not less than feet at Uio south line of West likdily-seveulli street: fi-pni. the south line, of West Eighty-seventh street the- tracks may descend on suitable- and convenient gradients Ip a connexion with the present tracks of said railroad company. Paragraph 5. The Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad .Company shall elevate its roud- . bed-,ind: tracks, from the south line of West Sixiy- ¦ ninth-street on the north to the east line of South >. Western avenue on- the south, in such a maimer as i Lit comply Willi (he provisions of this'ordinance in- sofar as conditions are imposed upon siiirt The Baltimore and-' Ohio Chicairo Terminal Railroad Company. 'From the line of Wijsjl SMsty-uinlU street the tracks of said railroad company shall extend southwardly on substantially' ;r level grade lo the'sooth line <)i West Seventy-third street where the elevation of the- lop of rail shall be not less than 37.0 fool above.'City datum: fi-nrii the south line of West Seventy-third street the trucks shall descend oa-suitable izrarto to elevation- 31.!> feet at the'crossings of the Track's of the Chicago and Western. Indiana. Railroad Company, The Bell, Railway Company of'Chicago, nnd the Wabash Railway Company ;¦ thence said' tracks shall ascend on suitable fcr.ailes In the north line of West Seventy-ninth street where the Ion of fail elevntion shall be not 'less;.than 40.5 feet above City (latum; thence said (racks Ehall ascend on suitable grades to a connection with the present elevated trucks of said railroad company at the east- line of South Western avenue. Paragraph 6. The Baltimore and Ohio Connecting Itiiilioinl Company shall elovato 11* roadbed nnd Ivackc1 firom ils connection wilh l.tu; tracks of Tlie Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Tormina! HaiiEfiiuLCoittr " . natlyTSiaFWeit;eeventy-fd«rth street, extended, on the north lo the south line of West Unflily-sKvcrith street on tbe south, in such a maiuier ns to comply with, the provisions ol" Ih'ts ordinance, insofar- as eon-dil.if.M5 are imposed upon said The Baltimore and Ohio Cwniectmg Railroad Company. From its said connection with tin: I.racks of The JJiiltiinor-e ,-uid Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company, ttie traeli.> of The Baltimore and Ohio Comieel.i on Railroad i;.,|,i-pntiy shall' descend on suitable (fnides lo elevutioit 31.a feel, above City datum at the' ei'osH:iii^<; of trie tracks of the Chicago and Western Indiaon Ft.ul-road Company, The [Jell Railway Company of L'.Ui-Ciltro. and the Wabash Rriilway Company, l.tietiee said tracks shall ascend on suitable grades to the north line of West Sevenly-niufh street where the top of rail elevation shall ho not less than iri.:i feet above City datum; thence said tracks, .^hall ascend on renuircd gradients lo an eleviitimi of not less than lii.5 feel, at West Righty-third sl.reol and not less than 50.0 feet at lbs south line of West TCiahty-scventh street: tticnco said tracks shall descend on a suitable and convenient erinlionl, to a connection witli Ihe present tracks of said railroad company. Paragraph 7. ff the railroad and railway companies herein mentioned shall airi-ee unions l.tieru-selve.-t to eliminate the railroad 'ji-ade crossing at Scvcnty-Ofth and f.cavitl streets "tso-called they are hereby authorized and empowered "o to do In such manner and upon such terms and conditions as tlicy may now or at any time hereafter agree upon: provider! such agreement shall in nowise change the speeilieations, irielmlmir those establishing the grades and elevations hi.M-einri.fter specified, for subways within the limits suited in tin's ordinance. Paragraph 8. The railroad and railway companies hereinbefore mentioned are hereby mitliori/.ed to make such changes in tho position and align merit of their main tracks, side tracks, wye tracks, turnouts and switch connections ir? may be deemed necessary by said railroad and railway companies in carrying out the provisions of this 'jrdmanco. and said companies are hereby authorized and required to construct elevated embankments, in accordance willl the provisions of this onNiiiiuei:. and Ui c.nn-s(nir;i., nv.iintrijn and operate tracks thereon, upon their respective rights of way—now owned or which may be aciitiired by them—within I.fie limits shown in jrreen lines on the jlbil. att;tc.hed herein and made a pact, of this ordinance, a copy of winch plat sh,:ill lie tiled the of Public Works of the City of Ctiica.i-'o; provided, liowe1.**)-. t.hui. the foregoing shall not prohibit (lie construction of embankments and the construct ion', mnml.cii.'ince and operation of tracks thereon osif-ide said limits of said rights of way where said tracks will not cross or tie upon any public street, avenue or alley Said tracks, constructed within the aforesaid limits, shown in green lines, shall be carried over nil intervening street.-, avenues and alleys in the manner herein specified; provided, however, that ail loss, cost, damage and expense of every kind incidental lo thu extension of any bridge, or the lengthening of any subway or the approaches thereto after Ihe initial unit thereof shall have been completed in conformity ,wllh tbe terms of this ordinance, in-ctudinir—in addition to all other lo--s. cost, dniicjiro and expense—nil property damase which may result from such extension, shall be paid by Ihe soul iai!-ro;i*t or "railway company or companies. SiCTION 2. Paragraph I. The etiiliaiikiiien!.- nu which said elevated roadbed- .tml lc:u:ks siialt be ... .ci)jisl:CLicl.ed_. within flit—at'or-e.-iiol—tt-m-tts.—*haII—tte- Coiriposed of material I.hat. is of a penmmeEil. 7/items/procee. rage 1 of 1
joun.val—city co msciu character and juftlcionliy substantial to hear the loads lo he imposed upon it. The side slopes and laloral dimensions of said embankments shall bo li.ved and determined by Ihe natural angle of repose, of the materials of which said embankments may be constructed, but wherever it may become necessary lor the purpose of keeping said emlinnbirients entirely within the lines of the rights of way of said, companies, such portions of said embankments nt all snob points shall be kept within said right of way line? by reuininc walls of concrete cribbing or masonry: provided, however, that wherever any snub reluming wall is constructed of insufficient height tn properly protect said rights of way ami to prevent trespassing (hereon, such retaining wall shall he surmounted with a suitable fence or railing; and wherever such retaining wall* arc not required lo retain such embankment, said rights of way of said companies shall be fenced or otherwise properly enclosed in compliance with the ordinances of tbe City of Chicago relating io the fencing of railroad tracks. Sectios :s. Parairrapli 1. The elevated tracks shall be carried across all streets in which subways an; hereinafter provided for, on suitable bridges of not more than four spans whose superstructure shall consist of iron, sleol or reinforced concrete,"or a combination of the same, with some suitable device provided that ahull present storm water, dirt, oil and other substances from droppin? from such elevated structure upon the subways beneath. Paragraph 2 The said bridges shall be of (he so-called "ballasted type", cmi.--irur.ted according to Ihe moat approved practice to insure their being permanent, noiseless and waterproof, anil shall be supported upon abutments of concrete masonry, or upon abutments and rows of iron, stpel or reinforced concrete columns braced together laterally and erected on mid anchored to masonry foundations constructed within Ihe lines of the iitici'sect-in.? avenues or street-5 as provided in the schedule of subways herein contained: provided, thai, the foundations of retaining walls, abutments and piers may project a reasonable distance beyond the lines of the properly of the companies mot under I fie surface of the public highways nnd sidewalks. Section- -i. Paragraph I. The. Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company. The Helt Railway Company of Chicago, and the Waha^h HriiSway Company shall construct -ubways hfoealh their I clicks where said tracks are interceded and crossed by South Dainen avenue mid South Western avenue. Parat'raph 2. The Chirajro and Western Indiana Hailruad Company and The Helt fluilvay Gnnipnny or Chicago shall construct a subway beneath their ducks where said (rack.-: are iutcrsceled and crossed by Columbus avenue. Paragraph The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Chi-casu A SI. f.ouis Railrnad Company shall construct sobway? henealh its trucks where said trucks are iiilcr.-erled and crossed by West Seventy-first street. West. Seventy-third street. West Seventy-ninth F.iahly-lliir.J Mreel and West Hiihly-seventb street. Paraaniph i The Hallimore and Ohio Cbhmlvi Terminal Terminal Ituilruad Cumpany shall const ruct. subway* lieni'.'ilh its tracks where said tracks in: intersected and crossed by We-t Seventy-firs! -tree!, West .^evetsly-llsird afreet, ami West Seven -t.y-iilnlh street. PaniL'i'.-tpb ;V 'I'lie Pall in'iore and Ohio Cnniiecl--inc-firi-iii-retri—i-7'TnTTiati.>"tTii{|^TUTvi;nii:tr^oib^i;^:~be=— lis tracks where said' tracks are intersected and crossed by West Seventy-ninth street West' Eighty-third street and West JJifjlilyl-sevcnl-h street. Section .ia. The subways hereinbefore referred lo m Section I shall be constructed as to their.Subway in South Dauien avenue under the. track? of the Chicago ami Western Indiana Railroad Com-,--pony. The Bell, Railway Company of .Chicago and the Wabash lliiitwiiy Company, (Street 60 feci wide.) Tbe elevation of the floor of the subway aiuf'tir' the roadway outside of said subway, lo points 'not Ies.s than i'O feet beyond the portals thereof.'shall be not less than Si,5 I'eet above City datum. From such elevation the approaches shall extend on.', a grade of 3.(1 feet in ion fuel lo connections with the surface of tile street. The elevation ot the curbs in the subway and adjoining the roadway outside of the subway. lo 'the point of curvature of the vertical curve at' the fools of each approach shall be the same-as1 and'uniform the crown of Uio roadway. Width between walls of subway i56-f> feet. Width of roadway in subway 46.0 feet. Width of sidewalks in subway io.O fect. each,. One lino of columns may be piaced in caen. sidewalk space immediately inside tile curb liiu; aim one line of columns may be placed in the center of the roadway to support the superstructure. Clear headroom not less Mum 13.5 feet. Subway in sooth Western avenue under (be tracts of the Chicago and Western fndiaim Railroad: Company, The Bell. Railway Company of Chicago ami t he Wabash Railway Company, (Street MO feet, wide" The elevation of ihe iloor of the srjbway and. of the roadway outside of said subway, to points hot loss than twenty (201 feet beyond-the porfeMliere> of, shall be not, less than twenty-one and five-tenths (21.51 feet above City datura From such elevation (lie north approach stiRll extend' on a grade, of 3.0 feel in ton feet lo connection Willi the prc--«:nt surface of the street, mid the south approach slinH'.ex-leiiii on a grade of 3.0 feet in 100 feet to etevaiion. 27.5 fect above City datum. .From this point, to a: point south thereof where (he elevation .of- (he pavement. In Smith Western avenue is 27.9' feet above City datum the -;ijrl'iice of the roadway in.said, avenue shall be adjuster! by the Wabash Railway Company (o (he satisfaction of the Commissioner-of Public Works and improved with pavement- of the Lyp« in place in said roadway at the timc.-of such adjustment or with utranile block pavement, as the Commissioner of Public Works shall decide. The elevation or the curbs in the .subway aiid adjoining the roadway outside of the subway" lot lie point of curvature of the vertical curve at the foot of «ich approach shall be the same ns and uniform willi the crown of the roadway. Width between walls of subway 110 feel. Width of roadway in subway 70 (eel. Width of sidewalk;.; ill subway ia feet on tho west-side acid 25 feet on the east side. One line of columns may l»e placer! in iMicli.sidiV-walk space immediately inside (he curb line;.,and one lino of columns in the center of the roadway to support (lie superstructure. The face of the west -subway-w;rtt- sha-il-hr piiiee-i! rm- thtv ^'estrffl.reet-bue;— 7/items/procee... 4/14/2021 |1010|j I I July II. I'323. REPORTS OF ; the face, of Ihe fnii subway wnll' shall be placed on the east street line. Clear headroom not less*than Ilia fect. The er(isiiii|r sewer located' approximately on the center fine or the roadway may be changed or al- I icrcd in a manner to be approved by the Commis- sioner of Public- Works to permit the construction of piers to support the line of columns to be placed in llie cuntcr of the roadway, providing any such change shall not reduce the capacity of the sewer. Subway in Columbus avenue under the tracks of the'Chicago'and Western Indiana, Railroad Company and! The Belt Railway Compniiv of Chicago {Street. • SO' feet wiTlie center line of Columbus Avenue Subway as located in this ordinance is established as follows: .Commencing at a point in the east and west Center line of Section Twenty-five (5iV>. Town- f ship Thirty-eisfht WS^ North, Ran&ro Thirteen f.131 East of trie Third Principal 'Meridian, flunk J .County. Illinois, a distance of Two Hundred Thir- teen and Ninety-four Hundredths (2CI.1I.4) feet oast-of the North and South Center Line nf north- east one-quarter (if. "13. VI' of said Section Twen- ty-five. (251, said point being approximately One Hundred Kleven and Sixteen Hundredths feet (11 lvlfl') west of the intersection of original soulh- ,easterly lino of Columbus avenue with said east and whs I. center tine: thence northeasterly on straight line matins 311^'ln with said- east mid -west center line of F'il'iy-tbree Decrees (3.V' i Eight Minutes iff';, a distance of one hundred I forty-one and eighty-seven hundredths i'IVl.87'1 j -feet-more or less lo an intersection with line one I hundred thirteen and five-tenths feet rli3.3" north of and parallel'to said easl and west cnler line. The elevation of the floor of the subway and of the roadway, outside of paid subway, to points not less than twenty feet (20') beyond t he portals Ihere-' of. shall be not less than twenty-niie and five-tenths feet.(i1.5'i-above city datum. Prom such elevation Uift approaches shall extend on a grade of feel in loft feel to connections with the surface of thu street .Tin: elevation of Ihe curb? in Hie subway and adjoining the. rnni'kvay onLsido of the subway to the point of curvature of (he vertical curve at. the fiiot of each- approach shall be tbe same as and uni-fyrrn wilh the crown of the roadway. Width between walls of subway f>fl feel. Width of roadway in subway 60 feet. Width rtf sidewalk,?, in subway 10 feet each. One line of columns may bo placed in each sidewalk-space immediately inside the curb line, and One line of columns may he placed in llie center .of the roadway to support the superstructure Clear headroom not less than 13.5 feet. Subway In West Seventy-first street under the tracks of The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company and The Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company. {Street 66 feel wide.) The elevation of the door of the subway and of llii; roadway outside of said subway, to points not less than 20 feet beyond the portals thereof, shall be not less than 20.O leel above city datum, from such, elevation the approaches shall extend on a grade of 3.11 feet in. 100 feet, to connections with the... f surface of the street.
COMMITTEES. 3313 The elevation of the curbs in the subway and adjoining the roadway outside of the subway, to a point of curvature of the vortical curve nt the foot, of each approach shall t»: ihe, M«me as mid uniform with (lie crown of the roadway. Width between walls of subway iiti 0 feet. Width of roadway in subway .(6.0 reel. Width of sidewalks in subway 10.0 feet each. One line of columns may be placed in each sidewalk space immediately inside the nub line and one line of columns may he placed in the center of the roadway lo support the superstructure. Clear headroom not less than 13.5 feet Subway in West Seventy-third street under the tracks of The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago £ St. Louis Railroad Company and The Baltimore and Ohio Cbicaeo Terminal Railroad Company. (Street t!il feel wide.) The elevation of the floor of the subway and of the roadway oulside of said suhwoy. (o /minis not U'-s than ifi feet- beyond thf portals thereof, shall be not less than 20.0 feet above city datum. From such elevation the approaches slmll extend on a grade of ft.O feel in littt feet to connections with the surface of the street. The elevation of the curbs in the subway and adjoining the roadway outside of the subway, to the point of curvature of the vertical curve at. (he foot of each approach shall be the same, as mil form with the crown of the roadway. Width between walls of ;ubway SCO feet. Width of roadway in subway 16.0 feet. Width of sidewalks in subway 1(1.0 feet each. One line of columns may he placed in each sidewalk space immediately inside the curb line and one tine of columns mav he placmi in the cenler or the roudway to support, the superstructure. Clear headroom not less than 13.5 feet. Subway in West Seventy-ninth street under the tracks nf The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company. The Baltimore und Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company and The Baltimore and Ohio Connecting Railroad Company, (Street Gil feet w ide.) The elevation or the floor of the subway and of Hi a roadway outside of said -.ubwa: lo points not less than JO feet beyond the portals (hereof, shall be not less than Z'i.o feel above eil.y datum. 1-Yom 3ueh elevation the approaches shnll extend no. a grade of 'S.<> feel, in I no feel to connections with the surface of the street. Tho elevation of the curbs in the subway and adjoining the roadway oulside of the subway to the point of curvature of the vertical curve at the foot of each approach shall he the same as and uniform willi llie crown of the roadway. Width between walls of subway 70.0 feet. Width of roadway in subway 50.0 feci Width of sidewalks tn subway iij.f! feel. each. One line of columns may be placed in each sidewalk space immediately inside the curb line and one line of columns may be placed in the center of the roadway to suppurl the superstructure. Clear headroom not less than 13.S feet Subway in West Eighty-third street under the tracks of The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louie Railroad Company and The Baltimore anil Ohio Connecting Railroad Company. . tStretiLM. feffl... wide.':
rage 1 ot 1
JOURNAL—CITY COUNCIL. Tim elevation nf the floor of. tin; subway ami of I bo roadway outside of said subway, lo points not l«wt than. VU feel beyond the portals thereof, snail Iw not. Uisi than Ti 1.0 fect above city datum. From such elevation Ihe iniproarhes shall extend on a grade of :in fee.:, in inn fee! to eonuectiims with llie surface of the street. The elevniion uf Ihe curbs in the subway and ndjninhiv Ihe roadway outside of the subway to the point, of cni'v.'i I ore of the vci-ticn! curve at the foot of ea."h approach shall he the same us and uniform with Ihe ctown o| the roadway. Width between walls of subway feet. Wallli of roadw.iv ill subway <6.(i feet. Width of sidewalks in subway lo.o feel. each. One line of columns may be placed in each sidewalk space immediately inside the curb line and one line .-,r eolunins may be placed in the center of ihe roadway lo support fro- superstructure. Clear headroom not less than i:j.f> feet. Subway in West Eighty-seventh st.reH, under the tracks of The f'itlsliuriih, Cincinnati. Cliicacro & Si. Louis H-iili'iiad Company ntiThe elevation of Ihe floor of the subway and of Ihe roadway (iitlsi'te of said subway, to points not less than 'JO feet beyond tho portals thereof, shail be not less than :W.5 feel, above city datum. From such elevatinn the approaches shall extend on ;.i grade 'if j.o feet in 100 feet to connections with the surface of the street. Tbe etevation of the curb? in the subway und intioiniiie llie roadway outside of the subway to the point of eunal.ure of the vertical curve at the fuol of eaeli ajiproncb shall be the s-.une us and uniform wirb Elie crown of the roadway. Width between walls "f subway Hit.i) feet. Width of rnadwav in subway flil.n" feet. Width of sidow.ilks in subway Ifi.fl feet each. One line .>r coluniiis may be placed in each sidewalk space immediately inside llie curb line ami one line of columns 'may lie placed in tbe center of the ri'Bdway In support llie superstrtu-Uire Cleilj- ho.oliv i'jiii l|i>'. ies; (hall l.'l.f. fee.t. vary more than une ('i loot in six i-e. Tb.' trades of all the ••(reel.- ami which ally -uliwass and apin-r'Ochrs ar.' ill ari-iirihiure with (he pro1, isjnns of this ind (lie same are hereby obanped to the amdes of such subways SliC-TiuN <-li The roadway oulside each s-iilnvay shall be 'inilorni in width with the roadway in such i-.||>w:iy lo points less than twenty 'i'Ou feel be-\ond ihe portals iliere-nf. anil from .such points shall vary unit'-:.tool; I" III'- established wutib .-if Mo- roadway at the he.i.l of each apprnueli in every street wlo-rem .-ueli estal'.lisbeil li shall lie «lill'er-:nl, from tii.'ii of llie roadwav in the subway, as hereinbefore specified: and in any street wherein Ho'' road-May width lias iiei beep e-o.nblished. the roadway oiilsii!" the subway lo points twenty I'.'t.i.O'. fei'i. beyond tie- portals thereof and on the approaches thereto shall be uf :,neli width u= the Cnuiiuis^iiuiei' of Public Wniks shell specify; provided, 'hat. no roadway shall he const meted that Ihe width thereof slia «>; feel. ^le'/m >n :tvenii"S n to he built ordinance, shall be so as to conform ;md approaches as they stiall tn." dep;-ess<-d p-nrsniint to lie' |o'ovi.-iioi:: of tin'-- urdiuntn'c. and I.he grades -o!^^lt—tfr-'*-^l:rrcrs—;md"-:itlTT>'^-tttnt-"iiil,ei\=eri--|tiTr np-~ prooehi-s to subway; ilesra-ilied'in1 Section 'i"-/i of this ordinance shall he depressed at tine rale ot 3.0; feel in 100 feet so as lo conform to'the fi-ado of the approaches to said subw?iys iiiii.1 shall' in,alt re.-pee.b5 be considered u portion of s.aid': appi'oaelies. SfXTiON 1-d. Vertical curves shall lis' coiisl-pu'iif-ed where the cuds of the approaches to said subvvayi connect at the'top willi the. grades of the '.street* and at Ihe bottom Willi the grades'-of l.lni siiinvay floor* specified hereinbefore in Section ii-ri'V.of'this ordinance. At the bead or each nnproty.h. lo cadi, sufiwoy Ihe vertical curve shall'extend not. less than'lwet»ty-fice i-2S.0> feet each side of the intersection, between the. (trade of the approach mid ihiV|.T'rMl'i> of tin.- present, street, and. al, llie: foot, of each ap-proneb in said street? the vertical curve,shall extend not less than twe.nty-tlve (2;>.fH feet, each side of (lie intersection between the {rnideol! dhc appiou'eh and the grade of (lie llooe of" the subway.: ' The point of inlcrsectioa. of the vertical- curve al. the fool, uf each approach to each subway shall be nol less than forty-live (iS.O) feet firont'f.'he por- enl of the subway. ScirriuN 5. Parasnraph I. All such- excavations shall be made in the streets as Ji'iiiy he required in complying with the provisions' of (his-ordinance, but the excavated portions ,.u' the streets shall be restored to serviceable condition for the use of the public as soon a» practicable. All water pipes, conduits, sewers and other similar substructure;-: be-lonsin*-' to the city Hint may he disturbed- by such excavation or require to be moved or deflected from (lie fnisiiions in which they are found, shall be replaced or suitable expedients shall be devised anil provided lo restore them in all reaped:-;: lo their fin'mcr si iile of •os.e.l'nlr.eos, the entire expisii;.e of winch shall be borne by the raiiruad or rjiilway eoiiipany or corupiinies involved. The sewer m Columbus avenue shall be rr.luc.nled Ihrougii the subway herein nrnviricd for itnd. i.ipuu the approaches I here to 111 a manner to he. specified by Ihe Commissioner of ihtblir. Works. Paragraph i. All exca-vations that, .-.hali be. made wit hi 11 title limits of the subways and t he approaches thereto and beneath the .-'ub-sirnif-j of-tbe sanl* prior lo the ion ins of Ihe subways, silaj] lie backlilietl sanil. LvritN'el. cinders or any other niiiferinl sat'isffic-lory io llie I'omiu.issioner of Public Works, iind lloodeii or liiinped in such manner as f,o insure the full sel.ftf.'itiesil or >-(n:|i |i«i:li-iillinu liefonj tlie piive-i.'ionf is laid; pi'oviiled. Iiowiiver. thai, it in Ih>;.construction in" any sucli subways nnd' approaches It ntav becoine necessary to disturb, remove 01: destroy any pipes, conduit.!, wives or other properly heibne-in^r lo or leased by any private corporation, or individual i.ifiicr than any id.rcet. railway eohipooy treated in para^rapli i of vjclii'm 7 hereof, said owner fir lessee is hereby nufhtu.'ized and r>j<|iiiW;d lo make sucli re-ii'r;mff«!iu;nf, relocation, replaeenieiit or ci.iiiovul ile-rcol' as may be rctpiu'cd lo conform In Ihe ii;u-k elevation herein provided for "as the-work or such elevation progresses. Hut fliil-requirement sliall tint, be conclusive of the'-'tiar bilify for the expense oT such rearrangement, relocation, replacement, er rezinival, it, beiu£ the pi.ii'pose ami intent, of l.hi.- provision thai, such expense, as iiioiitii; the parties involved, shall be, borne accordingly lo and agreeably |',o law. Providoci. however, Ibiil. #111:li track elevation work shall he so con. diiirleil us to permit Ihe free and in 1 iulorruid<-iI coil- ¦ -finiKiiirt:—of— ^thr:C—phbtic-util-ity—s*irvice~insnfar-as—-
j 4/14/2021
IlKPi-WTS OV CO:M.MI'i:T!fll.:s. ! (lie :-:aipo reasonably possible iit Hie. judgment- i of the Com'missiQmjr of Public Works: ¦ iioragraph 3. Tharaiiroad anil railway companies, prirtiwherelo, slui.ll jrivc reasonable, notice in writ- ing 16 u-wner or owners Ies.see or lessee* or any .wise or. wires crossing the proposed elevated roadbeds aforesaid; to remove or change, tbe loca- tion bi said wire-Or wire? as. hereinafter provided; rind in.-casij of the'inability of said railroad or rail- way companies to ascertain the owner or owners, lessee', or,, lessees of any- one or more of said wires, they: shali:noUf.Y thiy Commissioner, of Public Works, in '.writing, ofthc'eharaeler and locution of Hie wire n'r'wirc?- the- 'owner or owners, lessee or lessees of which they are unable to ascertain, and said Com- rninsioiier- of Public Worfca shall thereupon in turn caiiie, said notice lo hi served on the owner or owi'ims. lessees of said wire or wires, who shall dispose.of said wire or wires in such manner as not to interfere, with the work of said railroad or.'.railway companies, and in case said Conirnis- sicner of Public- Works shall be unable to ascertain the.owner or owners, lessee or lessees of the wire i or, wires designated in said notice served by said • raitroiid'or railway companies as aforesaid, hi; shall authorize the siiid- railroad or railway companies to* dispose of said wire or wires in such manner as not, to, interfere, with the work of said railroad or' railway . Promptly after Lho receipt of any notice as nfure- - Said; O?oni Ihe said railroad or raiiway companies, or said. CoDirriissirjncr nf Public Works, llie owner .or owiiv-rs.! lisssee or lessees of said wires shall place them and the poles carrying the same temporarily in a position as lo insure proper and safe clen.r- . from (lie construcUim aad equipment of the -said' railroad or railway companies, and maintain theiik in such temporary condition until such time as the eonM ruction work of said railroad or rail- way' companies lias reached such a singe that the wires .can be run underneath Lite, roadbed? and tracks of::pasil.ii.iuupitnics in conduits, the necessary consents i: being, properly "secured, or can he passed through i Lh(!.;fiil'»iay=-provided for in this ordinance. In the ' event that it is contemplated by llie person or per- i sons; private corporation or corporations owning or leasing the wire or wires in complying with the l provisions of this paragraph to pass said wires : through 1,1'ie subways in conduits, Jiaid conduits shrill be eniireiy completed, including oil necessary man- holes., prior to the time the said railroad or t-ail- | way companies be?-"in the work of paving the sub- ways-and approaches, fn the event, however, that the person or persons, private corporation or cor- porations, owning or leasing the wires aforesaid, in complying- with the provisions of this paragraph, elect- to string saiii wire or wires on tin: under- side, .of... the bridge struct.ure supporting the trueks of' said railroad or railway companies, the said ' wires-shall be strung in a 'manner to bo agreed upon by said.'owners-pi: lessees and said railroad or rail- way, companies, and without any compensation being paid therefor lo said railroad or railway co.mpnuy or companies and without any liability on llie part of any' such railroad or railway company or com- panies not. herein expressed, and in case said owner or owners, lessee or lessees and said railroad or railway company or companies shall in any instance fail -to agree in that particular, said wire or wire?, shall be. strung by the owner or owners, lessee or f lessees' thereof, ori the underside of the structure supporting, the tracks, or said- ro.ilrctad or railway company or companies in 'such- manner as the Com-. iRissicriei,-of-"Pubiifi-*Wot,k9--9hitll-dicM?c!.-;-provide'l: — however, that in no ease .-hall more f.'uaii two pertriiiiieul trolley wires be strung in any subway through which street railways pass or may hereafter pass. All overhead wires or cables, belonging to Llie City of Chicago that cross the proposed elevated road-bads nml Lriicks of the railroad or railway companies shall be disposed of in one of tho manners hereinbefore provided, ,is the Commissioner of Public Works may direct, and at the sole expense, of the railroad and railway company or companies whose tracks said wares or rallies may crn«s. Section i5. Paragraph 1. Provision shall be made for the drama;;-.! or fit** subways where streets ;tre depressed as provided for in Ibis ordinance, by the construeLiun of receiving basins properly local ed m or intmediali.:lv adjacent to said subway.-:, winch said receiving basins shall he connected willi and discharge their contents into the adjacent city sewers. Provided, however, (hat where no adjacent city sewer exists ai. 'he lime any such subway shall he constructed. the said railrnad or railway company or companies involved shall provide means lo adequately drain such subway until a city sewer shall be constructed through or adjacent to such suhwa>. Adequate provision shall be made ill, each of Ihe subways provided for in this ordinance Jo prevent storm writer front flowing over the copings and around the, ends of abutments upon the 'idewulN-;md whore necessary by connection- into il.reivers. Paragraph Any sewers or water mains Ivnig below the surface of such streets as are not provided with subway? under the terms of this ordinance, hul which -ewo!"< or waler mains pnsa under the Irierks of said raitro.'id or railway companies shall be adequately protected by said companies by constructing over them arches, of brick or concrete masonry sutllcietifly strong in bear the loads of the proposed supennipn?eil eiiinnnfcmerils. Section 7. Paragraph I 'fin.' subway- and approaches thereto shall be constructed by Ihe said railroad and railway companies in Ihe streets and avenues aI'liresiiiil sat ;ls to conform to the following structural requirements: (a; Iii any street, wlmdi shall be improved with pavement other than macadam or as|'ihal!.ic macadam al. the ti-ue the subway I herein shall be constructed, the roadway:-; in- the subway and on the approaches thereto to the end of Hie vertical curve at the head of each approach (except any portions of said approaches beyond the lines of the street in which the subway shall be constructed in intersecting streets or alley:-: described in sub-paragraph (d^ hereof; shall be paved with No. 1 granite block pavement laid upon a base of Portland cement, concrete eight. l.K? Inches in depth. (b> fn any street which shall be improved wilh macadam or asplialt.ic macadam .pnvsmenf, at the time the subway therein shall lie constructed, tho roadways in the subway and on the approaches thereto, lo the limit of the right of way of the railroad or railwaj- company or companies, or lo (he end' of the vertical curve at the head of each approach, whichever such points shall he closer to the nearest, portal of the subway (except any portion? of said approaches beyond- the lines of the street in which llie subway shall be crinsiruc-led in intersecting streets and alleys describee) in subparagraph {di'hereoP. shall he paved with No. I granite block pavement laid upon a huso of Porllnnd cement, concrete eight C'1 inches in depth.- any por-~fcton*-oH he- upproaches-beyond-t tie-)rmti*-r?f the'area
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JOURNAL—CITY COUNCIL. required to be paved with granite blocks ns above provided, shall be improved with pavement similar to l.iiiit upon Liie street nt fliu time such approach ia constructed. fc; In any street which is unimproved' al tho tune llie subway therein shall be constructed, the roadways iu thu subway and on the approaches thereto, to the limit of the right of way of the railroad or railway company or companies, or to the end of the vertical curve at the head of each approach, whichever such point shall be closer to the ru nnel, porinl of the subway, (except any portions of said approaches beyond ihe lines or Ihe street in which (.lie subway shall be constructed in intersecting streets and alleys hereinafter provided for iu sub-paragraph ;d; hereof), shall be paved with lVo. I >ri'unite block pavement laid upon a buse Of Portland cement concrete eight iS) inches in depth. Any portions of such approaches beyond the limits of Die area hereby required to be paved with granite blocks shall be exeavuleil to the srade required by this ordinance, hut the railroad or railway company or companies shall not be required to pave same. (di Tn any street or alley intersecting the streets or avenues in which subways are required in this ordinance, within the limits of the approaches on said streets and avenues, the said intersecting streets and alleys shall be c-xcavalcd to the grades established by this ordinance and in tbe event the said intersecting streets are improved at the time the suliway .-dmlt he constructed, with a pavement other than macadam or asphaltic macadam, Lhey shall he paved with .No. 1 granite blocks laid upon a base of Portland cement eouerolK oiglil (8> inches in depth; if said inferseciimr sU'eels are improved with macadam or nstdi.ill.ic macadam, they shall be improved with pavement similar to dial upon the street at the t.ituts such approach is excavated, uxul if said mlersecluig streets ar« unimproved, no pavement shall be required. (ej Provided, however, thai the roadways in the subways and on approaches thereto in West 7lst street nnd West 73nl street, shall be paved with Mo. 2 granite blocks within the limils required to be paved with granite blocks as provided in sub-paragraphs (is, ;l>), !f: The 'limit of the right of way." referred to in suit-paragraphs fh; and fcj foregoing, shall ho the right of way line which intersects either side- of the .il.reet in which .i subway is to be constructed at the point furt.herest irum the porta] of tbe subway. i'z. The curbs and sidewalks in l.he subways and on Hit; approaches thereto shrill hi: constructed of l onriote, and the curbs and sidewalks upon the itp-pro;u-h'-s shall extern! a distance equal to thai of the pavement lo he aon.-iru.cted by said railroad or railway company or companies; provided, that in any case wherein the said railroad or railway company uf companies shall remove, damage, or destroy any sidewalk in excavating for an approach, the said rouqi.-iny or companies shall construct a sidewalk to conform to the grade of such approach in lieo of llie one reiiiovnd, damaged Or destroyed. The sidew'nlkp on said approaches shall be con-striichrd to eiiiTospiind to the walks in the respective streets onlsi'ie :-a.i*t subways but shall not be loss than six ill's feel, in width. All such pavements, eeirhs and sidewalks shall be co intruded in accordance willi speeiliculions ap-pruved by the Commissioner or Public Works. Paragraph pefore doing any work under this ^iiliiutiice._i^icl.i_sai!j_.utilixirid.J-uiuLciLilwa,v_compaiiy _ shall file with the City Clerk of the Gity- uf .Chicago, its personal bond in form' -approved- by the .Cori poration Counsel of the City of Chicago., iri the... penal-sum' of twenty-five thousand' dollars (rJiij.OufhOO/ conditioned that in constructing' the; .improvement herein specified it shell- furnish '.and1 use 'snob material and employ such workmanship its-will insure such improvement to be free, front ill! defects. Tttci obligation of the surety upon said'.bond: shall be terminated respecting each subway herein 'providetl for. as such subway shall be completed. 16 the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Molding herein -contained shall be held or" abrL-striied to require said companies, to repair or".reconstruct any improvement herein specified,, which after its completion it shall become necessary-' to repair or reconstruct by reason of any persou'-ior corporation laying or repairing any sewer,.gas,, water or other pipe or conduit under a. permit issued;.by the city. Paragraph 3. The railroad and' railway companies shall pave the entire length and width of the. roadway in such portions of the subways as are requ ired lo be constructed by said companies, except that-such companies shall not be required to pave ajiy portions of the suhways occupied by or which are adjacent to street railway trucks, which by reason 6£ laws or ordinances it shall be the duly of any street railway companj or other corporation, to pave. Paragraph ¦». Any street railway company or companies occupying any i>r the streets in IheiCity of Chicago crossed by said proposed elevated roariV beds and tracks of said railroad.- and/or raifcray-company or companies shall when and as the-grade. of the entire width of the roadway uf such street shall be changed by excavating to the stibgraile'required for the pavement to be constructed by the said railroad and/or railway company or companies' as in this ordinance provided, conform the grade'of its or their track or tracks, to the suit) change of grade of said streets. Any such street, railway company or companies shall also realign itf or .their track or tracks and do and perform all other, work, of excavation, removal, construction' and- reiiOnslruc-l.ion of street railway tracks, trolley poles, .trolley wires, electric conduits and other street railway property necessary to the proper elevation of the-railroad tracks hcrehy required lo be .elevated, as in this ordinance provided But this requirement-rdinll not lie conclusive of the liability for the ex.? pcri'-e of such realignment, excavation, removal,-construction or reconsLruclion. if being ihe purpose-nnd intent of this'provision that such expense incurred by any street railway company or-companies, as among the parlies involved, shall be borne according lo and agreeably to law. Provided; however,, that, construction work shall be prosecuted iii. such manner in conjunction with the street railway cofnr puny that there shall be no interference with continuous ami uninterrupted service of street, cars, without the approval of l.lie Commissioner ol'Piiblic Works. Provided, that nothing in this ordinance contained - shall operate or be hob! to relieve said street railway company or companies uf Or from any liability., how- ever created: al their own expense, alter r.Iic elian'gcs. restoration and reconstruction nf snid street rail- way tracks and properly provided for or necessi- tated by this ordinance shall have, been completed*, to pave and maintain such portions- of streets be- tween or nn either side of theic snlil track* in tho manner and to the extent now or hereafter ro- quir.ud._by— ordinance _.
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H-EPOa'PS OP COMMITTEES. Paragraph 5- Ejtcbpl as provided in paragraph 8 of Section I hereof, nothing in this ordinance shall he so construed as to require the said railroad or railway coin panics to assume or pay any damage to adjacent or. properly caused by the ox-.cavalionelevation .or depression or change of grade ¦iiuitlo. iu' any of the public avenues, streets or alleys, incidental.'to the ett.vat.ion of Hie roadbeds and traces of' said'company or companies as herein required" ¦lOi be elevated, or to defend any suit or suits thuL may. be brought by or against nny party or parties for-the recovery of any such damages, but for and in'epiisideralioh. of (he agreement of the ruilroad and ¦railway- companies herein mentioned to do and perform all the obligations upon them imposed by this oiidiYiance, all such 'damages, if there be any, shall be''adjusted nnd paid by the City of Chicago and said- City Of Chicago will assume the defense of any and all suils/ brought for the recovery of same, intervening, therein if necessary for the purpose, and shall wholly relieve said railroad or railway companies from defending the same anil shall assume and pay. all judsrinenti recovered therein: provided, however,, thai, said company or companies shall be liable for such damages; as may arise from the negligent.'performance by said company or companies of 'any obligations imposed; by this ordinance. The'foregoing siipiilalions in1 this paragraph contained arc. however, made upon the condition peace-, dent that in case any suit be brought, against, said compiiny or companies, said company or companies will, providing it or they have been served with proper summons at least five (5) days before the of the summons (herein, give notice in writing of such suit and of such service to the Mayor .and Corporation Counsel of said City of Chicago, ; foe the purpose of. enabling such defense to be made ¦ by" the City. Paragraph 6. The said railroad rind railway companies and any contractor employed by them, in the execution of the work herein required to bs done, shall-have the right, in the performance of such work lo take water from the public water system of said .City and. to- use the same in such work free ,of all charge or expense. Section 8. Authority is hereby given to said railroad and railway companies, whenever the same shall be- necessary in the prosecution of llie work tin.)1 ate herein authorized or required tfl perform, to obstruct temporarily any public street, avenue or alley to-such extent and for such length of time as may be approved, by the Commissioner of public Works; and they are hereby authorized whenever lite same shall be ncocz-saiT. lo erect and maintain temporary "rnftdways. tracks, structures ami false work, in any of said streets anil avenues during the construction of said: elevated railroads, subject to the like approval of tho Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Chicago; provided, however, that construction work shall b'e prosecuted in such manner in conjunction with the street railway company that there shall be no. interference with continuous and uninterrupted service of street cars, without the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works. Section 9. Nothing in this- ordinance mimed or contained 'shall be so construed us to prevent said railroad and railway companies from locating ami constructing the. abutments which form the wuils of any subway at a 3ii-IleleiU distance hack from the building or lot lines of the s'reel or avenue, for (lie .purpose of constructing and maintaining in the spaces or recesses so left between said abutments and said building lines, station buildings with all ^neL-essar-y-wait-.itf-i'i.^ buildings fronting on said street, or avenue, uniform with llie said building lines thereof and entirely within Iho lines limiting and bounding the rights of way of said railroad and railway companies, and for the further purpose of constructing and maintaining within said lines stairways mid approaches leading to and from ?aid station buildings to iho elevated platforms and tracks above the same for the accommodation and convenience of the passenger traffic of said railroad and railway companies, or for any other purposes in connection with the efficient, maintenance and operation of the railroads. SriiriiON 10. When the said railroad and railway companies shall have elevated their romiheds and I rack? in accordance with ihe provisions of this ordinance so that the same .shall lu? ready for use and so accepted by ihe Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Chicago, then and thereupon nil provisions Of the ordinance of the City of Chicago relating to the speed of railway trains, the length of trains, the number of cars to constitute a train, and the maintenance of gates, flagmen, watchmen, signals and signal towers, and the ringing of bells shall cease to be applicable to said railroad and railway companies; provided, however, 'his ordinance is not. lo be construed as a waiver or surrender by the City of Chicago of any of it.; police powers, or of the right at any time hereafter to pas3 necessary and reasonable police ordinances in relation to the matters and thing3 above enumerated. After the tracks are elevated il shall be unlawful Tor any person or persons, except employees of said companies in (he discharge of their duties, to enter or be upon or to walk across or along the, said elevated structures or roadways at any place. Section 11. IT the City of Chicago shall al any time I'p.quifo n crossing or crossings at. any street or. streets, avenue or avenues, public way or public ways, for which no subway is provided in tlie schedule of subways contained in this Ordinance, or shall open, lay out or extend any street or streets, avenue or avenues, public way or public ways across the rights of way of the Chicago anil Western Indiana Railroad Company anil The Belt Railway Company of Chicago, the elevation of which is hereby required between the west, line of South Wood street and the northwest lino of Columbus avenue; or across the right of way of the Wabash Railway Company, the elevation of which is hereby required between the west line of South Wood street ami the west line of South Western avenue: or across the right nf way of The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. I_oui3 HailTond Company, the elevation of which is hereby required between the soutti line of West Sixty-ninth street and the South line of West li'dghly-seventh street: or across the right of way of The Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company, the elevation of which is hereby required between the soulh line of West Sixty-ninth street and the east line of .South Western avenue: or across the right of way of The Baltimore and Ohio Connecting ttailroad Company, the elevation of which is hereby required between the sotitti line of West Seventy-fourth street, extended, and thu south lino of West street; such crossing or crossings shall be made by a subway or subways only, in accordance with plans approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and no claim for compensation on account of land taken for rights of way for said street, or streets, avenue or avenues, public way or public ways, shall be made by said railroad nr railway companies, and such waiver of compensation shall attach lo and run with such land in ihe —hands.of any grnntwnr ^mnrop-nfTsrfKlTwjirifintes. 7/items/procee Page 1 of 1
J00ftNA.L—C IT Y COUNCIL. 'VUf. provision in this section including'waiver nf nkn11;¦ niss;11.iim for land I alien for a sired or streets, shall :ipi>ty tn laml owned, used or occupied for a railway right of way al. the lime of the opening oT any such street or strcels. avciute or avenues, public way or public ways, but the sole wl nnd expense of the construction of such subway or sub-, ways and of snub bridge or bridges .ms may be necessary to carry all llie track- roustrncled .or which may be hereafter constructed within the limits of said companies' rights of way shall be- borne and paid by the City of Chicago without expense to said railroad nnd railway companies, and iu no case, shall such subway or subways, bridge or hridjies, so lo be built, be inferior m any respect to the bridges and subways, provided for in this ordinance, lo be built, hy iho railroad and railway companies across and in streets. The work of such construction shall be done by the said railroad and railway companies and the amount to be paid hy the city for such work and cimslruefioii shall not exceed the actual and reasonable i"osr. fhiu'eut'. Said bridges resjiocl.ively shall he consirucled so as to support and carry across the lines of such proposed director streets all the tracks of said companies then existing or which may thereafter he constructed within the limits of the right* of w*ny and yards of said companies as they exist nt Ihe time of the passage of this ordinance The said railroad and railway companies shali not be required to du any work towards Ihe eons.U'ucljofl of any such subway until the cost, thereof as may he estimated by the Commissioner nf Public Works and the Chief Engineers of said railroad or railway company or companies, lirsL shall have been paid over io said railroad or railway company or companies, or deposited in some responsible bank for its or their heneiit and to tie paid over lo it or them in monthly insl.itlbnenls upon eerl iflealrs. of file engineers in charge oT said work proportionately as said work, progresses. If the aciuol cost shall exceed the amount so paid over or deposited, the City nf Chicago shall reimburse Hie railroad or railway companies for the excess cost, and if the. actual cosl shall tic less than the amount paid over or deposited, the balance shall be refunded or returned lo tlni city The grade of tile roadbeds and. tracks of said railroad or railway company or companies shall he and remain at. the srade as thou established. i.liic.acn anil The ¦|'b. joiny Sii'Viei.\ i;. Paragraph 1. The Chicaao and Western bulimia ftaitroiol Company. The Kelt Rnjlv.-uy Company of Chicago and the Wnbash Railway Company shall complete Ihe elevation of their tracks over and tie' -ubway in !>oiilh Western avenue on or J.ioli.rt> ,-epleuiber lath, IT-1!), anil shall complete Hie subway under their tracks in South Dameu avenue on or before I'cceiober Hist. 103a, provided, however, a contract, lor paving and curbing in the roadway in South ljiiiiieu avenue between West Scvenly-lourlb street ami West Sevenfy-iiinlh street shall hitve been entered inlo one ye^r prior lo that dale and notice of same given llie said railroad ami railway companies, by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Chicago. If oiclt contract, shall not have, been eoteroil into by Ileeeiuber Mist, I'iKI.i, then such subway shall not ho constructed unfit such conlract has been entered into and notice of sane* given saol ruilrond and rullway companies by said Commissioner of Politic Wurltx. Upon receipt of njeh nolice tho said companies shall preened with the work of constructing said subway. noil Western Indiana l-toi- Itnilwiiy Ouniu shall Coin oleic, llie elevation of theiivtruekri over and l.tii) subway in Columbus, itvonue oh or ib'cfore 'December :tlsf, 11)33. 'Phi; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago,and St. Louis Railroad Company. The Baltimore-and:Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company, and The'Baltimore and Ohio Connecting Railroad Company, shall.-complete the elevation of their tracks-oven and the subways, in the following named! streets on'or'b'cfore thc-.follow-iug dates respectively : West 79lb street,.September 15. 192": West S3rd: street. December'lit; l'930rWest S7th street, December 31, 103$; West, 71st street, December 31. I93r>; and West 73rd street, December 31. 1335. The Chicago and Western- Indiana'Railroad;Comr pany, The Beit Railway Company of Chicago, The Wabiisli Railway Company, The Pittsburgh; ' Chicago and St Ijouis Railroad Corn pany,. The Baltimore and-Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company and The Baltimore and Ohio Connecting Railroad Company hereby agree flint the work of raising the crossings of said, railroad, and: railway companies to elevation 31.5 [eel.shall be undertaken and carried out prior to elevation of railroad and railway companies' iraelts over subways to .be tcu-strucLcd at West 79lli street,, nnd' South Western avenues. The work of elevating the tracks her'einbeforeTe-ferrod to shall be. completed within .the- time limits hereinbefore speeiflud. unless prevented by 'stnto or strikes, riot or riots., or other cause in tliis ordinance specilied, or restrained by injunction"or other order or process or a court of competent jurisdiction. Tbe time during which said company or companies shall be prevented by strike .or striftos, riot or riots', or such other causes or legal proceedings a-i.afore^ saiif. shall be added to Ihe lime herein limited for said work, provided, said company or companies give notice in writing to the Corporation Counsel bt' the City of Chicago, of llie institution of said-legal proceedings. The City of Chicago shall thereupon have the right to intervene in any suit or proceedings brought by nny person or persons -seeking- to enjoin or restrain or in any manner 'interfere with the prosecution of said work and move fur n-dissolu-tion of such injunction or restraining order and for any other proper order in such suit, Paragraph -. And it is further provided, that if. 5aid railroad or railway compimies shall be delayed in (be prosecution of the said \yi>i-k required' to he done under Ihe provisions of this ordinance.; by reason of the obstruction, of pires, conduits: wires or properly of any private corporation or. individual, as mentioned in Section 5 of this ordinance, or by reason of any delay on Ihe part of the City of Chicago ur any of its officers in performing' the duties imposed upon ihe City or its this ordinance, in respect lo Hie work herein required Id bo done hy sani rnilruad or railway companies, then and in thai event. Ihe time which said companies shall be. so delayed shall be added- to the time during which said companies are reipiired by the term's Of this ordinance in couiplelu inid WOi'K, Si;i'Tin,v 13. All the work, hereinbefore, mentioned required jo he done by ihe said railroad and'railway companies upon or in connection with tile, public iti'iiuues and si reels of' the oily shall be done.and performed tunler the superintendence of ami subject ¦ lo the msnncl.ion and approval or the Commissioner of Public" \V.»rtts of the City of Chicago, and the cost of such inspection shall be- paid' hy the said railroad and railway companies. ten I 111! day; prim1 lo- lie1 conmieiicc- At lei
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REPORTS OJ? UOiMMirrERS. incut '>!' any part of'such work, the plans therefor shall So. submitted 'b> said Commissioner of Public Wpi 'ss .for bis examination., ami. if found to be in hr.edrdaiiri; .with Ihoprovisions of this ordinance in-' this oi'd'inaiic'3-contains specific provisions, if they shall be satis factory to the Commissioner of Public. Winks iivfregard to matters and things which by this :ort(inanr,c are left tu: liis discretion and judgment, such plans shall be approved hy him and uf,l,uf suiih approval all of the work outlined and included: ithereiii shall bo constructed in strict conformity therewith Said plans to be known as ¦•¦RCLiKu'»l.ihs'v shall embody: F'trjiTi— A general plan or exhibit, on n scale of one inch equals one bnhdred feet, of all right of way iind tracks' as they exist at the time work under this ordinance is begun, within tlie limits prescribed by This ordinance. Second:'— A general plan or exhibit, on a scale of one inch equals, one hundred foot, of nil right, of way as iaid' right of way exists nl the lime of the filing'of said plan. Sniil plan shall likewise show-all' tracks, retaining walls and abutments as it is proposed ixi-establish Lliem in carrying out tho plan of track elevation herein provided. , Third v—A detail drawing or cshibil of each subway provided' for in this ordinance whose outside dimension? shall be twenty (2f>> inches in width by thirty-six (iifii inches in length. Said detail drawings' shall each embody the following features; (a; r\ plan on a scale of one inch equals twenty <2t>) feet, show ing the number of tracks lo be constructed across the street, the abutments, the ends of the. retaining walls, the location of the portals of Ui.e bridge superstructure and the columns to support same, the limits of the level floor nf the subway measured from the bridge superstructure and from tlie nearest lot line to each end of the level tlobr of the subway, the reference- lo the nearest lot line in. each case to be the nearest foot, the length ¦of each approach to the subway, the widths of roadway; and sidewalks both in subway and on the approaches,, drainage provisions; all underground- revisions and improvement, street car lines where they •csl'si,. et cetera; (hi A cros-i sectiurt of the subway showing tie! dimensions of the subway as specified in Sections •1-a, llui elevation of Ihe floor of tbe subway al the crown of tame: th>>-amount of crown of the roadway at catch.basins., the elevation of curbs, the rale', oi; slope of the sidewalks, all underground rc- visions and improvements, el cetera; • (c) A longitudinal section of the roadway and the approaches thereto showing the elevation and ¦ grade of the crown of the subway floor, and of tho curb. Iho clear heiid-rooin. in tho subway, the location of the portals of the subway, the vertical curves connecting the level floor of Ihe subways, and the original' grade of the street with tbe incline of the approaches, the length of the approaches, all underground-revisions and improvements; (d) ' Each subway drawing shall hear in the title the'.dale' of' passage of this ordinance; (e) Blank spaces for signature of the following city, bfllcers in the order listed : Engineer of Track: .Elevation. Engineer. Bureau of Streets. Superintendent of Streets; :JSngmeer,.Bqardof_L-ocal_Improvemejits Engineer of Sewers Superintendent of Sewers Engineer, Water pipe Hxlensiori, Superintendent Water Pipe Extension. City Engineer. Commissioner of Gas and Electricity. Commissioner of Public Works. Section l i. This ordinance shall be binding in all ils terms, conditions and requirements upon, and inure to the respective lessees, successors' and assigns of Llie Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company, The Kelt Railway Company of Chicago. Tho Wabash Railway Company, The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company, The Baltimore urul Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company and The Baltimore and Ohio Connecting Railroad Company lo the same effcel and with like pur. pose as I hough said lessees, successors and assigns had been named herein respectively. Shoton | a. The railroad and railway companies by this ordinance required lo elevate Iheir tracks sh.jl! do their wort; in accordance with Lin; terms hereof, m apt and proper time. Should :my of said companies fail or neglect io so prosecute us work, the Commissioner of Public Works of ihe City of Chicago shall have and is hereby given ihe right, power nnd aulho-ify to give thirty Clft days' notice in writing to aucb delinquent company to prosecute its work. If such company shall tail or neicleut to comply with said notice, the Commissioner of Public Works shall take thnrge of and cause such work-to be done and the expense thereof shall thereupon be paid by such delinquent company and if such expense is not paid to the City of Chicago within ten (101 days nflcr a demand therefor, such, delinquent company shall he liable lo said City of Chicago in an action of assumpsit for the amount so expended. Section It!. All portions of any streets, avenues or alleys extending into, along or across the aforesaid rights of way of the railroad and railway companies herein mentioned .villiin the limits thereof upon which the road-bed and tracks are hereby required to bo elevated above the grades of such streets, avenues anil alleys, except the afreets and avenue" in which subways are required to he constructed, and including all street?, avenues and alleys hereinafter described, shall be .discontinued and the same are hereby vacated. Said discontinued and vacated streets, avenues and alleys are described as follows: That part of the cast-and-wesf. sixteen foot (KV) alley along the southerly end of Bloek five (H^ of liink.imp and Company's Columbus Avenue Subdivision, being a resubtlrvision of part, or Wabash Addition 1.0 Chicago in southeast quarter (5. lili Vl'i northeast, quarter {i^. E. !•») Section twenty-five (25) Township thirty-eight '3*1'. North. Range thirteen (13), East, of Third Principal Meridian. Cook Counly, Illinois, lying west of a line beginning »L a point in the south line of said Bloek five (51 seventy-four and two hundredths feet (T i.oS'l west of the east line of said block and running thence southwesterly making an angle with said south tine of ilfly-Lhrre degrees (153°) and eight minutes (8") lo a point iu the south line of said alley sixly-fonr and eighty-five hundredths feet (t>VSr>" more or less west of the northwesterly line of Columbus avenue. That pari of-the north-aml-snuth alloy in said Block five (oi south of a line one hundred sixty-five 1 ami seventy-six hundredths feet (1(15.71")' north of and parallel to the east and west center Tine of said'Seclion twenty-five (23). All that part of South Rockwell street iu the
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rage 1 or I
.IOl)RNAf,-CiTY COUNCIL. southeast .pnuier nf the noi'lhuasl. quarter of said Section ~5. lying southerly of the following described linn: Commencing at Ihe point of intersection uf easterly line of South Rockwell street with a line (05.70 feel north of awl parallel to the easL and west center line of said Section 25; thence on a. curved lino convex to the southwest and tangent lo said last described line with- a radius; of ill! feet, and continuing to a point of tangent with a line 33 feet west of and parallel lo the north and south center line of the northeast quarter of said Section -f». and 2/11.70 feet north of the east and west, center line of said Section 25. That part of the cast, and west and northeasterly and southwesterly alley in Itloelc nine (01 of said Hinkamp nnd Company's Columbus: Avenue Subdivision, lying westerly and southwesterly of a line five foot (5'1 northeasterly of and parallel to the northeasterly line of Lol twenty-eight (£8) extended sonlheiihlerly in said Block nine (9). That port of the north-and-south alley in 3.nid Ubielt nine (l'i lying southerly of a Sine five feet. •/>": north oi' ami parallel to Ihe north line of Lot two (2* Of said Bloek nine \0| extended westerly. All of the east-and-west thirty-three foot, (33'j alley south of nnd adjoining Lot one (l) in said Block nine fn . All that part of Columbus avenue and Mnplewond avenue lying easterly and southerly or the fallowing described line: Commencing al. a point, on the southerly line of Columbus avenue at the intersection nf (he westerly line of Lot eleven ;il ¦ in Block six (6) of said Hinkamp and Company's Columbus avenue subdivision projected southeasterly: thence sixty-eight, and eighty-nine hundredths feel !<58.8(>') on a curved line convex to the southeast tangent to the southerly line of Columbus avenue and having a radius of one hundred thirty-three and fifty-eight hundredths feet (133.58". to n point of langcnt, In a line eighty feet (HO'1 smith of nnd parallel to aline which begins in tbe northerly line of Columbus avenue fourteen and thirteen hundredths feet (14.13') southwesterly of the southwesterly line of said Lot eleven (II) and extends west to a point in tbe west line oT Lot nineteen (1n> in said Blntik six (ill eight, and ninety-five hundredths feet (fi.n'i'i south or the northerly corner of said lot: thence from said point of tangent wsl. aloiu; said line eighty feet {8m south of and 'parallel to above described line a distance of one hundred thirty-two and eighty-four hundredths feet ("i more or less lo a point of curve, tangent In snid last described course and having a radius of seventy-live rind .sixty-four hundredths feet (75.0.4'): thence continuing westerly and southerly on said curved line, convex to the northwest, seventy and fnuileeti oiie-hundredlhs feet <7fl.!'i'i lo a point of tiinircul. In a line which is eightv feel, ISO" ^roifheaslerly from nnd parallel to a line which begins in (be northerly line of Columbus avenue four and eighteen hundredths feet (¦l.tS'i iiorfheas.lerly from the iniersoo!ion of the east and west center line of said Section twenty-live (2B: and extends (hence norlheiisferly. making an angle with said en^l, nm! west, center line of llfly-t.hreo degrees and eight minutes (r>3"-8'), passing through a point in the south line of Lot eighteen Mh: in ltlo< k liwi (fn iu said Hinkamp and Company's Columbus Avenue Subdivision, seventy-four and two hundredths feet 'Ti.O'i') west of the southeast corner oT *aid Iof eigtileen (tH'. • Mioneo from said f.'.iiit, of l.iiiiL'eiil. .suulhw.'Slorty along said lino eighty fee!, i«i'j .-.".otheasierly front and parallel "To-above desiuTfioTTTJmMmi: liiii&JrW77fiTeTy"^flve and eleven hundredths feel ) more or less to ii point of curve tangent lo last described line and having a radius of one- hundred fect (10(i;); thence continuing southwesterly along last- described .curve convex I/O southeast, forty-rone' and sixteen hundredths feet (41.16') to' point of' langensy in the southeasterly line of Columbus avenue. .' ¦ '" ' Alt' that part, of ihe northerly and -southerly. ftj^y in Block 89 of the Wabash Addition''bh Chicago,iii Section 25, Township 38 .North, Range 13,,'East; of Third Principal Meridian, Cook County, rilihois, also all of the easterly and westerly public- alleys ''abutting Blocks 1-2-7-25-28 and 21) in said Wabash Ad^ dition, together with all of that part' of South Whipple street, formerly known as. Illicit street. .South California avenue. South Washio'navv avenue and South Rockwell street in said Wabash' Addition to Chicago, lying southerly and easterly of thesbiith-easLerly line or Columbus avenue; also that/ part'of-West 77th street lying west of the easterly, line" of the right, of way of The Baltimore and Ohio Chi-: cago Terminal Railroad Company, and east of . the' southeasterly line of Columbus avenue. All of the easl-and-wc'Sl thirty-three foot {3.'{:'i alley south of and adjoining l„ot thirty-three <33> in said Block thirty-eight (38). All of West Seventy-fifth street lying, between the east line of South Western avenue and the-east line of South Oakley avenue. That purl, of Claromonl avenue lying north of't he north line of West Seventy-fifth street, and soulh of a line beginning a I. the northwest corner of. Ehe. in-i tersectiun of West Seventy-fifth street .and -Clare-monl. avenue, and running thence northeasterly to a. point in Hie east line of Claremont avenue Tivfc and. ninety-three hundredths feet C5.93') north- of the north line of West Seventy-fifth street. ' That part of South Oakley avenue lying north of the south line of West Seventy-fifth sireei. and south' of a line described as follows: Commencing al a point on the east line of- South Oakley avenue, four hundred eleven feet ( il.t') south nf Ihe southeast corner of South Oakley avenue and. West Seventy-fourth street, and running' thence, southwesterly to a point on. the west line of- South. Oakley avenue lil'ty-lhrce and twelve hundredths feel (nn. 12'> north or the northwest eorneiv'of Soul li ; Oakley avenue and West Seventy-fifth street. That part, of the north and smith alley of Block fourteen (14) of the Subdivision of Blocks one .(I), two (Mi, six ,'(!). seven (7',. eight (8), ten" (10). eleven (It) and fourteen (li': in Dewey and- Hogg* s Subdivision of the west half (W. te) of.the northwest. miAr.ter ("X. W. Vi'i Section thirty (30). Town-. ship Lhirty-eight C38) North, Range fourteen (14), East oT the Third Principal Meridian, lying'south' of a lino described as follows: Beginning at a point* on the. west, line of said alley twenty-eight iind twelve hundredths, feel {L'8.1""i north of the. north, lino of West Seventy-fifth street, and cunning thence iioi'fliwisferly to a point m I he east, line of. said-alley thirty and ninety-three hundredths feet-(3f).9'3') mirth of the north line of West Sin-utity-lifllr slrccl. All thai, part of West, Seventieth street bni.wcenilhe. west line of the original sixty-live foot, (!ifr) right' of way of The IHullirnriro and Ohio Chicago Terminal Hnilwad Company and (hc'WGgt. line of South Hamilton «venue, said weal, line being ihe oast line/oP Lots.-five hundred and seventeen (517) and five hundred and eighty-eight (58>J) in Allertou's: .KnglowooiI Addition iu Iho southwest, one-half (S. W. ;t) of Suc-"lirm iuiii;[.eeiT~"TIB""T5WnsTnp IIIf ir lyT^ugli t; [?iWi North, flange fourteoti (14). .Easl' of the Third I'rln-
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REBOHTS OF COU-MITTEIES. ( .cipal' Meridian; also thai, part of the east ami west public'alley lying--south of and adjoining Ihe south line of Uiis four, bundled and four (4041 to four hundred and' nine {'409) both inclusive, and north of and a'clioihirig tho north line of Lots four hundred and twenty (420) to. four hundred and twenty-five (423) 'both' inclusive, in Allerlon's Addition afore- said; also thai part of West Sixty-ninth place south -Of awl. adjoining Lots four hundred and nineteen 'f.'i.i')) to 'four hundred and twenty-five (425) both inclusive, and north of and adjoining Lots four luin- :dL-cii and ninety-sis (496) to t've hundred and two (502) both inclusive; also that part of the east and Iwcsl. public alley lying south of and adjoining I.'.ols four hundred and ninety-six (496) lo five hun- ' fired- and three (5031 both inclusive, and north of and adjoining Lots five hundred and ten (510> lo "live fiundreil and seventeen (& 1-7> both mehis.ive, in .Ailei:ton"s Addition aforesaid: also that part or the casL-aiirP-w-'esf, public alley lying south of and ad- joining Lots five hundred and eighty-eight (58Hi lo .live hundred:'and ninety-seven (597) both inclusive, . and north- of nncf. adjoining Lots- six hundred (6001 ;- ' to six hundred and nine (filll)! both inclusive. ":5ft.'.Allerlon's Addition aforesaid: also that part ol •West Seventieth place tying south of and adjoining ! Lots five "hundred: and ninety-nine (5991 to six hun- 'fJi"ed:;'auri nine (CO!)', both inclusive, and north nf "'and'adjoining Lots six hundred and eighty (liSfti In six. hundred anil- ninety 't'OOi both inclusive in Allofl.on's Addition aforesaid: also that. part, of the east and west sixteen (lflV foot public alley lying south, of rind adjoining Lots six1 hundred nnd eighty £68f>\ to six hundred' and ninety (tiflO) holb in--rlusi.vp, ami north of and adjoining Lots six hundred and ninety-one (591-i to seven hundred and one f:7Oil both inclusive in AHerton's Addition aforesaid. That' "pari of South Leavitt street lyins between •the south line of West Seventy-first street and the north line of West Seventy-third street: also thai part or the east ami west sixteen (M>) font public atley lying; south of and adjacent lo f.Ms ftrteen do) 'lo-twenty-two (S?o both inclusive, and north of and adjacent to Lots twenty-five (2S) lo thirty-two (321 boltt inclusive (except the east sixteen (Hi) feet, thereof) all in Block three (31 of Hen-ons Subdi- vision of fifty (50) acres in Iho east ouo-half fE. v.) of the northwest one-t'iuarter (N. W. ^l of Section thirty (30),. Township tliirty-eight (381 North, Ranfie- fourteen (1 11. Bast of the Third Principal .Meridian; also that pari of Wast Seventy-first plnee lying south of and adjacent to Lots twenty-five (25"> to thirly-ono 131) both inclusive, in Block three (ol. and north of and adjacent to Lots sixteen (I6i to twenty-two (221 both inclusive (except the east, sixteen fect (16') thereof), in Block four (ii. all .inH'eri'on's Subdivision aforesaid; also that part of the sixteen (16) foot east-and-wcsl public alley south of and adjoining IXs sixteen (16) lo twenty- two (22>, and north of nnd adjoining Lots tveonty- :five (25) lo thirty-one (3n both inclusive. (exc«pt •tlie east sixteen feet (It"! thereof) in Blnofc four (4V of Herron's Subdivision aforesaid: also that part 'of--West Scventy-seeanil street lying south of and adjacent to Lots twenty-five (25) to twenty-nine . j '(29) both inclusive, in Block four (i). and north I .'of and adiacnnl: to Lots eighteen (IS) to twenty- !' .two (-22) .both, inclusive (except the east sixteen feel. . I (10'V thereof) in Block, five (TO of Herron's Sobdi- ¦ vision aforesaid: also that part of the east and west. < sixteen ('101 fool, public alley tying south of and ' adjoining Lnf.3 eighteen (.18' lo twenty-two (22' —i —jint.l»-iTOdustye,-and—north—of— »nd--id joining-. Uils ! twenty-five (£.5) to twenty-nine (29), both inclusive (except the east sixteen feet (111"! thereof in Hloek live f5i of Hermit's Subdivision aforesaid: also (lint part of West. tfovHnty-s'N'.ond place lying south of and adjoining Lots twenty-live U'ii: to twenty-seven (27) both inclusive, in Block live i'5i and north of and adjoining Lots twenty (20! to twenty-two (22) both inclusive, (except the east sixteen feet (iii') thereof), in Block six (6) of Kcrron's Subdivision aforesaid; also that, part of the east-and-we^t sixleen (Ifi) foot public alley lying south nf ami adjoining Lots twenty (2l)i lo twenty-two (22:', both" inclusive and north of and adjoining Luis twenty-live (251 to twenty-seven (27) both inclusive, (except Ihe east sixteen feel (16'! thereofi in Block six .:0i of lU-.rron's Subdivision aforesaid. All of the sixteen ft6) foot public alleys in Block one (I of Dowey A flogs" s subdivision of the west half (W. of the northwest, quarter (N. W. vt Section thirty (SOA, Township thirty-eight (38* iVio-Mi. Range fourteen (I ii, East of Ihe Third Principal Jlerufian; also all of the sixteen (Hi) foot public alleys in Block eight (8' of Dewey A Hogg's Subdivision aforesaid: also that part of West Seventy-second street, lying east of the east, line of Svoullt Irving avenue and west of the casl line of Mouth Leavitt struct, herein vacated: also Hint, part of West. Seventy-fourth street lying esisl. of a line parallel to and Ihree hundred and eighty-six and thirteen one-huudredths reel. ;:S*.t.I:";¦ east of the easl line of !>outh Oakley avenue and west of the northwesterly line nf the original right of way of Tile Cliirairn ami Western todi'mia Railroad Company. That, part of ".Vest rieveu(y-nirill) place lying west, of the west line of the one hundred fool HOU' right of way or The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati. Chicago & SI, Louis Railroad Company and east of a line one hundred thirty-nine feel, (139" westerly thereof; also the noi'th-iind-soulh fourteen {I,I) foul, public alley lying east of and adjoining lots eighteen !I8- to twetity-cisht iiS) both inclusive, in Block one (l; of C. It. Beckwil.h's Subdivision of Lots fourteen 11> and fifteen (15) of Hunter's Subdivision of the northwest quarter (N. W. of Section tuitty-one (lit i, Township thirty-eight (3H> , Range lourleen (I i'1. Bast of thu Third Principal .Meridian; also all the norih-aiid-souiii fourteen til) foot public alley lying east of and adjoining Lois eighteen (18) to twenty-eight (28) both inclusive, iu Block tour (4: of C. U. Beckwilh s Subdivision aforesaid; also thai part of West, Eightieth street lying west or the west line of the one hundred (lOo) fool right, of way of Thu Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Comparand east of a line drawn from the southwest corner of Lot twenty-eight. (2i)i fn Block one (J), to the Northwest corner of Lot eighteen (18) in Block four (4- of Heckwith':-; Subdivision aforesaid: also that purl of West Eightieth place lying west of the west iine of the one hundred (100) foot right of way of The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & 51. Louis Railroad Company and east of a line one hundred and rorty-one (141) feet westerly thereof; also those parts of the easl-and-wesl fourteen (li) foot public alley in Block one (I) and the cast-ami-west fourteen (14) foot public alley in Block four i4'., West. Eighty-first street. West .Eighty-first place, West .Eighty-second street., and South Oakley avenue in Lingte and Darlow's Subdivision of Lois eleven (11) and twelve (12;- iu Hunter's Subdivision of.tbe northwest nne-ipi.irtoi- (N. W, of Section thirly-one (:<1>, Township thirty-eight (3S,i -Soclh lUmge-foiwleon. !-U'' -E:n>l,-of-the-Tl.iird-(.;Principal Meridian, lying west, of the west line of!mages.php?zip=/l 7/items/procee. Page 1 or 1
JO UK SAL—CITY COUNCIL. the uno-hiuiilred (IHO 1'ooL t'ip/hl. of way of The PiKihurgh, Cincinnati. Chicago & SI,. L01113 Railroad Company and east uf a lino described as follows: Beginning al. a point, on tlie east lino of Sooth Western uvenue fifteen nnd fourteen one-huralretlths feel, (in I • ') sontli or the intersection, of said- east line with ihe norlh line of Lot tun < 10> of Hunter's Subdivision afore^n id. running thence easterly on a straight line it distance of one hundred find oiglity-l.wo nod llve-lent.lis feet (I82„V1 in a point, foiu'teen and thirty-seven one-hmidredf.hs fect (tl.M'7'i south 0/ the north lino or said Lot, feu (III), thence UiM'theasIwanit.v mi a curved tine tangential to the last, hereinbefore described course, having a radius ol nine hundred and two anil eighty-seven cme-hun-dredtlis feet All of the sixteen (In) foot public alley between llie smith line oT West fiighty-ieventh street and the northerly line of Hopkins place westerly of ami adjoining (he right of way ,j( The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati. Chicago 4 St. Louis Railroad Company; also Hint part of Hopkins place lying west of the west line of one hundred !tl)0l foot riphi or way of The Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Chicago & SI. Louis ftail-I'oaii Company, and ea»l of the east line of Prospect avenue; also thai part ot Prospect avenue lyinji south of the southerly line of Hopkins place and north of a line parallel with nnd' twelve hundred ami forty-six and nineteen one-hundredth^ f feet southcjs.lcrlv from said southerly line or Hopkins place, measured along the wesl line That part of Cimal .'formerly Mickey) street, now i'/igle'-t'On avenue, between Hloek.- live ''Yr and six (d'> in. Original L. A. Gilbert'... Subdivision ef part of Lot live ;")! Assessor's Division of West lull •;W >/j\ Sent ion Hi iriy-lhree (33). Township tliiriy-eiudd (3H; North, llangii fourteen (U>. Host of the Third prjneipat .Mcridiitn, now a part, of l.-.oi "It'*. Chieago and Western Indiana. ttuitncid Company's Subdivision of pari of stitd Seeiion rhiriv-f.hree (33 i: also That pari of Wesl Higlily-foiirlh (M ilii. sired, between said Block .live (r>j and Block seven (7' of said I A. Gilbert".- Subdivision ami thai part of Holland Settlenient road southwest, of said Block seV'.u ;7'i. also thai pari of ihe unrlhea';fTly-nnri- Siilllllueslerly .'dies unit llie imo-I b-.v est ei'ty-nili]. soullii'iislei'ly nlley in said Fllock six (t'l lying norl.h-oasderly 'it' a line beginning at. a point iu Ihe ^'oulli line of nio iheast. .pini'tvi-,.v, F. ''i : southwest i>iiliie;inei'lv ailev in saiil l.tlfjck seven ('!. Si.i'.tiuk tI'll-' Clncaso an;l Western Inrlimiu li:iiti'f.i.iil leeilioniy anil The. Helt hallway flornpany of '".hicirjo shall dodo-ate to tlie public for use as public streets, or alleys the fnllov. uig described pi'ioier! y . 'I ll" inn-til twenty feel ::.'n" of Lut llu'ee, {.I), and 111 rthi'asterl.v twenty feel, i.'n' of Lot fweuly- ^'oeii ' ,'7 in ttlock nine f';li of tlinkajun and Com- pany's 1 !i>l 111 o)ois. AM.-n'ie Sulidi visum, heing a re- snbriivisiini of part, of SViiluish Addition to Chicago in soulheasl, quarter (S. K; •'/,)¦. northeast quarter Crf. K. V,) of Section twenty-five (25},. 'I.Wnsbip thirty-eight, (:jS) .vorlh, Hinigo Thirteen (13) East of Ihe 'Chifl Priindpal Meridianl .Cnok' CounlVIllinois. All thai. i;eu:t of Lol.; fourteen (Li) fn eialitoen flM'. and Lots.t.wenly-one fjsi). Iii'tweii.l.y-Uirce -(23) in HlocU five (oi ,ti; said;.Hinkamp nnd-. Company's Avenue .Subdivision lying ri'oi'lher.K- and easterly of a tin.' ilescrilieil ns- follows; Goirmiaiieing at a point 101 the south lirse.of saifl r.«le'nflifecii li easferly from a- point in (ilie northerly line, of Co-Himluis uvetitio four and eighteen hundredths feet (1.IH": liorl.hensferly from lite east-nnrl west: center line of said Section twenty-five (25) anil' makes an angle with said east^nnd-west center liius of. lifty-l.hrec degrees and. eight es (.53-°-0if-V; tliencc running northeasterly from, said intersection on aii angle of fifty-three degrees and eight liiiniites i,53"-0^'t with said east-and-west center line forty-nine and thirty-seven hundredths feel. (M.37'> more or less to a point of curve, tangent to Inst described line ami having a radius or tiwcnty-sevtn and sixty-six hundredths feet v27-.S6">; thence' along said curve convex to northeast =ixl,y-one: nnd Iweniy-flve-hundredths, feet [01.'25') to a point tangency in a. line seventy-one feel (il') south of and parallel' to tlie north line's of said Lots fourteen (l.'i) and tweply-Lhrec (23); thence west along last described line 10 ea«t line of Mockwell' slieci, excepring from' (lie. forcKoing, llie northerly live (=y) feel of-said: ;ciits fourteen (Li) and t.svenf.y-lhrce. (£3.1! That part, of Lots twelve (12; to nineteen' (10) inclusive in J-ilock six (<>) of said' K'iuk'juiip . inn! Company's Columbus Avenue ISuhslivision lyinff south of a line beginning al Ihe southwest cor.ner'of I.iU eleven (It; in said Block-six (tlj .and running Ihence souflnvestei'ly twenty-seven and Eixt, huii-. dreihlis feet (27.Co"t on a curveconvex, to the 3outh-east, having a radius of liriy-ihrce ami fiflj'.reight huiiilreiKhs reel (53.3H:) lo a. point of tangent'iii .-a line which extends.from a point in the northerly line of Columbus avenue rourleen ami- thirteen hundredths feel (l.l.l.T: southwesterly from the. said ,-oiilhwest corner of Lot eleven fi ll anil extends thence west lo » point in the, west line of said- Lot nineteen ! IU) eight and ninety-five hundredths, leet IS,i>5') south of the [lortli corner of said- lot: thence I't'oio. said iioiut of I.Kiigent. one hundred and eiglity-fhree hundredth!! (175.83') more or less to the eiisf. lino ef Maplewood avenue, except that part of said Lot nineteen (•!•»> lying south of a line eighty feet \W) ' of and parallel lo lait: a'liove described line running west from the southeasterly line of fa id Lot nineteen (19J live and eighty-six hundredths- feet (o.Sil"; moro or loss to a point, -qf curve having 11 rmluis of seveiify-livc lthd' sixly-fuui"lnni.liviilhs reel, (".iii') HtCucu nlong said curve i.'onv-.*\- to ¦1.1H Invest. :,<;vent.v and . foui':.ioe.u, hun-dreiUlis- fei.-t (70. li': to 11 point', of ii'tihc wliie'h is eiglily feet {^(('i soul.hens'tei'.ly from- ami parallel to ;i tine which extends from a poiul' in the northerly line of Columbus avenue four ami eiiili-foeu hs feet ri.iw') iiortlicasterly from ihe cast and wcsl center line of said Section-twenty-live northeasterly mnkinii an angle with said cnst-and-wesi. center line of lil'ty-thrue degrees and eijihl ntin-nti.'s Ci^'-nn'imiil passes fllrongl) n point in the south line of Lot. .;i«lil.i!i>ti_! IHJ. in Block live, f.l.) nf Ilinliamp and Company's Ctttiimlnin Avenue i?ul»iti-
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I1EPGHTS OF GQMMITrBES. vis i (>u. ievthts- rour and'' two hu wlrwlins- fool (1 ->M'i west ot .tlie southeast, aoruci.' thereof. a" tract of laud in. the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said Section. 25. de-snriheit i»s follows':' Commencing'ai point on a line 3:1 feci v.'est of "and- parallel- to tlie noi th-aiul-soutli center line of. the hortheast^qoarlcr. of said Section 2o. ami 231.76.feel", north of the east and west center line of •snid Section 35",.'.Hh'd running southeasterly on a curve convex.^ I he southwest with a radius uf GU willi noutlr and south center line, of said nocliicast, quarter of said Section 25; thence itortherlc-.oh'.saitt 'ceiiteT line to a -point. i'3 feet mtriii uf .tins eai£ aiid'vveSt.ceiifvr line uf sa id Section1 23; thence westerly 33: feet and parallel lo said east anil west-center line; thence southerly 5 feel, more or leas 011= a. line parallel to north and south center liinrqf the northeast, quarter of sasrl. Section 2S tn point, ''of .begin"ing. A. truer of. Vaind in. the. southeast quarter of the iic.rJ.licail'.<|iiar'ter of said Section 25 described a.- fnllows: Lying nurfliwesterly, southerly and easterly of the following described lines: ccumiiencing at a point on lit!" original northwesterly line of'Columbus avenue., a'-dislaiice, of Bfi feet norl.h of east ami west, center line of said' Sc-dion 25: thence westerly on a straight,, line, 'para I lab to the west1 center line of said Section 25, a distance of feet; thence southwesterly oh. a.straight line malting an angle oi 33';*' with the east, and west center line of said Eortiori 2ft. a distance of lo.1t> feet more or less io a point, of'curve tangent to the last described course: thenca contiuuiu" .HuUbwesloiiy ou a. curve coin ex to the southeast, with a.- radius of 20 feel., lo a point of tangent with llie original northwesterly line of Coiumbus, avenue, laid last point being at the intersection of the'east and west tenter line nf said Section-25 with-the-said northwesterly line of Columbus avenue: Kola1-nineteen. Cl'JV and twenty ;20> am! the south twenty-one and1, nine .huniJreiUhs feet (21.09'/ of Lots (13). and'twenty-one (21) in Bloek thirteen (13:-in the subdivision, of Blocks five (5), twelve (12) and IhlrLceii (i3)'in Dewey ;iitil Hogg's Subdivision of the wes't'hn'if '.W. vt-'l of the northwcst.quartcr (N. W.14) Section thirty (30), Township thirty-eight V^l North, Hangc'tourleon (I-i)- Blast of the Third Principal'Meridian. A.fifty foot. (50) strip through lors Sixteen (111) seventeen (17), eighteen (IS)., twenty (20), tweuty-one (Jli'and twenty-two {22) in Block fourteen !I 'C of the subdivision of Blocks one. (I). two (2), six {"6)seven (7). eis"ht. f3), ten- (10), eleven (11) and fi'mrleen {-t'-V-l in Dewey and Hogtr's Subdivision ot the "west half (W. %)' of the northwest, quarter (.N. \V. ;',) section thirty 30), Township lliirly-eighl (:iH> North, Range fourteen (M). Mast or the 'I'hirdH'rineipal .Meridian, lying southerly of and adjoining a' line described as follows: Commencing at 9 point- 6ri the east, line of Clureiiioul, avenue lifly-5ix and- sixly-min;; hundredths feet (50/139') north of the sou.lh,w.K5k corner of said Lot twenty (20) running thence northeasterly to the northeasterly corner of said Cot twenty-two (22), thence continuing northeasterly to the northeasterly corner of said Lot sixteen (16). .The- Pittsburgh.- Cincinnati. Chicago A St. f.-ouis Jltailriiiid Company shall dedicate to Hie public for use as'piiblic ii'leyo' Hie following: iA norlh-ahd-soutb.alley, not less than 10:0 feet in 'width, between South Leavitt: street, (vacated) and -Sotiu> ¦¦¦ Hoyne-avemie—east-of— the-% 1 ropcrty i»f-a« id— railrnrui i.i'iinpaiiy^sajd.alley to connect the oa=t-and- ¦wesl alley between West &a\ eoty-fiCi! alrest and West Seventy-first place with either West Sovenly-lirs'. -oreci or West Seventy-first place. A north-antf-south alley, not less than Iti.O feel in width, between South I.eaviU. street (vacated, and South Hoyne avenue ea3l of the property of said railroad' company, said alley to connect the east-and-west alley between West Seventy-firs I. place and Weil Seventy-second street with cither West. Seventy-first place or West Seventy-second street, A norl-h-and-b-oulh alley, not. less than Iti.O feet ill- width, beiwee-i South f.eavilt sired I'vacuU'il'i mid Ktmlh Hoyne avenue east of the properly of said railroad company, said alley to connect, the easi-ap.d-west alley between Weil Seventy-second street and West ^evenly-secnnd place with either W**sf, Seventy-second .-.l.reet or West Scvonf.y-sefiimd place. A norlii-and-south alley, not less than f«l.n fee! if. width, between S011t.l1 Uv.iviU street tvacaled) and South Ifoyne avenue east of the property of said railruucl cornjiany. juid alley la connect Ihe cast-und-west. alley between West Seventy-secmid place ami West Seventy-third street with either West Seventy-second place or West Seventy-third street. In She evt'tii, that, the railroad and railway coni-panio- herein required lo dedicate certain properly for use as public streets or alleys shall fail or be unable, within six mouths after the passage and acceptance of this ordinance. To acquire the necessary title io the lands required for said dedications, then and in thai event tlie said companies shall notify the City of Chicago, and the City of Clnea-jri will upon such notice institute. corni.:ii)lt;iiion proceedings for the aeqtiisilinn of said land and the inumls. judgments, costs and expenses of said suit, or condemnation proceedings shall be borne and paid for by the railroad or railway companies hereinbefore required to provide such dedication, provided, however, thai attorneys for said railroad nr railway companies rimy ;ro-:erule said suit.-; or condemnation proceedings1 for and in buhuif of said City nf Chi-ciiao if said companies shall so elect. The .Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Chicago are. hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the Wabash ttailway Company fur a consideration to be agreed tipon. a. good nnd siiflleient deed for (he following described properly: All that part of Block sixteen -Hit in Dewey and Vance's Subdivision in the soulli one-half (jj. M; of Sccliui) thirty (30J. Township thirty-eight (18) \orth . Range foui-toep (l i). Rust of the Third Principal Meridian, lyiiii.- north' of a straight tine drawn from it point in the east line of said Jilock twenLy-mne (ill; feel south of llie northeast corner thereof to 11 point, in the wesl line of said block, thirtv-six and one-half (Sti'/i) feel, south of (he northwest corner of said block. SifniON in. 11 shall be the duly of the Commis-sionec of Public. Works of the City of Chicago to supervise all work herein authorized and permitted to be done. Ho shall cause to be made and lo be ¦kept on file in the deportment of public works of said City, rceords and reports showing the progress of all woi-lt. done under Ibis ordinance. In tlie event thai Ihe. work herein provided for shall be wilfully delayed by any of said companies or become impossible of performance, he shall report to the Jlnyor and City Council of said City of Chictiso the cause or onuses therefor with his recOmnieiidiUions concerning the steps to he lalteti or the .means to be nyrt li> proped»^-et>tui!r^th»-^i>v.teww»» diniinco and l;o secure the lioiuploliou of Die work
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JOURSAL—CITY COUNCIL. herein contemplated without unnecessary cost, hindrance or delay. Section ID. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after the date of iU passage and approval by the Mayer; provided, however, thai, it shall he null and void unless the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company. The Bett Railway Company of Chicago, the Wabash llailway Company, The Pittsburgh. Criu'muuti, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Compnny, The Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company and Tbe Baltimore and Ohio Connecting Railroad Company shall each through their duly authorised ofilcei's. llie with the City Clerk of the City of Chicago—within sixty (60) days from and after the passage of (his ordinance and lis approval by the Mayor—their agreement or agreements, duly executed, whereby they shall undertake to do and perform all the matters and thins* required of them by this ordinance. Alter the filing of such, agreement or agreements by said railroad find railway companies, (.his ordinance shall not he materially modified or amended unless such railroad company or companies shall be in default in the performance of the several matters and things required by this ordinance to be done by such agreement. The failure or default, of any of said railroad or railway company or companies to file such agreement; within the time herein limited shall not. void or impair any of the rights hereunder of the railroad or railway company or companies, which shall have tiled its or their agreement, or agreements, as here-' inbefore. provided, so long as it or they shall perform the matters and things ccpressdy required of it or them hy this ordinance Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be a waiver or surrender of the police power of the City or be taken in any way lo deprive the City of the right to properly esceulc such power.
Al the li'.'fiiest of Alderman McDonough, unanimous consent wa» given lo permit immediate action on sundry reports of the Committee on Local Transportation.
Direct ion for llepirseiHalinn in Behalf of Ihe City of Chicago al Hearings before tin: Illinois Commerce Commission Relative lo feeder Ulnars for Street HaiUvuy Lines. The Committee on Local Transportation submitted 3 report reeononcndmjr ttie passage of an order submitted therewith, in reference to the operation of recder buses for street railway linui in Chicago. Aidennaii McDonough moved to concur in said report and to pass said order. No .", being made hy any two Aldermen present to defer consideration of said report for final action thereon until the next regular meeting, and the question being put, tho vole thereon was ns follows: Yeas—CouRblin, Anderson, Jackson, Crooson, Grossman. Guernsey. Wooilhull. .Mcyering, Covinr, Rowan, Wihoii. [JarlneU, .McDonough, Byrne, Morail, Coyle, - Hynn, MnKinlay. -Gopafcr-Tomail. Arvcy. 1. P. 'Bowler, Sloan, Van Norman, Maypole, A. .1. Koran. Clnrk, Adam- kewics, Smith, Pctlak, Kaindl, Self, Nasser, Mills; lAdaiii- owski, ftinga, T. J. Bowler, Crowe, Lo'is^mer.'Feigeniiut;!, Nelson, Hoellen, .MaJSim; Fraiikhtuiser,. Mpaci—45. A'at/s—None; , ' The following is said'order as'natseri.:' Ordered, That the Corporation Counsel ».0'r ' bis' assistants appear at the. hearings on Ihe various applications pending before Ihe Illinois, Commerce Commission relative to feeder, buses lo si!rfacc.;-csrs. and lend his aid in any way .possible toward obtaining a. feeder bus service to the surface lines.'
Establishment of "Feeder" Buses on Certain Streets. The Committee on Local 'Transportation! submitted the following report: ¦ ' CillCAim, May 9,,ii)28- Ta (he Slaijor and Aldermen of the Cily of Chicago in Citij Council Assembled: Your Committee on Local Transportation, tritwbom were referred (December 28, !927, pa?e ISiKJ) an ordinance, granting permission and authority to the Chicago Itailways Company to establish an extension of the existing auxiliary or supplementary molorbus line on Diversoy avenue from North Crawford avenue to Milwaukee avenue and from North Laramie avuniie to Knrtti iX-urrngurseti 'avenue; and on Belmont avenue between North Narr'a-' gansoli avenue and Xorlh Central avenue.:. (October Li, 1027, page 1300) an order direct- ing that consideration be given lo the matter of' substituting motocbus service for "one-man" street railway service on Diverscy avenue be- tween Morth Crawford avenue and Milwaukee avenue; . ' (October 11, 1B27, page 1200) an order directing that consideration be given to Hie matter ;of extending the snatorhus service on Diverscy-ave-nue from North Laramie avenue lu Norlhr'Narra-gansett avenue; (March a, l!)£8, page 23il} an ordinance .for the establishment and operation of a "feeder" motorbus line on Diversey avenue from Milwaukee avenue to the city limits; (March a, 11)28, page 2323) an ordinance for the operation of motorbus service on the- following streets: Klston jLvenuc from Milwaukee avenue^ to Lawrence avenue; Belmont avenue, from No. 5t50O west to lbs cily limits; North Central avenue from West Grand avenue to Hisgins roarf; North N'aiTLifinnsell avenue from West Grand avenue to Irving- Park boulevard; Addison street from North Harlem avenue to Sheridan road: iNui'Miwesi, Highway from Milwaukee, avenue lo the cily limiis; (March 2H, IP"S. page. I15i"J) an ordinance granting permission for day-to-day operation'of motorbiiscs on sundry streets; and (April 12. IfJ-tt, pago DB20) an ordinance grant- ing perm 153100 and authority lo the Chicago Rall- 'ways C0mD7rrry~ioT^lay^t^ buses, during the month of April, 11)29, on I .in-
J 7/items/procee... 4/14/2021
Exhibit C
Legal Description of the 79th Street Parcel
Exhibit D Depiction of the Eastern Bridge
April 21, 2021
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of the Commissioner of Transportation, 1 transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing construction and associated agreements regarding a grade separation at 71sl Street.
Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
May 26, 2 021
To the President and Members of the City Council:
Your Committee on Transportation and Public Way begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable Body pass the proposed ordinance transmitted herewith for a MAYORAL to AGREEMENT WITH CSX INTERMODAL, INC. - 02021-1648 An agreement with CSX Intermodal, Inc. for construction of grade separation on 71st street, repairs on 69th street viaduct, and grant of easement on 79th street. This ordinance was referred to Committee on April 21, 2021.
This recommendation was concurred unanimously by viva voce vote of the members of the Committee with no dissenting vote. Howard Brookins, Jr., Chairman
Respectfully submitted,
Approved Approved
Corporation Counsel Mayor
Ctln/40<}.\ DATED: (e/