Record #: R2012-984   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 10/31/2012 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Workforce Development and Audit
Final action: 11/8/2012
Title: Amendment of Regulations Governing Administration of Classification Plan and Employee Benefits for Classified Positions set forth in Annual Appropriation Ordinance (Salary Resolution) by modifying Section F and Subsections B(8) through B(12), C(1), C(7), G(2), and G(4) through G(6)
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm
Topic: BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS - Salary Resolution
Attachments: 1. R2012-984.pdf
October 31,2012
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request ofthe Budget Director, I transmit herewith an amendment to the Salary Resolution.
Your favorable consideration of this amendment will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
Be It Resolved by the City €omcil of the Gity of Chicago:
SECTION 1. The Regulations Governing the Administration ofthe Classification Plan and Employee Benefits for Classified Positions set forth in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance ("the Salary Regulations") are hereby amended by deleting the struck-through text and adding the underscored text, as follows:
  1. $mm$$>
These regulations contain provisions governing compensation administration, and benefits for all positions which are subjeot te control and regulation by and for which compensation is required to be fixed by the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Chicago.
  1. Adoption And Definition Of The Compensation Plan.
(Omitted. te& is, unaffected by this resolution) (8)    Health Insurance Coverage,.
The term "healthcare coverage" includes, but is not limited to, claims administration, utilization review, ease management, prescription benefits, consulting and actuarial services, psychiatric and substance abuse services, and any other ancillary administrative benefit services.
In providing for single, employee plus one dependent, or family healthcare coverage as set forth in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance under codes .0029, .0042 and .0043, each company and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) that provides healthcare coverage shall first be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Budget Director, City Comptroller, Benefits Manager, Commissioner of Human Resources and Chairman Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee op Workforce Development and Audit. Plan provisions and rates shall all be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Budget Director, City Comptroller, Benefits Manager, Commissioner of Human Resources and Chairman Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Development and Audit. The Mayor is authorized to enter into and execute such agreements, amendments and documents, subject to review as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel, as are required or necessary to implement the plans, which agreements, amendments and documents shall be kept on file with the Budget Director and the City Comptroller.
(Omitted te$t is mqffected ky this resolution)
Term Life Insurance Coverage.
In providing eligible employees with $25,000 term life insurance and $1,000 ($5,000 for sworn police and uniform fire) Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance as set forth in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance under code .0045, each carrier that provides said insurance shall first be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Budget Director, City Comptroller, Benefits Manager, Commissioner of Human Resources and Gharmtan Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Development and Audit. The policy provisions and rates shall be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation ofthe Budget Director, City Comptroller, Benefits Manager, Commissioner of Human Resources and Chairman Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Development and Audit. The Mayor is authorized to enter into and execute such agreements, amendments and documents, subject to review as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel, as are required or necessary to implement the coverage, which agreements, amendments and documents shall be kept on file with the Budget Director and the City Comptroller, Employees will be eligible for such insurance coverage on the first of the month following employment, and such insurance coverage will terminate as provided in the plan.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution)
  1. DeRtal Cafe Coverage.
In providing for single, employee plus one dependent and family dental care coverage as set forth in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance under code .0056, each company that provides such coverage shall first be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation of Budget Director, City Comptroller, Benefits Manager, Commissioner of Human Resources and Chairman Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Development and Audit. Plan provisions and rates shall all be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Budget Director, City Comptroller, Benefits Manage^ Commissioner of Human Resources and Chairman Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Development and Avd\t. The Mayor is authorized to enter into and execute such agreements, amendments and documents, subject to review as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel, as are required or necessary to implement the plans, which agreements, amendments and documents shall be kept on file with the Budget Director and the City Comptroller.
Eligible employees will be provided choice of coverage on the first of the month after their first year.
  1. Lleferred Compensation Plan.
The City will provide all eligible employees with the opportunity to participate in a deferred compensation plan. The rules and regulations of such plan shall first be approved by the
Mayor on the recommendation ofthe Budget Director, the Commissioner of Human Resources, the City Comptroller, the Chief Financial Officer and the Chairmen of the Committees on the Budget and Government Operations and Finance and Workforce Development and Audit. The same will be approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and legality.
(12)   Optical Care Coverage.
In providing for individual employee optical care coverage as set forth in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance under code .0057, each earrier that provides such insurance shall first be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Budget Director, City Comptroller, the Benefits Manager, Commissioner of Human Resources and Chairman Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Pevelopment and Audit. Plan provisions and rates shall all be approved by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Budget Director, the City Comptroller, the Benefits Manager, Commissioner of Human Resources, Chairman and Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Development and Audit. The Mayor is authorized, subject to review as to form and legality by the Corporation Counsel, to enter into and execute such agreements, amendments and documents as are required or necessary to implement the plan, which agreements, amendments and documents shall be kept on file with the Budget Director and the City Comptroller.
Eligible employees will be provided vision coverage at the same time medical coverage is effective unless coverage is provided as a separate benefit, wherein coverage will be effective on the first of the month after the eligible employee's first year.
C.     Application And Interpretation Of The Employee Benefit And Compensation Plan. (1)     Starting Rate On Initial Employment.
Initial appointments to any positions shall be made at the entrance rate of the salary range prescribed for the applicable class grade. In exceptional cases, upon recommendation by the department head and approval of the Commissioner of Human Resources, the Budget Director and the Chairman of the Committee on Finance Workforce Development and Audit of the City Council, initial appointment may be made at a rate above the normal entrance rate. Entrance above the normal entrance rate shall be based on the outstanding and unusual character of the applicant's education, experience and training over and above the minimum qualifications specified for the class.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution) (7)     Limitation Of Salary Adjustments.
Personnel actions which result in increases in pay by means of advancement within a salary range, reclassification of position, or change of class grade or position shall be made as set
forth herein, provided that no employees shall receive the benefit of more than two such actions in any calendar year, unless a supplemental action is recommended by the department head and is approved by the Commissioner of Human Resources, the Budget Director and the Chairmen of the Committees on the Budget and Government Operations and Finance Workforce Development and Audit of the City Council.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution)
  1. Automobile Allowance.
Employees shall be reimbursed for the use of personally owned automobiles in the conduct of City business according to the provisions of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution)
In determining actual mileage for which compensation will be paid, the mileage from the employee's plaee of assignment or home to his first work stop, whichever is shorter for the conduct of City business, and on return from his last stop, the mileage to his place of assignment or home, whichever is shorter shall be included in his daily mileage report for automobile mileage compensation. The daily mileage report shall be on the form prescribed by the Budget Director and shall be kept on file by the department head subject to audit by the Budget Director and the Chairmen of the Committees on the Budget and Government Operations and Finance and Workforce Development and Audit of the City Council.
  1. Holidays, Vacations And Sick Leave For Positions In The Classified Service.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution) (2)    Vacation Leave.
Except as otherwise provided in a collective bargaining agreement, vacation leave shall be earned in-the following-manner this Section G(2) shall govern vacation leave for all employees:
foX'l) For-the-rcmaindcr of-2^1-h-cmployees-appointed-to city-service prior-to-January -1, 2011 shall be eligible for vacaiiwieavg-ewwp^ed-enihe-feasis^cscrib as of January 1" of each year following tho year in which thoy wore employed: Such vacation leave will be computed on the basisof time-earned during the prior calendar year: Vacation- leave earned will be determined by dividing the number of months-worked in the prior calendar year by twelve and then multiplyingby the number of yearly-vacation leave days -based on service. Any fraction- will be-rounded-off to the nearest whole number of days.
(a)(2) Until-January 1,2013, tire-following provision shall applyto employees hired on
described in paragraph1 (a)(4) as of -January iw during the ealendar-year in-whtchthoy wore employed: Such vacation leave will be computed on the basis of time earned during such calendar year-Vacation leave earned will be-determined by dividing the-numberof months worked in-aueh calendar year by twelve and-men-multiplying by the-number of- yearly vacation lcave days based t)n"serviee: - Any fraction will berounded off to the neai-est whole-number of days. Vaeatiotttlays may be advanced to an employee subjeet to departmetit1 head- approval as permitted iit-the-Pcrsonnei Rules:
(a)(§} 0n and after January 1,2013, thefeHowiflg^r^vigien^haU^applyHo all employees? Employees shall be eligible for vaeation leave computed on the basis described in ibis paragraph (a)(4) as of January 1" of each year during the year in which they were employed. Such vacation leave will be computed on the basis of time earned during the current calendar year. Vacation leave earned will be determined by dividing the number of months worked in the current calendar year by twelve and then multiplying by the number of yearly vacation days based on service. Any fraction will be rounded off to the nearest whole number of days. Vacation-days may bc-ttdvaneed-to-aircmployee-subjeet tadcpmtinent'he'ad-tipprovati-as-permitted tit the Personnel Rules.
(a)(4) Each salaried employee or hourly rate employee with less than six years of service will be granted two calendar weeks and three days (13 working days) vaeation leave in each calendar year.
Each salaried employee or hourly rate employe© who has served the City for six years or more prior to July Pl shall be granted a vacation of three calendar weeks and three days (18 working days) in each calendar year.
Each salaried employee or hourly rate employee who has served the City for. fourteen years or more prior to July 1st shall be granted a vaeation of four calendar weeks and three days (23 working days) in each calendar year.
Eaoh salaried or hourly rate employee who has served the City for twenty-four years or more prior to July 1st shall be granted a vacation of four calendar weeks and four days (24 working days) in each calendar year.
Each salaried of hourly rate employee who has served the City for twenty-five years or more prior to July 1st shall be granted a vaeation of five ealeadar weeks (25 working days) in each calendar year.
Each Deputy Qjstrjot Chief of the Chicago Fife Department who works a pjatoon sohedule and who has served the City for less than twenty.five years prior to July 1st shall be granted a yacatiop of,lQ.platopn working days in each calendar year,
Eaeh Deputy Pistriot Chief of the Chicago Fire Bepartment who works a platoon schedule and who has served the Citv for twentv-five vears or more prior to July 1st shall be granted a vacation of 12 platoon working davs in each calendar year.
Each Assistant Deputy Chief Paramedic of the Chicago Fire Department who works a platoon schedule and who has served the Citv for less than twgnty-flve vears prior to July 1st shall he granted a vacation of 8 platoon working davs in each calendar year.
Each Assistant Deputy Chief Paramedic of the Chicago Fire Department whp works a platoon schedule and who has served the Citv for twentv-five years or more pripr to July 1st shall be granted a vacation of 9 platoon working davs in each calendar year.
Each salaried-or hotu^y rato^
graiited^wo^alendarweeksand-three^ay^^H-^vorking day»)jv^atiott-iireaeh^feHdar-year.
Each-salaried-or-hcou-ly ratecmp^ mor^prieHo July^-shail be^ working-day s) in eaeh-calendarycar.
I&6rhsafeu^cd»or4iou^ moi^prioHoJulyl-stsha^ working-days-) in eaeh calendar year.
Part-time employees who have worked at least 50% of full-time in the prior calendar year month shall be granted vacation leave on a prorated basis.
  1. No employee while on leave of absence or leave without pay status may earn vaeation credit except where such leave was adjudged eligible for duty disability, t&eepfras'ethewvise providcd-m Subsection1 (g)(2-)(a)(l)-for theremainder of 26H;- vacation Vacation leave will be reduced in proportion to the length of leave (excluding leave of absence for duty disability) during the current calendar year, Any calendar month in which the employee worked was in a paid status for at least 50% of the work time in that month shall be credited for purposes of computing vacation leave on the basis described in paragraph (a).
  2. Five days vacation leave may be carried over from the calendar year in which such vaeation was due to the next calendar year. Carry over vacation leave is to be on file subject to audit by the Budget Director and/or the Commissioner of Human Resources.
  3. In the event an employee has not taken his or her vacation as provided for herein by reason of separation from City service, he or she, or in the event of death the widow or widower or estate, shall be entitled to receive his or her prevailing salary for any such earned, unused vacation. Vacation earned and accrued pursuant to Section G(2)(a) and Section G(2)(b) for service in the current year and any unused vacation leave carried over pursuant to Section
(6)(2)(e) shall be paid on a supplemental payroll as soon as is practicable following the last day worked. The designated payrolls shall be verified by the Commissioner of Human Resources, the Budget Director and be approved by the City Comptroller.
Seasonal employment of less than 120 calendar days in any year shall not be credited for vacation.
(e) In case a holiday as defined in Section ©(I) is observed on any work day during a full week of an employee's regularly scheduled vacation, an additional day off with pay shall be allowed for each such holiday,
(£) The department head shall designate when the vacation shall be taken.
(g) Any employee ofthe City of Chicago, except an employee appointed to City service after September 8,1986, who has rendered serviee to the County of Cook, the Chicago Park District, the Chicago Housing Authority, the Forest Preserve District, the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, the State of Illinois, the Chicago Board of Education, the City Colleges of Chicago, Community College District 508, the Chicago Transit Authority, the Public Building Commission of Chicago, the Chicago Urban Transportation District, and the Regional Transportation Authority, shall have the right to have the period of such service credited and counted for the purpose of computing the number of years of service as an employee of the City for vacation credit, provided that such service has been continuous as defined in this resolution. However, vacation time accrued while working for another public agency shall not be transferable,
(h(-2-)"Employccs appointed -to City-service -prior-to January--!-; ■ 2041 -wirl-not-aecrue yaeation'ieavc^n^Qi&'Sudi^^
2041 to 2012 all -untBedveamcd-vacatiorflcave^ranted'fbr 2011 and will be entitled-to-use-in 2012 the fall-amount-of accrued-vacation-leave earned -dming 201F for-20-12:
described m-Seetionj(6)(-2-)(a^(-3^-and"Section G(2)(b) and will be pei'mitted^o^earryovorfive days of vacation leave pursuant to Section-(6X2X"c):
ft) fjfj Employees appointed to City service prior to January 1, 2011 will receive on January 1, 2013, 13 days of paid leave, termed "employee equalization days." Employee equalization days must be taken on or before December 31, 2014, and are not eligible for carryover into 2015, Employee equalization days shall not constitute "earned vacation" or "final compensation" for purposes of Section 2 of the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act, as amended, codified at 820 ILCS 115/2; accordingly, an employee who leaves City service before
December 31,2014 shall not be entitled to compensation in any form for unused employee equalization days.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution)
  1. AceuniulationOfSick Leave Credit.
Sick leave credit earned by a salaried employee in the City service subsequent to January 1,1959 shall accrue to a maximum of two hundred (200) workdays at the rate of 12 days per year less days of sick leave used. Sick leave records shall be maintained by each department head subject to examination and audit by the City Comptroller, the Commissioner of Human Resources, the Budget Director, and the Chairmen of the Committees on the Budget and Government Operations and Finance and Workforce Development and Audit ofthe City Council.
Severance of employment prior to the use of all or any part of such sick leave terminates all rights for compensation. Sick leave accrued while working for another public agency shall not be transferable.
  1. Extended Sick Leave.
Vacation and sick leave may be oombined in the event of a long continued sickness. In the unusual ease of an employee whose continued sickness extends beyond the amount of vacation and sick leave earned and accumulated by the employee, the department head may request approval for the extended sick leave with pay, of the Chairman Chairmen of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Workforce Development and Audit. Such request shall be submitted in the manner designated by the-^aiTmaii-ofilie--Committee-on Finance said Chairman,
Extended sick leave shall be granted on the basis of calendar days and shall be construed for payroll purposes.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution)
  1. Ex^<iCTis4% Vacations-Ai^ fReseryedJ
Providcdrhowovcr;-thatthc-foregoin^ sicfe-leave-are nottippKeabl^
Grossing -Guards and employees of the Chicago Public Library, except Section-G(-2)(d) which shall apply to-Uniformed Fire Personnel, Sworn -Police Personnel and employees of the Chicago Public Library.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this resolution)
SECTION 2. This amendatory resolution shall be effective on its passage.