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Record #: SO2020-3577   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 7/22/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 12/16/2020
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Section 16-8-070 to further regulate rezonings in conversion areas
Sponsors: Villegas, Gilbert
Topic: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 16 - Land Use - Ch. 8 Planned Manufacturing Districts
Attachments: 1. O2020-3577.pdf, 2. SO2020-3577.pdf
Chicago City Council June 17,2020 Referred to Committee on Zoning



SECTION 1. Section 16-8-070 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the underscored language, as follows:

16-8-070 Applicability.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all rezonings in conversion areas.
If a rezoning, as defined in Section 16-8-020. includes a character building, as defined in the applicable Industrial Corridor Overlay District of Chapter 17-7, and such character building will be maintained, reused or rehabilitated, such as rezoning is not subject to the conversion free, as defined in Section 16-8-020. However, such conversion fee-exempted rezonings are subject to the following:

The rezoning must be reviewed as either a Type I application, pursuant to Section 17-13- 0302-A, or a planned development, pursuant to Section 17-13-0600.
The building height of anv character building which is maintained, or other existing. non-character building, which is maintained, may not be increased by more than 10'. Building height increases pursuant to Section 17-3-0408-B are not permitted.
The cumulative buildins coverage of all character buildings which are maintained, or other existing, non-character buildings which are maintained, may not be increased by more than 10%.
The floor area ratio may be no greater than that which is necessary to maintain, reuse or rehabilitate character buildings, and other existing, non-character buildings, or that which is necessary to provide improvements to character buildings, and other existing, non-character buildings, as contemplated in Sections 16-8-070(b)(ii) and 16-8-070(b)(iii).
The rezoning is not eligible for the bonus floor area described in Sections 17-7-0406 or 17-7-0455. However, floor area ratio increases achieved pursuant to Sections 17-3-0403-B. 17-3-0403-C. 17-4-0405-C or 17-4-0405-D are allowed.
The character building must be declared, and remain, an official Chicago Landmark and the zoning lot or lots subject to the rezoning must adhere to the requirements of this Section 16-8-070(b) for the lesser or 40 years from the date of the final action by the Citv Council on the rezoning application or the elimination of the applicable conversion area as further described in Section 16-8-030.

(vii) Italicized terms used in this section indicate terms defined in Title 17 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance:

(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)

SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.

Alderman Gilbert Villegas, 36th Ward