SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chica go, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the POS-1 Regional or Community Parks District symbol and indications as shown on Map No. 26-G in the area bounded by
West 105th Street; South Morgan Street; the center line of West 106th Street or the line thereof if extended where no street exists; and South Aberdeen Street,
to those of an RS-2 Residential Single Unit (Detached House) District and a corresponding uses district is hereby established in the area above described.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Common address of property: 10500-56 South Morgan Street; 1001-43 West 105th
Street; 10501-57 South Aberdeen Street. Mount Vernon Elementary School
Carrie M. Austin Alderman, 34th Ward
Borstein, Scott
Subject: Attachments:
Borstein, Scott
Hi Terrihope you are well. Did Alderman Austin introduce this ordinance at today's Council meeting? If so, can I get a signed copy of the ordinance. Let me know. Thanks, Scott
Terriit was a pleasure speaking with you last week and I'll look forward to working with you on this and other matters. Per our conversation, I am writing to you regarding the Mount Vernon School at 10540 S. Morgan Street. As you know, we represent the Board of Ed. The Board is planning some renovation work at Mount Vernon in early 2011, a description of which is provided below. As you can see, the general purpose of the renovation work is to keep the school water tight. The school, however, is located in a POS-1 district and is adjacent to Mount Vernon Park. As you may know, the City rezoned these park locations in 2005 and inadvertently included the school property in the rezoning. Unfortunately, school uses, as you know, aren't permitted in a POS district. In order to avoid any delays in obtaining the renovation work permit, we'd greatly appreciate if Alderman Austin would introduce an ordinance to rezone the entire school site to the RS-2 district (which was the zoning at the site prior to 2005) at the next Council meeting on June 8, 2011. I've attached the zoning ordinance which the Alderman can sign and introduce. Please provide me with a copy of the signed ordinance. We would, of course, be available to meet with the community to discuss this if Alderman Austin felt that was necessary. After introduction, we would just need the Alderman or someone from her staff to attend the Committee on Zoning hearing (once it's scheduled) and indicate her support for the project at the hearing. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Scott
The intent of this project is to make the facility watertight. Exterior work includes repairing leaking areas in the roof and masonry and addressing necessary site scope to comply with the Chicago Landscape and Zoning Ordinance. Interior work focuses on repairing plaster and other finishes which had suffered from previous water damage.
Scott R. Borstein
Attorney at Law
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2300 Chicago, IL 60601 312-641-7144 |312-641-5137 fax sborstein@neal andleroy.com
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Bird's eye view maps can't be printed, so another map view has been substituted.
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Zoning Map
Created on: 5/24/2011 3:46 P.M
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Zoning data refteds all ordinance* oatssed ariorlo Fsuni^ry 9lh. 2011 Copyright lc)2011, Cilyof Cbfcago
Zoning | | Business | | Commercial | | Manufacturing | | Residential | | Planned Development | | Planned Manufacturing |E£ | Downtown Core | | Downtown Service | | Downtown Mixed | | Downtown Residential IMI Transportation | | Parks & Open Space Zoning Boundaries
Historic Preservation CHICAGO LANDMARKS Chicago Landmarks
Landmark Districts
Chicago Historic Resources Survey - Buildings subject to Demolition-Delay Ordinance | | Red
| | Orange Curbs [ | Forest Preserve | | City Boundary
lijiljlll Lakefront
Pedestrian Streets j | Buildings | | Parcels D Wards
Streets [~2 Water [ | Cemetery
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Lots I to 24 Blk.l and Lots I to 48 Blk.E.Van Dersl'ices Resab? of Baker & M&cCoans Add? to Washington Heights.being a Sab1? of S^.V+.S.W.'A-.N.E.'/* Sec. 17" 37" 14. and vacated sfreef s .
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Items Required for Zoning Amendment
Building:___Mount, Verr-.on..............4chot»i .............______
Address:_...... ia?Hf) -i-.......M»iva» 4i________
CPS Tracking No.: 2QU - tH&ol ■ MgR________.......__
Zoning District:__P_.;/ [..........._____........................_____........_
Date of Construction:____/12B________............____
Dates of Addition Construction: H4{i...............___............................._______
W ard-Alderman:_Cgrt'C Au^im_________________
Property P.I.N.:___29 /JcXQrO_________
Student Population:____......gj 7___________________......................._........................_
Grades Served: P'e, pk K ~&_______________
Staff Population:___.............................j-f__.................._..............._____
Building Square Footage:_BZ _
Building Additions Scheduled:____tlsi2£.__
Available Parking Spaces On-Site:__<jp_
Description of Work
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o Alley Access Letter
o Driveway Permit
o Fully Dimensioned Site Plan
o Sidwell Map
o Sanborn Map
o Aerial Photographs
o Site Photographs
o Sketch Location of Light Fixtures
o __ _