JA HesoCution
Adopted hy The City CounciC
ofthe City of Chicago, iCCinois
WHEKEAS, We/ Ln this city of Lmmlgranty, thiy city of neighborhoods, this most A merican of all cities are/part^^ cognisant of the/ "A merican Dream/"; and
WHEKEAS, Ofthe/ myriad/ available/ career pathytoward/ fulfillment of that dream/, there/ are/ but a few through/ which/ faithful execution of responsibilities offery assurance- that those- who chooye/ other pathy will in fact have- a/ lexgitumate- opportunity to achieve/ their portion/ of the- Vreawv; arid/
WHEKEAS, Though/ yeemingly fix-ebb and/ iriviolable-, the/complex/yocial fabric of our great metropolis could/ be/ easily torn asunder were/ it not for the/ g-uardiany of the/public welfare/, indeed/, the/ guardians ofthe/ "A merican Dream/'; and
WHEKEAS, Dedication to the fulfiblment of the/ motto of the-Chicago-Police Department-"We-Serve- and 'protect?'-exacty a> yubytantiabphyyicab and emotional/toll not only on the/ officery who must daily cope/ with/ the/ stress and danger of being- life/'s arbiters for countless citizens, butalsoonthe-family membery who live/ with/the- very real knowledge/ thattheir husba-ndor father may never return from/ any give- workday; and- ^
WHEKEAS, Through/professionalism/ and-sacrifice-, the- members of Chicago Police/ Department have- provided/ us with- one- of the- safest cities ti& the/United/States of America, allow i-ng- each/of us topursue- our owhversvoYv ofthe-"A merican DreamJ' Ln safety and/confidence-; and ^
WHEKEAS, The-words of Sir Winston Churchill, "never have/ yo man^ owed/yo much-to so few" were- never more-apropos; and °i
WHEKEAS, Sergeant Steven J. Cannl^o, Star Number 2493, devoted/ twenty -five-years of his life- in service- to the- people/ of Chicago- and- Ln doing-hasperyonally ensured/ that the- City of Chicago-is the-safe-, healthy, vibrant commAAnity it is today; now, therefore/,
BE IT KESOLVEV, That the-Mayor arid/ me-mbers ofthe City Council of the-City of Chicago- in council meetingJanuary 17, 2013, that on behalf of albthecWsfrensofth&City ofChicago-we- do-hereby express our appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Sergeant StevenJ. Canni^^arubhisfarntly for the dedication-, professionalism/ andpersonab sacrifice/ proved- throughout the-past years', and
BE IT TUTHEK KESOLVEV, That a/ suitable- copy of the- resolution be-prepared/ and-presented/to Sergeant StevenJ. CannUyyo.
Matthew J. O'Shea Alderman, 19th Ward