Record #: R2010-1464   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 12/8/2010 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 12/8/2010
Title: Gratitude extended to Police Officer Mohammad K. Shamah for heroic lifesaving efforts
Sponsors: Daley, Richard M.
Attachments: 1. R2010-1464.pdf
December 8, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith a congratulatory' resolution concerning Officer Mohammad K. Shamah of the Chicago Police Department, and his exemplary conduct during the events of March 21, 2010.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.
H resolution
adopted by Tlie Gitlj QoUHcil
of the Qity of Qkicago, Illinois
presented by     MAYOR RICHARD M. DALEY      0M     DECEMBER 8,2010
6t6ClS . On Sunday, March 21, 2010, Chicago Police Officer Mohammad K. Shamah (Star #14396) from the 7th District responded to a call for help involving a man with a knife in the 6500 block of South Lowe Avenue; and
WHEREAS, Upon arriving, Officer Shamah saw, through a window, a man wielding a knife. He then learned the chilling news that the man was threatening to kill three children in the apartment with him; and
WHEREAS, Unable to enter the residence easily because the man had barricaded the front door, Officer Shamah tried to speak with the offender; and
WHEREAS, The situation suddenly intensified when Officer Shamah saw movement in a second-floor window, then saw the offender dangling one of the children out of the window, and threatening to kill him; and
WHEREAS, Fearing for the lives of the children, Officer Shamah gained entry to the building through a ground-floor window and bolted up the stairs to the second floor; and
WHEREAS, Reaching the second floor, Officer Shamah saw the man enter a bedroom and close the door behind him. Spurred on by the desperate screams of the children, Officer Shamah forced open the bedroom door and faced the nightmarish sight of the offender holding a knife to one child while restraining the other children with his legs; and
WHEREAS, Officer Shamah repeatedly ordered the offender to drop the knife, to no avail. When the man raised the knife and placed it against the neck of one of the children. Officer Shamah acted immediately, knowing that the child's life hung in the balance. With cool-headed precision. Officer Shamah fired his weapon, striking the man; and
WHEREAS, With the offender disabled, the children were immediately pulled out of harm's way by Officer Shamah and other officers; and
WHEREAS, The offender was taken by ambulance to Christ Hospital, where he expired from his injuries; and
WHEREAS, The young, innocent victims of this horrific ordeal would probably not be alive today if not for the decisive intervention of Police Officer Mohammad K. Shamah, who, in keeping with the highest traditions of the Chicago Police Department, performed his job courageously, flawlessly and with outstanding results; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this eighth day of December, 2010, do hereby applaud Chicago Police Officer Mohammad K. Shamah for his professionalism, valor and exceptional efforts on behalf of the citizenry of Chicago; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Chicago Police Officer Mohammad K. Shamah, and placed on permanent record in his personnel file, as a token of our appreciation and esteem.