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Record #: O2022-824   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 3/23/2022 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 10/26/2022
Title: Zoning Reclassification Map No. 4-H at 2100-2102 W 18th Pl/1814-1824 S Hoyne Ave - App No. 20987T1
Sponsors: Misc. Transmittal
Attachments: 1. O2022-824 (V1).pdf, 2. O2022-824.pdf
SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all ihe current RT-4, Residential T wo-Flat. Townhouse and Multi-Unit District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 4-H in the area bounded by:
the public alley next north of and parallel to West 18lh Place; South Moyne Averiue; West 18"' Place; and a line 50.26 feet west of and parallel to South Hoync Avenue
to those of an B2-3, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District.
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Address: 2100-02 West 18lh Place / 1814-24 South Hoyne Avenue
TYPF. 1 Rezoning Attachment 2100-02 West 18th Place / 1814-24 South Hoync Avenue
The Project
2100 18TH PARTNERS, LLC (the "Applicant") proposes to demolish the existing improvements at the subject property which include a two story residential building with two residential dwelling units and a two car attached garage as well as a vacant lot to construct a new four story residential building with eight dwelling units and will include four surface parking spaces and eight bicycle parking spaces. The proposed height ofthc building will be 43'-8" to the top of the parapet. In addition, two ofthe proposed units will be ADA units. The Property is located in a Transit Served Location to the Damen Train Station Entrance and the Applicanl seeks lo reduce any required parking through a Type 1 rezoning application pursuant to the Transit Served Location guidelines of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
To allow the proposed project, the Applicant seeks a change in zoning classification for the subject property from an RT-4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District to a B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District. This change of zoning classification is being sought through the Type I rezoning process of Section 17-13-0302-A ofthc Zoning Ordinance in order to qualify for reduction of Parking under Section 17-10-0102-B. 1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The property sits in a Transit Served Location per the Transit-Oriented Provisions of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and is approximately 845.0 feet from the Damen Train Pink Line Station entrance.
To qualify for parking reduction of these standards, the project as per section 17-13-0905-F:
Must be located in a transit-served location; which it is, as set forth above;
Must comply with the standards of Section 17-3-0500 pertaining to pedestrian streets and pedestrian retail streets; the accompanying drawings show that the proposed building will feature prominent ground floor windows on 18°' Place;
Must comply with the general goals set forth in the Transit Friendly Development Guide: Station Area Typology, and any other station-specific plans, designs or guidelines adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission; the Transit Friendly Development Guide defines "transit friendly development" on page 2 as "Development which is oriented towards and integrated with adjacent transit. The subject property will provide four parking surface spaces and eight bicycle spaces and is located north ofthc CTA Damen Train Station entrance.
Must actively promote public transit and alternatives to automobile ownership; the Applicant will provide eight bicycle spaces;
Must include enhancements to the pedestrian environment that are not otherwise required; the existing building was previously dilapidated and inhabitable. The proposed building will enhance the aesthetic ofthc block and increase safety.
The Site
The subject property contains 6,232.24 square feet of land and is improved with a two story residential building with two residential dwelling units and a two car attached garage as well as a vacant lot. The area is improved with residential uses which includes multi-unit residential buildings. The existing building is dilapidated and the Applicant proposes lo rezonc the property to demolish the existing structure and construct a new four story residential building with eight dwelling units and will include four surface parking spaces and eight bicycle parking spaces. The proposed height ofthe building will be 41' to the top ofthc parapet.
The following arc the relevant zoning parcmclcrs for ihc proposed development:

Lot Area: FAR:
Floor Area:
Residential Dwelling Units:
Bicycle Parking: Automobile Parking: Setbacks (proposed):
6,232.24 square feet 2.17
13,555.6 square feet 8
779.03 square feet
43 '-8" top of the parapet|1010|4*

Front (West I8,h Place):
East Side (South Hoync Avenue):
West Side:
Rear (Alley):
6'-0" O'-O" 5'-0" 30'-0"

A set of plans is attached.-
?Seeking TSL relief as per section 17-I0-0102-B.L