Record #: O2014-6871   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 9/10/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 10/8/2014
Title: Public hearing(s) on reconstitution and/or establishment of Special Service Area No. 69, 95th/Ashland
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm
Topic: SPECIAL SERVICE AREAS - S.S.A. No. 69 (95th/Ashland)
Attachments: 1. O2014-6871.pdf
September 10, 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of the Commissioner of Planning and Development, I transmit herewith ordinances authorizing a Public Hearing for the reconstitution and establishment of various Special Service Areas.
Your favorable consideration of these ordinances will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
WHEREAS, special service areas may be established pursuant to Article VII, Sections 6(1) and 7(6) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and pursuant to the provisions of the Special Service Area Tax Law, 35 ILCS 200/27-5 et seq., as amended from time to time, and pursuant to the Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/1-1 et seq., as amended from time to time (the "Property Tax Code"); and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Chicago (the "City Council") finds that it is in the public interest that consideration be given to the creation of an area within the City of Chicago to be known and designated as Special Service Area Number 69 (the "Area") and to the authorization of the levy of a special annual services tax (the "Services Tax") for a period of ten (10) years within the Area for the purposes set forth herein; that the Area is contiguous; and that said special services are in addition to municipal services provided by and to the City of Chicago generally, and it is, therefore, in the best interests of the City of Chicago that the creation of the Area and the levy of the Services Tax within the Area for the services to be provided be considered; now, therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:
SECTION 1. The preambles of this ordinance are hereby incorporated into this text as if set out herein in full.
SECTION 2. A public hearing shall be held by the Committee on Finance of the City Council of the City of Chicago at the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Chicago, Illinois (the "Hearing") to consider the creation of the Area and the authorization of the levy of the Services Tax. At the Hearing there will be considered the levy of the Services Tax upon the taxable property within the Area sufficient to produce revenues required to provide special services in the Area. The Services Tax shall not exceed the annual sum of two percent of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property within the Area. The Services Tax shall be authorized to be levied in tax years 2014 through and including 2023. The proposed amount of the tax levy for special services for the initial year for which taxes will be levied within the Area in tax year 2014 is $415,843. The Services Tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided by law and shall be levied pursuant to the provisions of the Property Tax Code, as amended from time to time. The special services to be considered include, but are not limited to: customer attraction, public way aesthetics, sustainability and public place enhancements, economic/business development, safety programs, and other activities to promote commercial and economic development, which will be hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Special Services." The Special Services shall be in addition to services provided to and by the City of Chicago generally. The Area shall consist of territory described on Exhibit 1 hereto and hereby incorporated herein. The approximate street location of said territory consists of South Ashland Avenue bounded north to West 80th Street, south to West 96th Street; east to the alley adjacent to Ashland Avenue, and west to the alley immediately adjacent to Ashland Avenue including the rail road track extending east to Racine Avenue.
SECTION 3. Notice of the Hearing shall be published at least once, not less than fifteen
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(15) days prior to the Hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Chicago. In addition, notice by mail shall be given by depositing said notice in the United States mail addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each property lying within the Area. The notice shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days prior to the time set for the Hearing. In the event taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, the notice shall be sent to the person last listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the owner of the property.
SECTION 4. Notice of the Hearing shall be substantially in the following form:
Notice of Public Hearing
City of Chicago Special Service Area Number 69.
Notice is hereby given that at      o'clock      .m., on the      day of      ,
2014 at the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, a public hearing will be held by the Committee on Finance of the City Council of the City of Chicago to consider the creation of an area within the City of Chicago to be known and designated as Special Service Area Number 69 (the "Area") and the authorization of the levy of a special annual services tax (the "Services Tax") within the Area. The Services Tax under consideration shall be authorized to be levied in tax years 2014 through and including 2023. The purpose of creating the Area shall be to provide special services within the Area, which may include, but are not limited to: customer attraction, public way aesthetics, sustainability and public place enhancements, economic/business development, safety programs, and other activities to promote commercial and economic development, which will be hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Special Services."
At the hearing there will be considered a Services Tax to be levied against the taxable property included within the Area for the provision of the Special Services not to exceed the annual sum of two percent of the equalized assessed value of taxable property within the Area. The proposed amount of the tax levy for special services for the initial year for which taxes will be levied within the Area in tax year 2014 is $415,843. The Services Tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided by law and shall be levied pursuant to the provisions of the Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/1-1 et seq., as amended from time to time.
The Area shall consist of the territory described herein and incorporated hereto as Exhibit 1. The approximate street location of said territory consists of South Ashland Avenue bounded north to West 80th Street, south to West 96lh Street; east to the alley adjacent to Ashland Avenue, and west to the alley immediately adjacent to Ashland Avenue including the rail road track extending east to Racine Avenue.
At the public hearing any interested person, including all persons owning taxable real property located within the proposed Area, affected by the creation of the Area and the levy of the Services Tax may file with the City Clerk of the City of
2014 09-04 2014 SSA69 Hearing Ord - csm.doc
Chicago written objections to and may be heard orally with respect to any issues embodied in this notice. The Committee on Finance of the City Council of the City of Chicago shall hear and determine all protests and objections at said hearing, and said hearing may be adjourned to another date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes fixing the time and place it will reconvene.
If a petition signed by at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the electors residing within the boundaries of the proposed Area and by at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the landowners included within the boundaries of the proposed Area objecting to the creation of the Area and the levy of the Services Tax therein is filed with the City Clerk of the City of Chicago within sixty (60) days following the final adjournment of the public hearing, the Area shall not be created and the Services Tax shall not be levied.
By order of the City Council of the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.
Dated this      day of      2014.
City Clerk, City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
SECTION 5.   This ordinance shall become effective from its passage and approval.
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Legal Description and Permanent Index Numbers See attached pages.
2014 09-04 2014 SSA69 Hearing Ord - csm.doc
95  & ASHLAND SSA #69
  1. Those Parts of Sections 31 and 32 in Township 38 North, Range 14 East together with those
  2. Parts of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Township 37 North, Range 14 East, more particularly described
  3. as follows:
  4. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the centerline of Ashland Avenue with the south line
  5. of 80th Street;
  6. thence west along said south line to the centerline of the alley first west of Ashland Avenue;
  7. thence south along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first north of 87th Street;
  1. thence west along said centerline to the northerly extension of the west line of the east 21.48
  2. feet of Lot 7 of block 14 of Frank N. Gages Addition to Engelwood Heights;
  3. thence south along said extension to the centerline of 87th Street;
  4. thence west along said centerline to the centerline of Marshfield Avenue;
  5. thence south along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first south of 87th Street;
  6. thence east along said centerline to the west right of way line of Ashland Avenue;
  7. thence south along said line to the south line of lot 37 in Block 1 in Engelwood Heights;
  8. thence west along said south line to the centerline of the alley first west of Ashland Avenue;
  9. thence south along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first north of 89th Street;
  10. thence east along said centerline to the northerly extension of the west line Lot 22 in Block 13
  11. in Englewood Heights;
  12. thence south along said line to the northerly Right-of Way line of the Chicago, Rock Island &
  13. Pacific Railroad;
  14. thence northeasterly along said line to the centerline of Ashland avenue:
  15. thence south along said line to the southerly Right-of-Way line of said railroad;
  16. thence southwesterly along said right-of-way line to the centerline of the alley first west of
  17. Ashland Avenue;
  1. thence south along said line to the centerline of the alley first south of West 93rd Place;
  2. thence west along said line to the west Right-of-Way line of Beverly Avenue;
  3. thence southeasterly along said line to the south line of Beverly Avenue;
  4. thence west along said south line and its westerly extension thereof to the east line of the
  5. Longwood Subdivision;
  6. thence southeasterly along said line to the center line of 95th Street; 33
  1. thence west along said centerline to the centerline of Charles Avenue;
  2. thence south along said centerline to the westerly extension of the north line of Lot 2 in
  3. Howard Oviatt's Subdivision;
  4. thence easterly along said line to the northeast corner of Said Lot 2:
  5. thence northerly, northeasterly and easterly along the westerly and northerly lines of Lot 3 in
  6. Charles Beverly subdivision to the northeast corner of said Lot 3;
  7. thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Beverly Avenue to the East line of the northeast
  8. Quarter of Section 7, Township 37 north, Range 14 east of the Third Principal Meridian;
  9. thence north, along said East line to the centerline of 95th Street;
  10. thence east along said centerline to the centerline of Justine Street;
  11. thence north along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first north of 95th Street;
  12. thence west along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first east of Ashland Avenue;
  13. thence north along said centerline to the south right-of-way line of the Chicago, Rock Island and
  14. Pacific Railroad;
  15. thence easterly along said line to the West line of Justine Street;
  16. thence north along said line to the southeast corner of Parcel 25-05-108-031;
  17. thence westerly along the southerly line of said parcel to the centerline of the alley first east of
  18. Ashland Avenue;
  19. thence north along said centerline to the south line of Lot 3 in Block 4 in E.L. Brainard's
  20. Subdivision;
  1. thence east along the south line of Lots 3, 2,1 and their easterly extension to the centerline of
  2. Justine Street;
  3. thence north along said centerline to the centerline of 87th Street;
  4. thence west along said centerline to the southerly extension of the west line of Lot 23 in Block 3
  5. in Roy & Nourse's sixth Addition to South Englewood;
  6. thence north along said line to the centerline of the alley first north of 87th Street;
  7. thence east along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first east of Ashland Avenue;
  8. thence north along said centerline to the centerline of 85th Street;
  9. thence east along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first east of Ashland Avenue;
  10. thence north along said centerline to the centerline of 83rd Street;
  11. thence west along said centerline to the centerline of the alley first east of Ashland Avenue;
  12. thence north along said centerline to the south line of 80th Street;
  13. thence west along said south line to the centerline of Ashland Avenue and the Point of
  14. Beginning.
Special Service Area #69 PIN List
20-31-215-018-0000 20-31-215-019-0000 20-31-215-020-0000 20-31-215-021-0000 20-31-215-022-0000 20-31-215-023-0000 20-31-215-024-0000 20-31-215-025-0000 20-31-215-026-0000 20-31-215-027-0000 20-31-215-028-0000 20-31-215-029-0000 20-31-215-030-0000 20-31-215-031-0000 20-31-215-032-0000 20-31-215-033-0000 20-31-215-034-0000 20-31-223-018-0000 20-31-223-019-0000 20-31-223-020-0000 20-31-223-021-0000 20-31-223-022-0000 20-31-223-023-0000 20-31-223-024-0000 20-31-223-025-0000 20-31-223-026-0000 20-31-223-027-0000 20-31-223-028-0000 20-31-223-029-0000 20-31-223-030-0000 20-31-223-031-0000 20-31-223-032-0000 20-31-223-033-0000 20-31-223-034-0000 20-31-223-035-0000 20-31-223-036-0000 20-31-223-037-0000 20-31-223-038-0000 20-31-223-039-0000 20-31-231-018-0000 20-31-231-019-0000 20-31-231-020-0000
20-31-231-021-0000 20-31-231-022-0000 20-31-231-023-0000 20-31-231-024-0000 20-31-231-025-0000 20-31-231-026-0000 20-31-231-027-0000 20-31-231-028-0000 20-31-231-029-0000 20-31-231-030-0000 20-31-231-031-0000 20-31-231-032-0000 20-31-231-033-0000 20-31-231-038-0000 20-31-231-039-0000 20-31-231-040-0000 20-31-231-041-0000 20-31-406-019-0000 20-31-406-020-0000 20-31-406-021-0000 20-31-406-022-0000 20-31-406-023-0000 20-31-406-024-0000 20-31-406-025-0000 20-31-406-026-0000 20-31-406-027-0000 20-31-406-028-0000 20-31-406-029-0000 20-31-406-030-0000 20-31-406-031-0000 20-31-406-032-0000 20-31-406-033-0000 20-31-406-034-0000 20-31-406-035-0000 20-31-406-036-0000 20-31-406-037-0000 20-31-406-038-0000 20-31-406-039-0000 20-31-406-040-0000 20-31-414-023-0000 20-31-414-023-0000 20-31-414-024-0000 20-31-414-025-0000
20-31-414-026-0000 20-31-414-027-0000 20-31-414-028-0000 20-31-414-029-0000 20-31-414-030-0000 20-31-414-031-0000 20-31-414-032-0000 20-31-414-033-0000 20-31-414-034-0000 20-31-414-039-0000 20-31-414-040-0000 20-31-414-041-0000 20-31-414-042-0000 20-31-414-048-0000 20-31-422-029-0000 20-31-422-030-0000 20-31-422-031-0000 20-31-422-032-0000 20-31-422-033-0000 20-31-422-034-0000 20-31-422-035-0000 20-31-422-036-0000 20-31-422-037-0000 20-31-422-038-0000 20-31-422-039-0000 20-31-422-040-0000 20-31-422-041-0000 20-31-422-042-0000 20-31-422-053-0000 20-31-430-025-0000 20-31-430-026-0000 20-31-430-027-0000 20-31-430-028-0000 20-31-430-029-0000 20-31-430-030-0000 20-31-430-031-0000 20-31-430-032-0000 20-31-430-038-0000 20-31-430-039-0000 20-31-430-040-0000 20-31-430-047-0000 20-31-430-048-0000 20-31-430-049-0000
Special Service Area #69 PIN List
20-32-108-001-0000 20-32-108-002-0000 20-32-108-004-0000 20-32-108-005-0000 20-32-108-006-0000 20-32-108-007-0000 20-32-108-008-0000 20-32-108-009-0000 20-32-108-010-0000 20-32-108-011-0000 20-32-108-013-0000 20-32-108-037-0000 20-32-108-038-0000 20-32-108-039-0000 20-32-108-040-0000 20-32-108-041-0000 20-32-116-001-0000 20-32-116-002-0000 20-32-116-003-0000 20-32-116-004-0000 20-32-116-005-0000 20-32-116-006-0000 20-32-116-007-0000 20-32-116-008-0000 20-32-116-009-0000 20-32-116-010-0000 20-32-116-011-0000 20-32-116-012-0000 20-32-116-013-0000 20-32-116-014-0000 20-32-116-015-0000 20-32-116-016-0000 20-32-116-017-0000 20-32-116-018-0000 20-32-116-019-0000 20-32-124-005-0000 20-32-124-006-0000 20-32-124-007-0000 20-32-124-008-0000 20-32-124-009-0000 20-32-124-010-0000 20-32-124-011-0000 20-32-124-012-0000
20-32-124-013-0000 20-32-124-014-0000 20-32-124-015-0000 20-32-124-016-0000 20-32-124-017-0000 20-32-124-018-0000 20-32-124-019-0000 20-32-124-020-0000 20-32-124-021-0000 20-32-124-022-0000 20-32-124-043-0000 20-32-124-044-0000 20-32-300-002-0000 20-32-300-003-0000 20-32-300-004-0000 20-32-300-005-0000 20-32-300-006-0000 20-32-300-007-0000 20-32-300-024-0000 20-32-300-025-0000 20-32-307-019-0000 20-32-307-020-0000 20-32-307-021-0000 20-32-307-022-0000 20-32-307-041-0000 20-32-307-044-0000 20-32-315-001-0000 20-32-315-002-0000 20-32-315-003-0000 20-32-315-004-0000 20-32-315-012-0000 20-32-315-013-0000 20-32-315-014-0000 20-32-315-015-0000 20-32-315-016-0000 20-32-315-017-0000 20-32-315-018-0000 20-32-315-040-0000 20-32-315-041-0000 20-32-315-042-0000 20-32-315-043-0000 20-32-323-001-0000 20-32-323-002-0000
20-32-323-003-0000 20-32-323-004-0000 20-32-323-005-0000 20-32-323-006-0000 20-32-323-007-0000 20-32-323-008-0000 20-32-323-009-0000 20-32-323-010-0000 20-32-323-011-0000 20-32-323-012-0000 20-32-323-037-0000 25-05-100-003-0000 25-05-100-004-0000 25-05-100-005-0000 25-05-100-029-0000 25-05-100-031-0000 25-05-108-034-0000 25-05-108-035-0000 25-05-116-002-0000 25-05-116-003-0000 25-05-116-004-0000 25-05-116-006-0000 25-05-116-008-0000 25-05-116-009-0000 25-05-116-010-0000 25-05-116-033-0000 25-05-116-036-0000 25-05-116-037-0000 25-05-116-038-0000 25-05-116-040-0000 25-05-116-041-0000 25-05-124-001-0000 25-05-124-002-0000 25-05-124-003-0000 25-05-124-004-0000 25-05-124-005-0000 25-05-124-006-0000 25-05-124-009-0000 25-05-124-010-0000 25-05-124-011-0000 25-05-124-033-0000 25-05-124-034-0000 25-05-300-001-0000
Special Service Area #69 PIN List
25-05-300-002-0000 25-05-300-003-0000 25-05-300-004-0000 25-05-300-005-0000 25-05-300-006-0000 25-05-300-007-0000 25-05-300-008-0000 25-05-300-009-0000 25-05-300-010-0000 25-05-300-011-0000 25-05-300-014-0000 25-05-300-015-0000 25-05-300-016-0000 25-05-300-017-0000 25-05-300-018-0000 25-05-300-051-0000 25-05-308-007-0000 25-05-308-008-0000 25-05-308-009-0000 25-05-308-010-0000 25-05-308-011-0000 25-05-308-012-0000 25-05-308-013-0000 25-05-308-014-0000 25-05-308-015-0000 25-05-308-016-0000 25-05-308-017-0000 25-05-308-018-0000 25-05-308-019-0000 25-05-308-020-0000 25-05-308-048-0000 25-05-308-056-0000 25-05-316-001-0000 25-05-316-006-0000 25-05-316-007-0000 25-05-316-008-0000 25-05-316-009-0000 25-05-316-010-0000 25-05-316-011-0000 25-05-316-012-0000 25-05-316-013-0000 25-05-316-014-0000 25-05-316-015-0000
25-05-316-016-0000 25-05-316-017-0000 25-05-316-018-0000 25-05-316-019-0000 25-05-316-020-0000 25-05-316-021-0000 25-05-316-022-0000 25-05-316-060-0000 25-05-324-001-0000 25-05-324-002-0000 25-05-324-003-0000 25-05-324-004-0000 25-05-324-006-0000 25-05-324-007-0000 25-05-324-038-0000 25-05-324-039-0000 25-05-324-048-0000 25-05-324-049-0000 25-05-325-035-0000 25-05-325-036-0000 25-05-501-002-0000 25-06-206-001-0000 25-06-206-002-0000 25-06-206-003-0000 25-06-206-032-0000 25-06-206-033-0000 25-06-206-034-0000 25-06-206-035-0000 25-06-206-036-0000 25-06-206-037-0000 25-06-206-047-1001 25-06-206-047-1002 25-06-206-047-1003 25-06-206-047-1004 25-06-206-047-1005 25-06-206-047-1006 25-06-206-047-1007 25-06-206-047-1008 25-06-206-047-1009 25-06-206-047-1010 25-06-206-047-1011 25-06-206-047-1012 25-06-206-047-1013
25-06-206-047-1014 25-06-206-047-1015 25-06-206-047-1016 25-06-206-047-1017 25-06-206-047-1018 25-06-206-047-1019 25-06-206-047-1020 25-06-206-047-1021 25-06-206-047-1022 25-06-206-047-1023 25-06-206-047-1024 25-06-206-047-1025 25-06-206-047-1026 25-06-206-047-1027 25-06-206-047-1028 25-06-206-047-1029 25-06-206-047-1030 25-06-206-047-1031 25-06-206-047-1032 25-06-206-047-1033 25-06-206-047-1034 25-06-206-047-1035 25-06-206-047-1036 25-06-206-047-1037 25-06-206-047-1038 25-06-206-048-0000 25-06-213-019-0000 25-06-213-020-0000 25-06-213-021-0000 25-06-213-022-0000 25-06-213-023-0000 25-06-213-024-0000 25-06-213-025-0000 25-06-213-026-0000 25-06-213-027-0000 25-06-213-028-0000 25-06-213-029-0000 25-06-213-030-0000 25-06-213-031-0000 25-06-213-032-0000 25-06-213-033-0000 25-06-213-034-0000 25-06-213-035-0000
Special Service Area #69 PIN List
25-06-213-036-0000 25-06-213-037-0000 25-06-213-052-0000 25-06-213-053-0000 25-06-217-020-0000 25-06-217-021-0000 25-06-217-022-0000 25-06-217-026-0000 25-06-217-027-0000 25-06-217-028-0000 25-06-217-029-0000 25-06-217-030-0000 25-06-217-031-0000 25-06-217-032-0000 25-06-217-033-0000 25-06-217-034-0000 25-06-217-037-0000 25-06-217-038-0000 25-06-217-039-0000 25-06-223-032-0000 25-06-223-033-0000 25-06-223-034-0000 25-06-223-035-0000 25-06-223-036-0000 25-06-223-037-0000 25-06-223-038-0000 25-06-223-044-0000 25-06-223-045-0000 25-06-409-019-0000 25-06-409-020-0000 25-06-409-021-0000 25-06-409-022-0000 25-06-409-023-0000 25-06-409-024-0000 25-06-409-025-0000 25-06-409-026-0000 25-06-409-027-0000 25-06-409-028-0000 25-06-409-029-0000 25-06-409-030-0000 25-06-409-031-0000 25-06-409-032-0000 25-06-409-033-0000
25-06-409-034-0000 25-08-101-064-0000