Record #: O2020-2797   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 5/20/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Transportation and Public Way
Final action: 6/17/2020
Title: Sidewalk cafe(s) for Nana/Ajo
Sponsors: Thompson, Patrick D.
Topic: PUBLIC WAY USAGE - Sidewalk Cafés
Attachments: 1. O2020-2797.pdf

ORDINANCE NANA / AJO Acct. No. 340905 -1 Permit No. 1145282



Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:


Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to NANA / AJO upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use a portion of the public right of way for a sidewalk cafe adjacent to its premises located at 3267 S. Halsted St Said sidewalk cafe area #1 shall be thirty-nine point two five (39.25) feet in length and nine (9) feet in width for a total of three hundred fifty-three point two five (353.25) square feet and shall allow six (6) feet of clear space from the face of the curb/building line along W. 33RD. The compensation for said space and the days and hours of operation for the sidewalk cafe shall be as follows:


Monday and Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday thru Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Compensation: $600.00 SEATING CAPACITY: 24


Sidewalk Cafe Permit and approved plan must be posted at all times.


This grant of privilege #1145282 for a sidewalk cafe shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-800 though 10-28-885 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and the directions of the Commissioner of Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, and the Commissioner of Transportation.


The permit holder agrees to hold the City of Chicago harmless for any damage, relocation or replacement costs associated with damage, relocation or removal of private property caused by the City performing work in the public way.

Patrick D. Thompson 11in Ward

Page 1


Authority for the above named privilege is herein given and granted from and after March 01, 2020 through and including February 28, 2021.



Department of ttusioess Alfairs ami Consumer Protection Small Business Ccmcr - Public Way Use. Unit Cily Hall - 121 N LaSalle Slicct. Room 800 • Chicago. II. 60602 312-74-GOBIZ / 3 12-744-6249 • (312) 744-1944 (TTY) hi I n'//M'u\v'.cil vnlcliicai.-n oi »(h a c p











Alderman Patrick D. Thompson Ward ft 11 City of Chicago City Hall, Room 300 121 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602


Re: An ordinance to use and maintain a portion of the public right-of-way for one (1) sidewalk cafe(s) for NANA / AJO, adjacent to Ihe premises known as 3267 S. Halsted St


Dear Alderman Patrick D. Thompson:


The applicant referenced above has requested the use of the public right-of-way for a sidewalk cafe(s). An ordinance has been prepared by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection - Small Business Center - Public Way Use Unit for presentation to the City Council. Because this request was made for properties located in your ward, as approved by you as per the attached, I respectfully request that you introduce the attached ordinance at the next City Council meeting.


If you have any questions regarding this ordinance, please contact Anthony Bertuca al (312) 744-5506.











Department ofBusiness Affairs and Consumer Protection





iMslfitct-oiit;. in rodrr ic Incn into Mir; pionc-ao ng ol youi Application, sotriv. fur.                     Applcnt'on forrn\Ss#er.son or i:p any &;«.-

of U:.; mvw (Oiifpiovfoe^ p-oor of",'ho dote of delivery, lo the Aldeimaf. m whose Ward your proposer. km* of f-r pvW c v/a- e coifed V ll-e A'as-man's r.-vnclnrfc ,vi-i rr.'Oim'iieiiiialin'i ic-gaiiiing :ht? proposed i sr  fin sure i;i IX1; TAIN A CC . "i n' Sri' s^bmit'.'-'ci Applfc.::;;:;- ;V y-ur ecu'OS, and i'l cjr.;;: whore Itu: Ap[j'i:;fli«:n :s ri-.'tiied. ary prrsn' oi the       :;' delivery pron-jed by ;l'.n !' ;.i Posto. •'">•:.-vi;.'.-   ' rv Anient,in ha-; to days, fio n t'-e 'fats tho ADpl'cn.ioii i-i receiver! <i! I fit: Altteimat's v\'aro CWce to »et«i'r ire completed App'ricafo* to you cor-(a'rl,-i.7 ihe Al'lerrran'-; 5.'g-:at :n.: and rRcunnnsndrjlior  If the Ald'-id-an doas no! rfilur i Inc completed Applicafiir '° V'-ii; wl1 'r S'-- ''I'1!'5 '>' i r rncclpl a: II o AirJciivan s Wan O'ti-jii. |iln?--,e mail 0' anno, a copy oi your Application, 'or approp'inlc pioccssir-3, in '6'\C.i- K—ai Huuiness Ccter - Ducl'c Way Use Unit at the neiiress identilioc oelow together wiln a etter desr.iibh-g your Apol cnhcn's s-b:-*ission History ire i;d"ig ralevaot dt.tes =>ra any suoporung dr.cutr«mslion. If DACP determines yoc Aopl'calion is complete, accurate and i«v conpiia^ce v.-il> a', celitient p-cv sioii> o' Ihe Munic pal Code of Chicago and oilier app.ira.cle law, BACP win picpore and; nr ord-n.-ii i>; v;, ;>;K 2i:y Council, ri-.cL'i-trncndirg onpioval :>' lha Application You may also contact I3ACW at me address KfenVbcd bo'ow il you wi:-h u> cor.j.iet iiippar ng and s-.ihri:,.lirg on youi own behalf, an ordinance lo Ihe Cily Cojncil doos net inciude an slaem-d-MC ror.orninend;tlio->. Si/th ;-.ii ord nance will he- so'.ijc-ct to le^isw (qj nil applicable lognl ie:iiiiit!i7iijn!5. For Alcjcimnnic Ward Olfir.e t'itun>3tion please go tn ih>-6ity o! Chicago Oftice ol nts Cty Clerk vvetmio at. mtpr/Zchicago leg*larxorii/l-'coplc.sspx


Addilbnaily, ycu w=l! need to fotward youi Sidewalk Cafe Application, including plans, photos, ce'tiTcnte t copy ol current license certificate to     C-ty ol Chicago Department of Business AHairs ard t

S1113II Business Ccnlei - Public We/ Use Unit fV

' 21 N. LaSalle Street - Cny Hull Ruoiti 300                     > ^

Chicago. IL 60G02                     " f,

HOW MAN*' (4-



3267 S. HoKfod St.

RUli DING AD'jRt?;5


DATIT OF WAILING Or APPLICAIION TO ALDERMANIC WARD Of-FICC. IF APPLiCAUt.P •!                     by vjpr.-a'i:;                      

Pierian noli.-: ~'o nvon; Uu'rjys in processf'g you- Application, please review the hIiovo Applicatt li'f'jrmi'li.'.n io en'-urr ;bn! -' .'cciiia'.o jpu comple'o Faitue Ic meet nil rcqui-orncnts also fielny fic p-ocossiiig ot youi App ica'.tcn P.ease retjin tt s At,p tcht'Oi ;tjl e*.<r>c arec doo<n'er.:s by dmi; or person lo: BACP S.noll Uusifies.3 Conior • Public Way Use Unit. a'. Ihe ado-ess i-jenMk'a i» iv ir-t!ru.t:e--.s Jb^vo Nc Lwes wi be accepted


Flvase note. <sw»;>;:«mc (ecc/r,~ii.,/i(Jo/"t.v? for anrmwui snail not bo unrosisonol)iy wif/i/ieW or v.iinltek! nocausc oi itm '.v.cuji'jo. .wnteif rv ?»ess3i;«. (.ortfttiOtM/ »i «• unphatl by a s.tjn. canopy, awning, banner or mnrqimv lor which a ,.'emiil « souoytt.


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