Record #: R2019-910   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 12/18/2019 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 12/18/2019
Title: Congratulations extended to Dr. Mark C. Schall, Sr. on retirement as principal of Prosser Career Academy
Sponsors: Villegas, Gilbert
Attachments: 1. R2019-910.pdf

Chicago City Council December 18th, 2019



Resolution Honoring Dr. Mark C. Schall on a Brilliant Career

WHEREAS, The 36th Ward and all of Chicago is full of great leaders in education who rarely get the recognition they deserve; and,

WHEREAS, Dr. Mark C. Schall is a great example of one of those terrific leaders, dedicating over three decades to ensuring our children get the best education possible while never receiving proper credit; and,

WHEREAS, since 1986, his commitment to educational excellence has produced great results for families in the Districts he has served: 209, 111, 220 and most recently 299 for Chicago Public Schools, as Principal at Prosser Career Academy; and,

WHEREAS, he has directed and led many important programs and initiatives throughout his career such as: Titles I & II, SES, District TALENTS At-Risk Program, RISING STAR, Special Education; and,

WHEREAS, regardless of his great service across districts, he will always be honored at as a true Prosser Falcon, epitomizing all of Prosser Career Academy's core values including academic success, social emotional growth and inclusivity; and,

WHEREAS, in 2020 he will be ending his career at Prosser Career Academy, where he has served as Principal since 2008, providing thousands of students with a better life full of opportunity and promise; and,

WHEREAS, Prosser was able to grow and prosper under the great leadership of Dr. Schall to become the best CTE/IB school in all Chicago; and,

WHEREAS, he will be greatly missed by the many families and students, past, present and future, whose lives he has impacted and changed for the better; and,

WHEREAS, he has earned the admiration and love of so many students, parents, teachers and administrators; and,

BE IT RESOLVED, that Dr. Mark C. Schall will forever be considered a great public servant in the eyes of all Chicagoans, but especially his fellow Prosser Falcons and those that knew him; and,

BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this 18th day of December, 2019, do hereby celebrate the career of Dr. Mark C. Schall and thank him for his 33 great years of service to our community; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to Mark C. Schall Sr. and the Prosser Community.





Gilbert Villegas Alderman, 36th Ward