Joanie Klein Retirement Resolution
Presented by ALDERMAN RAYMOND A. LOPEZ on DECEMBER 9th. 2015.
WHEREAS, Southwest Airlines is a company founded in the spirit of giving not only its Customers but also its Employees the Freedom to Fly, to Work, and to Retire; and
WHEREAS, Joanie Daleiden Klein started working for Southwest Airlines as a Customer Service Agent in July of 1986 until 1989 at Midway International Airport; and,
WHEREAS, Mrs. Klein became a Customer Service Supervisor in April of 1989, dealing with ticket counter and gate issues, and ultimately becoming an Administrative Supervisor responsible for among other things scheduling staff, vacation, bids, etc.; and,
WHEREAS, Mrs. Klein's role within the Southwest Airlines family was not limited to serving solely in supervisory capacity. She founded the Spirit Committee that, along with the generosity of her coworkers, provided resources to community groups and Southwest Airlines Employees during their time of need; and,
WHEREAS, Mrs. Klein was a strong supporter of Southwest Airlines Culture. At both the local and national levels, the Culture of Southwest Airlines was recognized by its peers and other business groups as being key to the company's success. Mrs. Klein was instrumental in maintaining that very success locally among the workgroups at Midway International Airport; and,
WHEREAS, After nearly thirty years of dedicated service to the customers, family, and greater aviation community at Midway International Airport, Mrs. Klein has decided to retire after a long, remarkable career at Southwest Airlines; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, The Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled do hereby congratulate Joanie Daleiden Klein on her impressive career at Southwest Airlines and wish her all the best in her retirement; and therefore,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that suitable copies of this resolution be presented to Mrs. Joanie Daleiden Klein as well as to the Southwest Airlines Customer Service Department at Midway International Airport in recognition of this occaskfiL y