SECTION 1. Section 17-12-0600 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by deleting the struck-through language and inserting the language underscored, as follows:
17-12-0600 Measurements.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
17-12-0601-C Individual Letters or Elements. The area of a sign comprised of individual letters or elements attached to a building wall is determined by calculating the area of the smallest square or rectangle that can be drawn around the letters and/or elements. Signs consisting of individual letters and/or elements will be measured as one sign when the distance between the letters and/or elements is less than 2 times the dimension of each letter and/or element.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
1. Exemption. For high-rise building signs, portions of individual letters and/or elements, which collectively form one individual letter sign, may extend beyond the dimensions ofthe smallest box that encapsulates all other high-rise building sign letters and/or elements; provided (i) the total area of such extensions may not exceed 4-0% 25% of the square footage contained within such box that encapsulates all other high-rise building sign letters and/or elements and (ii) the total square footage of such individual letter sign and any such extensions under (i) may not exceed the maximum high-rise building sign area square footage allowed at the corresponding building height at which the high-rise building sign is proposed.
Figure 17-12-0601-C. 1
Not to exceed 4325%
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
SECTION 2. Section 17-12-1000 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by deleting the struck-through language and inserting the underscored language, as follows:
17-12-1000 Signs in business, commercial, downtown and manufacturing districts.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
17-12-1003-E Sign Area and Height Table. The following standards apply to all permanent signs in B, C, M, DC, DX and DS districts:
Regulation B1,B2 Districts DC, DX Districts B3, Cl, C3, DS Districts C2,M Districts
Maximum Total Sign Area (square feet) 3 x street frontage or 600 whichever is less 5 x street frontage or 800 whichever is less 4 x street frontage or 1,500 whichever is less 5 x street frontage or 1,800 whichever is less
For lots greater than 1 acre in area with multiple street frontages, the Maximum Total Sign Area standards of this section shall apply per street frontage. High rise building sign area-eounts toward maximum total sign area permitted i-vvi ^> fAnmii 1 ^y.T'i/^t^t ixHu^n Qiip.n Trvnino \r\i
atiuci iiuiiiug'ja.
Max. Freestanding Sign Area 50% of Maximum Total Sign Area Limit (above)
Maximum Freestanding Sign Height (feet) 24; er3£ or 35 if located on a zoninj* lot with more than 75 feet of street frontage on a single street that has a rieht-of-wav width of more than 80 feet; or§£ 50 feet if located on a zoning lot with more than 150 feet of frontage on a single street street with a rieht-of-wav width or more than 80 feet
Minimum Guaranteed Wall Sign Area for Ground-floor Tenants 32
Maximum Wall Sign Area 33% oi building wall area
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
17-12-1005-D High-Rise Building Signs.
1. No more than one high-rise building sign is allowed on any buildins, unless the buildins is located within a planned development and the principal tenant of such building, as identified in 17-12-1005-D9. also meets the criteria of 17-12-1005-D10.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
9. High-rise building signs shall be limited to business identification for the principal tenant of the building or, if applicable, the alternate principal tenant. For purposes of this subsection, "principal tenant" means a tenant that occupies or has a signed lease to occupy at least the lesser of 51% of the building's total floor area or 350,000 square feet of the building's total floor area. If there is no principal tenant, or if the principal tenant informs the Zoning Administrator in writing
thai it does not wish to display a high-rise building sign, then an alternate principal tenant may apply to the City for approval of a high-rise building sign identifying said alternate principal tenant (in place of, and not in addition to, a high-rise building sign identifying the principal tenant). For purposes of this subsection, "alternate principal tenant" means a tenant which: (i) is the building's largest tenant, or next-largest tenant if there is no principal tenant, or, if there is a principal tenant, is the next-largest tenant; (ii) maintains the primary offices of its international, national or regional headquarters, or similarly publicly recognized significant business unit(s), in the building; and, (iii) either (a) maintains the primary offices of its chief executive and or other executive officers in the building and employs 1,000 individuals nationally, or, (b) if those executive positions are not present in the building then employs at least 1,000 individuals in the building. Any principal or alternate principal tenant must provide the Zoning Administrator with building owner support for such high-rise building sign. Any principal or alternate principal tenant which is issued a high-rise building sign pennit must re-certify, at the time of each high-rise building sign permit renewal request, that it adheres to the applicable tenancy requirements in place at the time of the approval of their original high-rise building sign application. Failure to comply with the applicable tenancy criteria will result in the denial of the associated permits to legally maintain a high-rise building sign, regardless of whether that sign is a nonconforming sign with regard to other requirements.
If a principal tenant, as identified in Section 17-12-1005-D9, maintains, in the subject building: (i) its international headquarters, or if no international headquarters exists, its national headquarters; (ii) its chief executive officer; and (iii) occupies or has a signed lease to occupy at least the lesser of 60% of the building's total floor area or 450,000 square feet of the building's total floor area, then such principal tenant is eligible to place two high-rise building signs on the subject building.
High-rise building sign area does not count toward the Section 17-12-1003-E maximum total sign area permitted on a zoning lot.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
SECTION 3. To the extent that any ordinance, resolution, rule, order or provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago, or any portion thereof, is in conflict with any provision of this ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance shall control. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any provision of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take full force and effect upon its passage and approval.