November 13, 2019
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith a resolution honoring the life and memory of Richard Pfeiffer. Your favorable consideration ofthis resolution will be appreciated.
Very truly yours.
WHEREAS, The Members of this Chamber were deeply saddened to learn of the death on October 6, 2019, at age 70, of Richard William Pfeiffer, coordinator of the annual Chicago Pride Parade since 1974 and a member of Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame; and
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer headed the Chicago Gay Alliance, which operated the City's first gay community center, and founded the Gay Activist Coalition at Harold Washington College, which was the first LGBTQ group at a City Colleges of Chicago campus; and
WHEREAS, During the mid-1970s, Richard Pfeiffer served as president of Gay Horizons, now Center on Halsted, the largest LGBTQ community center and social service agency in the Midwest; and
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer served as coordinator of the Gay Speaker's Bureau since 1972, facilitating and participating in speaking engagements at high schools, universities, churches, and civic groups throughout the City; and
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer continued his activism as a volunteer writer, penning a monthly column for three years for Chicago Gay Crusader and a weekly column for GayLife through the late 1970s; and
WHEREAS, In .1985, Mayor Harold Washington appointed Richard Pfeiffer as a founding member of the Committee on Gay/Lesbian Issues, and he was reappointed by Mayor Richard M. Daley to serve on the reconstituted Advisory Council on Gay and Lesbian Issues; and
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer coordinated this year's Chicago Pride Parade, drawing hundreds of thousands of spectators in the most well-attended year in the event's history and marking fifty years since the parade was first organized; and
WHEREAS, A staunch activist who fought for representation and empowered LGBTQ people in Chicago to live openly, Richard Pfeiffer will always be remembered as a legendary advocate, a mentor and a friend to many; and
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer is survived by his beloved husband of forty-eight years, Tim Frye, and countless friends in the LGBTQ community and throughout Chicago; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this thirteenth day of November, 2019, do hereby honor the life and memory of Richard Pfeiffer; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to the family of Richard Pfeiffer as a token of our honor, gratitude, and utmost respect.
adopud by %e Qity Qouncil
Qity of Shicago, Illinois
resented bu Mayor lori E. Lightfobt.
WU.ffl&ZS , The Membets :of this-db&mbe>jwerfe^^de#piy .saddened jo learn of the
death on'o'ctober 6, 20*19, at age 70,^of Richard Wijiiahri "RfeiffeT-, 'copr^tnator of the annual .
Chicago. Pride Parade since 1974 and a member of Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Hall of
Hame;>and . : -' ^
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer headed the Chicago Gay Alliance, which operated
the Gity's .first .gay community' center,-, andvfo.unded the Gay Activist Coalition at Harold
Washington College, which was' the first LGFJJQ group at a City Colleges of Chicago
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•r- y WHEREAS, Richard-Rfelffer.contih'Qed his> activism a's-'a vOluiite,6riwht0rs'p'ehniirig' :< -
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Getyjitfe through Chelate 19'70s;-aritd ' /^.v-y"" ^: ; / , ■
, WHEREAS, In 1985, Mayor Hafold-Washington Richard Pfeiffer. as a
founding hjember of the Committee oh'Gay/Lesbian Issues, and he was reappoiniediby ... Mayor Richard M. -. Daley to serve oh the reconstituted Advisory Council oh'Gay-and LesSiah issues; and
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer coordinated this year's Chicago Pride Parade, drawing hundreds of thousands of spectators in the most well-attended year in the event's history arid marking fifty years since the parade was first organized; and
WHEREAS, A staunch activist who fought for representation and empowered LGBTQ people in Chicago to live openly, Richard Pfeiffer will always be remembered as a legendary advocate, a mentor and a friend to many; and
WHEREAS, Richard Pfeiffer is survived by his beloved husband of forty-eight years, Tim Frye, and countless friends in the LGBTQ community and throughout Chicago; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicigb;, assembled this.thirteenth day of November, 20;19, do; hereby horror the life and memory of Richard Pfeiffer; and -