This record contains private information, which has been redacted from public viewing.
Record #: SO2014-9402   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 11/19/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action: 7/29/2015
Title: Zoning Reclassification Map No. 9-G at 3401-3409 N Southport Ave - App No. 18230
Sponsors: Misc. Transmittal
Attachments: 1. SO2014-9402.pdf, 2. O2014-9402.pdf


SECTION 1. That the Chicago Zoning Ordinance be amended by changing all of the B3-2 Community Shopping District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 9-G in the area bound by:

A line 92.14 feet north of and parallel to West Roscoe Avenue, running east for 60.70 feet; a line 60.70 feet easl of and parallel to North Southport Avenue, running south for 16.28 feet; a line 75.86 feet north of parallel to West Roscoe Avenue, running east for 13.87 feet; a line 74.57 east of and parallel to North Southport Avenue, running northeast for 7.82 feet lo a point 36.36 feet wesl ofthe north-south public alley east of Southport Avenue; a line 80.99 feet north of West Roscoe Avenue, running east for 36.39 feet; the north-south public alley east of and parallel to North Southport Avenue; West Roscoe Avenue; North Southport Avenue

SECTION 2: To those of a B3-3, Community Shopping District:

SECTION 3: Changing all of the B3-3 Community Shopping District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 9-G in the area bounded by:

A line 92.14 feet north of and parallel to West Roscoe Avenue, running east for 60.70 feet; a line 60.70 feet east of and parallel to North Southport Avenue, running south for 16.28 feet; a line 75.86 feet north of parallel to West Roscoe Avenue, running east for 13.87 feet; a line 74.57 east of and parallel to North Southport Avenue, running northeast for 7.82 feet to a point 36.36 feet west of the north-south public alley east of Southport Avenue; a line 80.99 feet north of West Roscoe Avenue, running east for 36.39 feet; the north-south public alley east of and parallel to North Southport Avenue; West Roscoe Avenue; North Southport Avenue

SECTION 4: To those of a Residential- Business Planned Development, and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.

This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Commonly known as: 3401-3409 North Southport Avenue, Chicago, Illinois




Gross Site Area: 21,342 sq. ft.
Area in Public Right of Way: 11,053 sq. ft.
Net Site Area: 10,289 sq.ft.
Maximum F.A.R.: 3.5
Maximum No. of Dwelling Units: 30
Minimum No. of Parking Spaces:|910|Minimum No. of Bicycle Parking: 30
Minimum No. of Loading Berths:|910|Maximum Building Height: 50'-0"
Minimum Building Setbacks: Per approved plans

Applicant: 3401-3409 N. Southport LLC Address: 3401-3409 N. Southport Avenue Introduced: November 19, 2014 Plan Commission: July 16, 2015

The area delineated herein as Residential Business Planned Development Number ,
("Planned Development") consists of approximately 10,289 square feet of property which is depicted on the attached Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map ("Property") and is owned or controlled by the Applicanl, 3401-3409 N. Southport LLC.
The requirements, obligations and conditions contained within this Planned Development shall be binding upon the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit of the Applicant's successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holder and any ground lessors. Furthermore, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17-8-0400 ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance, the Property, at the time of application for amendments, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this Planned Development are made, shall be under single ownership or designated control. Single designated control is defined in Section 17-8-0400 of the Zoning Ordinance.
All applicable official reviews, approvals or permits are required to be obtained by the Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees. Any dedication or vacation of streets or alleys or grants of easements or any adjustment of the right-of-way shall require a separate submittal to the Department of Transportation on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assigns or grantees.

Any requests for grants of privilege, or any items encroaching on the public way, shall be in compliance with the Plans.

Ingress or egress shall be pursuant to the Plans and may be subject to the review and approval of the Departments of Planning and Development and Transportation. Closure of all or any public street or alley during demolition or construction shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department of Transportation.

All work proposed in the public way must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Department of Transportation Construction Standards for Work in the Public Way and in compliance with the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago. Prior to the issuance of any Part II approval, the submitted plans must be approved by the Department of Transportation.
This Plan of Development consists of 16 Statements; a Bulk Regulations Table; an Existing Zoning Map; a Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map; Site Plan/Landscape Plan; Green Roof Plan; and Building Elevations (North, South, East and West) prepared by SPACE Architects & Planners and dated July 16, 2015, submitted herein. Full-sized copies of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Building Elevations are on file with the Department of Planning and Development. In any instance where a provision of this Planned Development
Applicant. 3401-3409 N Southport LLC
Address. 3401-3409 North Southport Avenue
Introduced. November 19, 2014
Plan Commission: July 16.2015|1010|

conflicts with the Chicago Building Code, the Building Code shall control. This Planned Development conforms to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance, and all requirements thereto, and satisfies the established criteria for approval as a Planned Development. In case of a conflict between the terms of this Planned Development Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance, this Planned Development Ordinance shall control.
The following uses_a_e .permitted in the area delineated herein as a Residential Business Planned Development: mnlti-family residential, eating and drinking establishments, financial services (excluding payday/title secured loan store and pawn shop), food and beverage retail sales, general retail sales, medical service, personal service, dry cleaning service, office, accessory parking and accessory uses.
On-Premise signs and temporary signs, such as construction and marketing signs, shall be permitted within the Planned Development, subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planning and Development. Off-Premise signs are prohibited within the boundary ofthe Planned Development.
For purposes of height measurement, the definitions in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The height ofany building shall also be subject to height limitations, if any, established by the Federal Aviation Administration.
The maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio ("FAR") for the site shall be in accordance with the attached Bulk Regulations Table. For the purposes of FAR calculations and measurements, the definitions in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply: The permitted FAR identified in the Bulk Regulations Table has been determined using a Net Site Area of 10,289 square feet.
Upon review and determination, "Part II Review", pursuant to Section 17-13-0610 of the Zoning Ordinance, a Part II Review Fee shall be assessed by the Department of Planning and Development. The fee, as determined by staff at the time, is final and binding on the Applicant and must be paid to the Department of Revenue prior to the issuance of any Part II approval.
The Site and Landscape Plans shall be in substantial conformance with the Landscape Ordinance and any other corresponding regulations and guidelines. Final landscape plan review and approval will be by the Department of Planning and Development. Any interim reviews associated with site plan review or Part II reviews, are conditional until final Part II approval.

11. The Applicant shall comply with Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Stockpiles
promulgated by the Commissioners of the Departments of Streets and Sanitation, Fleet and
Facility Management and Buildings, under Section 13-32-125 ofthe Municipal Code, or any
other provision of that Code.

Applicant- 3401-3409 N Southport LLC
Address. 3401-3409 North Southport Avenue
Introduced. November 19,2014
Plan Commission. July 16,2015

The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the rezoning of the Property from B3-2 to B3-3 for construction of this Planned Development triggers the requirements of Section 2-45-110 of the Municipal Code (the "Affordable Housing Ordinance"). Any developer of a "residential housing project" within the meaning of the Affordable Housing Ordinance ("Residential Project") must: (i) develop affordable housing units as part of the Residential Project; (ii) pay a fee in lieu of the development of affordable housing units; or (iii) any combination of (i) and (ii). In accordance with these requirements and the Affordable Housing Profile Form attached hereto as Exhibit A, the Applicant has agreed to provide three (3) affordable housing units (for rental units, 10% of total if leased at prices affordable at 60% AMI in the Residential Project for households earning up to 60% of the Chicago Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area median income (the "Affordable Units"), or make a cash payment to the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund in the amount of $100,000 per unit ("Cash Payment"). At the time of each Part II review for the Residential Project, Applicanl may update and resubmit the Affordable Housing Profile Form to the Department of Planning and Development ("DPD") for review and approval. If the Applicant subsequently reduces the number of dwelling units in the Residential Project, DPD may adjust the requirements of this Statement 12 (i.e., number of Affordable Units and/or amount of Cash Payment) accordingly without amending the Planned Development. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for the Residential Project, including, without limitation, excavation or foundation permits, the Applicant must either make the required Cash Payment, or execute an Affordable Housing Agreement in accordance with Section 2-45-110(i)(2). The terms of the Affordable Housing Agreement and any amendments thereto are incorporated herein by this reference. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the Affordable Housing Agreement will be recorded against the Residential Project and will constitute a lien against each Affordable Unit. The City shall execute partial releases of the Affordable Housing Agreement prior to or at the time of the sale of each Affordable Unit to an income-eligible buyer at an affordable price, subject to the simultaneous execution and recording of a mortgage, restrictive covenant or similar instrument against such Affordable Unit. The Commissioner of Planning and Development may enforce remedies for breach of the Affordable Housing Agreement, and enter into settlement agreements with respect to any such breach, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel, without amending the Planned Development.
The terms and conditions of development under this Planned Development ordinance may be modified administratively, pursuant to section 17-13-0611-A ofthe Zoning Ordinance by the Zoning Administrator upon the application for such a modification by the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the project in a manner which promotes, enables and maximizes universal access throughout the Property. Plans for all buildings and improvements on the Property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility.
Applicant: 3401-3409 N Southport LLC
Address 3401 -3409 North Southport Avenue
Introduced November 19,2014
Plan Commission: July 16,2015|1010|
The Applicant acknowledges lhat it is in the public interest to design, construct, renovate and maintain all buildings in a manner that provides healthier indoor environments, reduces operating costs, conserves energy and maximizes the preservation of natural resources. At the time of a hearing before the Chicago Plan Commission, all developments must be in substantial compliance with the current City of Chicago Sustainable Development Policy set forth by the Deparlrjieirt of Planning and Development. The Applicant will achieve Energy Star certification for the Project and will have a 4,643 square foot green roof (51% of 9,098 sq. ft. net roof area).
This Planned Development shall be governed by Section 17-13-0612 of the Zoning Ordinance. Should this Planned Development ordinance lapse, the Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development shall initiate a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the Property to B3-2.

Applicant 3401-3409 N Southport LLC
Address: 3401-3409 North Southport Avenue
Introduced. November 19,2014
Plan Commission. July 16, 2015|1010|



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Affordable Housing Profile Form (Rental)
Submit this form to the Department of Planning & Development for each project that triggers an affordability requirement (including CPAN, ARO, and the Density Bonus).
This completed form should be returned (via e-mail, fax, postal service pr interoffice mail), to: Kara Breems, Department of Planning & Development, 121 N, LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60602. E-mail:«etTTC@cnydfrjhicaga 744-6746.
For information on these prograhis/requ)reme;nts, visit.wvyw.crtyofchicago,org/dpd
Date: 7/2/15
Development Name: 3401 N. Southport Development Address: 3401-09 N. Southport Ward: 44
If you are working with a Planner at the City, what is his/her name? Noah Szafraniec
Type of City involvement: Land write-down
(check all that apply) Financial Assistance (If receiving tif assistance, will tif funds be
used for housing construction? *)
X Zoning increase, PD, or City Land purchase *if yes, please provide copy of the TIF Eligible Expenses
Developer Name: 3401-09 S. Southport LLC
Developer Contact (Project Coordinator): Frank Campise
Developer Address: 1800 W. Berenice, Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60613
Email address: May we use email to contact you? Yes No
Telephone Number: 773-472-9600
a) Affordable units required
For ARO projects: 3Total units ' total affordable units required *20% if TIF assistance is provided

For Density Bonus projects: X 25% =
Bonus Square Footage* Affordable sq. footage required
*Note that the maximum allowed bonus is 20% of base FAR in dash-5; 25% in dash-7 or -10; and 30% of base FAR in dash-12 or -16 ( for zoning info).
b) building details
In addition to water, which of the following utilities will be included in the rent (circle applicable):
Cooking gas electric gas heat electric heat other (describe on back)
Is parking included in the rent forthe: affordable units? yes no market-rate units? yes no
If parking is not included, what is the monthly cost per space?

Estimated date forthe commencement of marketing: Estimated date for completion of construction ofthe affordable units:
*Ront amounts updatod annually [n tho "City of Chicago's Maximum Affordable Monlhly Rent Chart" SECTION 4: PAYMENT IN LIEU OF UNITS
When do you expect to make the payment -in-lieu? h fv&.
(typically corresponds with issuance of building permits) Month/Year
For ARO projects, use the following formula to calculate payment owed:
30 X10%=|99|X $100,000 = $300,000
Number of total units (round up to nearest Amount owed
in development whole number)
For Density Bonus projects, use the following formula lo calculate payment owed:
For each unit configuration, fill out a separate row, as applicable (see example)
Unit Type* Number of Units Number of Bedroo msyUnit Total Square Footage/Unit Expected Market Rent Proposed Affordable Rent* Proposed Level of Affordability (60% or less of AMI) Unit Mix OK to proceed?
yExempleQ. ti-;ir::.'.f«-.-.a,Cj
Affordable Units

Market Rate Units N/A N/A

= S
x 80% x $
Bonus Floor Area (sq ft) median price per base FAR foot Amount owed

Submarket (Table for use with the Density Bonus fees-in-lieu calculations) Median Land Price per Base FAR Foot
Loop: Chicago River on north/west; Congress on south; Lake Shore Dr on east $31
North: Division on north; Chicago River on south/west; Lake Shore Dr. on east $43
South: Congress on north; Stevenson on south; Chicago River on west; Lake Shore Dr. on east $22
West: Lake on north; Congress on south; Chicago River on east; Racine on west $29
le Date
Authorization to Proceed (to be completed by Department of DPD)

Kara Breems
Department of Planning & Development 3Vol M ki^iUwn U^C
Devefoper/P'roje^ Coordinator

Department of Planning and Development


Alderman Daniel S. Solis
Chairman, City Council Committee on Zoning

Andrew J. Mooney Secretary I Chicago Plan Commission

DATE: July 17,2015

RE: Proposed Residential Business Planned Development for property generally located at 3401 North Southport Avenue.

On July 16, 2015, the Chicago Plan Commission recommended approval ofthe proposed planned development submitted by 3401-09 North Southport L.L.C. A copy of the proposed planned development is attached. I would very much appreciate your assistance in having this introduced at the next possible City Council Committee on Zoning hearing.

Also enclosed is a copy of the staff report to the Plan Commission which includes the Department of Planning and Development, bureau of Planning and Zoning recommendation and a copy of the Resolution. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me at 744-5777.

cc: Steve Valenziano
PD Master File (Original PD, copy of memo)


Proposed Planned Development 3401 N. Southport Avenue July 16, 2015

_j_ 3401 SOUTHPORT 3401 N Soulhport Ave. Chicago. IL 60657



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3401 N Southport Ave. Chicago. IL 60657


REPORT to the

JULY 16, 2015




Pursuant to the provisions of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Department of Planning and Development hereby submits this report and recommendation on a proposed Planned Development for your review and recommendation to the Chicago City Council. The application was introduced to the Chicago City Council on November 19, 2014. Notice of this public hearing was published in the Chicago Sun-Times on July 1, 2015. The Applicant was separately notified of this public hearing.

The property is identified as 3401 N. Southport Avenue and is generally located at the northeast corner of North Southport Avenue and West Roscoe Street. The applicant, 3401-09 N. Southport LLC, proposes to construct a four-story, 30 dwelling unit building with retail and/or restaurant use at the ground floor. Additionally the proposal would provide eight (7) parking stalls on site.

This application has been submitted as a mandatory planned development because the applicants seek to increase the maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 3.0 to 3.5 pursuant to the allowance in the Zoning Code for increased FAR in transit-served locations (Section 17-3-0403-B). The Zoning Code allows developments located in B or C-3 zoning districts which are both located within 600 feet of a transit station and reduce parking by 50% of the otherwise required amount to increase maximum FAR from 3.0 to 3.5, increase the maximum number of residential units by a third, and increase the maximum height of the building by five feet if reviewed and approved as a planned development.

The subject property is located at the northeast corner of North Southport Avenue and West Roscoe Street and is located adjacent to business, commercial, and residential uses. East of the subject site are parcels of land zoned RT3-5, Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse, and Multi-Unit District. North of


the site are parcels of land zoned B3-2, Community Shopping District. West of the site are parcels of land zoned B3-2, Community Shopping District and B3-3, Community Shopping District. South of the site are parcels of land zoned B3-2, Community Shopping District and B3-3, Community Shopping District. The site is not in the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District. The site is not located within a designated Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. The site is not located within the .boundaries of a Chicago Landmark District and it does not contain any designated local or national landmark structures or sites.

The subject site is immediately adjacent to the Southport station on the CTA Brown Line. Additionally the Paulina station on the CTA Brown Line is about one-half mile from the subject site. CTA has bus routes #9 (Ashland); #77 (Belmont); and #152 (Addison) all running on a route within a half-mile ofthe site.

The subject site consists of approximately 10,289 square feet and is currently improved with a building that has two retail storefronts and two dwelling units above. The existing building would be demolished to make way for the construction of a four-story building with 30 dwelling units and retail or restaurant uses at the ground floor; additionally the proposal would provide eight (7) parking stalls at the rear of the building.

' The proposed project will be primarily finished with a brick veneer accented with decorative limestone details and aluminum doors and windows, at the ground floor level the retail areas will be primarily finished with a storefront glazing system. The proposed color palette includes red brick, natural limestone and silver and black aluminum accent pieces.

The proposed planned development will be compliant with the requirements of the Chicago Landscape Ordinance specifically in terms of parkway trees.

The subject site will be designed to be in compliance with the current City of Chicago Sustainable Development policy and will provide a vegetated roof equivalent to a minimum of 50% ofthe net roof area this equates to 4,549 square feet of area. Additionally, the proposal will obtain building certification.

The seven (7) parking stalls provided are all accessible via the public alley running north and south along the east boundary of the property. The developer will propose a loading zone along West Roscoe Street this will allow residential units to be able to move in and out of the units on the floors above grade. The subject site also has 30 bicycle parking/storage spaces available to the tenants. All parking provided will meet the layout and design requirements as stated under 17-11-1000 ofthe Chicago Zoning Ordinance.


The proposed project will be a 30 dwelling unit residential building with retail or restaurant use on the ground floor. The current maximum allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for the proposed underlying zoning district (B3-3) is 3.0 however the Chicago Zoning Ordinance allows a property in a dash three zoning designation that is located within 600 feet of a rail station and reduces the required parking by 50% to take an increase from 3.0 to 3.5; the proposed planned development will be limited to this maximum of 3.5 FAR. The proposed project will have a maximum building height of 50'-0". The minimum lot area per unit (MLA) proposed for the site will be 346 square feet, more than the minimum of 300 per unit required per the Zoning Code. The proposed planned development will maintain setbacks that are in compliance with the requirements of the B3-3 zoning designation. All remaining bulk, use and density items will be in substantial compliance with the stipulations of Section 17-3-0400 for B3-3 zoning districts.

The Department of Planning and Development has reviewed the project materials submitted by the Applicant and compared this proposal to the requirements of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and existing development in the community. The area around this project is composed of a mixture of various uses including commercial, retail, and residential uses and is accessible from public transit. Based on that analysis, DPD has concluded that this proposal is appropriate for this site and supports this development for the following reasons:
Promotes economically beneficial development patterns that are compatible with the character of existing neighborhood (per 17-8-0103), as evidenced by the design of the project, and the fact that the proposed uses are in context with the character of the adjacent properties and also meet the needs ofthe immediate community;
Promotes transit, pedestrian and bicycle use, ensures accessibility for persons with disabilities and minimizes conflicts with existing traffic patterns in the vicinity (per 17-8-0904-1-2, 3 & 4), as evidenced by the site's close proximity to public transit in the form of various CTA bus lines and the Southport brown line stop which is immediately adjacent to the proposed development; the accessibility accommodations made on-site for the building users; pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress options provided to the building users in the form of 30 bicycle parking stalls and provides vehicle parking at the rear of the building as suggested in 17-8-0904-C-2 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, and lastly, ensuring that the design of the site works within the confines of the current existing traffic patterns at the site and creates tittle or no adverse impact to those patterns;
Building Orientation and Massing (per 17-8-0906-B), as evidenced by the project design which brings the edge of the building up to the street frontage and provides large transparent storefront windows to create and active building wall;


4. All sides and areas of the buildings that are visible to the public should be treated with materials, finishes, and architectural details that are of high-quality and appropriate for use on primary public-right-of-way-facing facade (per 17-8-0907-A-4), as evidenced through the information contained within this report, the proposed material is to be brick veneer accented with decorative limestone details, lintels and copings as well as aluminum window systems as shown on the elevations in the exhibits for this planned development, and the corresponding proposal renderings;

The project meets the purpose and criteria set forth in the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and its adoption would not have any adverse impact on the public's health, safety or welfare:
Per 17-13-0308-C, the proposed development is compatible with surrounding developments in terms of land use, as well as, the density and scale of the physical structure.
Per 17-13-0308-D, the proposed underlying zoning for this planned development is B3-3 and is similar to other business and commercial zoning districts, both adjacent to this site and in the immediate area.
Per 17-13-0308-E, the public infrastructure facilities and City services will be adequate to serve the proposed development at the time of occupancy and the project will comply with the requirements for access in case Of fire and other emergencies. The proposed project has been reviewed by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities and the Department of Transportation and all requested changes have been made. Copies of this application have been circulated to other City departments and agencies and no comments have been received which have not been addressed in the application.

Based on the foregoing, it is the recommendation of the Department of Planning and Development that this application for the establishment of a Planned Development be approved and that the recommendation to the City Council Committee on Zoning Landmarks and Building Standards be "Passage Recommended."

Bureau of Planning and Zoning Department of Planning and Development

Department of Planning and Development city of chicago



WHEREAS, the applicant, 3401-09 N. Southport LLC, has submitted art application to establish a planned development; and,

WHEREAS, the Applicant is proposing to construct a four-story mixed-use building with retail uses on the ground floor and 30 dwelling units on the floors above, the applicant will provide 7 parking stalls onsite; and,

WHEREAS, the Applicant is proposing to rezone the property from B3-2 (Community Shopping District) to
WHEREAS, the Applicant's request to rezone the property was introduced to the City Council on November 19, 2014; and,

WHEREAS, proper legal notice of the hearing for this application before the Plan Commission was published in the Chicago Sun-Times on July 1, 2015 and the Applicant was separately notified of this hearing; and,

WHEREAS, the proposed zoning application was considered at a public hearing by this Plan Commission on July 16, 2015; and,

WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Development recommended approval ofthe application, with the recommendation and explanation contained in the written report dated July 16, 2015, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and,

WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has fully reviewed the application and all associated informational submissions, the report and recommendation of the Department of Planning Development and all other testimony presented at the public hearing held on July 16, 2015, giving consideration to the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.



THAT the above-stated recitals to this resolution together with the report of the Department of Planning and Development be adopted as the findings of fact of the Plan Commission regarding this zoning map amendment application; and,
THAT this PlanXommission recommends approval to the City Council Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards ofthe final zoning map amendment application dated November 19, 2014, as being in conformance with the provisions, terms and conditions ofthe Zoning Ordinance.

MartrrH^abTeTaT^r £\n (Tftr %tfrVr I)
Chicago Plan Commission

PD No.:
Approved: July 16, 2015

JUL' 1 6 2015
Initial: ^=Aj^___ CITY OF CHICAGO

ADDRESS of the property Applicant is seeking to rezone:
3401-3409 N. Southport Avenue

Ward Number that property is located in: 44

APPLICANT 3401-09 N. Southport LLC
JUL 1 6 2015


ADDRESS 1800 w- Berenice, Suite 200

60613 PHONE 312-543-0403


Is the applicant the owner of the property? YES x *
If the applicant is not the owner of the property, please provide the following information regarding the owner and attach written authorization from the owner allowing the application to proceed. * Additional Property Owners

ADDRESS 1800 W. Berenice, Suite 200 CITY Chicago

PHONE 312-543-0403


If the Applicant/Owner of the property has obtained a lawyer as their representative for the rezoning, please provide the following information:
ATTORNEY Katriina S. McGuire c/o Thompson Coburn, LLP

ADDRESS 55 ^' Monroe Street, 37th Floor


FAX 312-782-1826 EMAIL kmcguireOthompsoncohurncom

6. If the applicant is a legal entity (Corporation, LLC, Partnership, etc.) please provide the names of all owners as disclosed on the Economic Disclosure Statements.
The Joesph D Palmisano. P.C. Profit Sharing 401 (K) Plan
Slawomir Kropornicki
Mr. Prickles LLC
On what date did the owner acquire legal title to the subject property? May 30- 2014
Has the present owner previously rezoned this property? If yes, when? No

Present Zoning District B3'2 Proposed Zoning District B3-310 Res|dential Business PD
Lot size in square feet (or dimensions') 1 °'289 scluare feet
Current Use of the property Commercial and multi-family building

12. Reason for rezoning the property For the proposed construction of a 4-story mixed use building.

13. Describe the proposed use of the property after the rezoning. Indicate the number of dwelling units; number of parking spaces; approximate square footage of any commercial space; and height of the proposed building. (BE SPECIFIC)
The applicant proposes to construct a 4-story mixed use building, with retail space located on the first floor,
30 dwelling units and 7 parking spaces.

14. On May 14 , 2007, the Chicago City Council passed the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) that requires on-site affordable housing units or a financial contribution if residential housing projects receive a zoning change under certain circumstances. Based on the lot size of the project in question and the proposed zoning classification, is this project subject to the Affordable Requirements Ordinance? (See Fact Sheet for more information)



Francis S. Campise ^ being first duly sworn on oath, states that all of the above
statements and tlie statements contained in the documents submitted herewith are true and correct.

Signature of Applicant

Subscribed and Sworn to before me this
day of , 20_

Notary Public

For Office Use Only

Date of Introduction:
File Number: