Record #: O2022-2064   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 7/15/2022 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Ethics and Government Oversight
Final action: 7/20/2022
Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 2-156 by adding new Section 2-156-301 and modifying various provisions regarding governmental ethics
Sponsors: Dept./Agency
Topic: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - Title 2 - City Government & Administration - Ch. 156 Governmental Ethics
Attachments: 1. O2022-2064.pdf

July 15,2022


Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith an ordinance amending Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code regarding governmental ethics.

Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,

Steven I. Berlin Executive Director



SECTION 1. Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the language underscored, and by deleting the language struck through, as follows:
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-010 Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this chapter:
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(d-1) "City ©Council employee" shall mean an individual employed by an alderman or a ©City ©Council committee, or bureauT or other service agency of the ©City ©Council; whether part-time or full-time, including an individual retained as an independent contractor by any of them.

(d-2) "City Council contractor" shall mean an individual retained as an independent contractor by any alderman, City Council committee, or bureau or other service agency of the City Council to provide services to any of the foregoing, provided that such services are related to City governmental functions and duties, and excluding services related to the physical maintenance of City or aldermanic offices, such as, without limitation, custodial services, painting, landscaping, or plumbing.

(e) "City contractor" means any person (including hls-their agents or employees acting within the scope of their employment) who is paid from the city treasury by the City or any City agency or pursuant to ©City ordinance, for services to any ©City agency, regardless of the nature of the relationship of such individual to the ©City for purposes other than this chapter. A "city contractor" shall not include officials and employees.

(e-1) "City property" means: (i) the official corporate City seal, as authorized in Chapter 1-8-010 et seg., as amended; (ii) any building or portion thereof owned or exclusively leased by the ©City or any ©City agency; or (iii) any intellectual property or personal property, eguipment, machinery, or other tangible items owned or used by the City for City business purposes. "City property" does not, however, include any portion of a building that is rented or leased from the ©City or any ©City agency by a private person or entity.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(I) "Financial interest" means an interest held by an official or employee that is valued or capable of valuation in monetary terms with a current value of more than $1,000.00 in any consecutive twelve-month period, provided that such interest shall not include: (1) the authorized compensation paid to an official or employee for any office or employment; or (2) a time or demand deposit in a financial institution; or (3) an endowment or insurance policy or annuity contract purchased from an insurance company; or (4) any ownership through purchase at fair market value or inheritance of the shares of a mutual fund corporation, regardless of the value of or dividends on such shares, if such shares are registered on a securities exchange pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; or (5) any ownership through purchase at fair market value or inheritance of not more than one-half of one percent of the outstanding common

stock of the shares of a corporation, or any corporate subsidiary, parent or affiliate thereof, regardless of the dividends on such shares, if such shares are registered on a securities exchange pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(p) "Lobbyist" means any person who, on behalf of any person other than himself, or as any part of his-their duties as an employee of another, undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action, including but not limited to:
A bond inducement ordinance;
A zoning matter;
A concession agreement;
The creation of a tax increment financing district;
The establishment of a Class 6(b) Cook County property tax classification;
The introduction, passage or other action to be taken on an ordinance, resolution, motion, order, appointment or other matter before the ©City ©Council;
The preparation of contract specifications;
The solicitation, award or administration of a contract;
The award or administration of a grant, loan, or other agreement involving the disbursement of public monies; or
(10) Any other determination made by an elected or appointed ©City official or employee
of the ©City with respect to the procurement of goods, services or construction.
Provided, however, that a person shall not be deemed to have undertaken to influence any legislative or administrative action solely by submitting an application for a ©City permit or license or by responding to a ©City request for proposals or qualifications. It shall not constitute lobbying as defined here for an individual who is paid on a contingent or commission basis for the good faith sale of goods or services to contact a City official or employee regarding the purchase by the City of such goods or services, provided that such individual is contacting only those City officials or employees who have responsibility for making purchasing decisions regarding such goods or services in the normal course of business.
The term "lobbyist" shall include, but is not limited to, any attorney, accountant, or consultant engaged in the above-described activities; provided, however, that an attorney shall not be considered a lobbyist while representing clients in a formal adversarial hearing. A person who seeks to influence legislative or administrative action on behalf of a not-for-profit entity shall be deemed a lobbyist only if such person: (i) is paid or otherwise compensated for those efforts; or (ii) undertakes those efforts as a matter of professional engagement, regardless of pay or other compensation.

The term "lobbyist" shall not include: (0 any employee or official of another government unit who engages in the above-described activities on behalf of that government unit: or (ii) a person who: (a) attends a meeting with an employee or official simply to provide technical information or address technical Questions: (b) attends a meeting to provide clerical or administrative assistance (including audio/visual, translation or interpretation and sign language); (c) attends a meeting to observe for educational purposes; or (d) plays no role in the strategy, planning, messaging, or other substantive aspect of the overall lobbying effort.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-030 Improper influence.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(b) No elected official, or any person acting at the direction of such elected official, shall contact either orally or in writing any other ©City official or employee with respect to any matter involving any person with whom the elected official has any business relationship that creates a financial interest on the part of the elected official, or the domestic partner or spouse of the elected official, or from whom or which the elected official or the elected official's domestic partner or spouse he has derived any income or compensation during the preceding twelve months or from whom or which the elected official or the elected official's domestic partner or spouse he reasonably expects to derive any income or compensation in the following twelve months. In addition, no elected official may preside over or participate in any discussion in any City Council Committee hearing or, or participate in any discussion in any City Council meeting or vote on any matter involving a the person with whom the elected official or the elected official's domestic partner or spouse has any business relationship that creates a financial interest on the part of the elected official, or the domestic partner or spouse of the elected official, or from whom or which the elected official or the elected official's domestic partner or spouse he has derived any income or compensation during the preceding twelve months or from whom or which the elected official or the elected official's domestic partner or spouse he reasonably expects to derive any income or compensation in the following twelve months; provided, that any elected official recusing themselves under this subsection (b) shall be counted present for purposes of a guorum.
With regard to any such matter involving any person with whom the elected official has any business relationship that creates a financial interest on the part of the elected official or the elected official's domestic partner or spouse, or from whom either the elected official or the elected official's domestic partner or spouse has derived any income or compensation in the previous or following twelve months, the elected official shall disclose in writing to the Board of Ethics within 24 hours of any such person who requests that the elected official contact, either orally or in writing, any other City official or employee with respect to any matter involving the person. Such disclosure shall state the name of the person and the nature of the business relationship that creates a financial interest on the part of the elected official, spouse or domestic partner, or the nature of compensation or income derived in the previous or following twelve-month period. The Board of Ethics shall review any disclosure made under this subsection and shall determine whether the elected official has provided sufficient details regarding the conflict of interest, and may request more detail if it deems that is necessary, and shall post such disclosures, including any additional detail submitted by the elected official, on the Board of Ethics website, in a searchable format, upon receipt.

2-156-050 Incidental use of City seal - Authorized when.
It shall not be deemed a violation of this Chapter or of Chapter 1 -8 of this Code for any official, employee, or candidate for City office to include in a photograph, video or other visual media that is not related to official City business an image of the City seal if all of the following conditions are met: (i) the image of the City seal in such display is incidental to the visual media viewed as a whole, as opposed to an element of primary focus, and (ii) the visual media is available in the public domain, and (iii) the visual media contains a clear written disclaimer that it is not related to the City's official business.
2-156-060 Unauthorized use of real or personal City-owned property.
No official er^ employee, or candidate for City office shall engage in or permit the unauthorized use of any City property, real or personal property owned or leased by the city for city business-Nothing in this section shall prohibit the incidental use of such property in connection with the solicitation and acceptance of any gifts in accordance with Section 2-156-142(d)(13) or 2-156-142(h)(2).
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance) 2-156-080 Conflicts of interest; appearance of impropriety.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(b) (1) With regard to any matter pending before the City Council or any City Council Committee, any member of the City Council who has any financial interest that is either (1) distinguishable from that of the general public or all aldermen, or (2) from which the member has derived any income or compensation during the preceding twelve months or from which the member reasonably expects to derive any income or compensation in the following twelve months shall publicly disclose in detail the nature and extent of such interest, including when such interest commenced, on the records of proceedings of the City Council and City Council Committee, and shall also notify, with the same detail, the Board of Ethics of such interest within 96 hours of delivery by the Clerk to the member, of the introduction of any ordinance, resolution, order or other matter in the City Council, or as soon thereafter as the member is or should be aware of such potential conflict of interest. If a disclosing member believes that disclosure of any required detail is prohibited by applicable privacy law or a confidentiality requirement, that member shall include a statement of the pertinent basis for non-disclosure, and otherwise disclose fully. The Board of Ethics shall review any disclosure made under this subsection and shall determine whether the member has provided sufficient detail regarding the conflict of interest, and may request more detail if it deems that is necessary. The Board of Ethics shall give the member one opportunity to correct the defect in the disclosure within seven days from the date of such request. The Board of Ethics shall post such disclosures, including any additional detail submitted by the member, on the Board of Ethics website, in a searchable format, upon receipt. The member shall abstain from participating in any discussion concerning or voting on the matter but shall be counted present for purposes of a quorum. The obligation to report a potential conflict of interest under this subsection arises as soon as the member of the City Council is or should be aware of such potential conflict.
(2) To avoid even an appearance of impropriety, any elected official member of the City Council who has any business relationship with a person or entity with a matter pending before the City Council or any City Council Committee: (i) that creates a financial interest on the part of|1010|
such momber elected official, or the domestic partner or spouse of such member elected official, or (ii) from whom or which the member elected official, or the domestic partner or spouse of such elected official, has derived any income or compensation during the preceding twelve months or from whom or which the member elected official or the domestic partner or spouse of such elected official reasonably expects to derive any income or compensation in the following twelve months, shall publicly disclose in detail the nature of such business relationship or income or compensation, including when such relationship commenced, on the records of proceedings of the City Council and the City Council Committee, and shall also notify, with the same detail, the Board of Ethics of such relationship within 96 hours of delivery by the Clerk to the membor elected official, of the introduction of any ordinance, resolution, order or other matter in the City Council, or as soon thereafter as the member elected official is or should be aware of such potential conflict of interest. If a disclosing member elected official believes that disclosure of any required detail is prohibited by applicable privacy law or a confidentiality requirement, that member elected official shall include a statement of the pertinent basis for non-disclosure, and otherwise disclose fully. The Board of Ethics shall review any disclosure made under this subsection and shall determine whether the member elected official has provided sufficient detail regarding the business relationship, and may request more detail if it deems that is necessary. The Board of Ethics shall give the member elected official one opportunity to correct the defect in the disclosure within seven days from the date of such request. The Board of Ethics shall post such disclosures, including any additional detail submitted by the membor elected official, on the Board of Ethics website, in a searchable format, as soon as practicable after immediately upon receipt. The member elected official shall abstain from participating in any discussion concerning and voting on the matter, but shall be counted present for purposes of a quorum. The obligation to report a potential conflict of interest under this subsection arises as soon as the member elected official of the City Council is or should be aware of such potential conflict. For purposes of this subsection (ji) only: "matter pending before the City Council or any City Council Committee" shall refer to City Council action involving the award of loan funds, grant funds or bond proceeds, bond inducement ordinances, leases, land sales, zoning matters, the creation of tax increment financing districts, concession agreements or the establishment of a Class 6(b) Cook County property tax classification.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-090 Representation of other persons.

(a) No elected official or employee may represent, or derive any income or compensation from the representation of, any person other than the eCity in any formal or informal proceeding or transaction before any eCity agency, employee, or official in which the agency's, employee's, or official's action or non-action is of a nonministerial nature; provided that nothing in this subsection shall preclude: (i) any employee from performing the duties of his-their employmentr-or (ii) any elected official from appearing without compensation before any eCity agency on behalf of his their constituents in the course of his-their duties as an elected official; or (iii) any elected official or employee from appearing without compensation before any City agency on behalf of a not-for-profit entity seeking to donate goods or services to the City or City residents.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-130 Employment Action on behalf of relatives or domestic partners.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
No official or employee shall exercise contract management authority, or participate in the making of any City administrative or legislative action or decision, where any relative or the domestic partner of the official or employee is employed by or has contracts with the persons doing city work over which the city official or employee has or exercises contract management authority with such contract or who is seeking such administrative or legislative action.
No official or employee shall use or permit the use of his-their position to assist any relative or bis-domestic partnerT in securing employment or contracts with persons over whom the employee or official exercises contract management authority or with respect to whom the employee or official would make or participate in the making of any City administrative or legislative action or decision. The employment of or contracting with a relative or domestic partner of such a eCity official or employee by such a person within six months prior to, during the term of, or six months subseguent to the period of a eCity contract or the making of such action or decision shall be evidence that said employment or contract was obtained in violation of this chapter.
No person shall, with intent to violate this section, hire or retain any relative or domestic partner of a City employee or official who exercises contract management authority with respect to the person's City contracts or who participates in administrative or legislative actions or decisions involving the person.
2-156-135 Prohibited political activities.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)

(b) No officiaL_©r- employee, or candidate for City office shall intentionally use-any eCity property or resources of the eCity in connection with any prohibited political activity; provided, however, any official er employee, or candidate for City office may reserve and rent a ©City-owned facility at a fair market value before any such activity or event connected therewith.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-142 Offering, receiving and soliciting of gifts or favors.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(d) The restriction in subsection (a) shall not apply to the following:
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(8) Any gift that is given to, or is accepted on behalf of the ©City, provided that any person receiving the gift on the ©City's behalf shall immediately promptly report to the bBoard and to the ©Comptroller, who shall add such gift to an inventory of the ©City's property.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(13) Any tangible or perishable gifts solicited and accepted in connection to a traditional or customary charitable drive for distribution to the general public or to the charitable organization identified in such solicitation. This provision does not authorize the acceptance of any gift of cash, gift card, or cash eguivalent prohibited in subsection (a).

(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(f) No official or employee, or the covered relative of such official or employee, shall solicit or accept any money or other thing of value including, but not limited to, gifts, tips or gratuities, favors, services or promises of future employment, in return for advice or assistance on matters concerning the operation or business of the eCity; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent: (i) an official or employee, or the covered relative of such official or employee from accepting compensation for services wholly unrelated to the official's or employee's eCity duties and responsibilities and rendered as part of his or her their non-eCity employment, occupation or profession: or (ii) any member of the sworn force of the Department of Police from being employed in the private security field, provided that such member has received any reguired approval from the Superintendent of Police therefor and complied with all rules promulgated by the Superintendent of Police relating to such employment.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(h) (1) In addition to the prohibition on soliciting on behalf of a covered relative in subsection (a) above, no city official or employee shall solicit any gift on behalf of a third party, if: (i) that official or employee knows that the prospective donor is seeking administrative or legislative action from the City, and (ii) the official or employee is in a position to directly affect the outcome of that action.
(2) The restriction of this subsection (h) shall not apply to: (A) solicitations on behalf of a charitable organization in accordance with subsection (d)(13) of this section: or (B) a City official or employee who solicits donations made directly to a not-for-profit or charitable organization, provided that: (i) there is no resulting direct pecuniary benefit to the City official or employee; (ii) the solicitation is not targeted towards specific potential donors; and (iii) the City official or employee does not accept any such gifts on behalf of third parties.
2-156-143 Employee-to-employee gifts.
For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
"Official superior" means any employee, including but not limited to an immediate supervisor, whose official responsibilities include directing or evaluating the performance of other employees' official duties or those of any other supervisor of the employee. For purposes of this section, the term "official superior" shall also include the Mayor. Additionally, for purposes of this section, an employee is considered to be the subordinate of any of his-their official superiors.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
Except as provided in this section, an employee shall not: (i) give a gift to or make a donation towards a gift for an official superior; or (ii) solicit a contribution from another employee for a gift to either his their own or the other employee's official superior; or (iii) accept a gift from a subordinate.
Except as provided in this soction, an employee shall not accopt a gift from an employee receiving less pay than himself unless: (i) the two employees are not in a subordinate official superior relationship; and (ii) there is a personal relationship between the two employees that would justify the gift.
(dc) The restriction in subsections (b) and (c) shall not apply to the following:
On an occasional basis, including any Any occasion on which gifts are traditionally given or exchanged, such as birthdays or holidays7. On such occasions, the following may be given to an official superior or accepted from a subordinate: or other employee receiving less pay:

Items, other than cash, but including gift cards, with an aggregate market value of $10.00 or less per occasion;
Items such as food and refreshments to be shared in the office among several employees;
Personal hospitality provided at a residence which is of a type and value customarily provided by the employee to personal friends; or
Items given in connection with the receipt of personal hospitality if of a type and value customarily given on such occasions.
A gift appropriate to the occasion may be given to an official superior or accepted from a subordinate or othor omployoereceiving less pay:

In recognition of infreguently occurring occasions of personal significance such as marriage, illness, or the birth or adoption of a child, provided that no such gift shall exceed $100.00 per occasion; or
Upon occasions that terminate a subordinate-official superior relationship, such as retirement, resignation, or transfer.
An employee may solicit a voluntary contribution of no more than $20.00 from a fellow employee for an appropriate gift to an official superior and an employee may make a voluntary contribution of $20.00 or less to an appropriate gift to an official superior:

On a special, infrequent occasion as described in subsection (dc)(2)(i) of this section;
On an occasional basis, for items such as food and refreshments to be shared in the office among several employees. An employee may accept such gifts to which a subordinate er other employee receiving less pay than himself has contributed.
(ed) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an official superior shall not coerce a gift from a subordinate.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance) 2-156-145 Ethics and sexual harassment training.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(b) In addition to the requirement of subsection (a), each official, member of an alderman's personal staff, city council committee employee City Council employee, City Council contractor, full-time, part time and contract employee of the eCity, and employee of any not-for-profit|1010|
organization created by a eCity ordinance to perform functions traditionally within the power of the eCity, including raising revenue for municipal functions, shall in each calendar year complete an annual ethics education training course developed by the bBoard of eEthics. Such course may be offered in-person, through an internet;based program, or other manner prescribed by the bBoard of eEthics. Any employee who fails to comply with this section shall be subject to employment sanctions, including suspension, in accordance with the procedures under which the employee may otherwise be disciplined. Any employee who is found to have knowingly falsified theirhis/her compliance with this section shall be subject to discharge.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-150 Statements of financial interest.
(a) For purposes of this article, the following persons shall be referred to as "reporting individuals":
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance) (v) Each eCity eCouncil employee and City Council contractor who is not solely
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance) 2-156-160 Content of statements.
(a) Statements of financial interests shall contain the following information:
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
(13) The name and instrument of debt of all debts in excess of $5,000.00 owed by the
reporting individual, as well as the name and instrument of debt of all debts in excess of $5,000.00
owed to the reporting individual, but only if the creditor or debtor, respectively, or any guarantor
of the debt, has done work for or business with the City of Chicago in the preceding calendar
year. Debt instruments issued by financial institutions whose normal business includes the making
of loans of the kind received by the reporting individual, and which are made at the prevailing rate
of interest and in accordance with other terms and conditions standard for such loans at the time
the debt was contracted need not be disclosed. Debt instruments issued by publicly held
corporations and purchased by the reporting individual on the open market at the price available
to the public need not be disclosedv;

(14) Each City Council employee and City Council contractor shall identify the alderman
or City Council committee or bureau for whom they work at the time of filing.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-301 Lobbying on the floor of City Council or Committee Meetings.

During any meeting of the City Council or a City Council Committee, no person who is not a current City Council member, City elected official, employee, or a City Council contractor acting on behalf of such City Council member, shall lobby or solicit any City Council member on the floor of City Council or in a City Council Committee meeting room to vote for or against any person or|10 10|
proposition, except through public comment or other testimony, whether in person, by electronic means, or in writing. Nothing in this provision is intended to limit debate by City Council members on any pending matter, or to prohibit discussion between City Council members, or between City Council members and any employee or City elected official, concerning a pending matter.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-390 Independent Board findings of probable cause - Prerequisites.

In any circumstance in which this Chapter authorizes the Board to find, independently of an Inspector General reguest or referral, that there is probable cause to conclude that a person (for purposes of this section, the "subject") may have violated this Chapter, the Board may proceed with fact-finding or other information-gathering related to the matter only after notifying the subject in writing. The Board shall send such notice by certified mail addressed to the subject at their last known business or residential address. The Board shall also send the notice to the subject by email if a reliable email address is available to the Board. The notice, which shall not name or otherwise identify any involved complainant, shall specify the nature of the suspected violation and the underlying facts, and shall provide the subject with 10 business days from the hard-copy mailing date to respond to the Board in writing via either certified mail or to an email address provided by the Board. The Board shall not make a probable cause finding on the matter until after receiving the subject's timely response postmarked or emailed within the 10-day period, or the expiration of the subject's time to respond.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-445 Limitation of contributing to candidates and elected officials.
(a) No person who has done business with the City, or with the Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago Board of Education, Chicago Park District, Chicago City Colleges, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago Public Building Commission, or Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority within the preceding four reporting years, or who is seeking to do business with the CityT or with any of the other aforementioned entities, no lobbyist registered with the Board of Ethics, shall make contributions in an aggregate amount exceeding $1,500.00: (i) to any candidate for City office during a single candidacy reporting year; or (ii) to an elected official of the government of the City during any reporting year of the official's tals-term; or (iii) during a reporting year, to any official or employee of the City who is seeking election to any other office. For purposes of this section all contributions to a candidate's authorized political committees shall be considered contributions to the candidate. A reporting year shall be from January 1st to December 31st. For purposes of this subsection only "seeking to do business" means: (i) the definition set forth in Section 2-156-010(x); ami or_(ii) any matter that was pending before the City Council or any City Council Committee in the six months prior to the date of the contribution or any matter that will be pending before the City Council or any City Council Committee in the six months after the date of the contribution, if that matter involved the award of loan funds, grant funds or bond proceeds, bond inducement ordinances, leases, land sales, zoning matters, the creation of tax increment financing districts, concession agreements or the establishment of a Class 6(b) Cook County property tax classification.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)


2-156-465 Sanctions.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance) (b) Fines. The following fines shall, as appropriate, apply to violations of this chapter:
Failure to complete ethics training. Any employee or official who violates section 2-156-145 and any lobbyist who violates section 2-156-146 shall be fined not less than $200.00 nor more than $750.00 $250 for each such violation. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply. The bBoard shall also make public, in a manner that the bBoard may deem appropriate, the names of lobbyists, employees and officials who failed to complete a mandatory ethics training on time.
Failure to file a statement of financial interests. Any reporting person who violates section 2-156-190 shall be fined $250 for each such violation. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply. The bBoard shall also make public, in a manner that the bBoard may deem appropriate, the names of reporting persons who failed to file statements of financial interests on time.
Failure to register or file reports by lobbyists. Any lobbyist who violates section 2-156-245 or section 2-156-270 shall be fined $1,000.00 for each such violation. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply. Any lobbyist who violates any provision of Article IV of this chapter shall be subject to the suspension of h4s-their lobbyist registration. The bBoard shall also make public, in a manner the bBoard deems appropriate, the names of lobbyists who violate Section 2-156-245 or 2-156-270 and fine assessed.
(A) Violating the gift ban or tho prohibited political activity sections. Any person who violates section 2-156-142 or section 2-156-135 shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000.00 and not more than $5,000.00 for each violation.

(§4) Improper contributions. Any person who knowingly makes, solicits or accepts a political contribution in violation of section 2-156-140 or section 2-156-445 shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000.00 and up to the higher of $5,000.00 or three times the amount of the improper contribution that was accepted for each violation of these sections.

(6) False, frivolous, or bad faith allegation. Any person who intentionally makes a false,
frivolous, or bad faith allegation to the board shall bo fined not loss than $500.00 and up to
$5,000.00 for each offense, and, if such person is a city contractor, shall be subject to termination
of a contract.
(7) Violation of sexual harassment provisions. Any person who violates Section 2-156-
149 shall be subject to fine of not less than $1,000.00 and not more than $5,000.00 for each
(85) Violation of Chapter provisions. Any person who violates any other provision of this chapter, where no other fine is specifically provided, shall be subject to public censure by the Board and a fine of not less than $500.00 $1,000.00 and not more than $5,000.00 $20,000.00 for each offense; provided that the Board may also impose a fine equal to the financial benefit an official or employee realized from a violation, if higher.


(6) Candidates; filing of statements of financial interests. Any person who qualifies as a candidate for City office who knowingly files a false or misleading statement of financial interests shall be subject to fines as provided in subsection (a)(5) of this section.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-505 Training and filing violations - Executive director's authority.
Upon determining that a person has violated Section 2-156-145, 2-156-146, 2-156-190, 2-156-245, or 2-156-270, the executive director of the bBoard is authorized to impose upon such person an appropriate fine as provided in Section 2-156-465. The executive director is authorized to impose or levy such fine starting no earlier than on the seventh City business day after the date of the executive diroctor notifiod director's notice to the person of the violation, and no fine shall begin accruing until the eighth calendar day after the executive director's notice to the person. The person may contest the imposition of such fine as provided by rule. The process set forth in Sections 2-156-385 and 2-156-392 are not a prerequisite to the imposition of fines pursuant to this section.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
2-156-520 Access to list of current contractors.
(a) The Department of Assets, Information, and Services shall compile a list of all contractors, who did business during the preceding four reporting years, as set forth in Section 2-156-445, with the City, Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago Board of Education/Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees, Chicago Park District, Chicago City Colleges, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago Public Building Commission, or and the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority. The list shall be updated electronically. The list shall be made available to all officials and employees, and to the public via the Internet.
(Omitted text unaffected by this ordinance)
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 10 days after passage and publication.