<*0p ^ilxe &ity Qouncil °f fa Qity of Bhicago, Illinois
presented by MAYOR RAHM EMANUEL w NOVEMBER 8,2012
\2tGOLS , The Members of this Chamber wish to recognize the heroism and public service of Anita Bishop; arid
WHEREAS, Anita Bishop is a Community Watcher for the Chicago Public Schools Safe Passage Program. The community-based organization she works for, New Hope Community Service Center, is a partner organization With the Chicago Public Schools to provide Safe Passage services in the community surrounding Harper High School; and
WHEREAS, The Safe Passage Program is designed tp, improve the safety of Chicago Public School studehts by deploying community watch staff along predefined safe routes as studehts travel to and from school Students have expressed that their safety concerns involved with traveling to and frorri school affects their school attendance as well as their performance while in school. Community Watchers, like Ms. Bishop play an active role in improving the stability of the community by patrolling student passage routes and contributing to student safety; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Anita Bishop serves as a Community Watcher at the corner of 67th Street and Wood Street in the West Englewood neighborhood, assisting Harper High School studehts as they travel to and from school; and
WHEREAS, The area where Ms. Bishop serves as q Community Watcher is surrounded by five gang conflict zones as designated by the Chicago Police Department; and
WHEREAS, On the morning of March 14, 2012, Anita Bishop was diligently performing her duties as a Community Watcher at the corner of 67th Street and Wood Street in the West Englewood neighborhood, assisting Harper High School students as they traveled to school; and
WHEREAS, A\ around 7:30 A.M., gunshots were fired near the intersection of 68th Street and Wood Street, approximately a block away from Anita Bishop's post. Ms. Bishop began to investigate the source of the gunshots, when she noticed two familiar Harper students running, one of them holding his side, leading her to conclude that he had been wounded, jt was later discovered that both students had been shot; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Bishop bravely intervened when she noticed that the two students unaware that their assailants were still in pursuit behind them, stopped running, vyithput regard for her own safety,.Ms. Bishop called to the two injured students to come to her, which they did, arid Ms. Bishop courageously ushered thern to safety. She then called 91T to alert the Police to the situation. If not for Ms. Bishop's quick response and fearless action, these students' assailants would have caught up, with potentially fqtdl consequences; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago Police Department responded to Ms. Bishop's 911 call and quickly located the two wounded students, thartks to her specific directions. Thanks to Anita Bishop's quick and valiant response, both student victims survived; arid v
WHEREAS, Anita Bishop demonstrated bravery, professionalism, arid an ability to stay calm in a dangerous situation. Her dedication as a Chicago Public Schools Safe Passage Community Watcher enabled the fortunate outcome of this violent incident; and
WHEREAS, It is a testament to Anita Bishop's courage arid dedication that, although shaken, she insisted on returning to her post that same afternoon to assist students during dismissal; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this eighth day of November, 2012, do hereby congratulate Anita Bishop for her dedicated service to the Chicago Public Schools Safe Passage Program and her heroism in coming to the assistance of two young victims of gun violence; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Anita Bishop as a sign of our respect and good wishes.
November 8, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith a congratulatory resolution concerning Anita Bishop.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,