Record #: R2013-1042   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 11/13/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 11/13/2013
Title: Recognition extended to Joshua Roberto Marks for various achievements
Sponsors: Austin, Carrie M.
Attachments: 1. R2013-1042.pdf
WHEREAS, Joshua Roberto Marks, the second child born to the loving union of Roberto and Paulette Marks in Anniston, Alabama on the 28th of April 1987, was affectionately known as "Joshi"; and
WHEREAS, Joshua Marks is a child of the Almighty God, known by and of Him through being christened while yet an infant at Trinity Lutheran Church in Chicago, Illinois, later joining Apostolic Church of God in 1993, staying active in worship at New Jerusalem Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi during his college years, returning to his home church, Apostolic, and rededicating through second Baptist his life to Christ on January 18, 2013; and
WHEREAS, Josh found enjoyment in the simple pleasures of life, was a member of Beverly Chicago's Children Choir, picked up the Spanish language at an early age, attended preschool at Evangelical Christian School, kindergarten through eighth grade at Charles H. Wacker Elementary School in the 34th Ward, going on to attend Dunbar Vocational Career Academy and earning an athletic basketball scholarship to Tugaloo College in Jackson, Mississippi; and
WHEREAS, Joshi flourished in all he committed himself, in 2005 was inducted into Tugaloo's Freshmen Honor Society, made the President's List from 2007-2009, voted Most Intellectual Male, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. also in 2007, was President of the faculty assistant mentors FAME Tutorial Program, helped the Bulldogs win Gulf Coast Athletics Conference Co-Championship in 2006, was a 2009 HEADWAE Honoree and graduated cum laude with a Bachelor's in Economics and Minor in Business Administration; and
WHEREAS, following graduation he began a work career in U.S. government, entered career service with the Army Core of Engineers in 2010, enjoyed cooking, developing into professional level status, competed and advanced to finale on Master Chef 3, made numerous appearances related to his celebrity on mainstream mediums;
WHEREAS, The Honorable Carrie M. Austin, Alderman of the 34th Ward, distinguishes the beloved 26-year-old Chicago entrepreneur a great source of inspiration to his family, friends and bringing great accreditation to the City as a role model for youth; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, assembled this 13th day of November, 2013 A.D., do hereby acknowledge the importance and significance of the life of Joshua Roberto Marks.
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CARRIE M. AUSTIN; • Alderman - 34th Ward
BE IF FURTHER RESbLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the Marks' Farnikn'i _q u> r. ,
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