for Publication
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICA GO: SECTION I. Title 17, of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance
be amended by changing all the Residential-Business Planned Development No. 301 District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 3-F in the area bounded by
West Schiller Street; North Wells Street, West Evergreen Avenue and North Park Avenue
to the designation of Residential-Business Planned Development No. 301, as Amended which is hereby established in the area above described, subject to such use and bulk regulations as are set forth in the Plan of Development attached and made a part thereto and to no others.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Common Address of Property: 213 West Schiller Street
The area referred to herein as Residential-Business Planned Development No. 301, as amended, consists of property commonly known as 213 West Schiller Street, Chicago, Illinois (the — "Property"). The Property consists of 137,969 square feet of net site area, and is bounded on the north by West Schiller Street; on the east by North Wells Street; on the south by West Evergreen P5 Avenue; and on the west by North Park Avenue. The Applicant - The Catherine Cook School, an Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation, has filed this application on its own behalf and with the consent of the Property Owners, COBBLESQUARE PLACE ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Illinois limited partnership and COBBLESQUARE PLACE ASSOCIATES II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Illinois limited partnership.
The Applicant and his successors, assignees or grantees shall obtain all official reviews, approvals and permits required for the Property.
Any dedication or vacation of streets or alleys or easements or any adjustment of rights-of-way shall require a separate submittal on behalf of the Applicant or his successors, assignees, or grantees, and approval by the City Council.
Within the area delineated herein as Residential-Business Planned Development, the following uses shall be permitted: dwelling units, accessory health and swimming pool facilities, accessory off-street parking, business, commercial, retail, school (classrooms, offices, studios), incidental and accessory uses, related service and other uses permitted in a B3 Community Shopping District (except that otherwise applicable restrictions marked by an asterisk in the Zoning Ordinance shall not apply). There will be a maximum of three hundred and fifteen dwelling units permitted. There will be a maximum of 71,000 square feet of commercial space permitted. Dwelling units may be located on the first floor.
Business and business identification signs may be permitted within the area delineated herein as Residential-Business Planned Development, subject to the review and approval of the Commissioners of the Department of Planning and of the Department of Inspectional Services.
Off-street parking and loading for the Property will be provided in conformity with this Plan of Development.
The information in the attached Plan of Development sets forth data concerning the generalized land use plan of the area delineated herein as Residential-Business Planned Development, and illustrates that the rehabilitation of the existing improvements and any additional improvements will be in accordance with the intent and purposes of this Plan of Development.
The Plan of Development attached hereto shall be subject to the *Rules, Regulations and Procedures in Relation to Planned Developments" as promulgated by the Commissioner of the Department of Planning.
This Planned Development shall be governed by Section 17-13-0612. Should this Planned Development ordinance lapse, the Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development shall initiate a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the property to that of the original Residential-Business Planned Development No. 301 (dated July 27, 1983).
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BAST\ 169768646.2
Common Address:
Gross Site Area:
Area in Public Right-Of-Way:
Net Site Area:
Maximum Floor Area Ratio: Maximum Number of Dwelling Units: Minimum Vehicular Off-Street Parking: Minimum Bicycle Parking: Minimum Off-Street Loading: Setbacks from Property Line:
213 West Schiller Street 188,985 square feet 51,016 square feet 137,969 square feet 2.5 FAR
315 dwelling units 182 spaces N/A
2 space (10 feet by 25 feet)
In substantial compliance with the attached Site Plan/Survey.
Maximum Building Height:
Applicant: The Catherine Cook School Address: 213 West Schiller Street Introduced: September 18, 2019 Plan Commission:
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nnai for Publication
To: Alderman Thomas Tunney
Chairman. City Council Committee Vm Zoning
Maurice D. Cox Chicago Plan Commission
Date: November 21, 2019
Re: Technical Amendment to Planned Development No. 301
On November 21, 2019, the Chicago Plan Commission recommended approval of the proposed technical amendment to Planned Development No. 301 submitted by, The Catherine Cook School. A copy of the proposed amendment is attached. I would very much appreciate your assistance in having this introduced at the next possible City Council Committee on Zoning.
Also enclosed is a copy of the staff report to the Plan Commission which includes the Department of Planning and Development, Bureau of Zoning and Land Use recommendation and a copy of the resolution. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me at 744-9476.
Cc: Steve Valenziano
PD Master File (Original PD, copy of memo)