WHEREAS, The Canaryville Lions Youth football team had an undefeated 2015 season; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council have been informed of this milestone by the Honorable Patrick D. Thompson, Alderman of the 11th Ward; and
WHEREAS, The Canaryville Lions Youth football team was established by Adam Campbell in 1994 in Canaryville, a neighborhood in the 11th Ward of Chicago, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, The Canaryville Lions Youth football team is a part of the Chicago land Youth Football League which includes the Bridgeport Hurricanes, Bridgton Park Bears, Chicago Wolfpack, Humboldt Park Fatriots, West Side Huskies and Morgan Park Jaguars.
WHEREAS, The Canaryville Lions Youth football team Widget team is made up of a 28 man roster and coached by Adam Campbell and Mike Pierce; and
WHEREAS, Success is only achieved through hard work, practice and dedication by both the coaches and members of the team; and
WHEREAS, The Canaryville Lions went undefeated for the 2015 regular season with a record of 7 wins and 0 losses; and
WHEREAS, The Lions did not allow their opponent to score in any regular season games and won each game by a combined score of 202 to 0; and
WHEREAS, The Canaryville Lions went on to win finish the 2015 season by winning their playoff game 37-19 and winning their Championship game 7to 6; and
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this eighteenth day of May, 2016, do hereby congratulate Coaches Adam Campbell and Mike Pierce along with their players Mykle Davis, Elizabeth Titsworfh, Jalen Lewis, Richard Lukesh, Jose Campos, Jalil Martin, Liliana Rodriguez, Mekel Fowler, ShyQuawn McNickles, Jeremiah Berry, Charles Castleberry, Roman Delgado, Devon Mijares, Christian Villasenor, Ian Martinez, Kejuan Barbee, Ashun Green, Joseph Hernandez, Deavion Pierce, Lydell Moore, Sean Simmons, Roy Molina, Troy Byrd, Aden Vargas, Preston Jones and James Granat on their outstanding season and offer them our best wishes in the future.
Patrick D. Thompson Alderman, 11th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to The Canaryville Lions Youth Football Team