Record #: O2014-8889   
Type: Ordinance Status: Introduced
Intro date: 11/5/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action:
Title: Zoning Reclassification Map No. 2-H at 2300-2322 W Flournoy Ave, 2301-2343 W Flournoy Ave, 702-754 S Claremont Ave, 701-755 S Claremont Ave, 608-754 S Oakley Blvd, 2300-2344 W Polk St and 800-804 S Oakley Blvd
Sponsors: Ervin, Jason C.
Attachments: 1. O2014-8889.pdf
SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all of the RM5 Residential Multi-Unit District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 2-H in the area bounded by
West Flournoy Street; a line 239.2 feet west of and parallel to South Oakley Boulevard; the public alley next north of and parallel to West Flournoy Street; a line 95.05 feet west of South Oakley Boulevard; a line 41.5 feet north of the public alley next north of West Flournoy Street; South Oakley Boulevard; a line 62 feet south of and parallel to West Polk Street; the public alley next west of South Oakley Boulevard; West Polk Street; and the public alley next west of and parallel to South Claremont Avenue,
to those of an RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat Townhouse and Multi-Unit District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
  1. Common Address of Property:
2300-      22 West Flournoy Street
  1. 43 West Flournoy Street 702-754 South Claremont Avenue 701-755 South Claremont Avenue 608-754 South Oakley Boulevard
, 2300-44 West Polk Street 800-04 South Oakley Boulevard
W y2 SW 1/4 SEC 18-39-14
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