Record #: O2020-2782   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 5/20/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Transportation and Public Way
Final action: 6/17/2020
Title: Sidewalk cafe(s) for Brando's - 343 S Dearborn St
Sponsors: King, Sophia D.
Topic: PUBLIC WAY USAGE - Sidewalk Cafés
Attachments: 1. O2020-2782.pdf

ORDINANCE BRANDO'S Acct. No. 318860-2 Permit No. 1145205




Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:


Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to BRANDO'S upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance, to maintain and use a portion of the public right of way for a sidewalk cafe adjacent to its premises located at 343 S. Dearborn St Said sidewalk cafe area #1 shall be twenty-six (26) feet in length and six (6) feet in width for a total of one hundred fifty-six (156) square feet and shall allow six (6) feet of clear space from the face of the curb/building line along S. Dearborn St The compensation for said space and the days and hours of operation for the sidewalk cafe shall be as follows:


Monday through Sunday 11:00am until 12:00 midnight Compensation: $600.00 SEATING CAPACITY: 14


Sidewalk Cafe Permit and approved plan must be posted at all times.


This grant of privilege #1145205 for a sidewalk cafe shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-800 through 10-28-885 of the Municipal Code of Chicago and the directions of the Commissioner of Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection, the Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation, and the Commissioner of Transportation.


The permit holder agrees to hold the City of Chicago harmless for any damage, relocation or replacement costs associated with damage, relocation or removal of private property caused by the City performing work in the public way.


Authority for the above named privilege is herein given and granted from and after March 01,

2020 through and including February 28, 2021.















Page 1



Department ofBusiness Affairs and Consumer Protection

Small Business Center - I'uhlie Way Use Unit City Mull - 121 N. LaSalle Street, Room 800 • Chicago, IL (10602 3l2-74-GOBI/./:U2-7.'l<l-62<19 ' (312) 7<I<I-19<M (TTY)











Alderman Sophia King Ward # 04

City of Chicago City Hall, Room 305 121 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602

Re: An ordinance to use and maintain a portion ofthe public right-of-way for one (1) sidewalk cafc(s) for BRANDO'S, adjacent to the premises known as 343 S. Dearborn St


Dear Alderman Sophia King:


The applicant referenced above has requested the use ofthe public right-of-way for a sidewalk cafc(s). An ordinance has been prepared by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection - Small Business Center - Public Way Use Unit for presentation to the City Council. Because this request was made for properties located in your ward, as approved by you as per the attached, I respectfully request that you introduce the attached ordinance at the next City Council meeting.


If you have any questions regarding this ordinance, please contact Anthony Bertuca at (312) 744-5506.











Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection




Instructions in «nli;' tn tociW.Hii i»e imicffsiiny ol VOW A|;pl».a!lon. please Snl-niit |t„:; 3.par,0 ^

of U.S. null (hat providos proof of the data of do/h/ory to Ihe AWomiqn in vvnosu Wa,0 your n^r^T       '" *WJOn « t>y anK form
Ihe AKi«riiwns si(|rwt.ire .ku lenoiiiiiienilaVmo loijardhuj (lift propose:; use. 60 iuiu 10 KETAiN A COPY     °' '
h° W'W*? Way 11 loW«'J 'or
own totems, *Ht «i cases where the. Application 1$ moiled, any wool ol the data ol i)<:livuiy |„
0.„l1eiJ' 01    '"^'WIM Application i0I your
AMnrm-ni has lit! <i»ys t>oin !n<; 0;uu 1Mb Application i> ibcbivoo .i\ Die AHierman s oilico to tciu^ • V 5 P°"lnl Scr'icB T|,<!
com.iin.iuj Ihe Aidunimii •.: siyiiiiiu'v ;nnJ icceimnotirinilim II Ihu Aiuerin.m does not tet(«n ih() cornui^r ,,";*.r'<^'rJ,!'ctl AB("wat'on 10 you
i» meant .ii «>.i Ahleimaus W«tO OlW:« please mail 01 tn>mj atopy ot ynur Application, tor appfouiiaie'  
PfJ!'^"'°"t0 ¥*"v,'il,v'n «6days 01
Ceiuei • l\rMi« Way Usu U«M. .11 me aihJr'sss <iili!<ilifir>'l Ocfow. taijelhei with n letter dosenbiw) y
mir a a!^^^QACP Sma" Ou»ln«s*
mtev.lm vf.ito'. am) «r.v suppo'«mal.o>- SI BACJ»determines, thni yuur Application 1» amok* "''I'""'*
pon.nent pioviwon:, ol ihfe Code Of (>c.-it;c) and other applicant law. BACKwiil prcp.-mj.ano mAwm''*'"\W*anCB w,lh a"
Council. r<i.;:«iiifiTOlii«) approval ol the Application. You may also contact BACP at m» .niuress identif ,ed htito "^"ISlSi *"*
propnnno iiiuiMibinilliiii) mt your ovmbehnil. an ordinance lO.lhC C'rtv Council thai dues noi inauaVim nldcmi^rfljiT&r*
1 l0C0"sW',r
an'mrtmunce will tie sunlect to review lor-nU applicable toqnl requirements Far Aidciroarw Wmn rSii.,' '1                     "omnil!ni,a:ion- Such

'. Sceoalanr.e l|tl\Jrnti s

CNW.MK*<* tho City M v*»„*.:«-                     • »«>0«'^nJj^rM.WeaSWftte>BCieyo.

AtahttonoVy. you <rnlt ftnoo to (ommd vour.Sitlwn* Cnlu Aftplifial'Or,. incimiirto, plans photos. CMtti       ol ihsi, copy Ol current license tcnil'CHo. lo'    -City ol Ctur.ijijo Department/)' Business A)la»a .lit) Consumer

Small Business Center   PutiiicWay Use Unit

12', N, LaSnlle Sifeal - City Hall Room BOD

ChiCfl'jo. It 6fifi02








Sidovj.ilK Calo





W S, D«.vb'atn St.



DATE OF MAJUNG OT Af>»t!CATlON 10 Al.CiERlvlANIC WARD Of KiCt. If AI^I'llCAm.!- (lint.<r«o ov AuuK-atitj

P/oaso iioto; Iu avuM delays in pioccsiimj yiv.11 Application<! cbi<iplel« f ailjui 10 mod all rtiiuiieinciils vity ahio 0<iii>y tfie process1

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review t'*:0 ritiovtf A|(plii:iiril infofinaa^n 10 unsurrj ll'.tii >t ss accurals ariii ci.>mriif!i« i- irj ii„;e( ,,11 rviiuiri;iiiL-iii& ,ii:iu u-.-my prtvceMtnu Ot your Apviicatior. Plvriii.e return ii«s Awlicalioo ara all aiswjatw itoc'umcnls Oy /»»« or r'/i vvison to; BACP Smnll Busiiier.4 Cunliir - PubK Way Us<! vtnit, al tho Jtlijrcss njonlillftrt m ih« ir>\liurmini above No (axes Wilt he acr.opt>>M


Vteite note Aldemanic rnrnnniwiiia/.-vi tor app'ovul shall not Oc unrKiv.MnaCty *il>iln.-lti o- *(th;ii;lrt tjecfli-'Sf ".' \< rnnssniit' tonlainerj •» or imp/mo' ty .1 siyi:. canopy, nwmiy tjariritr ot maiQuor? fw w'»i.-'i 1 |n.-.Tinr s Mi.iyii'

OA 1F. Ol" RECBrM pr'APPLjCAIION AT ALDERMANIC WAHiO OFFICE tfcrileifcJ bv AKIer-un or :.,;ii:r1'in , .)« W;iru OHitei        ...       .  / .






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