DR. JASON GODO DC, SC Acct. No. 368704 - 1 Permit No. 1127463
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:
SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to DR. JASON GODO DC, SC, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance to maintain and use, as now constructed, one (1) Awning(s) projecting over the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 3118 N. Sheffield Ave
Said Awning(s) at N. Sheffield Avenue measure(s):
One (1) at seventeen point one six (17.16) feet in length, and one point six six (1.66) foot in width for a total of twenty-eight point four nine (28.49) square feet.
The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prints kept on file with the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Office of the City Clerk.
Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Zoning Department -
This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-015 and all other required provisions of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege #1127463 herein granted the sum of fifty ($50.00) per annum in advance.
A 25% penalty will be added for payments received after due date.
The permit holder agrees to hold the City of Chicago harmless for any damage, relocation or replacement costs associated with damage, relocation or removal of private property caused by the City performing work in the public way.
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Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after 03/14/2017.
Cfie/terfield Rujning Co.
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Please note that upon signing this graphics shcelyou tire approving this design
'fiWpfoilufUhlu^AnyT-liuj^ of the
(in ning uftcr your first signed approval wilt result in extra fees needed ro caver the cost and lime spent tn make these changes. This can and will effect your '• installation date.
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SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW Sunbrella True Brown #4621
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/^Qrsiomer Appi n\ al Due
File Name / Job Numbei Size/Style Coloi 'Method Font Style Contact Person Misc Notes Date Salesman
Lakeview Holistic Health Center
Dr Jason Godo
Sunbrella True Brown
Custom Colors PX
Font Helvetica Neue
10-11-2011 MC
This is an original drawing, created by Chestei field Awning Companv Inc It is being submitted for vour personal use in connection with *» project being planned for \ou b> Chesterfield Awning Company Inc It is not to be used reproduced copied or exhibited in anv fashion In Ihe eient anv ofthc nbove occurs Chesterfield Awomg company Inc evpecls to be nembursed $250 00 in compensation for the time and effort entitled in nesting this drawing Color* j re represent itive oiiU— for trui colors pie »sr see b iniples
Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection
Small Business Center - Public Way Use Unit City Hall - 121 N. LaSalle Street, Room 800 • Chicago, IL 60602 312-74-GOB1Z/ 312-744-6249 • (312) 744-1944 (TTY) hltpV/www cilvofchicaeo ore/bacp
Alderman Thomas Tunney Ward # 44 City of Chicago City Hall, Room 300 121 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602
Re: An ordinance to use and maintain a portion of the public right-of-way for one (1) awning(s) for DR. JASON GODO DC, SC, adjacent to the premises known as 3118 N. Sheffield Ave
Dear Alderman Thomas Tunney:
The applicant referenced above has requested the use of the public right-of-way for a awning(s). An ordinance has been prepared by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection - Small Business Center-Public Way Use Unit for presentation to the City Council. Because this request was made for properties located in your ward, as approved by you as per the attached, I respectfully request that you introduce the attached ordinance at the next City Council meeting.
If you have any questions regarding this ordinance, please contact Anthony Bertuca at (312) 744-5506.
Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection