Record #: O2012-6613   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 10/3/2012 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 10/31/2012
Title: Loan pursuant to Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 for acquisition of building and land for Rosenwald Courts at 4600 S Michigan Ave
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm
Topic: AGREEMENTS - Loan & Security
Attachments: 1. O2012-6613
October 3, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of the Commissioner of Housing and Economic Development, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing a loan pursuant to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2, for Rosenwald Courts.
Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
S:\SHARED\Finance\Rosenwald Courts\NSP Ordinance\ord 6.doc
WHEREAS, the City of Chicago (the "City") is a home rule unit of government under Section 6(a), Article VII ofthe 1970 Constitution ofthe State of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the City has certain funds available from a variety of funding sources ("Multi-Family Program Funds") to make loans and grants for the development of multi-family residential housing to increase the number of families served with decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing and to expand the long-term supply of affordable housing, and such Multi-Family Program Funds are administered by the City's Department of Housing and Economic Development ("HED"); and
WHEREAS, HED has preliminarily reviewed and approved the making of a loan of Multi-Family Program Funds (the "Loan") to either The Burton Foundation, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation (or an entity affiliated therewith) (collectively, "Burton"), or to Rosenwald Courts Apartments, LP, an Illinois limited partnership (or an entity affiliated therewith) (collectively, "Rosenwald") (Burton or Rosenwald, as applicable, the "Borrower"), to finance the acquisition of a building and land located at 4600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois (the "Property"); and .
WHEREAS, HED is seeking authorization to make the Loan to the Borrower with the following terms: (1) the amount of the Loan shall not exceed $5,000,000, (2) the term of the Loan shall not exceed 44 years, (3) the interest rate on the Loan shall be zero percent per annum, and (4) security for the Loan shall consist of a first mortgage on and deed to the Property in favor of the City, or such other security as may be acceptable to the hereinafter defined Authorized Officer (collectively, the "Loan Terms"); now, therefore,
SECTION 1. The above recitals are expressly incorporated in and made a part of this ordinance as though fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2. The Commissioner of HED (the "Commissioner") and a designee ofthe Commissioner (collectively, the "Authorized Officer") are each hereby authorized, subject to approval by the Corporation Counsel, to enter into, execute and accept such agreements and instruments, and perform any and all acts as shall be necessary or advisable in connection with the implementation of the Loan, including but not limited to the exercise of the City's rights with respect to the security therefor. The Authorized Officer is hereby authorized, subject to the approval ofthe Corporation Counsel, to negotiate any and all terms and provisions in connection with the Loan which do not substantially modify the Loan Terms described herein. Upon the execution and receipt of proper documentation, the Authorized Officer is hereby authorized to disburse the proceeds of the Loan to the Borrower.
SECTION 3. To the extent that any ordinance, resolution, rule, order or provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago, or part thereof, is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance shall control. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any ofthe other provisions of this ordinance. Section 2-45-110 of the Municipal Code of Chicago shall not apply to the Property and the acquisition thereof by the Borrower in connection with the Loan.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be effective as of the date of its passage and approval.
A. Legal name, of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable: The Burton Foundation
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. |k] the Applicant
  1. [ ] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the
Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:      ._      
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section II.B. 1.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
P.O.   Box 6643
B. Business address ofthe Disclosing Party:
Elgin,   IL 60121
847.938.7625      ^      847.938.7626      n      t .manning.3theburtonfoundation.0rg
  1. Telephone:      Fax:      Email:      L      
  2. Name of contact person: Tracey Manning      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one): -             -        ■*      
F.      Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to
which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Rosenwald Courts,  Chicago,   IL - Neighborhood Stabilization Program
Dept of Housing & Economic Development
G.      Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?      
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification #      and Contract #      
Vcr. 01-01-12
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A. NATURE OF THE DISCLOSING PARTY 1.   Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party-:
[ ]      Person
[ ]      Publicly registered business corporation
[ ]      Privately held business corporation
f ]      Sole proprietorship
[ ]      General partnership
[ ]      Limited partnership
[ ]      Trust
[] Limited: liability company
[.] Limited liability partnership
[ ] Joint venture
fX];: Not-for-profit corporation
(Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
p| Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
2. For legal entities, the state (or of incorporation or organization, if applicable: , Illinois
3;   For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do : business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ ] Yes      [ 1 No      F] N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors ofthe entity.; NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations^ also list below all members, if any, which are legal -entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For (rusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal tit.leholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership: or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosirig^Party. NOTE.- Each legal entity listed below must submit an liDS on its own behalf.
Tracey Manning
Heather Sotelo Rob LeSage '
Executive Director-
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Desmarie Tanner.
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) invexcess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership.or joint venture.
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interest of a member or manager in.'a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Business Address  •      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship,1" as defined in Chapter 2-15.6 ofthe Municipal Code,, with any City, elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes      fC] No
If yes, please identify below the'name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):       : .
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person.or entity whom the Disclosing Parly has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and. the total amount of the fees paid or estimated lo be paid. -The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are.paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any. legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
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Name (indicate whether    Business      Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor,.attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[<] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain; any such persons or entities. SECTION V--CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City .must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has.any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more ofthe Disclosing Partybeen declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any I llinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No      |X] No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If''Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreerhent?
[JYes;   7;:      f ] No   •.      . ...
I •   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23. Article I ("Article f'Kwhieh the Applicant should consult .for defined:terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with ihe City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency: and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article 1 is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article 1 applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications-2 and 3 below.
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  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section ll.B.l. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements: or receiving stolen properly;
  3. are not presently, indicted for, or criminally or civilly.charged ,by,.a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
e.      •■ have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this. EDS, been convicted, adjudged
guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by-the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  1. The certifications in'subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party:
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in ' connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties"):
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation-, interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of.another person or entity;
•      any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any
• other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any A ffiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or ah Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement/in connection with the Matter:
  1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency ofthe federal government or of any state, or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
  2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or.prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
  3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  4. violated the provisions^!'Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party,. Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their .employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result.of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the Uni ted States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any A ffiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ofthe U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters .2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) ofthe Municipal Code. .
.7.   If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Pari B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
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If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, if will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees ofthe Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the .execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a
complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party lias given or caused to be given, at any time during the
12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to ah employee, or elected or appointed
official, ofthe City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything
made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the
course of official City business and haying a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate
with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift.listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient. NONE
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
f | is      .    [X] is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Municipal Code,
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges;
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal. Code. We further pledge that atone of our affiliates is. and.none of, them willbecome, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becomingan affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City." ■
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
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If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response.appears; on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-1 10 ofthe Municipal Code: Does any official or employee ofthe City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      |X] No
NOTE:   If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, of otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest,in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property .that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D,
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ 3 Yes      |K] No
. 3.   If you checked "Yes" to Item D.i,^ provide the names and business addresses ofthe City . officials or employees having such interest and identify the naturelof such interest:
Name      Business Address      .   Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter.will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or. in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
_^      1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of
the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step I above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosurevof all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally
funded, proceed to Section V1L For purposes/of this Section VI, tax credits.allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are hot federal funding.
1.   List below ihe names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the M atter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins ^on-the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
:2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress,.an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection w ith the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, • amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
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  1. The Disclosing Party will-submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that,materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A. I. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an. organization described in section 501(c)(4) ofthe Internal Revenue Code of1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 50.1(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will; not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all.subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration ofthe Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
pel Yes      [ ] No
If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
1.   Have you you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant lo applicable
federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[ ] Yes      f\ No
'  2.   Have you filed with the -Joint Reporting Cominittee, the Director of the Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due
under the applicable filing requirements?
1 ] Yes      IX] No
3.   Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject lo the equal opportunity clause?.
[ ] Yes      fx] No .
If you checked "No" to question I. or 2. above, please provide an explanation: The Burton ■Foundation only has three  (3)  employees so this does not apply.
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The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations.on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at, and may aiso be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 606,10, (3 12) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other, agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the. Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to.the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all ofthe information provided on this FDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Parly waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
E.      The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event.of changes,, the Disclosing
Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a
contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must
update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of
Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified
offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period,
as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
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F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above, and will not, without the prior written consent ofthe City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F. L, F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached lo this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2).warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as ofthe date furnished to the City.
The Burton Foundation
(Print or type name of Disclosing Party)
By:      Z^T~ LXAc\r-      
(Sign here) Q Q
Tracey Manning
(Print or type name of person signing)
Executive Director
(Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date) S^p/ejtIts Zf, 2^>r
at    Caulc-      County,   -ZT&t-Wo/j (state).
~~7 W
Notary Public.
Commission expires:
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This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party' or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as ofthe dale this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Parly" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any ofthe following, whether by blood or adoption: parent,.child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (!) all executive officers ofthe Disclosing Party listed in Section Il.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party .is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing.Party is a limited partnership: all managers, managing members and members ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3). any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ] Yes      IX] No
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of thclegal entity lo which such person is connected; (3) the name and'title ofthe elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
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A. Legal name ofthe Disclosing Pa
ty submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable:
Check ONE of the following three
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [ ] the Applicant
t or indirect interest iii the Applicant. State the legal name of the
ng Party holds an interest:      
  1. [ ] a legal entity holding a di Applicant in which the Disclosji
control (see Section I a right of control:
B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in Courts GP. LLC
3.      [x] a legal entity with a right
which the Disclosing Party holds
B. Business address of the Disclosir g Party:     15828 Clarendon Hills Drive
Indiana 46530
C. Telephone: (574). 273-9093
Fax: (574)  273-9093       Email: droosOlandwhite .net
D. Name of contact person:     David L. Roos
E. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, which this EDS pertains. (Include p
transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to oject number and location of property, if applicable):
Rosenwald Courts,  Chicago,  IL - Neighborhood Stabilization Program Loan
Dept. of Housing and
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS? Economic Development
lindled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please
If the Matter is a contract being h complete the following:
Specification #      
and Contract #
Ver. 01-01-12
Page I of 13
1.      Indicate the nature of the Dis
f j Person
[ ] Publicly registered business corp [ ] Privately held business corporati [ ] Sole proprietorship I ] General partnership [ ] Limited partnership [ ] Trust
2.      For legal entities, the state (oi
;losing Party:
[X] Limite< oration      [ ] Liniitcc )n             [ ] Joint v< [ ] Not-foi (Is the not-
[ ] Other (
J liability company 1 liability partnership inture
-profit corporation
for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))? 'es                 ['] No ileasc specify)
:orporation or organization, if applicable:
s: Has the organization registered to do l/A
fficers and all directors ofthe entity, icmbers, if any, which arc legal entities. If estates or other similar entities, list below
limited liability company, limited liability each general partner, managing member, o-day management ofthe Disclosing Party, on its own behalf.
October 3, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of the Commissioner of Housing and Economic Development, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing a loan pursuant to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2, for Rosenwald Courts.
Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
S:\SHARED\Finance\Rosenwald Courts\NSP Ordinance\ord 6.doc
WHEREAS, the City of Chicago (the "City") is a home rule unit of government under Section 6(a), Article VII ofthe 1970 Constitution ofthe State of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the City has certain funds available from a variety of funding sources ("Multi-Family Program Funds") to make loans and grants for the development of multi-family residential housing to increase the number of families served with decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing and to expand the long-term supply of affordable housing, and such Multi-Family Program Funds are administered by the City's Department of Housing and Economic Development ("HED"); and
WHEREAS, HED has preliminarily reviewed and approved the making of a loan of Multi-Family Program Funds (the "Loan") to either The Burton Foundation, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation (or an entity affiliated therewith) (collectively, "Burton"), or to Rosenwald Courts Apartments, LP, an Illinois limited partnership (or an entity affiliated therewith) (collectively, "Rosenwald") (Burton or Rosenwald, as applicable, the "Borrower"), to finance the acquisition of a building and land located at 4600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois (the "Property"); and .
WHEREAS, HED is seeking authorization to make the Loan to the Borrower with the following terms: (1) the amount of the Loan shall not exceed $5,000,000, (2) the term of the Loan shall not exceed 44 years, (3) the interest rate on the Loan shall be zero percent per annum, and (4) security for the Loan shall consist of a first mortgage on and deed to the Property in favor of the City, or such other security as may be acceptable to the hereinafter defined Authorized Officer (collectively, the "Loan Terms"); now, therefore,
SECTION 1. The above recitals are expressly incorporated in and made a part of this ordinance as though fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2. The Commissioner of HED (the "Commissioner") and a designee ofthe Commissioner (collectively, the "Authorized Officer") are each hereby authorized, subject to approval by the Corporation Counsel, to enter into, execute and accept such agreements and instruments, and perform any and all acts as shall be necessary or advisable in connection with the implementation of the Loan, including but not limited to the exercise of the City's rights with respect to the security therefor. The Authorized Officer is hereby authorized, subject to the approval ofthe Corporation Counsel, to negotiate any and all terms and provisions in connection with the Loan which do not substantially modify the Loan Terms described herein. Upon the execution and receipt of proper documentation, the Authorized Officer is hereby authorized to disburse the proceeds of the Loan to the Borrower.
SECTION 3. To the extent that any ordinance, resolution, rule, order or provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago, or part thereof, is in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance shall control. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any ofthe other provisions of this ordinance. Section 2-45-110 of the Municipal Code of Chicago shall not apply to the Property and the acquisition thereof by the Borrower in connection with the Loan.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be effective as of the date of its passage and approval.
A. Legal name, of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable: The Burton Foundation
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. |k] the Applicant
  1. [ ] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the
Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:      ._      
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section II.B. 1.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
P.O.   Box 6643
B. Business address ofthe Disclosing Party:
Elgin,   IL 60121
847.938.7625      ^      847.938.7626      n      t .manning.3theburtonfoundation.0rg
  1. Telephone:      Fax:      Email:      L      
  2. Name of contact person: Tracey Manning      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one): -             -        ■*      
F.      Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to
which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Rosenwald Courts,  Chicago,   IL - Neighborhood Stabilization Program
Dept of Housing & Economic Development
G.      Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?      
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification #      and Contract #      
Vcr. 01-01-12
Page 1 of 13
A. NATURE OF THE DISCLOSING PARTY 1.   Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party-:
[ ]      Person
[ ]      Publicly registered business corporation
[ ]      Privately held business corporation
f ]      Sole proprietorship
[ ]      General partnership
[ ]      Limited partnership
[ ]      Trust
[] Limited: liability company
[.] Limited liability partnership
[ ] Joint venture
fX];: Not-for-profit corporation
(Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
p| Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
2. For legal entities, the state (or of incorporation or organization, if applicable: , Illinois
3;   For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do : business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ ] Yes      [ 1 No      F] N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors ofthe entity.; NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations^ also list below all members, if any, which are legal -entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For (rusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal tit.leholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership: or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosirig^Party. NOTE.- Each legal entity listed below must submit an liDS on its own behalf.
Tracey Manning
Heather Sotelo Rob LeSage '
Executive Director-
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Desmarie Tanner.
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) invexcess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership.or joint venture.
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in.'a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Business Address  •      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship,1" as defined in Chapter 2-15.6 ofthe Municipal Code,, with any City, elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes      fC] No
If yes, please identify below the'name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):       : .
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person.or entity whom the Disclosing Parly has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and. the total amount of the fees paid or estimated lo be paid. -The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are.paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any. legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether    Business      Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor,.attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[<] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain; any such persons or entities. SECTION V--CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City .must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has.any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more ofthe Disclosing Partybeen declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any I llinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No      |X] No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If''Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreerhent?
[JYes;   7;:      f ] No   •.      . ...
I •   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23. Article I ("Article f'Kwhieh the Applicant should consult .for defined:terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with ihe City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency: and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article 1 is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article 1 applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications-2 and 3 below.
Page 4 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section ll.B.l. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements: or receiving stolen properly;
  3. are not presently, indicted for, or criminally or civilly.charged ,by,.a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
e.      •■ have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this. EDS, been convicted, adjudged
guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by-the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  1. The certifications in'subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party:
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in ' connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties"):
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation-, interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of.another person or entity;
•      any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any
• other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any A ffiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or ah Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement/in connection with the Matter:
  1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency ofthe federal government or of any state, or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
  2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or.prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
  3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  4. violated the provisions^!'Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party,. Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their .employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result.of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the Uni ted States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any A ffiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ofthe U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters .2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) ofthe Municipal Code. .
.7.   If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Pari B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, if will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees ofthe Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the .execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a
complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party lias given or caused to be given, at any time during the
12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to ah employee, or elected or appointed
official, ofthe City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything
made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the
course of official City business and haying a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate
with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift.listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient. NONE
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
f | is      .    [X] is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Municipal Code,
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges;
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal. Code. We further pledge that atone of our affiliates is. and.none of, them willbecome, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becomingan affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City." ■
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response.appears; on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-1 10 ofthe Municipal Code: Does any official or employee ofthe City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      |X] No
NOTE:   If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, of otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest,in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property .that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D,
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ 3 Yes      |K] No
. 3.   If you checked "Yes" to Item D.i,^ provide the names and business addresses ofthe City . officials or employees having such interest and identify the naturelof such interest:
Name      Business Address      .   Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter.will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or. in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
_^      1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of
the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step I above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosurevof all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally
funded, proceed to Section V1L For purposes/of this Section VI, tax credits.allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are hot federal funding.
1.   List below ihe names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the M atter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins ^on-the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
:2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress,.an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection w ith the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, • amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Page 9 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party will-submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that,materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A. I. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an. organization described in section 501(c)(4) ofthe Internal Revenue Code of1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 50.1(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will; not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all.subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration ofthe Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
pel Yes      [ ] No
If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
1.   Have you you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant lo applicable
federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[ ] Yes      f\ No
'  2.   Have you filed with the -Joint Reporting Cominittee, the Director of the Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due
under the applicable filing requirements?
1 ] Yes      IX] No
3.   Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject lo the equal opportunity clause?.
[ ] Yes      fx] No .
If you checked "No" to question I. or 2. above, please provide an explanation: The Burton ■Foundation only has three  (3)  employees so this does not apply.
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations.on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at, and may aiso be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 606,10, (3 12) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other, agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the. Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to.the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all ofthe information provided on this FDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Parly waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
E.      The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event.of changes,, the Disclosing
Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a
contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must
update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of
Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified
offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period,
as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
Page 1 1 of 13
F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above, and will not, without the prior written consent ofthe City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F. L, F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached lo this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2).warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as ofthe date furnished to the City.
The Burton Foundation
(Print or type name of Disclosing Party)
By:      Z^T~ LXAc\r-      
(Sign here) Q Q
Tracey Manning
(Print or type name of person signing)
Executive Director
(Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date) S^p/ejtIts Zf, 2^>r
at    Caulc-      County,   -ZT&t-Wo/j (state).
~~7 W
Notary Public.
Commission expires:
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This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party' or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as ofthe dale this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Parly" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any ofthe following, whether by blood or adoption: parent,.child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (!) all executive officers ofthe Disclosing Party listed in Section Il.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party .is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing.Party is a limited partnership: all managers, managing members and members ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3). any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ] Yes      IX] No
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of thclegal entity lo which such person is connected; (3) the name and'title ofthe elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13
A. Legal name ofthe Disclosing Pa
ty submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable:
Check ONE of the following three
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [ ] the Applicant
t or indirect interest iii the Applicant. State the legal name of the
ng Party holds an interest:      
  1. [ ] a legal entity holding a di Applicant in which the Disclosji
control (see Section I a right of control:
B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in Courts GP. LLC
3.      [x] a legal entity with a right
which the Disclosing Party holds
B. Business address of the Disclosir g Party:     15828 Clarendon Hills Drive
Indiana 46530
C. Telephone: (574). 273-9093
Fax: (574)  273-9093       Email: droosOlandwhite .net
D. Name of contact person:     David L. Roos
E. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, which this EDS pertains. (Include p
transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to oject number and location of property, if applicable):
Rosenwald Courts,  Chicago,  IL - Neighborhood Stabilization Program Loan
Dept. of Housing and
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS? Economic Development
lindled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please
If the Matter is a contract being h complete the following:
Specification #      
and Contract #
Ver. 01-01-12
Page I of 13
1.      Indicate the nature of the Dis
f j Person
[ ] Publicly registered business corp [ ] Privately held business corporati [ ] Sole proprietorship I ] General partnership [ ] Limited partnership [ ] Trust
2.      For legal entities, the state (oi
;losing Party:
[X] Limite< oration      [ ] Liniitcc )n             [ ] Joint v< [ ] Not-foi (Is the not-
[ ] Other (: RESTS
J liability company 1 liability partnership inture
-profit corporation
for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))? 'es                 ['] No ileasc specify)
foreign country) of in<:orporation or organization, if applicable:
s: Has the organization registered to do l/A
fficers and all directors ofthe entity, icmbers, if any, which arc legal entities. If estates or other similar entities, list below
limited liability company, limited liability each general partner, managing member, o-day management ofthe Disclosing Party, on its own behalf.
i3.   For legal entities not organize business in the Slate of Illinois as a t
[ ] Yes                      pj No
1. List below the full names and NOTE: For not-for-pfoFit corporatic there are no such members, write "in the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnersh partnership or joint venture, list belo manager or any other person or entit NOTE: Each legal entity listed bclo'
d in the State of Illinoi oreign entity?
titles of all executive c ns, also list below all r > members." For trusts
p, limited partnership, w the name and title of / that controls the day-l v must submit an EDS
Jacob Landesman
2.   Please provide the following indirect beneficial interest (including of such an interest include shares in ,
nformation concerning ownership) in excess < i corporation, partncrsl
Page 2 of 13
each person or entity having a direct or )f 7,5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples ip interest in a partnership or joint venture,
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name Business
Percentage Interest in the Disclosing Party
Has the Disclosing Party had a "b Code, with any City elected official i
[ ] Yes                      pq No
If yes, please identify below the nam relationship(s):
isiness relationship," a n the 12 months before
e(s) of such City eleetc
i defined in Chapter 2-156 ofthe Municipal the date this EDS is signed?
d official(s) and describe such
The Disclosing Party must disclos lobbyist, accountant, consultant and or expects to retain in connection wi amount of the fees paid or estimated employees who are paid solely throu
"Lobbyist" means any person or c action on behalf of any person or ent himself. "Lobbyist" also means any another includes undertaking to influ
If the Disclosing Party is uncertaii Disclosing Party must either ask the
e the name and busincs iny other person or ent h the Matter, as well a; to be paid. The Disclo gh the Disclosing Party
itity who undertakes tc ty other than: (I ) a hot )crson or entity any pa ence any legislative or
» whether a disclosure i 2hy whether disclosure
Page 3 of 13
s address of each subcontractor, attorney, ty whom the Disclosing Party has retained the nature of the relationship, and the total sing Party is not required to disclose 's regular payroll.
influence any legislative or administrative -for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) rt of whose duties as an employee of administrative action.
s required under this Section, the is required or make the disclosure.
Percentage Interest in Company
1990 Maria Landesman Trus
c/o Morton Taubn 1201 15th Street, Second Floor Washington, D.C.
lan M.W.,
Whitestone    Realty Parti LLC
555 Fifth Avenue New York, New ,
11th Floor 'ork 10017
David Roos
15828 Clarendon Granger, Indiana
Hills Drive 16530
Jacob Landesman
c/o Sierra Financi 400 Park Avenue, New York, New ,
il, Ltd. Suite 1530 rork 10022
70% through 1990 Maria Landesman 'Trust
Whitestone  'Equity Hold: LLC
555 Fifth Avenue New York, New A
Ilth Floor fork 10017
10% through Whitestone Realty Partners LLC
Name (indicate whether Business retained or anticipated Address lo be retained)
Relationship to Disclosing Parly   fees (indicate whether (subcontractor, attorney,             paid or estimated.) NOTE: lobbyist, etc.)                          "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[X] Check here if the Disclosing Part;
has not retained, nor e
xpects to retain, any such persons or entities
Under Municipal Code Section 2 the City must remain in compliance
32-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with >vith their child supporfobligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or i arrearage on any child support o
indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in bligations by any Illinois cdurt of competent jurisdiction?
[X] No
[ ] Yes
No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into is the person in compliance with
a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and that agreement?
[ J Yes      [ ] No
the Applicant and
I.   Pursuant to Municipal Code consult for defined terms (e.g., "doinjg submitting this EDS is certifies as follows: (i) neither the with, or has admitted guilt of, or has criminal offense involving actual, a perjury, dishonesty or deceit against Applicant understands and acknowleklg doing business with the City. NOTE timeframe in Article I supersedes some
Chapter 1-23, Article I (/'Article I")(which the Applicant should business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party is doing business ^vith the City, then the Disclosing Party nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged ever been convicted of[ or placed under supervision for, any ttjempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, in officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the es that compliance with Article 1 is a continuing requirement for : If Article I applies to ;the Applicant, the permanent compliance five-year compliancy timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
Page 4 of 13
2.   The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities
identified in Section II.B.l. of this E
are not presently debarred, suspe excluded from any transactions
tided, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily by any federal, state pr local unit of government:
have not, within a five-year p offense, adjudged guilty, or obtaining, attempting to obtaih contract under a public transaction embezzlement; theft; forgery; statements; or receiving stolen property;
?riod preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal
a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: , or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or
; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false
are not presently indicted for, state or local) with committing
or criminally or civilly!charged by, a governmental entity (federal, I any ofthe offenses s4t forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
:riod preceding the date of this ocal) terminated for cause
have not, within a five-year p transactions (federal, stale or
EDS, had one or more public or default; and
have not, within a five-year pfcn guilty, or found liable in a concerning environmental vicjlations state, or any other unit of loca 1 government
iod preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions instituted by the City or by the federal government, any
3, 4 and 5 concern:
The certifications in subparts
•      the Disclosing Pefrty;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any connection with the Matter, Section IV,
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meanin Disclosing Party, is controlled common control of another persoiji interlocking management or ow and equipment; common use of ineligibility of a business entity to the City, using substantially the with respect to Contractors, the indirectly controls the Contractor control of another person or entity
  • any responsible official ofthe other official, agent or employee acting pursuant to the direction or Contractor or any Affiliated Entity
'Disclosure of Subcontractors
by ih
contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under and Other Retbined Parties"); a person or entity thai, directly or indirectly: controls the e Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: ndrship; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities employees; or organization of a business entity following the
te -m
do business with federal or state or local government, including sajmc management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or is controlled by it, or, tyith the Contractor, is under common
f isclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any qf the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, authorization of a responsible official ofthe Disclosing Party, any (collectively "Agents'!).
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any or any Contractor nor any Agents hav respect to a Contractor, an Affiliatec before the date of such Contractor's Matter:
Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party ,'e, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years >r Affiliated Entity's cojntracl or engagement in connection with the
bribed or attempted to bribe, bribe, a public officer or emp government or of any state or or employee's official capacit/
or been convicted or adjjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to oyec ofthe City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal local government in the United States of America, in that officer's
agreed or colluded with other agreement, or been convicted prospective bidders, in restraint otherwise; or
bidders or prospectiveibidders, or been a party to any such or adjudged guilty of Agreement or collusion among bidders or of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or
made an admission of such cdnduct have not been prosecuted for^uch
described in a. o!r b. above that is a matter of record, but conduct; or
d.   violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
, or any of their employees, officials, 3f state or local government as a result of of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in any state or of the United States of rigging or bid-rotating.
Affiliated Entity or Contractor with any unit rigging in violation any similar offense o as the offense of bid
4.   Neither the Disclosing Party, agents or partners, is barred from contracting engaging in or being convicted of (1 ) bid violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) America that contains the same elements
5.   Neither the Disclosing Party maintained by the Office of Bureau of Industry and Security ofthe Designated Nationals List, the Denied Debarred List.
i or any Affiliated Entity is listed on any ofthe following lists Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the
U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the
6.   The Disclosing Party understands and 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General) Municipal Code.
shall comply With the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-56 (Inspector Geneijal) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) ofthe
7. If the Disclosing Party is unatMe Certifications), the Disclosing Party
to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further must explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "N A," the word "None, presumed that the Disclosing Party
or no response appear!; on the lines above, it will be conclusively certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best ofthe Disclosing complete list of all current employees month period preceding the exeeulioi ofthe City of Chicago (if none, indiqate
arty's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a ; of the Disclosing Partly who were, at any time during the 12-datc of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, with "N/A" or "none").
9.  To the best of the Disclosing complete list of all gifts that the Discjlosing Party h 12-month period preceding the execution official, of the City of Chicago. For jurposes of made generally available to City emf loye course of official City business and with "N/A" or "none"). As to any
arty's knowledge aftetf reasonable inquiry, the following is a
as given pr caused to be given, at any lime during the date of this EDS, io an employee, or elected or appointed
this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything es or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the rjaving a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
1.   The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      [)j is not
a "financial institution" as defined in
Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Municipal Code.
2.   If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then! the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a Code. We further pledge that none lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 lender or becoming an affiliate of a business with the City."
p edatory lender as defined c f our affiliates is, and of the Municipal Code, f redatory lender may result
in Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal none of them will become, a predatory understand that becoming a predatory in the loss of the privilege of doing
If the Disclosing Party is unable to n Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) 2-32 ofthe Municipal Code, explain
ake this pledge because il or any of its affiliates (as defined in
is a predatory Ipnder within the meaning of Chapter here (attach additional; pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None,' or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to|the above statements.
in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same
Any words or terms that arc defined meanings when used in this Part D.
156-110 ofthe his or her own name
Municipal Code: Does any official or employee Or in the name of any other person or
1.   In accordance with Section 2 of the City have a financial interest in entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      pq No
NOTE: If you checked "Yes" to Itejn D.l., proceed to Item's D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
2.   Unless sold pursuant to a elected official or employee shall h any other person or entity in for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is s "City Property Sale"). Compensation does not constitute a financial interest
the purchase of solid
s of competitive bide ing, or otherwise permitted, no City a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any property that (i) belongs lo the City, or (ii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, for property taken purjsuant to the City's eminent domain power within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
3. If you checked "Yes" to Item officials or employees having such
D.l., provide the name$ and business addresses of the City interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name Business
Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further be acquired by any City official or
Please check either 1. or 2. below disclose below or in an attachment tc
ertifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Mailer will ployec.
If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure lo
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable jby the City. j
the Disclosing Parly and any and all from slavery or slaveholder insurance issued to slaveholders that provided the Disclosing Party has found no
X_l. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of
iredecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies or injury or death of their slaves), and
su ;h
coverage for damage to records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies thai, as a result of conducting the search in step I above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits! from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Parly verifi:s that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, proceed to Section VII and proceeds of debt obligations oft
For p
funded, complete this Section urposcs of this Sectidn le City arc not federal
VI. If the Matter is not federally
VI, tax credits allocated by the City unding.
pc rsons
or entities reg de lobbying contacts recessary):
1,   List below the names of all Disclosure Act of 1995 who have m; respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if
gistercd under the federal Lobbying
behalf of the Disclosing Party with
(If no explanation appears or begins appear, it will be conclusively presuijied registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Disclosing Party with respect to the
3n the lines above, or i
the letters "NA" or if the word "None" that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not any person or entity listed in Paragraph person or entity to influence or attempt applicable federal law, a member of ^ongre member of Congress, in connection federally funded grant or loan, enterihg amend, or modify any federally fund
:ipent and will not expe id any federally appropriated funds to pay A. 1. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by ss, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a ith the award of any federally funded contract, making any into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, ;d contract, grant, Ioanj or cooperative agreement. Page 9 of 13
3.   The Disclosing Parly will subm which there occurs any event that materially forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
it an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in affects the accuracy ofthe statements and information set
that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section
engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying
4.   The Disclosing Party certifies 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Cede 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Cqde of 1986 but has not Activities".
5.   If the Disclosing Party is form and substance lo paragraphs A. subcontract and the Disclosing Party duration ofthe Matter and must mak
must maintain all such ; such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in I. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any
subcontractors' certifications for the
regulations rcquirejthc Applicant and all proposed information with their bids or in writing at the outset of
If the Matter is federally funded, fed :ral subcontractors to submit the following negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
If "Yes," answer the three questions below
1.   Have you developed and do federal regulations? (Sec 41 CFR [ ] Yes [JNo
ybu have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable Part 60-2.)
Reporting Committee, Equal Employment
2.   Have you filed with the Joint Contract Compliance Programs, or tl)e under the applicable filing requirements?
[JYes [JNo
he Director of the Office of Federal Opportunity Commission all reports due
3. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[JYes [JNo
If you checked "No" to question 1. ojr 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
1 la
The Disclosing Party understands an J agrees thai:
A. The certifications, disclosures, ar contract or other agreement between procurement, City assistance, or oth of any contract or taking other actior it must comply with all statutes, ord
d acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any the Applicant and the <tity in connection with the Matter, whether City action, and arc material inducements to the City's execution with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that nccs, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
B. The City's Governmental Ethics the Municipal Code, impose certain work, business, or transactions. The line at www.cityofchicago.orK/Eth
and Campaign Financi luties and obligations full text of these ordinances , and may also be obtained
Ordinances, Chapters 2-1 56 and 2-164 of persons or entities seeking City contracts, s and a training program is available on from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL with the applicable ordinances.
60610, (312) 744-966(0. The Disclosing Party must comply fully
terminating the Disclos
ing Party's participation in the Matter and/or to participate in othc,r transactions with the City. Remedies at fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble
'ormation provided in t connection with which it
lis EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, is submitted may be rescinded or be void or
C. If the City determines that any in any contract or other agreement in c voidable, and the City may pursue arty remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including declining to allow the Disclosing Pe law for a false statement of material damages. *
D. It is the City's policy to make this request. Some or all of the inform^
document available to
made available to the public on the I otherwise. By completing and signing rights or claims which it may have ag contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify in this CDS.
the public on its Internet site and/or upon n provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be ternet, in response to n Freedom of Information Act request, or 1 this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible ainst the City in connection with the public release of information the accuracy of any information submitted
E. The information provided in this Party must supplement this EDS up contract being handled by the City's update this EDS as the contract requ Chapter 1-23 ofthe Municipal Code offenses), the information provided I as required by Chapter 1-23 and Sec
The Disclosing Party represents and
EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing tlo the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must res. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject lo Article i of (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified ercin regarding eligibi ity must be kept current for a longer period,
ion 2-154-020 ofthe Municipal Code.
warrants that:
Page 11 of 13 j
F. 1.    The Disclosing Parly is nol del Department of Revenue, nor are the fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to sewer charges, license fees, parking
inquent in the paymenjt of any tax administered by the Illinois disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any the City. This included, but is not limited to, all water charges, ickets, property taxes dr sales taxes.
'arty and its Affiliated Entities will not by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded
F.2     If the Disclosing Parly is the Applicant, the Disclosing use, nor permit their subcontractors ta use, any facility listed
Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
be hired in connectior F.2. above and will
with the Matter certifications equal in lot, without the prior written consent of the
F.3    If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to form and substance to those in F.l. and City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that th Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or c
annot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannct explanatory statement must be attachlcd
certify as to any of the items in F.L, F.2. or F.3. above, an to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) certifications and statements contain s and complete as of the dale furnished
signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized lo execute :) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all :d in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) arc true, accurate to the City.
(Print or type name ofQisclosing Pa ty)
By/,,/ ¥^42^-
(^•-(Sign here)
Ja-cob Landesman
(Print or type name of person signing) Manager
(Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date)
at      C^f      County, f^Y
Qj&f>Lo  f0{ -Jfj&Lfr^      Notary Public
Commission expircs:_
Page 12 of 13
:, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct is not to be completed by any legal entity
ily by (a) the Applicant eiceeding 7.5 percent. It i interest in the Applicant
This Appendix is to be completed ownership interest in the Applicant which has only an indirect ownership
h :ad
Under Municipal Code Section 2-15 or any "Applicable Party" or any Spous< any elected city official or department signed, the Disclosing Party or any "ApplicabI the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk partner or as any of the following, whether niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchi or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter,
by blood or adoption: , father-in-law, mother
-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is e Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the city treasurer or any .city department head as spouse or domestic
parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, in-law, son-in-law, daughtcr-in-law, stepfather
stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers ofthe Disclosing Party listed in Section II. B. 1 .a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Piarty, if the Disclosing Party is a general
ted partners of the Disclpsing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing mcjmbcrs and members ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a imited liability company; (2) all principal officers ofthe Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, ch cf financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently artment head?
e Party" or any ected city official or dep;
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Ajiplicabl have a "familial relationship" with an e
[ JYes
1.4 No
If yes, please identify below (1) the such person is connected; (3) the name person has a familial relationship, and
rame and title of such perjson, (2) the name ofthe legal entity to which and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such ( I) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13 j
A. Legal name ofthe Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable: Rosenwald Courts GP, LLC
Check ONE of the following thrtje boxes
Indicate whether the Disclosing Pajrty submitting this EDS is:
  1. [ ] the Applicant
in the Applicant. State the legal name of the
  1. [] a legal entity holding a dijrect or indirect interest Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:
of control (see Section|Il.B.l.) State the legal name ofthe entity in s a right of control: Rosenwald Courts Apartments, LP
3.      P9 a legal entity with a right
which the Disclosing Party hold!
B. Business address of the Disclosing Party:      15828 Clarendon Hills Drive
Granger, Indiana
C. Telephone:  (574) 273-909:
Fax:   (574)  273-9093     Email: droos®landwhite .net
D. Name of contact person:   David L. Rdos
No. (if you have one):
E. Federal Employer Identification
F. Brief description of contract, trahsaction which this EDS pertains. (Include
or other under jroject number and location
aking (referred to below as the "Matter") to of property, if applicable):
Rosenwald Courts,  Chicago,  IL - Neighborhood Stabilization Program Loan
Dept. of Housing and Economic
G. Which City agency or department js requesting this EDS? Development      
If the Matter is a contract being Ijiandled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
and Contract #
Specification #
Ver. 01-01-12
Page I of 13
sclosing Party:
1.   Indicate the nature of the D
Publicly registered business corporation Privately held business corporafion Sole proprietorship General partnership Limited partnership Trust
[X| Limited liability company
[ ] Limited liability partnership
[ ] Joint venture
[ ] Not-for-profit corporation
(Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
2.   For legal entities, the state ()r foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable: Illinois
3. For legal entities not organi business in the State of Illinois as a
ed in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do foreign entity? j
[ ] Yes
lip, limited partnership ow the name and title ty that controls the day-must submit an EDS
, limited liability company, limited liability each general partner, managing member, to-day management of the Disclosing Party, on its own behalf.
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive! officers and all directors ofthe entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporat ons, also list below all members, if any, which arc legal entities. If there are no such members, write "jio members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partners partnership or joint venture, list bel manager or any other person or ent NOTE: Each legal entity listed bcl<j>w
Landwhite Developers LLC
Managing Member
2.   Please provide the following indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of such an interest include shares in
information concerning each person or entity having a direct or
of 7.5% of the Disclosing Parly. Examples a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager ir estate or other similar entity. If no Municipal Code of Chicago ("Mur from any applicant which is rcasona
a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, ne, slate "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 ofthe icipal Code"), the Cityimay require any such additional information ably intended to achievje full disclosure.
>s Address
Percentage Interest in the Disclosing Party
Has the Disclosing Party had a " Code, with any City elected officia
business relationship," las defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[x] No
[ ] Yes
If yes, please identify below the natnc(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disck s lobbyist, accountant, consultant anc or expects to retain in connection wi amount of the fees paid or estimate 1 employees who are paid solely throu
c the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained ith the Matter, as well is the nature of the relationship, and the total to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose gh the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
entity who undertakes tity other than: (I) a ' person or entity any uence any legislative
"Lobbyist" means any person or action on behalf of any person or ei himself. "Lobbyist" also means an; another includes undertaking to infl
io influence any legislative or administrative not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) part of whose duties as an employee of or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertai Disclosing Party must either ask the
n whether a disclosure: is required under this Section, the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Land white Developers LL<
15828 Clarendo Granger, Indian
n Hills Drive 146530
1990 Maria Landesman Tr
c/o Morton Taupman
1201 15th Street, N.W., 2nd Floor
Washington, D.fc. 20005
29.75% through
Land while Developers LLC
Jacob Landesman
c/o Sierra Finan 400 Park Avenu New York, New
:ial, Ltd. e, Suite 1530 York 10022
29.75% through
1990 Maria Landesman Trust
David L. Roos
l5828Clarendo Granger, Indian;
n Hills Drive 146530
4.25% through
Landwhite Developers LLC
GB Rosenwald, LLC
20 Sandstone C< Le Claire, Iowa
mrt 52753
James N. Bergman
20 Sandstone Court Le Claire, Iowa 152753
48.9% through GB Rosenwald LLC
Whitestone   Realty Par LLC
555 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, New. York 10017
8.5% through Landwhite Developers LLC
Name (indicate whether Busine retained or anticipated Addrci to be retained)
ss      Relationship to s       (subcontractor,; lobbyist, etc.)
Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether ittorney,            paid or estimated.) NOTE: "'hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[X) Check here if the Disclosing Pa
Under Municipal Code Section '. the City must remain in compliant
Has any person who directly or ind arrearage on any child support obli
[ ] Yes             [x] No
If "Yes," has the person entered int is the person in compliance with th
[ ] Yes             [ ] No
1. Pursuant to Municipal Code consult for defined terms (e.g., "do submitting this EDS is the Applicar certifies as follows: (i) neither the t with, or has admitted guilt of, or ha criminal offense involving actual, a perjury, dishonesty or deceit agains Applicant understands and acknow doing business with the City. NOT timeframe in Article I supersedes s<
•ty has not retained, noi NS
2-92-415, substantial o^ ; with their child suppo
ircctly owns 10% or mi Rations by any Illinois <
] No person directly o Disclosing Party.
o a court-approved agr it agreement?
Chapter 1-23, Article I ng business") and Iega it and is doing business applicant nor any contr ? ever been convicted c ttemptcd, or conspiracy : an officer or employe edges that compliance E: If Article I applies t( >mc five-year complian
Page 4 of 13
expects lo retain, any such persons or entities CE
vners of business entities that contract with rl obligations throughout the contract's term.
)re ofthe Disclosing Parly been declared in :ourt of competent jurisdiction?
r indirectly owns 10% or more of the :emcnt for payment of all support owed and
("Article l")(which the Applicant should 1 requirements), if the Disclosing Party
with the City, then the Disclosing Party jlling person is currently indicted or charged
f, or placed under supervision for, any 1 to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, ; of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the with Article I is a continuing requirement for > the Applicant, the permanent compliance ce timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
2. The Disclosing Party and, i: identified in Section Il.B.l. of this
the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities EDS:
are not presently debarred, excluded from any transact
suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily ions by any federal, static or local unit of government;
have not, within a five-year offense, adjudged guilty, or
period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a pujblic (federal, stale or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forger/; bribery; falsificationjor destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving sto en property;
c.   are not presently indicted fo state or local) with committ
r, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal ng any ofthe offenses iset forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
d.   have .not, within a five-year transactions (federal, state of
period preceding the dcite of this EDS, had one or more public local) terminated for cause or default; and
period preceding the vil proceeding, or in olations, instituted by ocal government.
e. have not, within a five-year guilty, or found liable in a c concerning environmental v state, or any other unit of 1
of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged criminal or civil action, including actions i hc City or by the federal government, any
3 3, 4 and 5 concern:
3.   The certifications in subpart
all persons or legal entities disclosed under
  • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning an^ contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, incl uding but not limited to Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
•      any "Affiliated Entity", (mcaniig a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the
vi the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under
control include, without limitation:
interlocking management or owi and equipment; common use of ineligibility of a business entity the City, using substantially the
Disclosing Party, is controlled b common control of another persin or entity. Indicia of
crship; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities Employees; or organization of a business entity following the to do business with federal or state or local government, including ame management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity);
with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or
indirectly controls the Contracto
, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common
control of another person or entity;
• any responsible official ofthe other official, agent or employee
Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any ofthe Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Parly, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor a or any Contractor nor any Agents respect to a Contractor, an Affiliat before the date of such Contractor' Matter;
ny Contractor, nor anylAffilialed Entity of either the Disclosing Party ave, during the five years before the dale this EDS is signed, or, with :d Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years 3 or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the
a.   bribed or attempted to bribe
or been convicted or idjudged guilty of bribery or attempting lo
State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal
bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
b.   agreed or colluded with othfcr agreement, or been convictf d prospective bidders, in rcstrp otherwise; or
bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or int of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or
or b. above that is a matter of record, but
onduct described in a. fo|r such conduct; or
c. admission of such have not been prosecuted
d.   violated the provisions of M
unicipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
3) any similar offense nents as the offense of
4.   Neither the Disclosing Part) agents or partners, is barred from engaging in or being convicted of violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or America that contains the same cle
, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, c sntracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of ) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in af any state or of the United States of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists
cd Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the
5.   Neither the Disclosing Party maintained by the Office of Forci Bureau of Industry and Security of Designated Nationals List, the Den Debarred List.
Assets Control of the the U.S. Department o
U.S. Department ofthe Treasury or the Commerce or their successors: the Specially
with the applicable requirements of Chapters
6.   The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) ofthe Municipal Code.
7.   If the Disclosing Party is un< Certifications), the Disclosing Part)
blc to certify to any of must explain below:
the above statements in this Part B (Further
Page 6 of 13
If the tetters "NA," the word "Non presumed that the Disclosing Part)
," or no response appejars on the lines above, it will be conclusively certified lo the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing complete list of all current employ month period preceding the execution ofthe City of Chicago (if none, indicate
Party's knowledge afiter reasonable inquiry, the following is a ;es of the Disclosing P&rty who were, at any time during the 12-date of this EDS, aji employee, or elected or appointed official, with "N/A" or "rionc").
9.   To the best of the Disclosin complete list of all gifts that the 12-month period preceding the official, ofthe City of Chicago, made generally available to City course of official City business anc with "N/A" or "none"). As
Fc r pi
Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a Disclosing Party has givejn or caused to be given, at any time during the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed urposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything ployecs or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate y bift listed below, please also list the name ofthe City recipient.
1.      The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      $ is not
a "financial institution" as defined In Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
2.      If the Disclosing Party IS a Financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a Code. We further pledge that none lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal Code lender or becoming an affiliate of a business with the City."
predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory
We understand that becoming a predatory predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing
If the Disclosing Party is unable to Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Munici 2-32 ofthe Municipal Code, expla
nake this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in pal Code) is a predatory; lender within the meaning of Chapter here (attach additional pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified io the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part DJ j
I.   In accordance with Section of the City have a financial interest entity in the Matter'?
[]Yes pqNo
-156-i 10 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or
NOTE: If you checked "Yes" to Item D.I., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
hiv pui cha
2.   Unless sold pursuant to a pr^c elected official or employee shall any other person or entity in the for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is "City Property Sale"). Compensatij) does not constitute a financial intc
;css of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City e a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of se of any property tjhat (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold old by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, n for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power within the meaning of this Part D.
Docs the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
D. 1., provide the interest and identify the
3. If you checked "Yes" to Iten officials or employees having such
Business Address
and business addresses of the City nature of such interest:
Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party furthe be acquired by any City official or
certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will dmploycc.
Please check either 1. or 2. below disclose below or in an attachment
. If the Disclosing Parjty checks 2., the Disclosing Party must to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13 j
comply wiih these disclosure requirements may make anyiconlract entered into with the City in
e by the City.
connection with the Matter voidab
coverage for damage iuch records.
X 1. The Disclosing Party vcrif the Disclosing Party and any and a from slavery or slaveholder insuranc issued to slaveholders that provide]! the Disclosing Party has found no
es that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits e policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies
to or injury or death of their slaves), and
Disclosing Party has found records policies. The Disclosing Party ' records, including the names of any
2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance fies that the following Constitutes full disclosure of all such and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, proceed to Section VII. F and proceeds of debt obligations o
funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally
or purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City the City are not federal funding.
1. List below the names of all Disclosure Act of 1995 who have respect to the Matter: (Add sheets i
persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying njtade lobbying contacts Ion behalf of the Disclosing Party with necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begin appear, it will be conclusively presi registered under the Lobbying Disc Disclosing Party with respect to the
on the lines above, or med that the Disclosin osure Act of 1995 hav Matter.)
if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" g Party means that NO persons or entities ; made lobbying contacts on behalf of the
2.   The Disclosing Party has nol any person or entity listed in Paragra person or entity to influence or attemp applicable federal law, a member o member of Congress, in connection federally funded grant or loan, entefi amend, or modify any federally funqed
spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay ph A.I. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any
t to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a with the award of any federally funded contract, making any; , ng into any cooperathe agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. Page 9 of 13
3. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy ofthe statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
4.   The Disclosing Party certifies that cither: (i) it is npt an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it 501 (c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Ode of 1986 but has nbt engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
subcontract and the Disclosing Par duration of the Matter and must mt
5.   If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any
y must maintain all su<*h subcontractors' certifications for the kc such certifications promptly available to theX'ity upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, fdderal subcontractors to submit the follow negotiations.
regulations require the Applicant and all proposed ing information with their bids or in writing at the outset of
Is the Disclosing Party the Applica it?
[]Yes l$No If "Yes," answer the'threc questionjs below:
1.   Have you developed and do
federal regulations? (See 41 CFR
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable Part 60-2.)
t Reporting Committee
the Equal Employment
2. Have you filed with the Join Contract Compliance Programs, or under the applicable filing requirements?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
the Director of the Office of Federal Opportunity Commission all reports due
previous contracts or subcontracts subject lo the
3. Have you participated in an> equal opportunity clause?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
If you checked "No" to question
or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page I Oof 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
A. The certifications, disclosures, contract or other agreement between procurement, City assistance, or other of any contract or taking other acti it must comply with all statutes, or
and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become pan of any the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution 3n with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that inances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
B. The City's Governmental Ethic the Municipal Code, impose ccrtai work, business, or transactions. T line at
and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, lie full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on cs, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, with the applicable ordinances.
C. If the City determines that any i any contract or other agreement in voidable, and the City may pursue void), at law, or in equity, includin declining to allow the Disclosing P law for a false statement of material damages. •
nformation provided in onnection with which ny remedies under the terminating the irty to participate in fact may include i
L 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully
this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or contract or agreement (if not rescinded or Discldsing Party's participation in the Matter and/or other transactions with the City. Remedies at ncarceration and an award to the City of treble
D. It is the City's policy to make request. Some or all of the inform made available to the public on the otherwise. By completing and sig rights or claims which it may have contained in this EDS and also au in this EDS.
document available ajtion provided on this Internet, in response to gnfng this EDS, the Disc
jgainst the City in thorizes the City to vcri
the public on its Internet site and/or upon
and any attachments to this EDS may be a Freedom of Information Act request, or losing Parly waives and releases any possible connection with the public release of information the accuracy of any information submitted
E. The information provided in this Party must supplement this EDS up contract being handled by the City' update this EDS as the contract req Chapter I -23 of the Municipal Cod offenses), the information provided as required by Chapter 1 -23 and S
EDS must be kept current to the time the City Department of Procurement <iires. NOTE: With re : (imposing PERMANEN herein regarding eligib tion 2-154-020 ofthe
In the event of changes, the Disclosing action on the Matter. If the Matter is a Services, the Disclosing Party must pect lo Matters subject to Article I of
T INELIGIBILITY for certain specified ility must be kept current for a longer period, Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
Page 11 of 13
F. 1.    The Disclosing Party is not Department of Revenue, nor are the Fine, fee, tax or other charge owed sewer charges, license fees, parki
delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois
Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, tickets, properly taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is th use, nor permit their subcontractor^ Parties List System ("EPLS") maintain
Applicant, the Disclo to use, any facility li ed by the U. S. Ge
sing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not sled by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded neral Services Administration.
F.3    If the Disclosing Party is the contractors/subcontractors hired or form and substance to those in F.I City, use any such contractor/subc<j> Disclosing Party has reason to belipve
Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in and F,2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the ntractor that docs nol provide such certifications or that the has not provided or1 cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party can explanatory statement must be atta
ot certify as to any of the items in F. 1 „ F.2. or F.3. above, an :hed to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person
this EDS and Appendix A (if appli
certifications and statements conta
and complete as of the date furni ROSENWALD COURTS GP,LLC
By: Landwhite Developers
signing below: (I) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute :able) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all ined in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) arc true, accurate to the City. j
LLC, Managing Member
(Prinl or type n
Jacob Landesman
(Print or type name of person signing)
(Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on
at      |s\>/ .      County,      |\[
(date) ^(avT/aOfc*
A      (state).
ALEXBA.FED0R0W Notay PuUc, SMi of Nmv Yorit
No0fFEf174100 Quoted In Niw York County QonfflnMon Bsj4m S^jlBrttaf 10,2015
OlQ&*£^> # ^^x^Ot/LJ   Notary Public
Commission expires:_
Page 12 of 13:
, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct It is not to be completed by any legal entity
only by (a) the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent, interest in the Applicant
This Appendix is to be complete J ownership interest in the Applicant which has only an indirect ownership
Under Municipal Code Section 2 or any "Applicable Party" or any Sp any elected city official or department signed, the Disclosing Party or any " the mayor, any alderman, the city c partner or as any ofthe following, wh niece or nephew, grandparent, grandc or stepmother, stepson or stcpdaughtek".
54-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party
ojise or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with
head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to , the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic ther by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, lild, father-in-law, mothtfr-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather , stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partnership; all general partners and partnership; all managers, managing limited liability company; (2) all a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the operating officer, executive director, exercising similar authority.
executive officers ofthe Disclosing Party listed in Section ll.B.l.a., if the {artners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general imitcd partners ofthe Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited riembcrs and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a princ ipal officers of the Disclpsing Party; and (3) any person having more than Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief dhicf financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person
Does the Disclosing Party or any have a "familial relationship" with an
[ ] Yes
Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently sleeted city official or department head?
x] No
If yes, please identify below (1) the such person is connected; (3) the name person has a familial relationship, and
name and title of such and title of the elected (4) the precise nature of
person, (2) the name ofthe legal entity to which city official or department head to whom such ;uch familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13
A. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable: GB Rosenwald, LLC
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [ ] the Applicant
  1. [x] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the
Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest: Rosenwald Courts Apartments, LP      
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section TI.B.l.) State the legal name ofthe entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
B. Business address ofthe Disclosing Party:      20 SANDSTONE CT      
LECLAIRE IA 52753-9250
  1. Telephone: (563)441-6123      Fax: (none)      Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: ia.m^£j^^LgJ]li3_n      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):,       --      -      - '      
  4. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Rosenwald Courts Apartments, LP, 4600 S Michigan Avenue -. Neighborhood Stabilization Funds (NSP) award
for acquisition of vacant building
G.      Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS? Dept of Housing and Economic Development
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification # Jnone)      .      and Contract U Jnone)      
Vcr. 01-01-12
Page 1 of 13
1.   Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party:
[ ] Person      [xj      Limited liability company
[ ] Publicly registered business corporation      [ ]      Limited liability partnership
[ ] Privately held business corporation      [ ]      Joint venture
[] Sole proprietorship      []      Not-for-profit corporation
[] General partnership      (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501 (c)(3))?
[] Limited partnership      [ ] Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Trust      [ ]      Other (please specify)
2. For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable: Illinois
3.   For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
l[]Yes      []No [X]N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors ofthe entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholdcr(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management ofthe Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title James Bergman Manager
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture.
Page 2 .of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
James Bergman      20 Sandstone Court,  LeClaire,   IA   .52753 100%
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes [X]No
If yes, please identify below the namc(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s): (none)
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature ofthe relationship, and the total amount ofthe fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether retained or anticipated to be retained) •
(not applicable)
Business       Relationship to Disclosing Party Address       (subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, etc.)
Fees (indicate whether paid or estimated.) NOTE: "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[X] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [X] No      [ ] No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[ ] Y(es      [ ] No
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article I ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article I applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article T supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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2  The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section ll.B.l. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
  3. are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
  5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
3.   The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:.
    • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
  • any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or. any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee ofthe Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
  1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
  2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or .
  3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  4. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result .of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33 E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or ofthe United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ofthe U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security ofthe U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none"), (none)
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a
complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the
12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed
official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i ) anything
made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the
course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate
with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name ofthe City recipient, (none)
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      [X] is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing P-arty pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss ofthe privilege of doing . business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) ofthe Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary): (none)
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the M unicipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      |X] No
NOTE:   If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ ] Yes      [; 1 No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
(not applicable)
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. 1 f the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements niay make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
X   1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations ofthe City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary): (none)
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf ofthe Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Page 9 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Interna) Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) ofthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying. Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[ ] Yes      [X] No
If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director ofthe Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
  1. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in othej transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all ofthe information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  3. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of Chapter 1-23 ofthe Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
Page 11 of 13
F. 1.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that docs not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.L, F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
GB Rosenwald, LLC
Sn here) jrgman
(Print or type name af Disclosing Party)
(Print or type name of person signing)
(Print or type title of person signing)
Commission expires
Notary Public.
Page 12 of 13
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity vyhich has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as ofthe date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any ofthe following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section II.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority. i
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ] Yes |X]No
.If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title ofthe elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
(not applicable)
Page 13 of 13
A. Legal name ofthe Disclosing Par y submitting this EDS: Include d/b/a/ if applicable: .Rosenwald Courts Apartments, LP
Check ONE of the following three
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [x] the Applicant
the Applicant. State the legal name of the
  1. [] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:
control (see Section 1I.B.1.) State the legal name ofthe entity in
a right of control:      
3.      [] a legal entity with a right ol
which the Disclosing Party holds
B. Business address of the Disclosin
I Party:     15828 Clarendon Hills Drive
C. Telephone: (574) .273-9093
Fax: (574)  273-9093       Email: droos@landwhite .net
d L. Roos
D. Name of contact person: Davi
o. (if you have one):
E. Federal Employer Identification N
cing (referred to below as the "Matter") to of property, if applicable):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undcrta which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location
Rosenwald Courts, Chicago,
G. Which City agency or department
IL - Neighborhood Stabilization Program Loan
Dept. of Housing and Economic
is requesting this EDS? Development      
If the Matter is a contract being hajndled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
and Contract #
Specification #
Ver. 01-01-12
Page I of 13
[ J Limited liability company
[ ] Limited liability partnership [ ] Joint venture [ J Not-for-profit corporation (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
f ] Vcs      [ ] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
1. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party [ ] Person
[ ] Publicly registered business corporation [ ] Privately held business corporation [ ] Sole proprietorship [ ] General partnership [x] Limited partnership [ ] Trust
2.   For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of inqorporation or organization, if applicable:
3. For legal entities not organized in the Slate of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ J Yes
[ ] N/A
officers and all directors ofthe entity, members, if any, which are legal entities. If estates or other similar entities, list below
imited liability company, limited liability each general partner, managing member, to-day management of the Disclosing Party, an its own behalf.
General Partner
, limited partnership, the name and title of tity that controls the day-must submit an EDS
titles of all executive , also list below all members." For trusts
1.   List below the full names and NOTE: For not-for-prufit corporations there are no such members, write "nc the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership partnership or joint venture, list below manager or any other person or enti NOTE: Each legal entity listed below
Rosenwald Courts GP, LLC
2.   Please provide the following indirect beneficial interest (including of such an interest include shares in
information concerningjeach person or entity having a direct or ownership) in excess of 7.5% ofthe Disclosing Party. Examples corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a estate or other similar entity. If none, Municipal Code of Chicago ("Munici from any applicant which is reasonab
imited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, stale "None." NOTE. Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 ofthe lpal Code"), the City may require any such additional information y intended to achieve full disclosure.
Business Address
Percentage Interest in the Disclosing Party
GB Rosenwald, LLC
±tb-,—fowa- §"27 5 3
20 Sandstone Court -LeClc
Has the Disclosing Party had a "bii Code, with any City elected official i
sincss relationship," as the 12 months before
defined in Chapter 2-156 ofthe Municipal the date this EDS is signed?
pq No
[ ] Yes
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such rclationship(s):
it It
The Disclosing Party must disclose lobbyist, accountant, consultant and or expects to retain in connection w amount ofthe fees paid or estimated employees who are paid solely throu
the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, y other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained the Matter, as well as; the nature ofthe relationship, and the total o be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
ity who undertakes lo other than:(1)a not lerson or entity any nee any legislative or
"Lobbyist" means any person or action on behalf of any person or cntjty himself. "Lobbyist" also means any another includes undertaking to influ
influence any legislative or administrative for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) of whose duties as an employee of administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncerta Disclosing Party must either ask the
whether a disclosure is 'ity whether disclosure
required under this Section, the is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether Business retained or anticipated Address to be retained)
Relationship to Disclosing Party (subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, etc.) |
Fees (indicate whether paid or estimated.) NOTE: "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor efxpects to retain, any such persons or entities
Under Municipal Code Section 2 the City must remain in compliance
92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with vith their child support, obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly arrearage on any child support obljgat
owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in ions by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ J Yes
No person directly or indirectly owns 10%) or more ofthe Disclosing Party.
a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and
If "Yes," has the person entered into is the person in compliance with thai agreement?
[]Ycs [JNo
"Article I")(which the Applicant should usincss") and legal [requirements), if the Disclosing Party and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party
ling person is currently indicted or charged ', or placed under supervision for, any
icant nor any contro ever been convicted ol
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article I (" consult for defined terms (e.g., "doir g bi submitting this EDS is the Applicant certifies as follows: (i) neither the with, or has admitted guilt of, or has
criminal offense involving actual, at empted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE : timeframe in Article 1 supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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2. The Disclosing Parly and, if t identified in Section II.B.l. of this E
a.   arc not presently debarred, su excluded from any transactor
ic Disclosing Parly is ai legal entity, all of those persons or entities J>S: j
upended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily s by any federal, slate or local unit of government;
had ii i
b.   have not, within a five-year p offense, adjudged guilty, or obtaining, attempting to obta contract under a public transaction embezzlement; theft; forgery; statements; or receiving stolen
uriod preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: , or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or
; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false property;
or criminally or civilly any ofthe offenses s
c.   are not presently indicted for, state or local) with committing
charged by, a governmental entity (federal forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
d.   have not, within a five-year transactions (federal, state or
have not, within a five-year pfc guilty, or found liable in a civi concerning environmental vie state, or any other unit of local
preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public ocal) terminated for cause or default; and
riod preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged 1 proceeding, or in any! criminal or civil action, including actions ations, instituted by thje City or by the federal government, any government. j
3, 4 and 5 concern:
3.   The certifications in subparts
•      the Disclosing Patty;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any connection with the Matter, incl Section IV, "Disclosure of Su
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (mcanin Disclosing Party, is controlled by common control of another person interlocking management or owne and equipment; common use of ineligibility of a business entity to the City, using substantially the s with respect to Contractors, the indirectly controls the Contractor, control of another person or entity
  • any responsible official ofthe L other official, agent or employee acting pursuant to the direction or Contractor or any Affiliated Entity
sani te m
contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in ng but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under ractors and Other Retained Parties"); a person or entity thalj, directly or indirectly: controls the the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Parly, under or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: rship; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities ployees; or organization of a business entity following the do business with federal or state or local government, including e management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); Affiliated Entity mdans a person or entity that directly or is controlled by it, or, jvith the Contractor, is under common
isclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any f the Disclosing Partyjany Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, authorization of a responsible official ofthe Disclosing Party, any ' (collectively "Agents').
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any; Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with
Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's <j>r Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
bribed or attempted to bribe, bribe, a public officer or emp government or of any state or or employee's official capaci
been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to oyee ofthe City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal local government in the United States of America, in that officer's
agreed or colluded with other bidders agreement, or been convicted prospective bidders, in restraint otherwise; or
i or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such or adjudged guilty of Agreement or collusion among bidders or of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or
  1. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for |>uch conduct; or
d.      violated the provisions of Muiicipal Code Section 2-|92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
4.   Neither the Disclosing Party agents or partners, is barred from engaging in or being convicted of (1 violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or America that contains the same
Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, contracting with any unit pf state or local government as a result of bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of elements as the offense of biid-rigging or bid-rotating.
5.   Neither the Disclosing Party maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Bureau of Industry and Security of tl c Designated Nationals List, the Dcnicjd Debarred List.
any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists U.S. Department of the Treasury or the U.S. Department of (pommerce or their successors: the Specially Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the
6.   The Disclosing Party understands 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General) Municipal Code.
and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the
7.   If the Disclosing Party is Certifications), the Disclosing Party
unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further trust explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None, presumed that the Disclosing Party c
8.   To the best ofthe Disclosing complete list of all current employee month period preceding the cxecutioh of the City of Chicago (if none, indie
or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively rrtificd to the above statements.
'arty's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a ofthe Disclosing Partly who were, at any time during the 12-date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, ate with "N/A" or "none").
ne :
Disc losing Party has execution Forp
9.   To the best ofthe Disclosing complete list of all gifts that the 12-month period preceding the official, of the City of Chicago made generally available to City em course of official City business and with "N/A" or "none"). As to any g
'arty's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a
given jar caused to be given, at any time during the date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed urposes of this statement, a "gift" docs not include: (i) anything nloyees or to the generaj public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the I aving a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate i(ft listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
that the Disclosing Parity (check one)
Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code
I. The Disclosing Party certifies
[ ] is      is not
a "financial institution" as defined in
the Disclosing Party pledges:
2.   If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then;
"We are not and will not become a Code. We further pledge that none lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of |the lender or becoming an affiliate of a business with the City."
p-edatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 ofthe Municipal our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory predatory lender may result in the loss ofthe privilege of doing
If the Disclosing Party is unable to Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipa 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explair
n ake this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter here (attach additional pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
in Chapter 2-156 of the; Municipal Code have the same
Any words or terms that arc defined meanings when used in this Part D.
156-110 ofthe Municipal Code: Does any official or employee his or her own name 6r in the name of any other person or
1.   In accordance with Section 2 ofthe City have a financial interest ip entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      [X] No
NOTE: if you checked "Yes" to lte[n D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Mem D.l., proceed to Part E.
2.   Unless sold pursuant to a process elected official or employee shall have any other person or entity in the purth for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sc "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken does not constitute a financial interest
of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City : a financial interest \ti his or her own name or in the name of ase of any property thjat (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold Id by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, pursuant to the City's eminent domain power within the meaning ojf this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale1;
[ ] Yes      [ J No
3. if you checked "Yes" to Item officials or employees having such
D.l., provide the names interest and identify the
and business addresses ofthe City nature of such interest:
Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check cither 1. or 2. below disclose below or in an attachment to
If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Parly must this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13 j
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
      X_l. The Disclosing Party verifie
the Disclosing Party and any and all from slavery or slaveholder insurancb issued to slaveholders that provided the Disclosing Party has found no su
; that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies overage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and h records.
Disclosing Party has found records o policies. The Disclosing Party verifi records, including the names of any
ucting the search in step 1 above, the from slavery or slaveholder insurance constitutes full disclosure of all such Idcrs described in those records:
2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of c
f investments or profits fies that the following nd all slaves or slaveh
ection VI. If the Matter is nut federally
ectidn VI, tax credits allocated by the City unding.
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this S funded, proceed to Section V11. For purposes of this S and proceeds of debt obligations of tie City are not federal
1.   List below the names of all Disclosure Act of 1995 who have m respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if
pcjrsons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying £ de lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Parly with iccessary):
an the lines above, or i ed that the Disclosing re Act of 1995 have alter.)
Idsu 14
(If no explanation appears or begins appear, it will be conclusively presum registered under the Lobbying Disc Disclosing Party with respect to the
the letters "NA" or if the word "None" Party means that NO persons or entities made lobbying contacts on behalf of the
2.   The Disclosing Party has not ip any person or entity listed in Paragraph person or entity to influence or atlemp applicable federal law, a member of member of Congress, in connection < federally funded grant or loan, entering amend, or modify any federally fund
ent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds lo pay
A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any t to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by ingress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a ith the award of any federally funded contract, making any into any cooperative} agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, or cooperative agreement.
d contract, grant, loan Page 9 of 13
3. The Disclosing Parly will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy ofthe statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
Code or ivflo; or(u) it is an organization described in section Code of 1986 but has notengaged and will not engage in "Lobbying
4.   The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Activities".
Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in 1. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any
must maintain all such
subcontractors' certifications for the
5.   If the Disclosing Party is the form and substance to paragraphs A subcontract and the Disclosing Party duration ofthe Matter and must make such certifications prbmptly available to the City upon request
ral regulations require; the Applicant and all proposed I information with the'ir bids or in writing at the outset of
If the Matter is federally funded, fed subcontractors to submit the following negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
f^Yes      [ ] No
If "Yes," answer the three questions
I.   Have you developed and do you
federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60
[]Ycs      [it No
have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable
2.) i
2.   Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requireme nts?
[]Ycs [?No
)rcvious contracts or subcontracts subject to the
3. Have you participated in any equal opportunity clause?
[ ] Yes [#No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please prov de an explanation:
The Applicant is a newly
formed entity with no previous federally funded
Page 10 of 13
J agrees that:
The Disclosing Parly understands an
A.      The certifications, disclosures, contract or other agreement between procurement, City assistance, or oth of any contract or taking other actior it must comply with all statutes, ord
  1. The City's Governmental Ethics the Municipal Code, impose certain work, business, or transactions. The line at
a lid
nd Campaign Financi luties and obligations full text of these ord , and may also be obtain
acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any the Applicant and the (pity in connection with the Matter, whether City action, and are njiaterial inducements to the City's execution with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that ances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
I Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of persons or entities seeking City contracts, inances and a training program is available on ed from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL with the applicable ordinances.
60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully
on ar y
Pai ty
C. If the City determines that any in any contract or other agreement in c voidable, and the City may pursue void), at law, or in equity, including declining lo allow the Disclosing law for a false statement of material damages. •
ormation provided in tjiis EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, nection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or
to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble
document available to
D. It is the City's policy to make this request. Some or all of the informal on provided on this made available to the public on the I itcrnet, in response to otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disc rights or claims which it may have a;; contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify in this EDS.
the public on its Internet site and/or upon
and any attachments to this EDS may be Freedom of Information Act request, or
Party waives and releases any possible ction with the public release of information the accuracy of any information submitted
E. The information provided in this Party must supplement this EDS up contract being handled by the City's update this EDS as the contract rcqu Chapter 1-23 ofthe Municipal Code' offenses), the information provided I as required by Chapter 1-23 and Se
EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing lo the time the City takefs action on the Matter. If the Matter is a Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must res. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified erein regarding eligibility must be kept curreni for a longer period, ion 2-154-020 ofthe Municipal Code.
ec .10
warrants that:
The Disclosing Party represents and
Page 11 of 13
F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any tine, fee, tax or other charge owed tc the City. This includes, but is not limited lo, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking jtickets, property taxes <j>r sales taxes.
F.2    If ihe Disclosing Party is the Appl use, nor permit their subcontractors Parties List System ("EPLS") mainlain
icant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not io use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded cd by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Appl conlractors/subcontractors hired or lo form and substance to those in F.l. and City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that docs Disclosing Party has reason to belicye has
icant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in F.2. above and willlnot, without the prior written consent of Ihe not provide such certifications^ that the not provided or dannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party canned explanatory statement must be attached
certify as to any of the items in F. 1., F.2. or F.3. above, an to this EDS. I
Under penalty of perjury, the person this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) certifications and statements contained and complete as ofthe date furnished
Rosenwald Courts Apartmentp By: Rosenwald Cdurts GP. r.
signing below: (I) warrants thai he/she is authorized to execute on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate to the City.
jCr General Partner
(Print orjtvpc namjx6f^6isclosing Pa'ty)
Jacob Landesman
(Print or type name of person signing)
Developers LLC,
Manager of Landwhite
Managing Member      
(Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (qatc)
at      fsl y      County,
      /s?jfks/c^   $^}^?Cif\</Lj     Notary Public!
Commission expires:      ^//Q//^)
Page 12 of 13
is not to be completed by any legal entity
This Appendix is to be completed dniy by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It i which has only an indirect ownership
interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-15^-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department h :ad. A "familial relationship" exists if, as ofthe date this FDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Apj dicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to
the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic
parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, n-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather
or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter,
the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother
stepbrother or stepsister 6r half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers ofthe Disclosing Party listed in Section Il.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general
ted partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers ofthe Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership-interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chef financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently department head?
Party" or any city official or
Docs the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable have a "familial relationship" with an elected
[A No
[ ]Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the such person is connected; (3) the name person has a familial relationship, and
rame and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such (4) the precise nature of silch familial relationship.
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