WHEREAS, Rosemary Horn, loving aunt, sister, and longtime 45th Ward resident, celebrated the special occasion of her 104th birthday on July 11, 2020; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this milestone by the Honorable James Gardiner, Alderman ofthe 45th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Rosemary was born and raised in her family's home on the Northwest Side of the City, along with her five siblings, and attended Our Lady of Victory Elementary School and Alvernia High School; and
WHEREAS, Growing up with five other children in the house, Rosemary had many fun adventures, with her dad even joining in once when she and her siblings spread goose grease on bed pillows and used them as sleds to slide around the house; and
WHEREAS, At an early age, Rosemary contracted diphtheria and showed how tough she was when she was quarantined in her house with her family until she recovered; and
WHEREAS, Growing up on the Northwest Side, Rosemary has witnessed the City transform from dirt roads and buggies to skyscrapers and modern cars; and
WHEREAS, Rosemary fondly remembers many stories from her childhood, from witnessing horses breaking their legs walking down Milwaukee Avenue, to watching the lights from the street cars cruising down Irving Park Road; and
WHEREAS, Rosemary learned the importance of family growing up, with her family eating their nightly dinner of meat, potatoes, and vegetables only after her father returned from work and the entire family was at the table, and frequently engaging in family activities like taking long trips on the Dean Street car and walking down Irving Park Road to visit relatives; and
WHEREAS, The value of family stayed with Rosemary as she helped raise her two nephews and two nieces, three of which are still living in Chicago, and regularly talks to her nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews on the phone; and
WHEREAS, After 104 years, Rosemary still does many things she loves, including reading, puzzles, cooking new recipes, talking to her childhood friends Sharon and Mel, and working on her yard where she grows tomatoes, green peppers, and the peonies her father planted 60 years ago; everyday Rosemary proves to the world that age is just a number; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this twenty-second day of July, 2020, do hereby congratulate Rosemary Horn on her 104th birthday, and wish her continued success and happiness; and
BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED, Thata suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Rosemary Horn as a token of our esteem, honor, and respect.

JAMES GARDINER Alderman, 45th Ward